Would love to hear you Byram but to be frank I’ve had enough of Drs Malone.

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And I’ve had enough of people who criticize them for no good reason. I don’t necessarily agree with all of their views but I think Dr. Robert is one of the most important people alive today, doing great work to save humanity from the harsh totalitarianism we seem to be moving into. And to criticize them anonymously, citing no reason, that’s about as destructive as you can get, imo.

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Oh, but the reasons to criticize Malone are very, very good reasons.

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There's nothing wrong with speaking out anonymously. Someone who cares about "saving humanity from totalitarianism" would be aware of that.

Are you open to changing your mind on Malone's importance?

This presentation by Michael Palmer (49 minutes in) is illuminating...


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"There's nothing wrong with speaking out anonymously. "

You are absolutely right. In fact, the freedom to be heard anonymously is imperative given the pervasive insidiousness of the new 'cancel culture' world. Orchestrated attacks aimed to instill fear of speaking out has meant only one side of the issues get heard. Canceling can include job loss, ostracization, and even physical assaults. Anonymity is the only way to ensure true feelings are provided a voice.

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Agreed on a person's right to anonymity. But not citing your reasons is the problem and opens the door to anonymous attacks designed to silence conversation.

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I agree that Irene should have provided reasons.

I also think that we should have a degree of skepticism about anyone, whether they are within the medical freedom movement or not. What gives me pause about Malone is not something he says that I disagree with, but his attempt to silence the skeptical remarks of the Breggins and Jane Ruby by issuing a defamation lawsuit to the tune of 25 million. What appears to Malone to be hatred and defamation appears to me to be the kind of questioning that is required if the truth is to be uncovered. Yes, that kind of questioning can feel like enmity, and I can see why Malone would want to sue. He says he has an elevated PTSD set point, and I am sympathetic about that. Nevertheless, I think he is distorting his challengers’ views. I think that his pursuit of the lawsuit is not right, and though it does not lead me to dismiss what he has to say, it does make me more cautious about what he says. Perhaps more importantly, it makes me wonder about what he is withholding.

If this issue is unfamiliar to you, there are numerous places where you can find out more. A good place to start is here: https://breggin.com/Critiques-of-Malones-25-Million-Lawsuit-Against-Peter-and-Ginger-Breggin.

For Malone’s side of the story see https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-price-paid,

and also this: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/hate-ecosystem-and-fifth-gen-warfare.

In the latter substack article by Malone, one of the people he calls out is Mathew Crawford. I can see why some people find Mathew really annoying. All the same, I think that we need Mat’s very acute critical eye. See his article on Malone, here: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/robert-malones-insistence-in-ignoring. I don’t have the expertise to know, but I think that J.J. Couey’s insight into the biological mechanisms surrounding SARS-Cov2 could turn out to be key. Unfortunately, Couey has not been writing his stuff up. To grasp what he is saying takes a lot of video watching at https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological/videos, and I’m not sure what to point to. But a good place to get a sense of it is to read the substack article written by Crawford that I just cited.

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I watched the CHD panel discussion last year - and I don't have the expertise to judge either - but my impression at the time was that Couey came off as somewhat confused and not presenting a solid argument and that Malone and the other panelists were somewhat gracious in not saying that and being as respectful to Couey as they were. I haven't read all of Crawford's article but just seeing "Does anyone believe JJ's talk did not strike Malone as interesting? Did you see Malone constantly reaching back to touch his hair and his ear while JJ speaks? Is that a body language clue? He later blames all that on a fly, but I never could spot one." makes me not want to read more. We're talking about a man who sacrificed his career and is putting himself and his family in harm's way to speak the truth as he sees it - which truth resonates extremely well with many of us - and who is being defamed not only in the mass media but also, for no good reason I can see, by people in the medical freedom movement who are, thereby, badly hurting the movement and doing a disservice to humanity in a time when scientific and political clarity, such as I believe Malone is, for the most part, promulgating, is very badly needed. When you have a brave soldier leading troops into battle, you just don't throw rocks at him from behind.

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Some time ago I had a sharp disagreement with someone close to me. He believed X, and I was pretty sure that X was not true. I showed him a video that cast doubt on X. His reaction was totally unexpected to me. What my friend took his cue from was the tone of voice of the narrator, which dripped with contempt for those who the narrator thought were lying. Although I hadn’t expected it I could see why my friend was reacting the way he did. I too did not think the contemptuous tone was helpful, but I had already done considerable exploration of the evidence against X, and though I found the tone unhelpful I also found it perfectly understandable. But my friend was not interested in doing any further exploration.

I think the situation is somewhat similar to that between your and my difference of interpretation of the unfortunate conflict between Malone and those he has sued for defamation. What is the ‘X’ in this case? X is the mainstream narrative that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has produced a real Covid-19 pandemic. Within this narrative an Overton window has been created in which people argue over whether the virus is just a product of nature, or whether there was a lab leak of a gain-of-function creation. Couey’s view is outside this window. He says that as an mRNA virus (not a DNA virus) SARS-CoV-2 is simply not adequately replication-competent to produce a pandemic. I do not know whether this is true, but it does make sense to me. If it is true then the role that Malone is playing in all of this takes on an entirely different hue than first appears. It may not be a nefarious role, but whatever it is, it is much less transparent than it at first seemed to me.

I can see why Mat’s talk about Malone’s body language puts you off. It seems like an awfully flimsy bit of evidence. But I highly recommend Mat’s attempt to capture Couey’s view, and if you begin to suspect that Couey is right then you may begin to see Malone in a somewhat different light.

You say “When you have a brave soldier leading troops into battle, you just don't throw rocks at him from behind.” This could also be said of the Breggins and Jane Ruby, except that a 25 million dollar lawsuit is not just words, it’s a hell of a rock. The Breggins were at the forefront of the medical freedom movement in getting out their book, Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey in September 2021. Are they not also brave soldiers leading troops into battle?

Rocks should not be thrown, but you should also vet the leaders you follow. I initially thought that Malone might be doing the right thing in pursuing the lawsuit, but the more I have learned the more I have changed my mind. It’s not that I think that Malone is a bad guy, but is he a leader that can stand being vetted? If not, can he rally all the troops behind him?

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I don't have the expertise to judge whether "that as an mRNA virus (not a DNA virus) SARS-CoV-2 is simply not adequately replication-competent to produce a pandemic," I simply have to go with my gut feeling as to who is most knowledgeable and most honest with regard to the disagreements being debated, and I do believe that Malone's lawsuit against the Breggins was filed only after he reasonably requested of them numerous times that they cease their defamation (as explained in the Complaint). I think he felt he needed to send a strong signal to people not to do that, and I'm guessing there are many factors involved in the situation which few of us know about. Malone did say, in one of his articles, that he did not agree with at least some of what's in the Global Predators book, but I don't think he specified exactly what if I remember correctly. I personally think there is a lot of plain paranoia in the medical freedom movement, with many people thinking the pandemic was planned to depopulate the world - as if people like Drs. Michael Osterholm and Eric Topol, who are still recommending the vaccines, did not actually take them or recommend them to their family and friends. I like not only Dr. Malone's at least seeming scientific brilliance but also his reasonableness in refraining from going overboard into such territory, and that's why I'm defending him here. If foolish people can't see what great leaders he and Dr. Bridle, among others, are, in my opinion, then they can't see it. I guess we'll all learn from our mistakes.

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My you read a lot into my comment... did I say one critical thing? No. Am I anonymous? No. If you want to know why I said what I said you could ask politely and not project your anger on to me.

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I think most people here would say your comment was critical of the Malones, without specifying why. And I doubt Irene the Insomniac is on your Driver License. But I will concede the point some have made that anonymity may be important for expressing an opinion here.

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Given the last 4 years of psycological mindwarping hell we've all been through, it's easy to be suspicious and foment a conspiracy of a villainous double-agent person. Rumors abound of RM having a CIA background, infighting with other alledged antivax "grifters", and of course his alledged involvement developing the bioweapons.

May I remind the reader that most things intentionally developed for good, can also be weaponized for evil. His role may have been very innocent, looking for a biological tool to deliver genetic recipes the human body could use to target cancers, help extend our lives.

Having watched, listened and observed, I'm quite skeptical Mr. Malone is a wolf in sheep's clothing. What intel can he possibly gain hanging out with our "antivaxxer" heros? Is he somehow subversively gaslighting them and hypnotizing their audiences?

I rather think instead, we've been subjected to external influences intended to discredit him. To the vaccine bioweapon weilders, he's too much like an antidote to their agenda as he has been in their midst and can smell their BS.

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I don't understand the bashing of the Malones either. He was one of the first out of the gate to warn us about these shots, although their are questions about his timing. He TOOK the SHOT for some reason....maybe like the rest of us, fearing the virus. Many people who should have known better did take the shot & suffer the consequences. My sister took F I V E and is so brainwashed she doesn't relate her escalating health issues to what to me has obviously been caused by the shots.

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Dr. Malone took the shot so he could travel, not realizing the danger at the time. I think the bashing mostly indicates how nervous he makes the people at the top of the power chain, now that he has turned his laser focus not just on challenging the “science” of the medical establishment, but on the political and organizational structures which underlie global oligarchic rule (I highly recommend his recent two-part interview with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya at IllusionConsensus.com) - although I think some of the bashing is from people in the medical freedom movement who are jealous of his popularity and want to lure people away from him and/or those who want the most visible figure in the movement to be someone who represents the “Christian right.” In any case I fear for their safety and hope people will evaluate carefully.

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If he’s going to take credit for inventing the tech, and he’s so smart, don’t you think he may have been a little bit more cautious?

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So he could travel?

He knew the risk if he truly was the inventor. Mrna tech killed the animals tested. He "almost died" but failed to warn the children in Hawaii. He's either a liar or an idiot.

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Maybe he did know the danger but chose to take the shot so through his travels he could be of greater service in addressing the developing crisis. I don't know what he might have advised other people at the time, he wasn't well known and had no public platform.

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my sentiments precisely!

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I’m going to come!!! Hope to meet you there, Dr. Bridle. I also hope some of your challengers grow a pair and attend as well!!!! People are so, so weird these days. I still find it hard to believe there are “professionals” and “scientists” out there that avoid talking to you and other credible experts. I guess those folks are like the “not so smart kids” in class, jealous of super smart kids like yourself. They can’t see past their own inadequacies and cling to the prevailing dogma. I wasn’t one of those super smart kids, but I at least had the self confidence and humility to recognize and appreciate critical thinking, common sense and challenges to the status quo. I’d be the one sticking up for those smart kids, and I’d be honoured to support you at the Ellington Grand on the 20th!

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Where people get off with an apparent inability to let someone change his mind is beyond me. By mid-'21 Malone realized his invention was an enormous mistake and he and Jill have done everything in their power to rectify it ever since.

I strongly suspect some people are trying to divide the medical freedom movement because it serves their interest. Divide and destroy. I understand we may disagree as to how far the Malone's have gone or should go to rectify previous errors, but I do not get that we cannot simply agree to disagree on what is perfection in this regard. Unless my suspicion is correct. It's the only thing that makes sense of this nonsense.

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Rectify as in kill innocent people?

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Be specific when you tell me how they kill innocents.

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Malone? He is so smart he invented, or helped invent, the bioweapon. Or, he is so dumb, he purports to have taken the bioweapon and been damaged from it. This is where his story makes little sense and smells bad.

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Malone is a damage controller who works to maintain his own credibility so he can sell his products which are not limited to himself!

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Agreed. If you can watch this, without puking....it's still up. In light of the destruction in Hawaii it seems even more ickky....https://budbromley.blog/2022/02/17/dr-robert-malone-in-hawaii-in-talk-story-with-children/

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i didn't puke but it sure is creepy.

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It's interesting this line of argument, but I see it from a different standpoint. Dr. Malone invented RNA technology; he did not oversee or foresee its development and current use. Many inventors later regretted their inventions, including Alfred Nobel, who created the Nobel Prize as a form of atonement after creating dynamite, looking for a safer explosive to use in construction and mining. Man's ability to misuse inventions is nothing new. https://www.globalvillagespace.com/famous-inventors-who-regretted-their-inventions/

Dr. Malone also stated on Bret Weinstein's Darkhorse Podcast that he took the shot for 2 reasons: 1. He didn't see any apparent safety signals at the time. 2. He needed to travel.

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I do not trust Robert Malone, he's a plant and he won't help find a cure for his mRNA jabs.

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Right on! Wolf in sheep's clothing. So mild mannered, so convincing-NOT!

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He is a snake. Get away.

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There's a very descriptive article on Dr Malone written by a nurse who was close to him at work. It is nothing if not totally DAMNING. He's had a long career of being a vaccine flim flam man. The guy is as phony as a 3 zloty bill. He makes my skin crawl. Don't want him, you can have him.

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Please link that article if you can.

I'd be interested in reading it.

Thank you.

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Ask him why he did not warn those Hawaiian children of the risks of the vax if it "almost" killed him. Ask him why he took the vax when he knew the danger. For a "virus that has a less than one percent fatality rate.

Please ask him, and let us know what he says.

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I trust Malone, the best interview he gave was the debate with Kirsch over mRNA way back. Kirsch was really rude and Robert kept his cool, marshalled his facts and stood his ground.

I admire the guy, tho I wish he would pull together his reasons for trashing global warming.

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I would like to point out that the Schmid, P., & Betsch, C. (2019) paper contains a glaring fallacy when it refers to the bizarre concept of "behaviours favoured by science". How can the scientific method, the evidence it turns up, or even reality itself, which is presumably the ultimate corrective that science is designed to rely on, care how a person behaves? The evidence doesn't care what we do, it just IS. Who cares what we do? Other people... with reasons, which are human reasons.

What I think that article, and others of its ilk, are aiming to be, are primers on how to game politics by fallaciously invoking "Science" as their unquestionable authority, in the never ending game people in positions of power like to play - to obtain the unthinking obedience of the lower orders, preferably without obvious arm twisting. Appeals to divine authority are no longer universally effective... maybe "Science" - remade as Legitimate Authority - will work.

The response to this should be: if you want to debate behaviours, then let's call it by the right name. Such a debate is not a science debate, it is a policy debate.

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Dr Bridle:

I am genuinely sorry to say you might risk a lot by attending an event featuring such self professed US operatives. It is especially worrisome if you are not vaccinated. Take care of yourself. PLEASE consider giving your introductory remarks via live-stream if you feel you gain something by appearing beside Dr. M. He is leveraging your credibility.

What starring role can Dr. Malone play in Toronto or Canada - introducing the idea of 5G war? Why does the media sponsor with a live panel need you physically in that theater to introduce them and Dr. Malone?

I read Malone's work and see how he hooks others into his narrative. But I am also aware of more than a few odd coincidences around him. I'll note two here saying that I don't want to later note "three strikes" with you "out", Dr. Bridle.

First, there was a Malone-centered event in the US more than a year ago (?). Good people from Canada helped put together the event which - to my understanding - Malone pulled back from, last minute (to attend virtually). At the closing conference dinner, the key organizers felt they were poisoned and ended up in grave condition in hospital. Thank goodness they survived. So they won’t speak in public about it or attend another Malone event again.

No, I cannot find public media to fully verify the poisoning experience reported by my longtime trusted friend who knows the victims directly. But I am told that the budding backer of anti-harm pro-safety position on the shots had his daughter lamed by the vaccine, so tried to organize capable professionals to discuss protecting others. At the end of the day, my friend and well-meaning potential donors said they’d never again attend a Malone event. Dear wife, Emus, chicks, horse-lovers or 16-foot yachts off the Amalfi coast, or not: To those poisoned in and around a Malone event, his Friday funnies aren’t so funny any more.

Secondly, I read his book and watched him take over the EU conference in Belgium to make closing remarks that seemed oddly appeasing to pro-vaccine pro-bioweapons makers. Seeing his videos reminds one of risks appearing with Malone. Is there just coincidence in related "died suddenly" events? There is a tribute in the book by Doctors for Covid Ethics [Palmer, M. et al.. MRNA Vaccine Toxicity. 1st ed. USA: D4CE.org, 2023. https://doctors4covidethics.org/mrna-vaccine-toxicity/.]... in remembrance of Prof. Arne Burkhardt, MD 1944 – 2023, saying, "Arne was an accomplished pathologist, who in 2021 came out of his well-earned retirement... to investigate the injury and death caused by the gene-based COVID vaccines... Less than two weeks before his death, Arne appeared healthfully presenting at the European Parliament in Brussels... (now) in our hearts forever."

My heart goes out to that Dr. Burkhardt's family. Within two weeks of his Belgian presentation, he died suddenly. And with the new variant now for Back to School shot promos, I don’t want you, dear fellow conscientious human, passing suddenly so Malone’s handlers, counter intel or chaos agents decide to make you another poster boy for the risks of not vaccinating against the next variant, and speaking out.

You know, Dr Malone speaks for himself and describes his connections and insider knowledge of the 5G War. All the victims of shots in that war may be just names in what he now calls a mass PsyOp to which he involved Prof. Desmet. Yet, people are dead and lives 'sacrificed' in this social engineering and profiteering program. Dr. M relished being the final voice on the fear mongering narratives and deadly business branded as if a public health measure.

I am not accusing Malone of anything. He has been informative in so many curious ways unrelated to his science from "his" RNA science around which he claims he is now distanced . Still, we know he's so serious about what he does that he legally ties up those who dare question his views. Some consider that behavior to be the third strike, if not the first. Ask Dr. Breggin and his wife. I don't agree with all their political views, but am grateful for their long history of good work and enjoy that they are still alive!

Having said that, clearly I don’t directly know the guy. I do know that trends we are biased to ignore can be called coincidences, until it's too well confirmed that the trend was real.

Many of us prefer to assume everyone involved in the upcoming plan for Malone to attend in Toronto involves well-meaning people including him. They want to him to appear allied with you and your good cause with him. But you don't need to introduce him. Why do they need you to attend?

Many of us would love to hear you speak and meet you in person.

So call me crazy: I prefer to read the insights written by a lock-out victim who is alive despite the ill will of Dual-Tech overlords, than visit some monument or monumental event for a hero lost to followers of the 'big shot' featured at some media event. Handlers of Big Shots use silencers including monopolistic sponsorship of mass media.

With all best wishes, please be well! And know you are appreciated even via live-stream. Being, Live is good: You are the gift.🙏🏻

Thank you for your work and voice for Good.


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I'll have to see if I can make it...looks interesting.

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Dr. Robert Malone had all the very best intentions creating this mRNA technology, unfortunately, like so many brilliant MD's and medical specialists, he was duped, tricked and paid well into this trap by the Luciferian elitist globalists. They're cunning liars and masterful deceivers and manipulators. Unless you've read the bible, you wouldn't understand how evil, they really are. The Illuminati or enlightened one's also known as The Watchers are real...YES, they are the fallen angels of the bible. Satan's fallen followers, who mated with women on earth and gave birth to the hybrid bloodlines.

13 ultra super rich families control this world. The 13 Main Families of the Illuminati -

Did you all also all know that there is a 13th horoscope sign? Yes there is, the sign of the Snake Charmer! Ophiuchus: All About the 13th Astrological Sign

By Ellen Ricks On March 10, 2021 In Astrology


Ophiuchus 13th Zodiac Sign? ~ Nov 22 to Dec 21

October 21, 2022 Ophiuchus is the Serpent holder or the snake charmer. The snake part is a constellation in it own right called Serpens. Another name for this constellation is Serpentarius, which I think is a far more evocative and pleasant sounding name, apart from it being easier to spell! The myth surrounding this constellation is that of Aesculapius, a medicine man, so gifted that he was able to perform the miraculous feat of bringing the dead back to life.

Mike Rothschild

Mike Rothschild

Updated December 6, 2018


What are the Origins of the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families?

Ellis Washington | June 9, 2021 https://www.elliswashingtonreport.com/2021/06/09/what-are-the-origins-of-the-13-illuminati-bloodline-families/

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Same as President Trump then.

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Actually yes, the same. Trump unfortunately had to play his role. But his popularity just grows.

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Because he is an American Patriot.

Ya know the whole plandemic was run by the DOD. The Generals overruled Trump and brought death and destruction to the whole planet.

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Be confident that all the reasons for not having live debates in a public forum are coverer for their lack of evidence and knowledge. No further thought need be given to their BS.

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Anyone with a brain knows nothing you say is misinformation, but rather the truth. The 💉 has proven to be a debacle of a product that cannot ever work (viruses mutate to fast)and does not. A 💉 so dangerous it drops people instantly all over. Masks are proven useless againist any virus and are toxic to the wearer from having it strapped to your face. Your detractors are cowards willing to sellout everyday people for their bottom line. These detractors should face #Nuremberg 2 for pushing everything from damaging lockdowns to the clot shot. So delusional and evil in their mindset they think they can try it again.

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Message for Katie Kovacs, are you or do you speak Hungarian? Kovacs is Hungarian, I'm Hungarian myself, Csiki, Robert aka WatchmanForTruth :)

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Yes, I'm Hungarian! Nice to meet you. Jo napot kivanok! :-)

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Please to know you Kati Kovascs, welcome to the Awakened good souls. Kérlek, hogy ismerlek Kovács Kati, üdv a felébredt jó lelkek között. :)

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