Thanks Byram for the interview and for your kind words above. I have always had the utmost respect for what you have done and it is tragic how you have been treated. You are a hero. There were only three scientists from Canada at that debate and you were one of the 3. You have earned a place in history.

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Did you know the Trudeau Foundation owns 40% stake in Acuitas Therapeutics of British Columbia which developed the lipid nanoparticle technology Pfizer & Moderna use in their Covid-19 vaccines?


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Please make sure Dr. Bridle gets this message. I posted earlier this year, but I don't think he's read it. "Dr. Bridle, I recently watched the live debate through Bridge City News ( https://www.facebook.com/bridgecitynews/videos/437399278111704 ). I believe in you wholly. Thank you for your logical thinking, critical reasoning, scientific integrity, and unmistaken courage. I have listened to many, many different people over the past two years and you are the only person that has not raised a single red flag to me. None of what you do is for yourself and when you don't know the answer to something (because sufficient information is not available to draw a conclusion) you say so, instead of saying "likely" as others may because they have an agenda. Instead you stick to the facts. I am praying for you and all others brave enough to stand up for the truth. Thank you for doing your part to care for others. I pray that the incredible burden you, Dr. Alexander, and Dr. Hodkinson carry is alleviated when the truth is fully accepted. You are not alone, I am with you, the truckers are with you, and those with common sense who are not afraid to see the truth for what it is. We will stand up, but in my eyes, you should stand tall!"

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Cheers Dr Brydle. I've been following you since you first spoke up many moons ago on Alex Pierson's segment. I was worried because you looked a bit like a deer in the headlights because you kicked up a massive flurry of attacks against you. I can see now, you're going to be just fine.

Thank you for being one of the first Canadian doctors to simply speak the truth regardless of what was going to happen.

You have my respect forever. It was such a relief for those of us arguing into a black hole, for so long a period of time.

Thank you. Loved your speeches in Ottawa!

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Thank you for having the courage to speak the truth!!

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I just thanked both of you on Steve's Substack but gratitude is due here, too. Thank you for your courage. It is courage like yours that will lead us through this!

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I forgot to add that you were featured in my "Honest People Series" a couple of months ago, which was a joy to write.


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I can’t thank either one of you enough. You Steve Kirsch for doing this amazing interview and so graciously allowing Dr. Byram Bridle to speak. I thank you Dr. Bryam Bridle for the man you are. I too have followed you ever since your 8 min interview stating the dangers of the Spike Protein…you are courageous, a Brilliant Scientist, and have amazing Ethics. I remember the words you spoke, something to effect of “we have made a mistake, we didn’t know the Spike Protein was a toxic pathogen” I will never forget that moment, I shared that interview with as many as I could and told many many others…

God Bless and Keep you all safe during these troubling times here in Canada. We are praying for all here in Canada, sharing all the true Scientific Facts I can get my hands on and holding up our 🇨🇦 For Freedom whenever I can…..God Bless from Chilliwack B.C.

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Thank you for all you are doing Dr. Bridle!

As a fellow Canadian (not anti-vax but anti-this-vax!) I found the idea of the $100,000 fine and year in jail a horrible thought - that I think will leave many of us looking to flee. If this battle can not be won I would gladly relinquish my citizenship and uproot my family to avoid us all taking this ineffective and risky inoculation. I never really looked at what the demand is like for trained scientists elsewhere, hopefully there is some opportunities below the 49th for BSc's and PhD's?

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Dr. Bridle, I thought you'd like to see this video. We the people love you.


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He's a sensation. Lots of posts.

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Keep up the fantastic work Dr. Bridle! Happy to see you’re back in the public domain with your work since it seemed you took what was likely a much needed Hiatus over the Christmas months! Listening to the interview now, after having heard of it from Steve. I’d love to be a student of yours at some time in the future. Looking into switching institutions over to Guelph as long as you are still a tenured professor who is given the ability to teach to his fullest extent! Son a of a vet, sister in vet school abroad, couldn’t ask for a better professor than you!

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This was a great interview, and I believe that Byram is right that freedom hangs in the balance. I discovered that TD Bank is assisting the government in denying the truckers access to their own funds. This is unconscionable. I have accounts at TD bank, and I just sent the following note to them:

I have heard that TD bank has not allowed the truckers to access their accounts. This action must stop. If their money is not secure in your bank, then neither is mine. I will be withdrawing my funds if their access to their own money is not restored.

This sort of note should go to any financial institution that participates in this crackdown on freedom.

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Thank you Dr Bridle and Steve Kirsch, my upmost respect and gratitude to you both and your fellow experts globally, who have had the strength to speak out, despite the horrific treatment that you have been met with. We need and appreciate you Greatly.

My names is Lindsay, and I am a Research Assistant for, Clare Hocking Okell, The Great British Bird. Clare has a channel on Telegram, t.me/greatbritishbird

We are very interested in interviewing you both for our channel. Clare has recently interviewed American Drs James Neuenschwander MD, Dr Lawrence Palevsky & Chris Masterjohn PHD, amongst concerned UK Doctors, Dr Sam White, Dr Ahmed Malik and many more who are also speaking out during these difficult times. We have invited the Dr's who back, and they have agreed they would like to appear back on the channel, as we continue to build a taskforce of UK and American experts highlighting our current situation through their observation and experience.

After watching your interview and sharing links on the Great British Bird News Channel, we would like to invite you both for a duo interview to discuss and share further your important views through your observation and experience.

Clare would be delighted to have you both as a guest on the Great British Bird News Channel, this will enable Clare to share your important message and information that is currently being censored, across the UK and the globe on her many platforms.

We were unable to find an email address, and so please excuse our contacting you both via blog comments.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, we appreciate you are both extremely busy.

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Kindest regards,

Lindsay Mayne



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Freedom and truth will prevail! Keep the faith! Praying for all of you in Canada🙏Who would have thought it would be Canadians to hold the line. Be proud!

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A wonderful interview. Dr. Bridle. Please continue the fight no matter what happens in Canada. The world needs you.

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Thank you so much, Byram. I can’t go to Ottawa, but I wrote a letter today and sent it to all of the Senate members asking them not to ratify this when it comes up! For anyone who would like to do this, right now is the time to do so. You can find all of the Senators contact info. at sencanada.ca 🙏💕

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Listening now. We are all with you up there! The truth must win, and it will. <3

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Thanks so much for brief transcript/recording here. Wish I can watch your interview but Rumble has no closed captioning unfortunately. We deaf 🧏/hearing impaired are really depending on closed captioning.

Very frustrating not able to watch videos without closed captioning.

But truly thanks for providing recording here! Appreciate much!

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That was a riveting discussion, building up to the end. I could feel your urgent distress. If you and your family ever get to travel to the US please visit us here at the "Crossroads of America" in Indiana.

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