Oh my goodness! People are still running away from you? They’re not afraid of Covid. They’re afraid of the truth.

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They are protecting their source of income and the University doesn’t want the research dollars to dry up!

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And that is cowardly! Our greatest commodity is our humanness and our capacity for love and compassion. May those at the University who are more concerned about money, and hopefully you're not speaking for them, remember who they really are

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Jen, you have the simplest comment and it illicits the most likes.. Well said! When people commit to something ( truth or not) they stick with it to blend with everyone else. True mavericks don't bend to other people wishes. It takes much courage to go against the crowd!!

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In response to you, Dr Bridle, I will state my favorite quote from Andrew Jackson;

"One man with courage makes a majority!"

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They're not afraid of truth so much as afraid of someone who dares stand up and speak the truth, who thus proves it is possible to do so, who thus proves that they are in fact cowards and liars.

Wisdom 2: "12 Where is he, the just man? We must plot to be rid of him; he will not lend himself to our purposes. Ever he must be thwarting our plans; transgress we the law, he is all reproof, depart we from the traditions of our race, he denounces us. 13 What, would he claim knowledge of divine secrets, give himself out as the son of God? 14 The touchstone, he, of our inmost thoughts; 15 we cannot bear the very sight of him, his life so different from other men’s, the path he takes, so far removed from theirs! ..."

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What a great man you are Dr. Bridle. Thank you for your courage. If the world had more like you we wouldn’t be where we are today.

All the best.

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Dr Bridle. I am a UofG grad and Naturopathic Doctor (retired). I listened to your infamous interview at the time and actually called your office right away, I was so grateful for the information you shared. I too believed that people would want to hear this information. I too have lost friends and family over my choice to speak truth. I have followed you ever since. I want you to know how much I appreciate you and have drawn strength from watching someone from a place I know so well stand tall while those around them slinked away. You truly are a rose among thorns. You bring honour to UofG and to the grads like me who also value truth and integrity. All the best to you and yours. Thank you for everything.

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Beautiful message!

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Yes. The good doctor is a real man.

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Well said! Like many who are still capable of critical thinking and research, I know all too well the personal losses most of us have experienced.

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Meg, you are one who comprehends internally and emotionally what you are feeling...only a woman can do that, and put it into words.

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This brought me to tears. You are one of my heroes and I've followed you these past years. What you've gone through is unconscionable and I've been waiting for so long for this day to come. I wish you could feel a big hug from me in NH!

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Agree completely with Susie and a hug from Texas, too.

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And a hug from Montana!

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Make that two from Montana.

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Make that three from Montana

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I also felt quite emotional reading this ... all the way from Cape Town, South Africa

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Same here from the UK.

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And Indiana! Thank you!

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From Detroit stay strong 💪🏼 thank you ❤️

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And big hugs from down the 401 in Mississauga Ontario!

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And MinneSnowta too!

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Hugs from Australia

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Big, warm hugs from South Carolina and Oregon. We love you, Dr. B!!

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And Colorado, too!

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Massive huge hugs form Italy too Dr Byram - have followed you since the beginning and am so thrilled for you. ❤

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add a hug from not too far away, West Nipissing, in Ontario

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You are a Canadian Hero. Thank you for everything you have done and all of the sacrifices you made to speak the truth ❤️

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For sure!

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Dr. Bridle,

It is amazing how time flies. You are in good company. Dr. Scott Atlas and Jay Bhattacharya were treated similarly, but now are going to be part of the solution. Dr. Atlas experienced the same conduct at Stanford university. I was able to speak with him after a lecture on his experience trying to advise his government early on in the first term of Trump. He expressed how surprised he was how colleagues abandoned him for wanting to serve his country. He said he lost a lot of friends. I pointed out to him that they were not his friends and that as a result of his decision he gain new friends and he paused and said yes. Those new friends are much more solid as a whole. Dr. Bhattacharya is now nominated to be the head of the NIH wow! With new leadership comes new opportunity. Thanks for hanging in there and for the constant updates, new leadership is coming to Canada and with that new opportunities. Best, Ron

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Yes, and I pray you get your lab back asap!

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BUT! Didnt Bhattacharya promote the fake vaccines? The killer shots? Or has he changed his stand on that since the abudant evidence.has been exposed??

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It’s sad to think that those colleagues you describe as still having some degree of Brydal Derangement Syndrome, are allowed anywhere near students. I would consider them unfit for their teaching roles until they demonstrate a clearly defined ability for critical thinking, (with you in the room).

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I totally agree and have lost all respect for universities that mandated the shots. Those dummies are teaching science to our future teachers, doctors, and scientists and don't do the proper research themselves. They have no respect for our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They have no right to be teaching our children. My grandson, after two years at UWO, is not going back. Very sad as he is very smart with great marks. He is going to start his own business. I love that your youngest son is powerful with his extra love chromosome. He is blessed to have you as a father. You are a Canadian Hero.

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Those "dummies" aren't teaching science. They are indoctrinating youth into their own particular prejudices. You are entirely right they should never be allowed near any student ever again.

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Love your post.

Trudeau and the courts have no respect for the Charter of rights and freedoms. It was a beautiful document, but only as good as the people who interpret them. No freedom of speech, no freedom to petition our government, no freedom of movement...when you are denied just one, they all fall. Good leadership is critical.

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"RUDEope TRUDOPE and the courts have no respect for the Charter of rights and freedoms."


When you have people in the CYSTem telling you the courts are prejudicially biased then it has to be true. I have had discussions with Judges and JP's and other officers of the court who have openly agreed that the courts are prejudicially biased and the OPP and other law enforcement agencies are also prejudicially biased too. They trend to "CONSPIRE" with the corrupt CYSTEM.

I have proof of that, valid proof the CYSTem refuses to admit but which I intend jamming down their throats in an open forum manner. Corruption MUST be exposed to the people.

Right now the TURDO and the LPC and the NDP are pushing for firearm banning in the same "modus operandi" that was imposed on Britain and New Zealand and is already planned for the rest of the western world. How do I know? I been tracking things from age 18 and have seen it happen to the two nations I spoke of. They target high power rifles, then shotguns and then rim fire guns of less power until ALL guns are gone. Wise men like Bruce Montague stated decades ago when firearm registration was pushed by Chretien of the LPC that after all guns are registered, they will be confiscated. And that is what happened in other countries and what is now happening here.

I have read that NOFREELAND might be vying for the LPC leadership and I find that plausible. Turdo has wrecked Canada and NOFREELAND might be lined up to finish the job. This whole scenario might have been planned in advance.

The same end is and will happen. Canuckistan will be totally disarmed UNLESS the good guys get it to the Supreme Court and that court rules gun banning as non constitutional.

My minister who I have confidence in told the congregation last year that things are bad but they will only get worse. I believe him. If guns are all banned then the nation will be a banana republic run by an oligarch. Then you will get the same stalinist laws as in Britain where a doctor can rule a patient to be subject to MAID. (medical assistance in dying)

As I said before, the statues of Adolph and Mussolini, Mao and Stalin must be put on display because western nations are fast becoming DICKtatorships guiltier than Germany when the Holocaust happened. The only difference is that the enemy of Freedom and Justice here is Turdo and NOFREELAND.

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Regarding NOFREELAND, please remember that she is on the executive of WEF and being a Rhodes Scholar possibly gives her the capacity for more evil, IMHO, than most.

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You have a pretty name and I am interested in them. How did you come by that name? Were you named after an aunt, grandmother, etc?

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You nailed it. Unfit indeed because after over 3 years they still believe the falsehoods they were told back then. There are many people who believed the falsehoods 3 years ago, but now have come to see that they were lied to. Those people are still hanging on to the lies.

Either they are protecting their money interests or are too stupid to be in position to teach others and it’s they who should face consequences.

But acting like he still has the plague is childish. There is a reason he was allowed back into his office. He was right and innocent from the get go!

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Very happy to hear you are back in your office and hopefully access to your lab will soon follow. Thank you for everything. I will never forget hearing your interview when you discussed the results of the Japanese study. Meanwhile our wonderful PM was also on the radio around the same time telling everyone to get whatever shot they could and it was OK to mix and match. If there is any justice you will soon be back in your lab and he will be down the road to perdition. May the road rise to meet you Dr Bridle and may the wind be always at your back.

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Our "wonderful?" PM is complicit in selling Fauci's 2002 patented dangerous, US banned Nov 2015, Sars-CoV2 bioweapon to Gates owned Wuhan Lab (since 2000), Dec 2015, for $500 million and a $40 kickback on every dose sold worldwide. In 2022, he sent all Canadian Military budget and equipment, along with $30 billion to the Ukraine to protect his Pharmaceutical companies from being bombed by Russia (nothing else). This equipment was then used against the Ukrainian residents by the criminal prisoners, who were let out of jail and paid to attack their own people - to make it look like it was Russia attacking them. In Nov 2022, Trudeau sold the Crown Corporation of Canada to CCP (Asian Bank), on the SEC - Securities Exchange Commission. In 2018, he sold Canada's Gold and Lithium mines to the CCP, and the Ramada Hotel chain - used during "CoVID-19" to quarantine (Gates 2010 patented Certificate of Vaccine ID-AI). He is responsible for Treason against humanity, world genocide, child trafficking, murder and so much more. He is acting under the control and orders of the elite, including Bill Gates, Klaus Schwaab ... I have evidence to back these statements.

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" I have evidence to back these statements. "

Care to share it?

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You will find info that points to the evidence in this article, https://sterry448.substack.com/p/canada-is-a-foreign-government-not?r=pvup8

There is significantly more... that will fill volumes, going back to his stepfather Pierre Elliot - (Castro is his father) handing the Bank of Canada over to the Rothschild's in 1974.

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Thank you for the link!

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To God goes the glory. This is good news for sure. Your voice mattered a lot. It will matter more in the days ahead. Thank you and your family for remaining steadfast. My decision and choices were made from people like you. Thank God for your amazing intellect. Millions of people are thankful for you and others, like (Dr.Malone).

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Cockroaches. Your wife is so correct!

Blessings to you & your family🙏

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Welcome back, Dr Bridle! I’m so proud of you, fellow Canadian for always speaking the truth to us! Yes, you are indeed a rose among the thorns! God bless you and your lovely family!

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Welcome back. Sue them for millions.

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Congratulations on your well deserved and long awaited victory….the victory of having the morals and IQ to stand for the truth and get back what should have never been taken from you. I sincerely hope that there will be restitution to you that will hit the pocketbooks of those responsible, so that it will be a hard slap reminder of the cruelty they inflicted upon you, the lies they told and the science that they failed uphold….and that they will hopefully never, ever do this to someone so wonderful and innocent ever again. U of G is close to home for me and it always stood as a wonderful teaching facility for many of us, both close by and afar. They have now tainted my image, but then all public educational facilities have throughout this last four years. Regardless, they now have the brightest of the bright back and I hope and pray that more will follow in your footsteps and become true teaching and researching humanitarians. Best of luck to our hero who stood for us. Your kindness and unwavering ethics will never be forgotten ❤️

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From the bottom of my ❤️ thank you for all of your sacrifices. You are a true Canadian Hero ( and throughout the world) because you did what others were too afraid to do!

May God Bless you!

Ps- because of you I did not take the crap and feel you saved me from suffering . I already had issues that I’m sure would have been worsened.

Thank you, Thank you

Have a Wonderful and Merry Christmas


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Dr. Bridle has saved many from death and injury.

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So glad to hear you are at least back in your office, however, not letting you into your lab makes no sense at all.

I'm really disappointed in U of G. My husband was a professor there. I spent a ton of time in his office, and in his lab. I was shocked that they have stooped to such a low level. My husband was smart to leave when he did. He would have had real issues with the way they treated you.

Keep fighting. Get back into your lab. I greatly respect your honesty, and the courage to call out the scam that was COVID.

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Hooray! Welcome back to your office, though I'm sorry to hear about your colleagues who continue to treat you like a pariah. People are weird, evil, stunted, twisted, darkened souls scurrying around in lies. Keep walking in truth and light and hopefully at least some of the cockroaches will wake up.

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