Jeffrey Rath is a lawyer in Alberta. He is incredibly well-informed when it comes to issues related to COVID-19. Since Alberta’s report on the response to the declaration of a pandemic was released, legacy media has paraded out propaganda piece after propaganda piece while denying people like me (who contributed to the report) to have a voice at the table. Legacy media’s coverage has been anything but fair and balanced and fact-based. I suspect they won’t interview me because they would have to deal with some facts. Well, lawyer Jeffrey Rath has just written a great piece calling out some of this propaganda. WARNING: if anyone reading this is an emotionally-triggered ‘fact-checker’, beware, the following article is loaded with verifiable facts…
Here is the link.
…for some reason, you won’t get this kind of highly informed, truthful content in the current legacy media.
Jeffrey writes a lot of well-informed articles that are well-worth reading.
Why doesn't Premier Smith simply hold a press event at the offices of the corrupt bureaucrats?
Who would stop the Premier of a province?? It is unheard of.
She could be accompanied by the authors of the Alberta Covid Pandemic Response. There she can speak to the bureaucrats who are blocking release of data. She could directly ask them to explain their actions, and personally request they turn over the data. All to be witnessed by the cameras of the news media. High visibility news, especially if they publicly refuse to cooperate.
Covid was akin- in multiple ways- to the campaign to ban dihydrogen monoxide.
Petitions were signed to ban it-- it was called a killer - the New Zealand green party urged it be banned. Dissenters were undoubtably called White Nationalist groups who put out "disinformation" saying it could be used to put out fires. (California leftists- are you listening?)
What was it? Water.
In the case of Covid,, the full power of government was used to intimidate and silence dissenters who told the truth- such as Dr. Bryam Brindle.