I just read on another substack ( hope it's true ) : Baby Will was transfused with unvaxxed blood.

Quote: Good news update video included in twitter replies. Per Will's father, gov was apparently afraid of what would happen if something went wrong, so pure blood was obtained for the surgery."

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I hope this is true and that Baby Will is thriving, and that his parent regain immediate custody of their child. I would be going insane if I had a child now!

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I pray this is the case

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very doubtful that that happened given the tight timing between his abduction and surgery

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I agree. Very doubtful. Or, even IF the blood WAS unvaxxed (and I doubt it), the next ones won't be. They work hard to normalize, normalize, normalize all their state control and evil.

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Oh I don’t know. Given all the attention this is getting I could see the hospital choosing the path of best outcome just for publicity sake. I WOULD doubt that they would actually ADMIT that they did it. It seems more likely they would say they used banked “unknown” blood but use unvaxxed blood for safety of their reputation.

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I live in NZ. I wait to see what Wills father really said.

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If it’s of any consolation that FOIA you issued has indeed been invaluable and was indeed very likely a major reason then baby stood a chance.

I’m so sorry.

You certainly helped me a lot and am eternally grateful.

This is politics/ tyranny. Not science and for for never was and never will

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Good point. That FOIA was the turning point for me. I had nearly decided to take the jab (required to return to the workplace). I had just watched some lovely comforting CDC animations showing how "the vaccine stays in the deltoid muscle", when I read about the Japanese biodistribution study, courtesy of Dr. Bridle. So instead of getting jabbed I found a new place to make a living, and took up a new hobby learning about COVID-19, the genetic vaccines, and our captured regulatory system. Many thanks Dr. Bridle for turning over that rock and revealing the dangerous truth beneath the surface.

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It is the responsibility of blood services to ensure the blood they are using is safe. This was a problem when we first encountered HIV and became a national scandal that put the Red Cross out of the transfusion business. It is time to acknowledge that vaccinated blood does carry with it the potential for harm and institute a waiting period...you suggest 4 months...but that could be based on future data which will give us a time frame when the spike protein/mRNA are no longer shed. And we should also be routinely testing all blood for the presence of spike protein. In the future, we are going to look back at this debacle in shock and horror, wondering what society was thinking, having not learned our lesson from past mistakes.

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Canada Blood Services also claims no knowledge of any hepatitis class action settlement for tainted blood. That cost taxpayers 1 Billion dollars.


What will this one cost us?

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After the tainted blood scandals in Canada it really is astounding that this is still going on. It seems like all the mistakes and ignorant moves of the past are being repeated and amplified and these authorities still don't seem to be getting it.

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What are the odds they are all screwing up, and all curiously in the worst directions.

It would be so easy to salvage a political career right now by being the first person to charge Pfizer and Moderna with crimes against humanity, racketeering, genocide, bioterrorism etc.

They 😝😭are all that chicken shit ?

They all think climate fagoals are more pressing for survivalthan addressing 40+% rise in all cause mortality?’

They all care so much about Ukrainian sovereignty

It’s worth nuclear war and freezing Europe to death (Germany) and starving them not long after (Netherlands)?

It’s not the governments that are naïve unfortunately... it is us :(

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(This isn’t heard towards you personally just venting so if it seems like I’m insulting you or singling you out im not you just sparked it)

It’s not incompetence we we witnessing at this point it is high treason.

It’s an intelligence coup d’état... they aren’t going to get it. Why do you think we’re being trained so hard and fast to live in China? China is not using mRNA shots so much so that Chinese nationals can get sinovac in Germany but not Germans... Germans can get mRNA now in China but but sinovac?

Why does every major sector seem to be being intentionally strangled to death ? Because they are...

Plan is to do as much damage as possible until even those who have been awake get caught off guard.

The shot is a DoD product, bypasses all standard manufacturing and distribution chains, DoD owns it up until injection...

Why do you think countries are cool with paying billions for something they are prohibited from testing in any way, ie they technically have on clue what it is and those at the top know damned well .

Put it this way: no matter how much you love vaccines and are vaccine cultist for arguments sake no one, NO ONE would still be buying these and not suing for fraud if they were actually expecting what the jab makers promised...

If this was about public health amd coronavirus someone have formally sued by now for flagrant fraud.

What are all the world leaders doing, trying to sign pandemic treaty which any sane responsible statesperson would, after the last 3 years, laughing at the prospect of signing away sovereignty to the shittiest health authority on earth.

They are rushing to implement CDBC

Absurd Climate goals and austerity.

There are is out of touch politicians , but they are all basically criminally out of touch? Or are they in touch but with other goals?

Why are they all rushing at break neck speed to sign away any and every fiber of freedom we have while continuing to blast out the domestic propaganda.

Sure they are doing modified hangouts and limited hangouts but that’s just to buy more time by bewildering the sheep and for the awake to feel progress and let guard down / bicker amongst the populace yet again.

What they did was internationally and domestically illegal in nearly every country regarding coercion of shots.

Breaking all 10 pts of Nuremberg code and pretending they have never heard of it or that it doesn’t apply??


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If they can run rtPCR with CT40 for two years on anyone with a sniffle or before a family dinner, it does not seem impossible to test the donated blood, with a confirmatory N antigen for any donor who has not been vaxxed.

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Ohhhhh...the Rumble video gave me some hope...thank you for posting that.

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That was an update. The baby is still in the hospital. The baby she's carrying is a twin. She states they just came out from seeing Will.

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Yes, you are right. Thank you for correcting it. I thought at first that the baby was with the parents but it looks like you are correct.

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I feel bad for correcting you. I just didn't want anyone coming down on you for' Misinfo'! Lol. Not really funny though.

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No no, I welcome corrections if I am wrong. In fact, I appreciate them. It's much better when we all have good info, and I am certainly capable of making mistakes. I got excited by an update posted in comments to my article, and as much as I am bummed out that the baby is still not with the parents, we better have the correct info. So, thank you!!

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You are most welcome! Blessings!

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Yes, I understood that, but the father made a comment about baby will receiving unjabbed blood and the mom taps him to say not to say anything more.....

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Yes. I saw that. Great news! Hopefully it's true.

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I used to think child sacrifice was a barbaric practice which had died out. How wrong I was. Perhaps we don’t leave children on mountainsides to die of exposure to appease the Gods but the mistreatment of children in this pandemic is widespread and casual.

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Yes. Throw in abortion and harvesting of live organs from fetuses, and we are back in the days when people threw their babies into the raging fire of Moloch...so they could have a good harvest.

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I saw this was posted in several locations today. I resisted watching it. I did not want to watch the mother screaming and crying for her precious baby. Then your Substack came into my inbox. So. I watched it. And I feel sick at heart. Panic rising in my own body just watching this poor family being treated this way. I will never forget this. Never. Boiling mad. Deeply sad.

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Tessa in the comments posted this Rumble video link.....there is something to be hopeful about....worth watching and it is not upsetting. https://rumble.com/v1zq1m2-statement-by-cole-and-sam-9th-dec-2022.html

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Let's assume for a moment, spike proteins are carcinogenic (Not saying they are)

How many spike proteins would be required to trigger a carcinogenic process? Just one? A hundred? A thousand?

How much dioxin (agent orange) was required to cause birth defects, cancers and other nasty conditions?

How many asbestos particles are required to trigger mesothelioma?

Remember, most genotoxic substances do not present with acute or immediate effect. Many are delayed for years. Some might present early. More present later.

Remember also, it isn't only cellular DNA at risk, but also the mitochondrial DNA too. This is not secured away in the nucleus, but is found in the cells cytoplasm.

And there is some evidence of mitochondrial DNA damage occuring due to spike protein. In vitro and in pathology reports.

There are now multiple stories of advanced and rapidly developing cancers appearing. Or episodes of crippling fatigue/brain fog and exercise intolerance reported.

It sure makes you wonder doesn't it.

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Scary how rare thought exercises like yours are . Probably because thought is an endangered species.

Good post

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Being mindful of historic precedent and exercising cautionary principles and adherence to proven ethical standards , particularly in experimental medical settings are exactly the kinds of “far right extremism “ Trudeau, Jacynda et all are trying so hard to outlaw , for our safety!

Also they are carcinogenic if I am not mistaken, although mechanisms may be more indirect than usual will try to comment hand with source other than the insane rise of cancer and “turbo cancers “ abundantly clear from government statistics.

Just take the 93+ Canadian doctors that “died suddenly” note the ages and just how many were cancer. Even a case of prion disease ffs.


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I had the exact same reaction. Our world is becoming almost unbearably evil. It seems impossible to grasp sometimes.

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This sort of thing has been happening since long before covid-19, e.g. when parents disagree with doctors about the appropriateness of a given cancer therapy.

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This shit needs to stop. NOW. Parents only have the right to determine treatment...


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OMG. I saw that this morning on Maajid Nawaz's Twitter. He 'gets' the globalist stuff. As a mother and as a human my BLOOD RAN COLD. Every day it's a further incursion into our humanity. The dad was half right: They ARE CRIMINALS, but even more, they're deviants colluding with pure evil. This IS a spiritual war.

Addendum: Must admit I'm a bit surprised at the faith and trust lots of readers give the med systems. I help on a team gathering global obit data, and if you saw the dead babies, children, teens, and young adults in obits daily that we see, these readers might not retain their trust in "health" systems.

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Wow. So horrible

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JustANobody, Horrifying. And we do NOT include them if they suggest longtime illness, accident, OD, or suicide. No elderly. Like others; we're only interested in the effects of the jab. Had a little girl yesterday. No word on why. If it was occasional, then, yes, life is unpredictable. This isn't "unpredictable life"; it's global genocide. Anyone can look and see.

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Can you share a link? It is awful. No words in the English language to describe what's happening.

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I don't want to invite despair in others. It's hard on the body and soul to read obits. I don't recommend it. Feel free to read the obits for your locale or region or anywhere. The jabs were genocide. But not a flood. A drip, drip, drip so nobody would really notice unless they're looking. Like a leaky faucet. But hundreds of millions probably see it clearly; and the KEY is that if our media still functioned, JOURNALISTS would be delivering this info. Media is all purchased by govs, and govs don't answer to citizens.

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I understand that reason. It's hard because I can get folks to see it in my area but then they believe it's the exception. We live in a small town of 6700. Next biggest city is 12 miles away withless than 100, 000 th. I appreciate what you are saying. Thank you.

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Be well! Stay healthy and hopeful and positive. It's a spiritual war and God and nature WIN. Don't ask me how. Do what you can. Can't force other people's eyes to open. You can only do what you can do. Stay connected to source!

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The surgeons commented that not only RBCs but other blood products such as albumin might be needed, and they felt it was unlikely enough unvaccinated blood products would be made available. Whatever the merits of this argument, there arises the technical question of blood filtration - to my knowledge, there is already a measure in place to “spin down” transfusion blood to rid it of excess proteins and antibodies. A transfusion scientist could help us here…

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It has also been happening when parents go to give birth. No shot, no service. Kept alone without support persons in many instances.

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I want to take this moment to thank you for all you have and are doing. You and other people are heroes. Why on earth would NZ doc take even a small chance with this baby’s life? How could an officer of the peace partake in these actions? These people at this point are monsters now as they have been devoured by their Covid ideology. Frightening.

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This is the most disgusting criminal act! Canada Blood Services will not even acknowledge concerns about this, and have not since early Jan , 2022.Canada also has some laws, and will likely implement more with their global agenda, to prevent people from providing their own blood.

So Canadians, wake up - this could be happening to you!

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I live in Adelaide, South Australia, but grew up in New Zealand, some 70 years ago. As Kiwis we had immense pride. We were intelligent, balanced, fair, democratic, humane, and amongst the leading nations across the entire globe. Our punch was far more that our weight. Past 2 years I have witnessed destruction of all the Kiwi values I was brought up with.


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For sure, this was hard to watch. Day by day, many things look so unreal!

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