I have spent many days in Ottawa over the past several weeks and have many cherished friends and colleagues there. Under my prime minister’s newly acquired dictatorial powers, draconian measures have started to be implemented to suppress what is a peaceful and legal protest. I challenge anybody who disagrees with my assessment to seal your lips until you have been to Ottawa to make your own determination; I have no respect for those who use the mainstream media as the sole basis for any opinion these days.
Here are pictures that were taken yesterday of a very disturbing scene in Ottawa…
This woman, who uses a walker,…
Was physically trampled by a mounted police officer…
Note the man in the black pants and brown jacket that also came within inches of having his skull crushed by the Clydesdale horse.
I feel compelled to send out these images because my mailing list includes family, friends, and colleagues who have thought for almost two years now that I somehow turned into a ‘misinformation’-spewing fool whose deep, deep expertise should be ignored in favour of our ever-altruistic prime minister and public health leaders. After all, the latter obviously know all there is to know about vaccines, masks, and everything else that has been misused for the past two years.
Many of these same people have been happily peddling the mainstream media’s messaging about Canada’s Freedom Convoy 2022, while absolutely refusing to go to our capital of Ottawa to verify what is happening with their own eyes and ears.
These are the same people who still think that Trudeau loves all Canadians and simply needs to apply a strong hand for wee bit of time to ensure that we are looked after better than we can look after ourselves.
Do you know what the initial messaging was from many of Trudeau’s remaining supporters when they saw the above incident unfold on media? They actually tried to argue that this lady had to be ‘taken down’ because she threw a bicycle at the police (many video clips showed an ill-defined wheeled vehicle in the scene). As you can now clearly see, the ‘weaponized bicycle’ was actually a walker. This lady was attempting to reason with police officers. She sought to be a voice of reason.
To those on my mailing list that still insist on regurgitating mainstream media’s propaganda, wake up! You are now part of the problem in Canada. Anyone that is not actively supporting taking back our freedoms as Canadians is complicit and, therefore, contributing to the destruction of our free democracy. I understand that many people are too afraid to go to Ottawa to make any judgements for themselves. Indeed, I can tell you that it is downright frightening to see with you own eyes the complete disconnect between what many of our political, health, and media power brokers are saying and what the reality is. Once one comes to appreciate how willing they are to lie about something that can be so easily verified as false, one also begins to question how many of the much less verifiable messages were lies as well.
Since the mainstream media has become a hotbed of misinformation, it is impossible to get accurate numbers; I have seen estimates from various polls ranging from less than half of Canadians to as many as two-thirds being in support of having a person with dictatorial powers at the helm of our country. Regardless of where the real number lies in this range, this means there are far too many Canadians who are complacent with what is going on, or, remarkably, still ignorant to the world that compatriots who question the ‘narrative’ live in.
Some of Trudeau’s supporters will, laughably, try to argue that images like the one above are only suggestive of ‘rare occurrences’. Any incident like this in the capital of my country is too much. However, his same supporters are the ones that happily floated rare images from Ottawa of flags with the horrid swastika to try to mislabel the vast majority of those protesting discriminatory public health policies. These are the same people who, to avoid being hypocrites, will be compelled tell you that you are not vacationing in Jamaica because they captured an image of a Canadian in the street.
With images like the ones above, you can just imagine how Trudeau’s ongoing supporters will continue to justify keeping their blinders on. After all, this is the caption that many of them would have insisted that I add to the images above…
“Misogynistic white supremacist hurls a state-of-the-art wheeled weapon of mass destruction at police. Said police had to literally send in the cavalry and trample this criminal for the security and welfare of the entire nation of Canada.”
…I believe this is the type of thinking that I am expected to adopt if I am going to have any chance of surviving Canada’s new dictatorship.
Meanwhile, the man lying under the back end of the horse in the images above was rumoured to have uttered ‘I looked up and thought I saw my prime minister’.
For those who don’t know me well enough, this kind of tongue-in-cheek dark humour is a desperate cry for help. My country is in really big trouble.
Truly, my sincere condolences go out to the two individuals who were literally trampled in this incident. The fact that we have got to this point is evidence that we have utterly failed as a nation to uphold reasonable values.
God, please help my country!!!
Such gratitude for you and all those on the right side of history, Dr. Bridle. Sending healing prayers 🙏🏻🇨🇦
How Utterly Despicable our own government has become, how is it that any Liberal or NDP Politician could contemplate voting to confirm the Emergencies Measure Act? To do so with these images in hand would confirm for all to see that we have lost our democracy.
I call on Liberal & NDP Members of Parliament to reject this lurch towards Authoritarianism.
Vote no on Monday