G-d bless you, Dr. Bridle. This asymptomatic spread lie has broken up the only family that I had in close physical proximity. So it’s of particular interest to me & as far as I know you are the only one, on Substack or anywhere, who has addressed this issue. My brother has not come near me since the whole Covid ‘plandemic’ started. I am not injected, (I’ve never had COVID,) because I knew from the outset that something was just not right about the whole thing. He, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to get the ‘life saving’ miracle cure. We are both senior citizens, alone, 20 minutes from each other. I couldn’t believe that he bought into the idea of healthy people spreading a disease. Our whole lives we never worried about ‘catching’ a cold or the flu from each other. All of a sudden I became ‘typhoid Mary.’ Of course my trying to reason with him just made things worse & now we don’t speak at all. I have been told “I don’t want to hear your conspiracy BS, about the vaccines.” He’s going to be one of the ones who is never going to believe that the gene injections are harmful. BTW he has some kind of Cancer, I heard through a family member, I don’t know how serious, but I think there’s a connection to the shots. You can be sure he’s had every single one available. Asymptomatic spread was a control mechanism to keep people apart & destroy the social structure, & it worked.
Yes, it was and it did. I don’t know what it will take to heal the wounds in families, either. I had one friend burst into tears when I disagreed with her about giving children this toxic jab. She was anxious for her 12 year old granddaughter to get it and all I said was, “I could not disagree with her more.” I am sure the kid was jabbed. She was already on the autism spectrum, probably from some other jab.
Welcome to my world, Dr. Bridle. Though to be honest, given the ugliness and craziness I've experienced, I have deliberately gone out of my way to segregate myself from the rest of humanity as far as I can.
We need others. I would even go as far as to say that we need the snot from others. We need some exposure to viruses and bacteria from one another.
I fact, as you have probably found out already for yourself, we are completely and utterly dependent on others for our own wellbeing and comfort. We are struggling if we don't have handimen, builders, farmers, shops, singing birds, bees, animals.
Of course being alone and in solitude, especially in nature, can also be good for us at times. But we need others, incl. human beings for feeling comfortable.
I'll readily admit Gabriele, that I am not in a good space, but my faith and trust in my fellow human beings has been shattered. I can say with limpid sincerity, I now know what it was to have been a Jew in early Nazi Germany... I'll leave you with this, which I posted on Substack quite some time ago:
I understand your feelings and send you a big hug. I did not quite feel like a Jew but I felt like one of those Germans who tried to help Jewish people and other people who were prosecuted by nazi Germany. Doing innocent things that all of a sudden were unlawful and could get you into trouble. I had to shut up because i was not in line with the government narrative. I had to consider leaving the country (where to go to?) to forego looming mandatory vaccination. When we protested we were one step away from being fined or arrested, and they had thought of many disadvantages for us in order to bring us in line. It felt like "Gleichschaltung" during the rise of nazi Germany with all the manipulation, propaganda and censorship. Not being able to meet, not being able to protest (without masks) against masks, not being able to go to department stores, having to produce daily tests in order to be allowed to work. I did hear the voices of people who demanded that we unvaccinated people should not be allowed to go to hospitals. government politicians and members of parliament suggested to fine us vaccinated with 2,500 euros or 5000 euros or 10,000, and that Coffeeshop and Restaurants faced fines of several thousand euros for allowing us unvaccinated to sit down, or those who said that they should just force us to get the injections. Thankfully I found a protest choir with only unvaccinated and we met and protested and more importantly we sang together - which was also illegal, and some of us were fined for not wearing masks while singing at protests. One member of our protest choir, a 70 year old doctor, a well respected lady who had also been a lay judge here in Germany was wrongly accused by German police of violence against a policeman during one protest. She was also fined. She is fighting against it in court. In one court hearing the policemen did not want to come forward as witnesses. I assume that they did not want to falsely accuse her. They just did not show up. Nonetheless she got fined. It is a sad state of affair.
During one protest at August Bebel Platz a historical place where the nazis burnt forbidden books during Nazi Germany the organizers played a prerecorded speech from the head of an organization of Jewish people in London who drew comparisons with Nazi Germany. As expected the German police intervened immediately and ended our protest. The organizers had played the recording towards the end of the protest knowing fully well that the police would not allow that recording of that speech of that Jewish man to be heard. It is going against German Holocaust law to compare his or our experience during Covid crisis to the experience of the Jewish people being prosecuted in Nazi Germany.
Even Jewish people are not allowed to draw such comparisons.
Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav was accused of trivializing the Holocaust, and the German Public Prosecutor has put her onto a "wanted" list for questioning.
It "was" a very tricky time? 😱 As we say in North America: "It ain't over till the fat lady sings." And it ain't over, not by a long shot. One of the people I follow regarding the Covid Fraudemic is an American named Jeff Rense; here's his latest podcasts about it, so far I've only listened to the first one:
Rense's perspective is completely contrary to the "Official Narrative"; you may want to download/install the capture tool "youtube-dl" (https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/) and download it over a VPN and listen to it, rather than listen to it online directly.
Meanwhile we too in Justin Castreau's Democratic Socialist Non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan (AKA "Canada") have a similar risible but draconian law against "Holocaust Denial" so I suppose I'd better be careful.. Again: you may want to read this over a VPN... or if you're close to Belgium/The Netherlands, go there and read it...🙄
Meanwhile and especially since October 7, 2023 I've been learning all manner of curious things, let me direct you to Ron Unz's website and his "American Pravda" series:
Thank you for all your hard work in 2023 Dr Byram and long may you continue to keep us informed. 🙏
My children had to test every 48 hours (Italy) and had to pay for it. They were charging €15 a time 🤬
and the salaries here are among the lowest in the EU. It was a real struggle and I'm so proud of them that they didn't cave in.
I sincerely hope that you are allowed back in your workplace soon 🤞
ps. I just read somewhere that a journalist in Canada got sacked for asking the question " why are the churches etc shut down but the strip clubs and casinos are still open "!! Just shocking. How people could not ask themselves this and see through the madness ??
That is truly amazing. Did not know that. I was cursing the German government for having to get daily Covid test results before being allowed to work since I was unvaccinated. The tests were for free here. I was scolding the government so much that even yesterday when bumping into somebody campaigning on the street for the next political elections here in Berlin, I could not restrain myself and complained a lot about how badly treated I felt. I sensed that I had come across a person who had been in favour of lockdown measures. I just had to tell him from my experience. What I felt at the time. I just wanted him to understand. Also mentioned harm from mRNA quackery (cancers and blood clots, and autoimmune disease). He said that he got vaccinated but did not get harmed. But he dud believe that some got harmed, and did seem fearful when I told him I witnessed many cancers. I was speaking about the lies we heard from politicians, or them not stating the truth. How we were shut up and censored or downgraded by Facebook when we "promoted vaccine hesitancy" or "lab leak theory", how people suspected us to be nazis because we protested against lockdowns, masks, vaccine passports, and vaccine mandates.
This paper was featured by the editor of Radiology Journal.
Assessment of Myocardial ¹⁸F-FDG uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-COV-2 vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients (Journal Radiology)
T. Nakahara, Y. Iwabuchi, et. Al
Measured ¹⁸F-FDG uptake with PET scans. (positron emission tomography (PET)
Study shows myocardial damages with uptake.
Included 303 nonvaxxed and 700 vaxxed.
Vaxxed had overall higher myocardial FDG uptake compared to nonvaxxed.
The uptake was observed in patients imaged in four date ranges. 1-30 days, 31-60 days. 61-120 days and 121-180 days after second vaccination, with increased ipsilateral axillary uptake in vaccinated vs. nonvaccinated patients.
Editor Emeritus, Dr. Bluemke in editorial noted "The main results...for asymptomatic patients vaccinated for COVID-19 before PET had about a 40% greater radiotracer activity in the myocardium than unvaccinated individuals. (Statistically) The P value was low, less than .0001, translated to only one time out of 10,000 would these results occur by chance."
This is suggesting that mild myocardial inflammation could be more common than expected. F-FDG uptake was higher in all vaccinated quartiles with age adjustments. Further, the myocardial SUVmax (g/ml) does not recover with time and was even above the level on the unvaccinated in the 40 patients who only received one dose.
Next time you see him, give him a copy of "science". Then once he understands it give him a copy of the transcript from the interview with the International banker and eugenicist, Jacques Attali where he states that the stupid ones will believe it and ask to be treated...and will go to the slaughterhouse all on their own.
May want to to try prayer if you are so inclined. Michael the Archangel is the one I think about.
If a positive or negative test never validated for diagnostic tool is foisted on us, why can't a mandatory brain imaging for cortex abnormalities be used to screen out sociopaths from holding positions of power or public office? Ah yes, discrimination for you but not for me. Remembering all the politicians who gathered unmasked and not social distanced and faked their vaccination status.
'Cases' have been fraudulently re-defined and inaccurate testing has been used to promote the falsely-inflated 'pandemic.'
Fauci in Oct. 2020: “In all the history of respiratory borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has NEVER been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is ALWAYS a symptomatic person. Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit [the virus], an epidemic is not driven by an asymptomatic carrier.”
Dr. Paul Alexander, Epidemiologst: “Asymptomatic spread is virtually non-existent, and if this does occur, it is less than 1%. It is very rare."
Dr. John Lee: “A respiratory virus needs associated symptoms in order to be clinically relevant. Infectiousness or transmission of a virus requires active infection resulting in high levels of viral replication and shedding. Symptoms, such as coughing, are the real drivers of spread.”
Over 45,000 medical doctors and scientists from the World Doctor Alliance in an open letter to governments: “So-called asymptomatic cases have never in the history of respiratory disease been the driver for spread of infection. Rather it is symptomatic people who spread respiratory infections - not asymptomatic people.”
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: “Do asymptomatic people and children spread covid? It is complete nonsense. It’s never been shown. It’s a claim that has been spread as a fact. And this, I consider, is criminal. The idea of an asymptomatic carrier spreading covid-19 is untrue, and is backed by zero data. There isn’t a single case in the world documented.”
Dr. Zac Cox: “One of the biggest lies we are being told at the moment is asymptomatic spread. The reality is, people who spread infections have symptoms. You HAVE to be symptomatic in order to spread a respiratory infection.”
Dr. Johan Denis: “There are no data supporting asymptomatic spread. Healthy people cannot transmit a virus to someone else. Only sick people can."
Dr. Barre Lando: “Have you ever sought medical help because you felt just fine? Have you ever avoided perfectly healthy people for fear of illness transmission? If not, why would you change this very rational behavior now? The only real virus is fear, and it has been very effectively weaponized against us. The only real answer is truth.”
I got a bit sidetracked when I read about chickenpox and shingles, and would like to share the following thoughts.
More and more people get shingles. I think the reason why the number of shingles cases has increased so much in recent years is probably manifold. However, some scientists believe that the increase in shingles comes down to people no longer being exposed to the wild chickenpox virus as a result of chickenpox vaccination. The reasoning is that before chickenpox vaccination every child would get chickenpox, and with every chickenpox epidemic - since the chickenpox virus is an airborne virus - most adults got exposed to the wild chickenpox virus throughout their lifes and they received a natural booster, and it seems that due to the lack of wild chickenpox virus the adults are now more (and not less prone) to develop shingles. shingles can cause nerve pain and if occurring near the eye can lead to blindness. Some expert commented: if health authorities would have known that the introduction of chickenpox into the childhood vaccination would result in so many cases of shingles they would have not done it. Because chickenpox is a fairly mild disease when experienced in childhood whereas treating shingles is very tricky and costly. Isn't it interesting that one of the reasons why the chickenpox vaccine was introduced, was to prevent debilitating shingles later in life, and that in fact the chickenpox vaccine seems to have vastly increased the number of cases of shingles.
By the way: according to studies the number of shingle cases has yet further increased among Covid-vaccinated. In Germany shingles is called Guertelrose. "Guertel" means "belt", a circular thing. Shingles is forming a circular shape like a belt in the body. With every man-made intervention to overcome natural occurences we are going in circles. Isn't nature just showing us that it leads us back into circles? Until we get blind? Perhaps this will continue until we trust nature more than technology.
By the way, the following is only anecdotal: my father got Covid one or two days after his shingles vaccination in summer 2023 despite being quadruple-Covid-jabbed at the time.
Boosting the immune system with vaccines is not as straightforward as the the vaccine-industry wants us to believe. Watch the recent interview from Dr John Campbell with Professor Angus Dangleish "Death of Science". He is referring to many recent pandemics actually being lab-made or lab-aquired. Look at Simian 40 contamination of the polio virus. Or the live polio virus causing polio outbreaks. Nature teaches us again and again not to meddle too much with nature. But people keep forgetting, like falling unconscious.
BTW Your dad didn't develop "Covid" because "Covid" doesn't exist: The putatative "Sars-Cov-2 Virus" (along with all other viruses apparently) has never been isoalted. This whole thing was that big of a fraud... I'm afraid what he was suffering from was initial reactions to The Lethal Injection...
Thank you. The questions relating to polio seem very intriguing. I just wish that more young people would read such books or would know about all those research papers that are out there. It is very difficult to make young parents understand that vaccinations, even normal childhood vaccinations, propagated as safe and effective have been causing harms, and may not be as beneficial as parents and doctors are made to believe. But it is very tricky to counter all the propganda and censorship from the vaccine industry. Perhaps something bad like Covid vaccines had to happen so that people as well as doctors start questioning the propaganda and advertisement campaigns that are churned out by government and big pharma.
Dear Dr Bridle, you were a voice for sanity that this old nurse truly appreciated, I will always see covid as the “covid shenanigans” , very little made sense and I believe tremendous damage was done to the fabric of Canadian society - some folks made millions, but at what cost?
Excellent article. This is particularly sad, brilliant, and funny:
"The grand debacle of COVID-19 rapid antigen testing suggests that too many health care practitioners are functioning at a level that makes artificial intelligence-based medicine start to look dangerously appealing."
Thanks for this great review of one of the drivers of Ontario's "case-demmic". As usual, thoughtful and well researched; and delivered with a bit of exasperation which I need to know others share.
The kit was distributed by government in NL. Under Limitations of the Test, the package insert also disclaimed performance assessment in relation to emerging variants and in vaccinated populations. Scam is right. I was astounded that public health was telling us to use this for purposes and in ways that were thoroughly contradicted by numerous listed limitations.
The tests were used as a device to separate healthy people from one another, create unnatural fear and distrust of one another, keeping the bogeyman virus alive and well and highly present as a fear in everyone's minds. This mentality set the world up to come running unquestioningly when a "saviour" jab was announced, and filled the fearful mob with anger towards the prudent few with the sense to ask questions and think clearly. It set up terrible treatment and discrimination of the unjabbed for the sole purpose of acting as a lever to compel them to accept injection. It was never about "health". It was about mass injection of the population. To what end, we ask as it becomes clearer and clearer that none were protected, alarming numbers of people were harmed, and rocketing excess mortality rates "baffle" indoctrinated experts? I believe we are seeing the reasons for the shot unfold daily in places such as the substacks of Dr Makis. Nothing else explains the willful disregard for and refusal to acknowledge these harms, nor can anything else explain the horrible treatment of courageous scientists who refused to admire the emperor's new clothes. Scientists like Dr Bridle are the true heroes of this era, history will remember them as such when it looks back in horror at what took place and how people treated each other.
In 2021, I got one pfizer jab and am vaccine injured. Although being pushed to get a second one, I declined. I wrote a letter to the ed in the Hamilton Spectator about being vaccine injured and how I felt so isolated and not a part of society, which they published. People were going about their business getting each new booster. They had passports. The first time I got covid was 19 months after the shot. Our household all tested positive for covid using the home kit. The crazy thing is that fully vaccinated people were catching covid, some now dealing with long covid. Like Rosie DiManno and Heather Mallick of the Toronto Star. There is so much misinformation promoted by the governments around the world. Are they really that inept??
Before the home test kits, we had to go to the hospital for a test. I used the service twice. The last time because a month after the shot I got strep throat and my doctor wanted me to get a covid test. When the home kits were introduced it was much easier than lining up at Joe Brant.
Also, I am so angry that people weren’t able to access information from different sources because they were censored. Even the vaccine injured were censored on support groups like FB. We were only allowed to listen to the big pharma propaganda.
I’d like to see an end to censoring scientists, doctors with alternative narratives. Censoring them isn’t science. Maybe if I had a chance to read them, I wouldn’t now be living this nightmare.
Families torn apart. My own daughter in law (a nurse) told me I had better not end up in her ICU! We were relegated to the outskirts of society unable to go to a venue, restaurant, or donut shop without papers. Saddest part is so many people decided we were getting what we deserved. A "friend" told me that she should have more rights than me, because she did the right thing. She has now done the right thing 8 times and has had covid twice! I don't know if our society will ever heal, but in time, I hope and pray it can. Thank you Dr Bridle for what you are doing for us all.
G-d bless you, Dr. Bridle. This asymptomatic spread lie has broken up the only family that I had in close physical proximity. So it’s of particular interest to me & as far as I know you are the only one, on Substack or anywhere, who has addressed this issue. My brother has not come near me since the whole Covid ‘plandemic’ started. I am not injected, (I’ve never had COVID,) because I knew from the outset that something was just not right about the whole thing. He, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to get the ‘life saving’ miracle cure. We are both senior citizens, alone, 20 minutes from each other. I couldn’t believe that he bought into the idea of healthy people spreading a disease. Our whole lives we never worried about ‘catching’ a cold or the flu from each other. All of a sudden I became ‘typhoid Mary.’ Of course my trying to reason with him just made things worse & now we don’t speak at all. I have been told “I don’t want to hear your conspiracy BS, about the vaccines.” He’s going to be one of the ones who is never going to believe that the gene injections are harmful. BTW he has some kind of Cancer, I heard through a family member, I don’t know how serious, but I think there’s a connection to the shots. You can be sure he’s had every single one available. Asymptomatic spread was a control mechanism to keep people apart & destroy the social structure, & it worked.
Yes, it was and it did. I don’t know what it will take to heal the wounds in families, either. I had one friend burst into tears when I disagreed with her about giving children this toxic jab. She was anxious for her 12 year old granddaughter to get it and all I said was, “I could not disagree with her more.” I am sure the kid was jabbed. She was already on the autism spectrum, probably from some other jab.
"Segregation makes me feel less than human" ? 🤔
Welcome to my world, Dr. Bridle. Though to be honest, given the ugliness and craziness I've experienced, I have deliberately gone out of my way to segregate myself from the rest of humanity as far as I can.
We need others. I would even go as far as to say that we need the snot from others. We need some exposure to viruses and bacteria from one another.
I fact, as you have probably found out already for yourself, we are completely and utterly dependent on others for our own wellbeing and comfort. We are struggling if we don't have handimen, builders, farmers, shops, singing birds, bees, animals.
Of course being alone and in solitude, especially in nature, can also be good for us at times. But we need others, incl. human beings for feeling comfortable.
I'll readily admit Gabriele, that I am not in a good space, but my faith and trust in my fellow human beings has been shattered. I can say with limpid sincerity, I now know what it was to have been a Jew in early Nazi Germany... I'll leave you with this, which I posted on Substack quite some time ago:
I understand your feelings and send you a big hug. I did not quite feel like a Jew but I felt like one of those Germans who tried to help Jewish people and other people who were prosecuted by nazi Germany. Doing innocent things that all of a sudden were unlawful and could get you into trouble. I had to shut up because i was not in line with the government narrative. I had to consider leaving the country (where to go to?) to forego looming mandatory vaccination. When we protested we were one step away from being fined or arrested, and they had thought of many disadvantages for us in order to bring us in line. It felt like "Gleichschaltung" during the rise of nazi Germany with all the manipulation, propaganda and censorship. Not being able to meet, not being able to protest (without masks) against masks, not being able to go to department stores, having to produce daily tests in order to be allowed to work. I did hear the voices of people who demanded that we unvaccinated people should not be allowed to go to hospitals. government politicians and members of parliament suggested to fine us vaccinated with 2,500 euros or 5000 euros or 10,000, and that Coffeeshop and Restaurants faced fines of several thousand euros for allowing us unvaccinated to sit down, or those who said that they should just force us to get the injections. Thankfully I found a protest choir with only unvaccinated and we met and protested and more importantly we sang together - which was also illegal, and some of us were fined for not wearing masks while singing at protests. One member of our protest choir, a 70 year old doctor, a well respected lady who had also been a lay judge here in Germany was wrongly accused by German police of violence against a policeman during one protest. She was also fined. She is fighting against it in court. In one court hearing the policemen did not want to come forward as witnesses. I assume that they did not want to falsely accuse her. They just did not show up. Nonetheless she got fined. It is a sad state of affair.
During one protest at August Bebel Platz a historical place where the nazis burnt forbidden books during Nazi Germany the organizers played a prerecorded speech from the head of an organization of Jewish people in London who drew comparisons with Nazi Germany. As expected the German police intervened immediately and ended our protest. The organizers had played the recording towards the end of the protest knowing fully well that the police would not allow that recording of that speech of that Jewish man to be heard. It is going against German Holocaust law to compare his or our experience during Covid crisis to the experience of the Jewish people being prosecuted in Nazi Germany.
Even Jewish people are not allowed to draw such comparisons.
Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav was accused of trivializing the Holocaust, and the German Public Prosecutor has put her onto a "wanted" list for questioning.
It was a very tricky time.
Dear Gabrielle:
It "was" a very tricky time? 😱 As we say in North America: "It ain't over till the fat lady sings." And it ain't over, not by a long shot. One of the people I follow regarding the Covid Fraudemic is an American named Jeff Rense; here's his latest podcasts about it, so far I've only listened to the first one:
💣 Dec. 27, '23 - https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_122723_hr2.mp3
💣 Dec. 29, '23 - https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_122923_hr2.mp3
💣 Jan. 01, '23 - https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_010124_hr2.mp3
Rense's perspective is completely contrary to the "Official Narrative"; you may want to download/install the capture tool "youtube-dl" (https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/) and download it over a VPN and listen to it, rather than listen to it online directly.
Meanwhile we too in Justin Castreau's Democratic Socialist Non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan (AKA "Canada") have a similar risible but draconian law against "Holocaust Denial" so I suppose I'd better be careful.. Again: you may want to read this over a VPN... or if you're close to Belgium/The Netherlands, go there and read it...🙄
💣 "Repent" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/repent
Meanwhile and especially since October 7, 2023 I've been learning all manner of curious things, let me direct you to Ron Unz's website and his "American Pravda" series:
💣 https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/ ; https://www.unz.com/topic/american-pravda/
Particularly this one: "American Pravda: Holocaust Denial"
💣 https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/
Thank you so much for your kind words and best wishes for a properous and peaceful New Year to you and yours, despite everything... 😘
Capt. Roy Harkness
Thank you. I will check it out.
PS Finished listening to all of Jeff's podcasts. They're horrific.
Amen. My misanthropic tendencies has only gotten stronger :(
Thank you for all your hard work in 2023 Dr Byram and long may you continue to keep us informed. 🙏
My children had to test every 48 hours (Italy) and had to pay for it. They were charging €15 a time 🤬
and the salaries here are among the lowest in the EU. It was a real struggle and I'm so proud of them that they didn't cave in.
I sincerely hope that you are allowed back in your workplace soon 🤞
ps. I just read somewhere that a journalist in Canada got sacked for asking the question " why are the churches etc shut down but the strip clubs and casinos are still open "!! Just shocking. How people could not ask themselves this and see through the madness ??
That is truly amazing. Did not know that. I was cursing the German government for having to get daily Covid test results before being allowed to work since I was unvaccinated. The tests were for free here. I was scolding the government so much that even yesterday when bumping into somebody campaigning on the street for the next political elections here in Berlin, I could not restrain myself and complained a lot about how badly treated I felt. I sensed that I had come across a person who had been in favour of lockdown measures. I just had to tell him from my experience. What I felt at the time. I just wanted him to understand. Also mentioned harm from mRNA quackery (cancers and blood clots, and autoimmune disease). He said that he got vaccinated but did not get harmed. But he dud believe that some got harmed, and did seem fearful when I told him I witnessed many cancers. I was speaking about the lies we heard from politicians, or them not stating the truth. How we were shut up and censored or downgraded by Facebook when we "promoted vaccine hesitancy" or "lab leak theory", how people suspected us to be nazis because we protested against lockdowns, masks, vaccine passports, and vaccine mandates.
This madness has caused us a lot of heartache.
"He did believe that some got harmed."
Some? Really?
This paper was featured by the editor of Radiology Journal.
Assessment of Myocardial ¹⁸F-FDG uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-COV-2 vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients (Journal Radiology)
T. Nakahara, Y. Iwabuchi, et. Al
Measured ¹⁸F-FDG uptake with PET scans. (positron emission tomography (PET)
Study shows myocardial damages with uptake.
Included 303 nonvaxxed and 700 vaxxed.
Vaxxed had overall higher myocardial FDG uptake compared to nonvaxxed.
The uptake was observed in patients imaged in four date ranges. 1-30 days, 31-60 days. 61-120 days and 121-180 days after second vaccination, with increased ipsilateral axillary uptake in vaccinated vs. nonvaccinated patients.
Editor Emeritus, Dr. Bluemke in editorial noted "The main results...for asymptomatic patients vaccinated for COVID-19 before PET had about a 40% greater radiotracer activity in the myocardium than unvaccinated individuals. (Statistically) The P value was low, less than .0001, translated to only one time out of 10,000 would these results occur by chance."
This is suggesting that mild myocardial inflammation could be more common than expected. F-FDG uptake was higher in all vaccinated quartiles with age adjustments. Further, the myocardial SUVmax (g/ml) does not recover with time and was even above the level on the unvaccinated in the 40 patients who only received one dose.
Next time you see him, give him a copy of "science". Then once he understands it give him a copy of the transcript from the interview with the International banker and eugenicist, Jacques Attali where he states that the stupid ones will believe it and ask to be treated...and will go to the slaughterhouse all on their own.
May want to to try prayer if you are so inclined. Michael the Archangel is the one I think about.
If a positive or negative test never validated for diagnostic tool is foisted on us, why can't a mandatory brain imaging for cortex abnormalities be used to screen out sociopaths from holding positions of power or public office? Ah yes, discrimination for you but not for me. Remembering all the politicians who gathered unmasked and not social distanced and faked their vaccination status.
'Cases' have been fraudulently re-defined and inaccurate testing has been used to promote the falsely-inflated 'pandemic.'
Fauci in Oct. 2020: “In all the history of respiratory borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has NEVER been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is ALWAYS a symptomatic person. Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit [the virus], an epidemic is not driven by an asymptomatic carrier.”
Dr. Paul Alexander, Epidemiologst: “Asymptomatic spread is virtually non-existent, and if this does occur, it is less than 1%. It is very rare."
Dr. John Lee: “A respiratory virus needs associated symptoms in order to be clinically relevant. Infectiousness or transmission of a virus requires active infection resulting in high levels of viral replication and shedding. Symptoms, such as coughing, are the real drivers of spread.”
Over 45,000 medical doctors and scientists from the World Doctor Alliance in an open letter to governments: “So-called asymptomatic cases have never in the history of respiratory disease been the driver for spread of infection. Rather it is symptomatic people who spread respiratory infections - not asymptomatic people.”
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: “Do asymptomatic people and children spread covid? It is complete nonsense. It’s never been shown. It’s a claim that has been spread as a fact. And this, I consider, is criminal. The idea of an asymptomatic carrier spreading covid-19 is untrue, and is backed by zero data. There isn’t a single case in the world documented.”
Dr. Zac Cox: “One of the biggest lies we are being told at the moment is asymptomatic spread. The reality is, people who spread infections have symptoms. You HAVE to be symptomatic in order to spread a respiratory infection.”
Dr. Johan Denis: “There are no data supporting asymptomatic spread. Healthy people cannot transmit a virus to someone else. Only sick people can."
Dr. Barre Lando: “Have you ever sought medical help because you felt just fine? Have you ever avoided perfectly healthy people for fear of illness transmission? If not, why would you change this very rational behavior now? The only real virus is fear, and it has been very effectively weaponized against us. The only real answer is truth.”
Thankyou. I love Dr. Lando's quote so much.
Yes, he nailed this nonsense perfectly.
I got a bit sidetracked when I read about chickenpox and shingles, and would like to share the following thoughts.
More and more people get shingles. I think the reason why the number of shingles cases has increased so much in recent years is probably manifold. However, some scientists believe that the increase in shingles comes down to people no longer being exposed to the wild chickenpox virus as a result of chickenpox vaccination. The reasoning is that before chickenpox vaccination every child would get chickenpox, and with every chickenpox epidemic - since the chickenpox virus is an airborne virus - most adults got exposed to the wild chickenpox virus throughout their lifes and they received a natural booster, and it seems that due to the lack of wild chickenpox virus the adults are now more (and not less prone) to develop shingles. shingles can cause nerve pain and if occurring near the eye can lead to blindness. Some expert commented: if health authorities would have known that the introduction of chickenpox into the childhood vaccination would result in so many cases of shingles they would have not done it. Because chickenpox is a fairly mild disease when experienced in childhood whereas treating shingles is very tricky and costly. Isn't it interesting that one of the reasons why the chickenpox vaccine was introduced, was to prevent debilitating shingles later in life, and that in fact the chickenpox vaccine seems to have vastly increased the number of cases of shingles.
By the way: according to studies the number of shingle cases has yet further increased among Covid-vaccinated. In Germany shingles is called Guertelrose. "Guertel" means "belt", a circular thing. Shingles is forming a circular shape like a belt in the body. With every man-made intervention to overcome natural occurences we are going in circles. Isn't nature just showing us that it leads us back into circles? Until we get blind? Perhaps this will continue until we trust nature more than technology.
By the way, the following is only anecdotal: my father got Covid one or two days after his shingles vaccination in summer 2023 despite being quadruple-Covid-jabbed at the time.
Boosting the immune system with vaccines is not as straightforward as the the vaccine-industry wants us to believe. Watch the recent interview from Dr John Campbell with Professor Angus Dangleish "Death of Science". He is referring to many recent pandemics actually being lab-made or lab-aquired. Look at Simian 40 contamination of the polio virus. Or the live polio virus causing polio outbreaks. Nature teaches us again and again not to meddle too much with nature. But people keep forgetting, like falling unconscious.
Get a copy of "Turtles All the Way Down" and read it (don't know if there's a German translation, should be though): https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Zoey-OToole/dp/9655981045/ref=sr_1_2?crid=9HCWD4BB15VB&keywords=Turtles+all+the+way+down&qid=1704337236&sprefix=turtles+all+the+way+don%2Caps%2C706&sr=8-2
BTW Your dad didn't develop "Covid" because "Covid" doesn't exist: The putatative "Sars-Cov-2 Virus" (along with all other viruses apparently) has never been isoalted. This whole thing was that big of a fraud... I'm afraid what he was suffering from was initial reactions to The Lethal Injection...
Thank you. The questions relating to polio seem very intriguing. I just wish that more young people would read such books or would know about all those research papers that are out there. It is very difficult to make young parents understand that vaccinations, even normal childhood vaccinations, propagated as safe and effective have been causing harms, and may not be as beneficial as parents and doctors are made to believe. But it is very tricky to counter all the propganda and censorship from the vaccine industry. Perhaps something bad like Covid vaccines had to happen so that people as well as doctors start questioning the propaganda and advertisement campaigns that are churned out by government and big pharma.
Dear Dr Bridle, you were a voice for sanity that this old nurse truly appreciated, I will always see covid as the “covid shenanigans” , very little made sense and I believe tremendous damage was done to the fabric of Canadian society - some folks made millions, but at what cost?
Thank you for all your analyses, Dr. Bridle. Please let us know what steps/progress you have made in getting reinstated at Guelph. Best of luck!
Excellent article. This is particularly sad, brilliant, and funny:
"The grand debacle of COVID-19 rapid antigen testing suggests that too many health care practitioners are functioning at a level that makes artificial intelligence-based medicine start to look dangerously appealing."
Thanks for this great review of one of the drivers of Ontario's "case-demmic". As usual, thoughtful and well researched; and delivered with a bit of exasperation which I need to know others share.
Thank you Dr. Bridle for sharing your work with the world. Thank you for standing up for the truth.
Thank you for all you do, Dr Bridle! Wishing you & yours all the best for 2024 and beyond!
The kit was distributed by government in NL. Under Limitations of the Test, the package insert also disclaimed performance assessment in relation to emerging variants and in vaccinated populations. Scam is right. I was astounded that public health was telling us to use this for purposes and in ways that were thoroughly contradicted by numerous listed limitations.
Off topic in a way, but thank you for your work at the NCI.
Trying my best to raise awareness of the inquiry that, sadly, too few know about.
Very informative article. Best wishes for 2024, especially that you again get access to your normal workplace.
The tests were used as a device to separate healthy people from one another, create unnatural fear and distrust of one another, keeping the bogeyman virus alive and well and highly present as a fear in everyone's minds. This mentality set the world up to come running unquestioningly when a "saviour" jab was announced, and filled the fearful mob with anger towards the prudent few with the sense to ask questions and think clearly. It set up terrible treatment and discrimination of the unjabbed for the sole purpose of acting as a lever to compel them to accept injection. It was never about "health". It was about mass injection of the population. To what end, we ask as it becomes clearer and clearer that none were protected, alarming numbers of people were harmed, and rocketing excess mortality rates "baffle" indoctrinated experts? I believe we are seeing the reasons for the shot unfold daily in places such as the substacks of Dr Makis. Nothing else explains the willful disregard for and refusal to acknowledge these harms, nor can anything else explain the horrible treatment of courageous scientists who refused to admire the emperor's new clothes. Scientists like Dr Bridle are the true heroes of this era, history will remember them as such when it looks back in horror at what took place and how people treated each other.
In 2021, I got one pfizer jab and am vaccine injured. Although being pushed to get a second one, I declined. I wrote a letter to the ed in the Hamilton Spectator about being vaccine injured and how I felt so isolated and not a part of society, which they published. People were going about their business getting each new booster. They had passports. The first time I got covid was 19 months after the shot. Our household all tested positive for covid using the home kit. The crazy thing is that fully vaccinated people were catching covid, some now dealing with long covid. Like Rosie DiManno and Heather Mallick of the Toronto Star. There is so much misinformation promoted by the governments around the world. Are they really that inept??
Before the home test kits, we had to go to the hospital for a test. I used the service twice. The last time because a month after the shot I got strep throat and my doctor wanted me to get a covid test. When the home kits were introduced it was much easier than lining up at Joe Brant.
Also, I am so angry that people weren’t able to access information from different sources because they were censored. Even the vaccine injured were censored on support groups like FB. We were only allowed to listen to the big pharma propaganda.
I’d like to see an end to censoring scientists, doctors with alternative narratives. Censoring them isn’t science. Maybe if I had a chance to read them, I wouldn’t now be living this nightmare.
Families torn apart. My own daughter in law (a nurse) told me I had better not end up in her ICU! We were relegated to the outskirts of society unable to go to a venue, restaurant, or donut shop without papers. Saddest part is so many people decided we were getting what we deserved. A "friend" told me that she should have more rights than me, because she did the right thing. She has now done the right thing 8 times and has had covid twice! I don't know if our society will ever heal, but in time, I hope and pray it can. Thank you Dr Bridle for what you are doing for us all.