United States CDC Versus Canadian Covid Society
Which One Is Spreading Misinformation About COVID-19?
Update, March 19, 2024:
I just did a search of my email inbox for “Canadian Covid Society”. I could not find a response to my offer to assist them with ensuring the accuracy of the information they disseminate. It appears like their invitation to engage in communication might be based in segregation. Also, their promise to respond within 48 hours seems like misinformation. Be extremely cautious of people who refuse to talk to those who approach them with peer-reviewed science in-hand.
- Byram -
It has been two years, seven months, and twelve days (956 total days) since the administration of my employer, the University of Guelph, locked me out of my office and laboratory. I spoke truths about COVID-19 when much of the world was not ready to hear them. As the University of Guelph still expects me to work, I would like to have access to my work spaces. Segregation makes me feel less than human.
- B. Bridle -
A headline graced newspapers across Canada today. Here it is as presented by CTV News…
I am not sure why they chose to show a picture of a massive clinic that was set-up to get coerced and scared parents to have an experimental, far from ideal vaccine administered to children for an infectious agent that was and is less dangerous than the flu. Among many issues, informed consent was an impossibility because people were propagandized, not informed. It is as though state-funded CTV News wanted to remind people of how much children were abused at the hands of public health and government officials.
At face value, the stated purpose of the new “Canadian Covid Society” appears positive. But a deeper look raises some questions. I found there to be fear mongering by ‘experts’ that appear to have been misinformed to some degree. The “team” at the Canadian Covid Society includes two physicians, a physicist, an engineer, and a person who works in ‘governance’. Notably lacking for an organization that wants to address issues related to COVID-19 is expertise in immunology and virology.
The Canadian Covid Society wants to focus on issues that they attribute to “long COVID”, but as far as I could tell, they seem to fail to acknowledge the substantial harms that have been caused by COVID-19 vaccines that cannot be differentiated from natural infection-associated long COVID because the mechanisms, such as spikeopathy are shared. In other words, ‘long COVID’ has two causes: 1. natural infection, and 2. vaccine-induced injury. Many of the treatment strategies being developed by physicians for vaccine injuries can be of benefit to those suffering naturally acquired long COVID, and vice versa. But, the Canadian Covid Society does not seem to want to acknowledge the reality of vaccine injuries. An organization that fails to acknowledge half of the demographic that could benefit from research-based development of treatments would seem to be non-inclusive.
Here is the first picture on their webpage…
…there’s the COVID-19 virtue signaling narrative in a nutshell. Masks on apparently healthy people that merely redirect the distribution of aerosols in ways that tend to be counterintuitive for many. And then there is the COVID-19 vaccine, which most ‘experts’ tried to sell as if they were advocating for what Health Canada officially defines as an “ideal vaccine”, which is one that stops disease acquisition and transmission for the rest of a person’s life after a single dose.
Here’s another picture from the organization’s website, of one of the founders…
…they appear to be showcasing a filthy, almost dripping wet mask. This person also co-founded Masks4Canada, which, among other things, rigorously promoted the disappearance of the lower half of children’s faces for an extremely prolonged period of time by convincing too many people of the fallacy that healthy children were stealth killers of adults. Nothing says ‘look at how good I am at modeling hygiene’ than contaminating one’s dominant hand with snot and saliva in front of state-funded media. Take another look at that mask…
The website for the Canadian Covid Society states the following…
“The Stakes
Covid is the 3rd leading cause of death, behind heart disease and cancer. There have been nearly 30 million excess deaths worldwide since the start of the pandemic. While the acute phase of the pandemic has ended, the virus continues to cause significant chronic illness.”
(no scientific references provided)
They fail to understand the extent to which any clinical data related to COVID-19 are confounded. One of many reasons for this confounding includes mislabeling deaths due to other causes but with a concurrent positive PCR test result (which doesn’t mean the person had COVID-19) as being deaths due to COVID-19. The truth is that we may never know how much the harms were exaggerated. But, to fail to acknowledge this fact is negligent fear mongering.
The quotation from the website also implies that we are in a chronic phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, with no end currently in sight. These experts need to accept the fact that SARS-CoV-2 became endemic, like all the other respiratory pathogens that we live with, quite some time ago. This endemicity was likely guaranteed by the use of COVID-19 shots that could neither prevent disease nor transmission.
“With co-founders [of Canadian Covid Society] saying the organization is needed as public health agencies have pulled back on COVID-19 prevention measures and awareness campaigns“, I couldn’t help noticing this article that was published today in the Wall Street Journal…
…so, it looks like the Canadian Covid Society’s initiation of a new fear mongering campaign will be going head-to-head with organizations like the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is reversing that messaging. Health regulatory organizations pushed the flawed COVID-19 narrative as hard as anyone. When even they recognize that pushing their propaganda has become a losing battle, it would not seem to bode well for new organizations that want to take up that torch.
When you look at the historical messaging of the founders of the Canadian Covid Society, they proudly pointed to non-peer reviewed hearsay evidence in the form of statements made by organizations like the US-CDC. They said, ‘hey, the CDC says masking stops transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (as long as you ignore the fact that it is akin to keeping fleas out of the chicken coop using chicken wire fencing), so do it or you, as a healthy person, will kill others’. They said, ‘hey, the CDC says the COVID-19 shots meet the definition of an ideal vaccine (as long as you ignore the fact that they don’t), so you must take many doses of them (even though the makers of the technology said that multiple doses are toxic) or you, despite being healthy, will kill others’.
Now, these people want you to believe them when they say that the health regulatory agencies have ‘dropped the ball’ by backing down on fear-inducing COVID-19 messaging. If I recall correctly, there is a term somewhere in the dictionary for this. What is it? It is on the tip of my tongue. Oh, yes, it is ‘hypocrisy’. Sorry, but the little boy has cried wolf way too many times. The saddest part about this is that if we ever do get hit with a future pandemic with a genuinely high infection fatality rate, the incessant fear mongering over the last four years will have set much of the world’s population up to be largely non-responsive.
Interestingly, we now have the US-CDC saying ‘do not be scared’. But, the Canadian Covid Society says ‘you should not allow your fear to be dampened’. These are two groups who used to pat one another on the back as they propagated a precise narrative that was unwavering, even in the face of ever-accumulating and considerably concerning scientific facts. I look forward to seeing how this battle between the Canadian Covid Society and the world’s health regulatory agencies plays out. When one says ‘don’t fear’ and the other says ‘continue to be afraid’, one is obviously sending the wrong message? In this case, which one of these two ‘science based’, ‘truth-telling’ organizations is now disseminating misinformation?
I was not amused when I read on the website of the Canadian Covid Society that part of their mission is “empowering the public and organizations with scientific knowledge“. Why? Because they did not have even a single reference to any primary scientific data, despite claiming various facts. It sounds unbelievable, but check out the website. It is another classic case of ‘because I am a self-declared “expert” I am infallible and all-knowing, and, as such, you should believe everything that I say as though it is the gospel truth’. The last thing the world needs is this kind of hearsay ‘scientific knowledge’. If the last four years has taught us anything it is that having a whole lot of people jumping up and down and declaring something as true because they say it is true does not make it true.
I get the impression that the Canadian Covid Society is a group of people who can’t stand the fact that the world is moving on from the propaganda that served as the official COVID-19 narrative. If they have their way, they will drag as many people backwards into the world of science fiction that was created over the past four years. They need to recognize that most people, remarkably now even including the US-CDC, are moving on for very good reasons.
I imagine that state-funded media will love the talking heads at the Canadian Covid Society. But, if the goal is truly to “protect the health and safety of people in Canada against the harms of COVID and long COVID through education, engaging and empowering the public and organizations with scientific knowledge“, then may I suggest there is a pre-existing organization that has already been doing this from a position of integrity and with a demonstrated track-record of accuracy for several years now? The organization is the Canadian COVID Care Alliance. They have a very large number of experts spanning a massive array of disciplines who have been volunteering copious amounts of time and energy out of the goodness of their hearts to ensure Canadians have access to solid, science-based, propaganda-free, conflict of interest-free information about COVID-19.
Dear Canadian Covid Society,
As an academic scholar part of my job is to ensure the public gets properly informed about the real science underpinning their health issues, and that they do not get misled. At this point in time, your messaging is outdated, scientifically unsound, and it unnecessarily promotes fear. Further, your mission when it comes to long COVID is overtly narrow, thereby rendering it non-inclusive for those suffering from this condition because of poorly simulated infection with SARS-CoV-2 via administration of COVID-19 shots. This is why I submitted an offer to get involved with your organization as a consultant for dissemination of scientifically accurate messaging about COVID-19…
At this point it's hard to say whether these 'experts' truly believe the nonsense they spout or are still just getting a lot of money to spout it.
I'm at a complete loss trying to understand how Canada became a leader in Covid quackery. Part of the reason why it persists is because Canadians are embarrassingly obedient. They act more like Pavlovian Dogs than independent minded individuals. In fact, they're proud of their obedience and hiss at anything that means taking ownership of yourself.
We truly are a Covid gulag.