COVID-19 "Vaccine mRNA is Not Localized to the Injection Site and Can Spread Systemically to the Placenta and Umbilical Cord Blood"
The latest peer-reviewed science.
It has been two years, six months, and twenty days (932 total days) since the administration of my employer, the University of Guelph, banned me from accessing my office and laboratory. I spoke truths about COVID-19 when much of the world was not ready to hear them. As the University of Guelph still expects me to work, I would like to have access to my work spaces. Segregation makes me feel less than human.
- B. Bridle -
A journal pre-proof has just been published. It is entitled "Transplacental Transmission of the COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA: Evidence from Placental, Maternal and Cord Blood Analyses Post-Vaccination". This is not the same as a pre-print article. This particular article has completed the peer review process and has been accepted for publication in the impactful and long-running American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (impact factor 9.8). Following acceptance, proofs of the manuscript are generated. These are then reviewed and authorized by the authors to ensure no mistakes were introduced during the type-setting process. In other words, this paper is in its final or near-final form. There will be no changes to the scientific content; only potential minor edits to non-scientific components are allowed at this point. Here is the full citation…
Lin X, Botros B, Hanna M, Gurzenda E, Manzano De Mejia C, Chavez M, Hanna N. "Transplacental Transmission of the COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA: Evidence from Placental, Maternal and Cord Blood Analyses Post-Vaccination". American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024 Jan 31:S0002-9378(24)00063-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2024.01.022. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38307473.
The research reported in this paper was done at New York University in the United States of America. It caught my attention due to one of the keywords for search engines; “biodistribution”. Specifically, the authors wanted to address the question, ‘can modified RNA COVID-19 shots or any components or derivatives thereof cross the maternal-fetal barrier?’.
This is something of great interest to me because I, as an expert vaccinologist, highlighted my serious concerns about the biodistribution of the COVID-19 modified RNA shots in a nine-minute interview that I gave way back on March 26, 2021. Specifically, I highlighted the reality that lipid nanoparticle-encased modified RNAs likely do not remain at the injection site. Rather, most of the dose appeared to get distributed widely throughout the body.
This science in and of itself was not news to me at the time. What surprised me is that all the public messaging up until then was that the doses did remain at the injection site. Combined with the proprietary nature of the formulations, I had assumed there must have been some non-disclosed tweaking of the long-standing technology to keep it at the site of injection. So, to find evidence that the public, me included, had been lied to is what bewildered and frightened me.
I would not have shared such a grave message if I was not confident in the scientific foundation upon which I stood. However, my life has never been the same since that interview. The scathing attacks that I suffered and the profound harms to my career and personal life still continue to this day. So, it is with some frustration, but also relief, that I see others being allowed to back up this message with more science, albeit years later. What I have learned is that to speak the truth too soon can result in vilification by way too many people. But, I digress. What is most important is that many people still need to learn the truth. Their health and well-being, and potentially that of their unborn children may rely on it.
The authors of the paper only looked at two pregnant women that had received modified RNA shots. This is a very small sample size; two case studies. However, what was found in both mothers is extremely concerning and provides the proof-of-principle required to once again call for a moratorium on this technology until all relevant scientific questions can be addressed. I keep repeating myself, but there is no crisis with COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 was forced to become endemic a long time ago by the mismanagement of COVID-19 and it represents no more of a threat than any other endemic respiratory pathogen that we live with. There is no need to keep pushing the shots.
In contrast, there is a massive and ever-growing number of reasons to legitimately question the “safe and effective” mantra. We must stop using the global rollout as though we are conducting research in a world-scale laboratory.
Here is why I am concerned. Have a look at these quotes from the conclusions section of the paper. They say it all…
“Our findings suggest that the vaccine mRNA is not localized to the injection site and can spread systemically to the placenta and umbilical cord blood. The detection of the spike protein in the placental tissue indicates the bioactivity of the vaccine mRNA reaching the placenta. Notably, the vaccine mRNA was largely fragmented in the cord blood and, to a lesser extent, in the placenta.”
“To our knowledge, these two cases demonstrate, for the first time, the ability of the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA to penetrate the fetal-placental barrier and reach the intrauterine environment.”
Is it misinformation if it is peer-reviewed science!?! Call me a foolish scientist if you like, but I would contend that scientific facts are being stated when quoting peer-reviewed science. If any so-called ‘misinformation’ ‘gurus’ disagree, let’s have a respectful and professional public chat.
For those pushing these shots on pregnant women, the science says cease and desist!
For those who are pregnant, research suggests that you should not take these shots! Ask whoever is recommending it to explain why this recent publication should be ignored.
Let the scientific process, which is designedly slow and methodical, catch up to the narrative that was blasted at us at the speed of propaganda.
Our children are worth this consideration.
You paid a high price for being one of the first voices to report biodistribution. You were alarmed, as any scientist of good conscience should have been. I am so sorry it has cost you so much. However, I am so grateful, as your concern was powerful confirmation of my gut instinct about these shots. I always figured anything injected into my body could go God knows where. By speaking out, you were an important, authoritative voice that gave me confidence. You may never know this side of heaven, how many lives were impacted, if not saved, by courageously reporting the truth. Thank you.
A friends niece was injected at about 35 weeks. Normal healthy pregnancy until the shot. Mother felt “off” & was directed to ER by obgyne office. I’m probably not understanding/stating this correctly but blood/nutrient flow was reversed & mother was taking from baby. Baby was born emergency c section in desperate need of blood - did not survive. Basically a full term baby was killed & not a single person questioned the shot she received the week before.