We are only at the beginning of the dystopia. For those of us who have been paying attention (and reading a lot) the last two years have been nothing short of irrational hell.

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The total break down of ethics and trampling of civil liberties has left me in stunned disbelief.

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Some of us noticed it decades ago. The dystopia has been with us for a while now.


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It only appears as if we are "at the beginning of the dystopia". The seeds for this to occur were planted a long time ago.... and in my opinion it has to do with the way we perceive and consequently how we treat children. How we continue to impose utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on each generation, at a time when we are too young to understand and/or reject what is being imposed on us.

To clarify....

"... The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

Full article by Alice Miller:


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Maybe better put like this “we are at the OBVIOUS dystopian plan that’s been in place for decades.”

We must unite & conquer.

Stand firm.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

"Forgiving people is much easier when apologizing and seeking forgiveness is part of the resolution process. But this is no longer popular in our society, so I continue to struggle with forgiving those who relentlessly harass me. I need to do this to effectively move on."

Indeed this is the tricky part. One thing I like to remember, is that forgive does not require one to forget. It also does not give blessing to continued harassment. I believe this still has a couple years to play out and you will not get any acknowledgment until long after because the circumstances have led to very bitter divisions that will take many years to heal.

You were right, you are right, and you will be able to live with your choices knowing you did the right thing. That can't be said for many others. This has a long way to play out still, so we have to focus on goals we can achieve while the world is still in chaos.

Thank you.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I am glad you bring light to this topic.

'Forgive' and 'forget' are truly two different words for a reason. I highly recommend the book, "Caring Enough to Forgive, Caring Enough Not to Forgive" by David W. Augsburger which discusses true forgiveness vs. false forgiveness. Simply amazing book for those who have been betrayed.

And from the Bible, Matthew Chapter 18:

15 `If your brother does something wrong to you, go to him. Talk alone to him and tell him what he has done. If he listens to you, you have kept your brother as a friend.

16 But if he does not listen to you, take one or two others with you to talk to him. Then two or three people will hear every word and can prove what was said.

17 If he does not listen to them, tell the church. If he does not listen to the church, treat him as one who does not believe in God and as bad as a tax collector.'

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It’s hard to forgive when there is no repentance on the part of the abuser/offender. But one can overcome, living a life of dignity and integrity nonetheless—in the hope that one day, truth will prevail. That doesn’t always happen, however; so be prepared to keep your soul, if not your status. In any case, Zi thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts on our behalf, for your work to inform us, and most especially for your integrity. Thank you so much. You ARE saving lives.

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VERY well said!

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Thank you for providing a breakdown of the bio-distribution data for those of us who are not specialized in this area - it has been most informative. My husband and I are both scientists specialized in other areas but took the time to research mRNA vaccine technology when it was first suggested that this was to be used in the C19 'vaccines'. We decided at that time that until there was a significant (5-10 year) safety record associated with them a risk assessment did not favor us taking them. Resisting the societal pressure has not been easy, especially seeing our children having to deal with it also. However, since making this decision with each new piece of data and evidence that comes to light our choice has been vindicated.

I would not rely on Health Canada at this point to do anything, they are captured by big pharma just as the FDA and CDC are. You may be aware of this already but in 1994 the funding model for Health Canada was altered so that 50% of the funding was through fees paid by pharmaceutical companies for reviewing their products, and in 2017 this was again changed to 90% funded by 'fees paid'. Is it reasonable to expect any institution to bite the hand that feeds it? Unfortunately, majority of MP's do not even know this is the funding model for Health Canada! (None that I have spoken to were aware of this - they all believed it was 100% taxpayer funded) The public for the most part is also unaware - they foolishly believe that Health Canada is acting in the best interests of the public rather than the best interests of the pharmaceutical industry.

Also, there is a rumor that JT is heavily invested in Acuitas and earns with every injection sold, if so this certainly explains why the Liberals are sneaking the 'vaccine mandate' into the Canadian Labor Code.

Thank you for fighting for all of us - I hope that one day those that stood on the right side of history will be recognized.

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Hi Persephonia. Thank-you for this information. I also did not realize that this was the funding model for Health Canada. I am shocked to hear this. All the more reason to infuse organizations like this with scientists whose jobs are protected against reprisals should their objective assessments of submissions from pharmaceutical companies not align with financial interests. Taxpayers need to demand much better from agencies that are supposed to have the health of the public as their top priority.

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Hi Byram. I could not agree more - unfortunately I just do not see this happening under our current disgrace of a 'coalition' government.

In terms of the scientists at Health Canada: I do not know exactly what trial evidence provided by Pfizer was reviewed but suspect it was likely identical to that Pfizer provided to the FDA (some of which only now experts such as yourself are gaining access to due to the FOIA request and subsequent court order). I also suspect that given the FDA's and Pfizer's desire to keep this documentation out of the hands of independent scientists until 2076 (after we are all long dead) the documentation that has been released thus far is likely not the worst of it, as they will try to hold back the worst for as long as they can. In light of data released to date, that these 'vaccines' received even interim emergency use suggests either corruption or incompetence. In my opinion there are several steps that need to occur to secure 'Health Canada' as an Institution for Canadians: First the funding model needs to be reverted to 100% tax payer funded, and while this is a serious cost I suspect it is less than the annual cost of Justin Trudeau's jet fuel consumption (I hear he has an orchard of money trees just out back the cottage that can cover just about anything!). Second, all scientists at Health Canada should be replaced with independent scientists that can establish they have zero ties to big pharma. These positions should be protected as you suggested and well paid to deter corruption, but it would also be great if there was a method to require some form of mandatory disclosure of finances (to ensure that they - or their families on their behalf - are not being bribed). I'm not sure if this is even possible, as similar measures are in place for PM's yet it seems the oozing slime of corruption always finds a way in. Third, any decisions made by the institute for the benefit of 'public health' should require full transparency of all data and evidence the decision was based on so that it might be independently critiqued. I'm sure there are many other safeguards you could come up with also.

This government had no business 'mandating' these experimental vaccines, rather they should have approached them with the utmost caution and instead applied the principles as laid out in the Great Barrington Declaration.

I would love to hear what you think of the paper that just came out in pre-print (by Seneff, Nigh, Kyriakopoulos, and McCullough) in light of the released Pfizer trial data you reviewed. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027869152200206X]

I have no expertise in this area but given the biodistribution profile and the implications as suggested by the paper it looks to me as if we are now as a society sitting on a ticking time bomb.

Thanks again for all your efforts!

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Thank you for your efforts and honesty.

I never believed that Health Canada reviewed all of the new drug data. As a cynic, I thought that their main function was to translate the approval into French.

If you see the 75 year release of Pfizer data proposed by the US FDA, and consider the available staff at Health Canada, it becomes apparent that the approval was, at best, a review of the Americans' conclusions.

I don't read Japanese, and often on Substack and elsewhere people refer to the "Japanese Pfizer Studies." When I first saw that paper it was quite evident that this was a translation submitted for regulatory approval. The text had been translated, but the tables were still in English!, allowing us to see the biodistribution of the LNP's.

For Canadian Content, don't forget that some of the LNP technology came from Vancouver via Acuitis and Arbutus Pharmaceuticals via work done in labs at UBC. I understand that the Trudeau Family Trust has a significant holding in the company which holds the LNP patents.

El Gato Malo on Substack today has a sensibly brief review of Dr. Seneff's paper, but challenges us to actually read it. I am working on it this weekend.

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I fully agree with you on the role Health Canada has played over the last 2 years. They waited the obligatory 5 to 10 business days before coming to the exact same erroneous conclusion as the FDA with each subsequent approval step. I had heard of the JT Foundation - Acuitas Pharmaceutical link (not at all surprised at the corruption of JT and his gang) but did not know they were also tied into UBC labs. I'm aware of other academics at UBC who are in opposition to these products (they are publicly known - but have kept a lower profile for obvious reasons). That being said UBC is a big place so perhaps it is possible academics within the same institution are unaware they are on opposite sides of the debate?

We seem to follow many of the same substack writers. I also went over El Gato Malo's piece today - and will go over Dr. Seneff's paper this weekend also, but I suspect it will take a bit longer for me to fully understand since this is not my area of science (have spent the last 2 years learning about immunology due to covid - but this is a particularly complex subject).

It is sad to see what has happened to the medical industry. I had trust in doctors prior to this but that trust has now been lost seeing how many of them fell prey to the mass psychosis (never had much confidence in our governmental institutions - they seem to attract the worst types). At this point I would be extremely hesitant to go to the hospital emergency for anything. Having an early start on research and a family doc cognizant of what was happening within the medical industry, I was fortunate enough to obtain alternative treatments prior to the government shutting down all prescriptions for them (talking to some pharmacists at the time it was clear what was coming - in fact the push to eliminate alternatives was slower and less well organized than I thought it would be!).

One of the most disheartening parts of all of this is the number of otherwise very intelligent people who are unwilling to even look at the evidence and data that is readily available. Academics with PhD's that can not be bothered and write off the legitimate (often peer reviewed) data you present to them concluding that those of us taking the time to look at the data critically are 'tin hat conspiracy theorists'. It was always apparent that our society was suffering from a lack of critical thinking and intelligence, but I never really realized the extent of it.

Apologies for the rambling. I'm looking forward to some interesting discussions in the upcoming week. Cheers.

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I agree with you re intelligent health professionals ignoring the data. I’ve had a 40+ year career in health, including immunisation programs. So many colleagues wrote me off as mad. A couple of friends walked away from us. Refusing to consider other theory. Most were NOT AT ALL INTERESTED in the physiology of the vax. Admitted they DONT CARE HOW THEY WORK. I stopped worrying about them a long time ago. I hope they are ok on the long run. But they are all waiting for jab#4. Sad.

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Last week’s episode of The Highwire has Dr Seneff discussing her paper on it. I am an organic chemist by training so G quadraplexes were a tough one for me, but she does a good job of explaining it.

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Friends of ours had Covid last year but still insisted on being triple vaxxed.... they are otherwise healthy and 40ish...

They seem to be sick far too often and were again when we did a video call with them.

But now they both have very swollen lymph nodes on their necks - this has persisted for nearly a month -- they visited a doc and were prescribed antibiotics - that has not helped.

We could sense both confusion and fear -- there is no talking sense to them about taking these injections so we say nothing - they no doubt think this is long covid -- could never be the vax cuz it's safe (and effective!)...

I did a bit of digging and if lymph nodes remain swollen for more than two weeks that can be a sign that something is seriously wrong with one'd body ...

I am wondering if this is the dreaded VAIDS that some are suggesting will be caused by the injections.... they are both sick -- perhaps their immune system is completely messed up and the lymphs are firing up to try to fight the infection but failing (because their immune system is now only programmed to deal with the long gone Wuhan strain of Covid) ... so the illness lingers

Alternatively I wonder if some other opportunistic disease is forming in their bodies because their immune system is wrecked.

It certainly does not look promising....

Wonder if you might have any insights.

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I had 2 friends that did exactly what your friends did. Had C19 & STILL got jabs.

My brother has Long-C & also thinks it’s from getting C19 AFTER the jab.

IF they don’t get help soon they will continue to plummet.

I referred STRONGLY, & it was tough bcuz it’s a sensitive topic as you know.

Guess what??

They started taking a product from https://CrownWellness.com

that i recommended, bcuz it’s been used for DECADES!

Review: Why Crown Wellness? (It’s all abt the blood. If blood isn’t healthy they won’t be. It’s science. A former NASA scientist is on staff & in charge of CDS production in FL). Email or call David. If u use code: CGHS, you’ll get an extra discount. David started years ago after his dad died of cancer. He studied Live blood for 20 years.

Update re: my friends:

1. They are feeling better (have their energy back + more!)

2. Brain fog has cleared

3. His lymph nodes went back to normal

Note: IF they tell U that the MD’s say, “it’ll get better with time.” THaT is horsesh*t.

They must get it OUT of their system.

When they get desperate enuf they will listen but feel free to share the story I told you about the couple I know.

There are LINKS All Over the N I H website, Especially what u describe happening with them!

I think the link I posted shows a chart (If u scroll to the bottom) of ALL of the “body systems” the spike proteins & mRNA affects, & the adjuvants that cause problems too. It multiplies.

If they think u are nuts just scroll through ALL of the articles of the

Taxpayer-funded websites by N I H & NCBI

It’s downright ALARMING that this hasn’t been stopped.

It’s time we start talking straight to people, with Love.

There are solutions, but some will need to Toss their Ego aside, Or DIE.

~it’s nuts where we are these days. Follow the money & power.

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OK, I went to the site and it's about flushing out parasites. Is the LNP a parasite, is that why it responds to these anti-parasitic drugs? I don't understand why a nano particle or a spike protein would react to a product that targets a living thing.

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Hello doctor, I have some question about the lipid nanoparticles and the mrna shot, can you please take some time to see if you know the answer?

For the Japan animal study about the Pfizer lipid nanoparticle accumulations in the body, did they examine each organ by keeping the bloods remain inside the blood vessels on the organs? Or they let the mouse bleed out first before they take out the organs for examination? Are those organs still filled with blood inside when they tested them according to the paper? Is the number of the lipid accumulation referring to the percentage of the total LNPs in one dose? Like the 12.3 in ovaries means 12.3% of the total lipid nanoparticles?

Also, what do you think about the eye lens capsule in the eyes? It is one of the few places in the body where blood vessels, nerves, and capillaries don't reach, and don't have direct contact with blood(They get nutrition through aqueous humor secreted by ciliary epithelium). Do you think the eye lens capsule is the least vulnerable place of the body from being transfected by the LNPs? Did any researcher separate the lens body from the eyeballs of the test subjects and examined the LNP accumulation inside after injection?


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Scroll to the bottom of this article to see Illustrations showing ALL of the body systems affected! It does affect the eyes. Seems it near affects everything. See my other post if u know someone that wants to get it out of their system.

I CANNOT believe, with ALL of the articles I find of the nih website that they R STILL pushing this death jab.

I Just had another friend DROP! (8 people so far)

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Dr. Bridle. From the moment I watched one of your video presentations early in the pandemic where you used a term I had never heard - "vaccine hesitant" (and before your radio interview on bio-distribution, which I saw within a few hours of it's release) I have wanted to thank you for relaying info and offer my condolences for the shit show of abuse you took.

You are one of the significant voices and honest people during this time and if I could I would buy you a beer or share some of my home produce with you.

Thank you again - you are a legend and like us here, deserve better.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Thank you Dr. Bridle! I hold you in the highest regard and respect. Thank you for your bravery in speaking up and continuing to do so despite the ongoing smear campaigns against anyone who dares question the narrative.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Thank you so much for your tireless efforts and dedication to enlighten the masses. May God bless you for your morals, ethics and works! Your name will be in the history books.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Dear Dr Byram, you're in the same position as so many truth tellers over the centuries, demonized while you are working but later to be vindicated. It's not a fun place to be, but thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this important work that saved many of us from taking this toxic crap "vaccine". God bless and strengthen you, don't give up.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Thank you for your work! Giving thanks for all the scientists and doctors who have been raised up “for such a time as this.” Grateful for your work!

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

A most remarkable, informative and valuable review. Much thanks.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

It is obvious from your writing that you are an awesome educator. Your writing is so clear and easy to understand. Thank you for all of your efforts in making us aware of the dangerous mechanics of these mRNA vaccines.

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Scroll to the bottom on tis link

~ look at the visual graph showing ALL of the Body systems it affects!!


Then, u can scroll through ALL of the pages of side affects that aren’t getting ANY media coverage!

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A moratorium is likely an understatement but I suppose it is a start. The further you look into this disaster the more and more damage you see. This is beyond negligence.

My first and foremost objective was to minimize the harm to others and my community. But this has failed. It seems roughly 90% are double jabbed. And 60% boosted all with pfizer. The harm is done. I very much doubt this can be undone. Perhaps it could be managed. Perhaps the symptomatic onset of toxicity can be slowed with various holistic multipronged therapies. Eg. Do whatever you can to minimize oxidative stress and inflammation as this will likely slow, but not reverse the process of disease.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Amazing how we all tried to warn people about the dangers of these products in order to protect them....and VERY few listened :( Indeed, many turned on us and said they hope we die of Covid (because we are unvaccinated). Ugh.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I lost my uncle yesterday, my aunt 4 weeks ago, both within weeks of their booster shot. My nephew 23yo) was in ER (heart problems) two days after his 2nd Novavax. A good friends husband (45yo) was in ICU with an aneurism 3 weeks after 2nd dose, came out, thenback into hospital within a week with blood clots in both arms.

Just about everyone I know who's had their jabs has had a moderate to bad case of Covid19 since.

The personal anecdotal evidence is becoming as damning as the data was several months ago.

Today's data suggests there is much worse to come.

Safe and effective my butt!

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I am so sorry to hear this. Novavax also uses a lipid nanoparticle technology, so I would like see what their biodistribution data look like.

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Dr. Bridle, in your opinion, if forced to get a vaccine would Novovax be a better choice? Or even J&J (assuming it could be found in Canada)?

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If anyone physically tries to force me my choice is Sm.ith and W.esson... I Burn - They Burn.

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I agree, but I'm thinking of younger people who have another 60 years to live in this screwed up world and may need to make hard choices. Also, can't get a handgun in Canada but I'm guessing a rifle would work just as well. :)

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Rifles work

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Did you get one?

If so, which one?

There is hope with some products that can pull it out.

Go to https://Crownwellness.com

Use discount code: CGHS & the owner David will know I referred you, & will speak with you.

In my research, the products he has are things we shud ALL have given the things we are being attacked with.

We are amidst a biological war, & it’s being exposed, BUT people need the solutions (not from the govt, but from caring ppl with no agenda!)

I hope your well.

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That is absolutely tragic to read I am so sorry this has happened to you. Nothing of the sort has happened here. But I am well acquainted with delayed onset illness. I myself have CFS/M.E which came from a bout of infectious mono. Except there was some delay. Approximately 2 years after the initial infection a low grade, constant fatigue slowly consumed me. And as time has passed, it is harder each day to ration my limited energy. This is my fear of what is to come. Or at least something similar to this.

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I ALSO have ME/CFIDS after 2 blood transfusions during a surgery 30 years ago. Had a “mono-like” virus that turned out to be CMV(cytomegalovirus).

Struggled for decades until I started on some products 1 yr ago.

Re: kids that have a Long way to go?!?!?!

We ALL MUST stand UP together & Say NO!

Side affects are ALL over the NIH & ncbi websites

~ yet they continue to push us.

~NO! Period. Hard stop!

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This is worse than an actual shooting war

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Same here. My 8th friend died last week.

Cause of death: death (We cannot make this stuff up! ;-0 )

My whole family has “Long C19”, or other new ailments, & keep getting it.

they continue to wear a mask & think it’s the unjabbed getting them sick!

I’ve noticed a lack of ability for some jabbed to think clearly.

See link:


Scroll to bottom of article to see the VERY clear Illustration showing ALL of the body systems it affects!

I’ve not yet sent them the hundreds of medical journal articles on N I H & ncbi, but the simple Chart of the body is a Great visual.

Take care.

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'Take care' used to be a simple departing well wish. Nowadays it's wise advice. You take care too.

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You state, "1. There was a lack of transparency about data supporting COVID-19 inoculations. 2. Incorrect messaging was being relayed to the public."

I agree.

Can we also consider that improper administration could also be an additional, understated risk? I believe it was stated to those administrating the covid vaxs that aspirating the needle was not recommended or necessary, when this had been a common technique. Denmark and Germany recommends aspirating when vaccinating to minimize risk. Dr. John Campbell discusses this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVXA9posslo

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Hi Lee. I agree 100%. When I teach my students to administer injections I always tell them to pull back on the plunger to help determine if the needle bevel is in the correct location. Any evidence of blood being aspirated when in a muscle would be a sure sign to change the location of the bevel. Presumably, accidental intravenous delivery (even if only partial) could risk pushing systemic concentrations of mRNA 'vaccines' towards toxic levels. I also recommend letting the needle bevel 'rest' for several seconds post-injection to allow the bolus to distribute into the tissue. Pulling a needle out too soon risks having some of the dose leak into the needle tract; if a blood vessel was penetrated during the jab, this could also lead to some leakage into the blood. Thanks for raising this issue. Everyone receiving a mRNA 'vaccine' should insist on the proper injection technique being used.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I have to keep reminding myself, you are in Canada. My mention of technique comes from CDC and EMS.gov recommendations which come from ACIP, "Aspiration before injection of vaccines or toxoids (i.e., pulling back on the syringe plunger after needle insertion but before injection) is not necessary because no large blood vessels are present at the recommended injection sites, and a process that includes aspiration might be more painful for infants (22). https://www.ems.gov/pdf/COVID-19_Vaccine_Administration_Training_for_EMTs.pdf and https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/acip-recs/general-recs/administration.html . Of course, I asked my mom, a former ER nurse and she said very similar to you. Aspirating is a good idea.

Also, Dr. Bridle, I wrote this letter for you. Hoping you receive it. You know the truth in your heart, and God does too. Those are the only two that really matter. - https://leemuller.substack.com/p/an-open-letter-to-dr-byram-bridle

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Hi Lee, thank you so much for your letter. It means a lot to me!

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Marc Girardot has very interesting analysis of the potential effect of the injections being taken up by veins at his substack. Very briefly, he thinks transfection and consequent death of heart and artery cells when the needle pierces a vein could be responsible for most of the health damage from the shots.

His substack:


Personally, I am not entirely convinced. These biodistribution data make me think about toxic LNP producing toxic spike all over the body. Given the sheer number of studies I have seen that demonstrate various harms caused by spike protein alone, it is hard to imagine it NOT causing damage.

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There are so many ways it could go wrong, from storage, to expiration dates, proper dose amount, administration technique, an individual's make-up, the distribution in the body, the longevity of mRNA, and to the mRNA itself. It would be difficult to pin on just one thing, but direct into the bloodstream seems to be very direct to the heart and so many other organs. It's less likely of a scenario, but seems possible it can happen.

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Sorry for the late reply. Just got here!

World class skateboarder got myocarditis from a jab, very little delay. He said he noticed a metallic taste in his mouth as soon as the plunger bottomed. (forgive the lamwns terms, I'm an engineer).

Someone mentioned that taste indicated deployment into a vein or artery. No idea if that's true, but it stuck with me.

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I’ve heard that too.

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Scroll down & look at the Illustrations of ALL of the body systems it destroys.

The data is All over THEIR own websites & it’s getting Zero attention.

Why is that?

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I'm thinking... here in New Zealand --- they were hiring the likes of shampoo girls from salons (that is true) who wanted to make some extra $$$ giving Covid jabs at the popup clinics (along with the donut coupons) ... and giving them a short crash course on how to inject (or maybe a DIY youtube training video)...

That perhaps that was not a good idea.

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How about INSISTING that the “jab distributor” MISS the patients arm instead.

Come on?

I know a perfectly healthy body builder who’s arm near Rotted off.

Emergency surgery, he can’t lift, has massive unrelenting fatigue.

& what was his risk of dying from c19? Near Zero!

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I'm so sorry. This heart breaking to hear

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Here in Canada they refuse, lierally REFUSE (even when explicitly asked!!) to aspirate!! It is unbelievable. Like, it is a SMALL thing...takes what, 2 to 3 seconds? And could be the difference between someone (who was probably coerced anyway to take the vax) having a really serious adverse reaction, or having a minimal to no adverse reaction. It is utterly despicable and I have lost all faith in the so-called "medical authorities" in Canada.

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What would they say if you refused the vaccine and walked out? They want everyone vaccinated so badly, would they not comply?

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Why do they refuse? What is their reason once it is specifically asked for?

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They say its not the way they do it...or that "we don't do that". No good reason is given.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Wow. Unvaxxed here in Canada but that makes me even more angry. It’s almost like...it’s on purpose! To ensure damage!!! My mom is an RN in the states and says Of Course you should aspirate! Common practice!!! There, too, it’s not happening consistently (or at all) with these though. Makes me more suspicious.

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My mom also a nurse her entire life says same, they aspirate

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I'm so sorry to hear this :-(

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled.

Mark Twain

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

My Lord. The blood donation part has massive implications. I give blood and not vaccinated. My blood is very important but the problem is I now faint at sessions and if they're gonna need more blood in the future I may not be able to give. I'm completely ignorant, does opting for plasma run the same risk of fainting?

As for forgiveness, millions of us are in the same situation Dr. Bridle. I don't think I will ever forgive the Canadian government or public and academic health officials and academics for creating an atmosphere of anti-science and unethical mandates. Not even sure I can forgive people I know who outwardly supported lockdowns and still believe they were necessary. Worse, that they *worked*.

Thanks for being in the fight. I can but share your work.

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Hi Alex, For the donor, the process of giving blood versus plasma is the same. The difference comes after the blood comes out of your arm. For a whole blood donation, your blood goes directly into a collection bag. For a plasma donation, it goes through a machine that separates the plasma (liquid part of blood) from the cellular fraction. In short, the physiological effect on you would be the same. So, if you are prone to fainting when donating whole blood, you would also be prone to fainting if donating plasma.

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Thanks. I was afraid that would be the case having observed plasma donors but wasn't sure. I was hoping it wouldn't be the case. But if it does become an issue for blood banks where they're in dire need I may give it one last shot. I will have to find a way to prep my body if it's even possible to have an effect in avoiding fainting.

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There are a lot of people including family members that I don't think I can ever forgive.

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They banned free, taxpaying citizens from travel. A direct affront of rights to mobility. To me, that's a Rubicon that should never have been considered let alone crossed. You can't walk that back. Not unless the courts remedy this or they face consequences for their actions.

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Dr. Njoo admitted today that the only reason for the ban is coerce the unvaxxed.

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Yes, and that's why a) he must resign and b) he's despicable.

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& side-affects are All over the Authoritarian regimes pages here in the USA

Scroll to the bottom for the graphic visual that SHOWS All of the body systems it affects.


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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Too many of these legal cases are being lost on the grounds of human rights and bodily autonomy alone. Are any of the lawyer firms considering bringing forth the evidence that these inoculations don’t even work. No judge can refute the fact that a fully inoculated worker can bring the COVID-19 and any of its variants To the workplace and transmit it to other fully inoculated coworkers. They are no safer to work beside than the unbinoculated worker. Why aren’t the lawyer firms presenting this evidence along with the other legal arguments?

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Hence why they changed the definition of vaccine from providing immunity to stimulating a response. They 'work' under the new definition.

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So I guess this means the whole world is going to hell in a hand bag right?

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Good questions. Here is an answer. At the very start of this - June 2020 or so, I listened to a long discussion with attorneys associated with RFK Jr's group (Children's Health Defense) regarding the legal landscape for the expected litigation that lay ahead.

Their Chief Point: Courts do not like to decide Scientific Controversies (they absolutely avoid having to do so) - scientific questions are for experts (that word again) to decide and for executive administrators to sift through and implement. Hence the dictatorship of the experts.

All of the important cases in the US have been decided on matters of law. Particularly does a particular executive agency have the AUTHORITY to implement a contested policy. The Biden employer vax mandate was struck down because the Supreme Court ruled that OSHA did not the authority to device and implement that policy. (Only Congress could do so). The vax mandate for health workers was upheld since they ruled the CMS DID have the authority to make that policy with that scope. The recent decision on masks in public transport was also decided that way - CDC does not have the authority (after getting away with it for almost two full years).

To my knowledge (this is probably not entirely correct) Clarence Thomas is the only judge to have asked in an actual court proceeding a single substantive, evidence based question: Are there other treatments available? Other, that is, than the vaccine.

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I understand what you are saying about judges not want to rule on science. But the data that states a fully vaxxed person can contract and transmit Covid is not scientifically based. It is factual. The judge reads the documents stating that Joe Blow and countless others are fully vaxxed. The judge then reads the statement that Joe Blow contracted A Variant of Covid from another fully vaxxed coworker. This is not science, it is documented fact. Case closed.

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

As for law, that Justice Thomas question is huge. If other treatments are available, the US EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) is no longer legal, and the vaccine liability shield is void.

And it's pretty obvious there are multiple other treatments available, starting with Ivermectin.

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Chlorine dioxide solution has been used in the blood supply since the 1990’s to kill HIV in blood donations.

& They KNOW it cures. It’s an antibacterial, antiviral & anticancer solution.

Balances the PH.

Follow the money…..& WE are their “annuities.”

DJT was trying to bring it up & didn’t say “dioxide” in his statement.

U can see F@uci nearly Swallow his tongue.

The jab is horrible, BUT they were going to FLAT OUT LOCK us down for 5+ years.

THAT was the plan to bring us into the “transition” of Obvious slavery & control.

So, many side affects but it probably did save lives bcuz I don’t EVEN want to imagine what society would be like in a 3-5-7-10 yr lock down.

~that wouldn’t end well for many.

But we gotta stop the madness. The data is everywhere.

Musk & many others are on the cusp of releasing the Truth.

I think some were just “too clueless” to see All the things that Made NO sense.

& now many have seen.

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U think they are getting paid off?

Becuz it’s EASY to refute.

Hell, I’m not a lawyer & I set case law because no lawyer would represent me.

Too many are willing to sell their soul

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Pre-2020 there was a “moratorium” as everyone knew it wasn’t safe, even the CEO’s of BigPharma admitted it, the world organizations were against it.

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