What were ‘vaccine passports’ if not the physical and digital embodiments of vaccine mandates, and the discrimination against, segregation, punishment and disenfranchisement of those who chose not to take the shots?

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I agree Jerry. As small business owners in Ontario, we took a substantial ‘hit’ to our business when we decided to let employees determine if they would take the shot. Not one of us took it. It was also our policy to allow our employees to use their better judgement re masks. To stand by our principles was costly in many ways.

Personally and professionally, we lost income, connection with family, the right to travel and to take part in society because we did not have the ‘vaccine passport’.

We were vocal about our decisions and did not hide behind fake passports. For us, that would have meant sly adherence to something evil which needs to be called out.

Thank you Dr. Bridle for your voice throughout this time. You helped keep me sane.

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And thank you to you too for not giving in.

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Exactly Right!

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I am of the mind that anyone offering fake passports created a new class of liars, bound to each other in a lie. This puts me at odds with some who think fake passports are acceptable. I feel it also furthered the mayhem, and supported a sick system. Thanks for your comment, Jerry.

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I agree as it screwed the numbers of unvaccinated vs vaccinated. I know nurses that waited until the last day and cried while they were violated. I say violated because something was being pushed into their body that they did not want. I know other health workers and teachers that lost their homes. What happens to them is unforgivable! We haven’t even touched on those that lost their children or people denied a visit in hospitals and nursing homes. All the trauma, all the suicides, and division. It’s horrendous.

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Thanks for sharing this.

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While I agree with that point of view I don't hold it against anyone for cheating. When society is doing literal war crimes on you then cheat your ass off. Just don't get caught like Antonio Brown LMAO. Only the elites get to cheat you see.

I much prefer people standing their ground like Irving & Djokovic but I totally understand cheating on this one. Those who caved in I can't understand. If you will not stand up for your own bodily autonomy then when will you? Never. At least the cheats are fighting back.

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Over the last 3 years of this mayhem, Canada was never a country where cheating was required or justified.

I say that because at places where enough people stood their ground, mandates were never introduced. There was critical mass.

Cheating allows the dividers and conquerors to just go about their merry way.

Trudeau at every step did what he thought he should do not for the good of Canadians or of the country but in order to get votes, stay in power and brown-nose to those he wanted to impress at the WEF, UN, China or wherever.

Having said all this, would I have cheated if I had to, sure

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And in a twisted way I admire the cheaters' creativity LOL.

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Could not agree more, TRM.

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It isn't cheating using a fake vaccine passport. It's protection from murderers and body assaulters. It's protection from criminals allowed to subvert the law.

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The concept of scientific proof involves openness to vigorous debate and scrutiny through peer review. It is a tenet of western free civilisation that one be able to question and be questioned on matters of importance.

An individual charged of a crime is granted a defence lawyer to test the facts and is to be provided with all information relevant to the case. Likewise, the prosecution is provided with the facts and expertise to justify their charges. Everything is tested at trial.

When we eliminate or punish debate, we essentially admit that our position is wrong. I believe in matters of personal health, it is not wrong to disobey information that has not been openly debated and we believe is harmful to us an individuals. I do not impose those beliefs on others as it is far too serious a matter both morally and in regard to culpability.

I would refuse blood letting by leaches today. Impaired driving is commonly understood as harmful to society today. These were once acceptable but through public experience have been proven to be dangerous. Likewise the law requiring the use of seat belts has experientially been tested for its validity. I remember when it was introduced in Ontario, many people tucked their seatbelt under their arm.

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"Impaired driving is commonly understood as harmful" - It can be PROVEN to be dangerous 100% of the time with a driving simulator and a bottle of booze.

"I would refuse blood letting by leaches" - Me too. Here again it can be PROVEN to be useless 100% of the time by testing it.

That is where the scientific method rules the roost. No "trusting, following or believing" in science. Those words are not in it. Repeatability and falsifiability are in it.

Thanks to Ḥasan Ibn al-Haytham and Sir Francis Bacon we have had a millennia of progress. We abandon it now at our own peril.

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There are times when cheating is virtuous. This is one of them!

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Tell that to the Jews, Gypsies and gays and anti-Nazi clergy in WW2. They got fake papers to get them out of the country or escape enslavement and death.

While not engaging in forgery is preferable, it is better said that it is preferable when there is no rational reason to engage in forgery. People who KNEW the government was lying about these shots, and that should have been everyone given how obvious it was, had a near moral obligation to get fake documents.

As Thomas Jefferson said:

“when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government...”

Put another way, if your government behaves illegally and against your liberties and interests, you have a duty to disobey them.

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The use of a forged vaxpass is a sign that one has given up on Canada. In my opinion, it is only justified if used to escape this country (much like your example from WW2).

For those hoping that this country can recover from the nightmarish deception of the past three years, the only hope is to not play the game, stand one's ground, and look for like-minded people to build a movement.

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I actually agree. It is far preferable to have refused to accept tyranny and fight back in all ways. I know people who have received these passes and doctors who wrote them. While the correct answer was not to play a game where you are a subject with either move, I refuse to judge anyone who used this method to save their jobs, families, homes and relationships this way.

As for giving up on Canada, it would be great to know what percentage of the Canadian people actually want to fight for a free and classically liberal Canada, and how many actually like the direction its going. Knowing if its worth fighting is 100% dependant on that data.

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I agree, for some folks with children and reliant on a paycheque to put food on the table, particularly those working for large organizations, the fake passes were a pragmatic solution.

The strength of the convoy protest in Ottawa was a barometer for the anti-mandate sentiment in Canada. Undoubtedly, for every individual adult who made the pilgrimage there in February 2022, there are certainly several more who sympathized with the movement. Would be interesting to know those figures, but I'm pretty sure that it is in the millions. Those are the ones fighting for a free, classically (small "l") liberal Canada.

The sad part is the number of Canadians that bought (and still hold onto) the propagandized message that, in the words of Dear Leader, the convoy supporters are "a small, fringe minority of misogynistic, anti-science white supremacists that take up space".

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Yes but the ones who don't get a pass on fake passports were doctors who pushed the vaccines on others and refused health exemptions. I hear there were doctors in the CPSO with fake vaccine passports but who have attacked courageous doctors who outed the vaccine harms.

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Remember in Nazi Germany it was a crime to hide the jews but legal to kill them. Think seriously on that for a moment as we look at the forced vaccine mandate that carried consequence of job loss or not attending school which brings a whole host of new problems such as depression loss of homes suicide poverty etc. Then who really is the evil person here. Most definitely those who enforced vaccine mandates.

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EXACTLY. The government got exactly what it wanted from industry. Mandates. That was the plan all along. This is just prevarication from Moore to try and justify the government's own actions.

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Wait until everyone realizes there was no covid virus, no Spanish flu, no polio, etc. The lie is much much bigger and more sinister than anyone has realized


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I'm twice vaccinated (no boosters) because it was required for my job. Otherwise I would not have been. I definitely agree that those public health officials responsible for enabling that kind of coercion apologize and resign. I would even wish to explore more severe criminal sanctions for those people if they're available and appropriate.

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Seeing these guys in court and vigorously cross-examined would be a dream come true.

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I suspect it would end up like the cross examination of the federal government team that implemented the travel restrictions: no one was actually a decision maker, the order came from somewhere else, etc etc.

The whole response is an exercise in diffusing responsibility. A vast, impenetrable web of

government agencies, NGOs, private corporations, think tanks, supranational organizations like the EU, etc etc. No one is ultimately responsible because of all the moving parts. A cynic might say that it is designed with a lack of accountability in mind.

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Or like the magistrate who shockingly absolved totalitarian Trudeau of wrongdoing in the response to the Truckers protest.

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Just like the “vaccine” adverse events, it’s the perfect crime all the way around. Despicable.

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Perfect crime but can be exposed.

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I would love to face them in court but I think they would be too scared to face my questions and exposes. We have lame lawyers but the vaccine travel mandate lawyers did a good job. They trapped the government and criminal charges should be issued against those involved in the travel mandates but we are in a banana Republic unfortunately.

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Only once the courts drop the 'judicial notice' act and begin to actually look at the evidence can this happen.

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I know of a number of people who had the jab, because they would flat out lose their jobs, no alternatives were given.

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I am one.

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Me too.

I walked.

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Well done, Ynona! Much admiration.

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Me too. I was an RN. I retired (was 63, had planned to within 6 months anyway). Spent 2 1/2 months on unpaid leave though. And spent a couple hundred bucks on rapid antigen tests that was never refunded. I doubt I'd have any legal recourse at this point, since I *did* retire.

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Yes, I know at least 5 people that only got the jabs to keep their job. Why can’t all these people that were coerced into the jabs file a class action lawsuit?

But the worst part is that these mandates are still in place. They are not going away it seems. To me that should be the focus.

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Force I would still look into treatments to lower or clear your system of spike proteins apparently they did target certain age groups and area codes, but the other batches were well their protocols are haphazard according to Sasha Lapytova.

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The death penalty is the only fitting punishment for these kinds of crimes against humanity

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Keep fighting back friends! The charade is unraveling. I have a BC Human Rights case against my employer and am grateful to the work of people like Dr. Bridle for giving me the scientific ammunition to do it.

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Can't agree with your more when you advocate for this:

"It seems to me that people like Dr. Moore who failed to protect the vulnerable, and all administrators at institutions that failed to follow the advice that COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ be recommended, not mandated, and that alternative strategies be provided, should do the right thing and…

"Promptly apologize to all those they harmed and coerced.

"Resign immediately.

"It is also my opinion that every person who was removed from their job or education program immediately be offered their positions again with full back-pay or substantial financial compensation packages for those who either cannot return or do not want to return to poisoned environments."

In my opinion our "press" should be turned upside down and shaken to find out why this and other facts were not being questioned and answered.

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You only have to look at the Toronto Star that (as far as I recall the wording used) published with a headline that said "let them die" (the unjabbed) to find out how good the press is in Canada at questioning "facts".

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No kidding. And I remember that front page. This, and other examples, is the reason I think the press needs to be raked over the coals, not given a pass. There should be an independent public inquiry on all of this, no hold barred.

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Agree. In Western Australia we have a newspaper with 82% daily market share which happens to be owned by billionaire Kerry Stokes. He also owns tv channel 7 nationally in Australia. This same bloke made hundreds of private text messages to our dictator State Premier (text conversation revealed in a court case unrelated to COVID that was ordered by the Judge for transparency) regarding the so called pandemic. With so many Western Australians relying on one source of news (Stokes is a vaccine zealot and fully supported the lockdowns) which is also disseminated through a person gaining financial advantage from the outcomes of that news we were in deep trouble from the outset. This continues to today.

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Exactly. The truth was available to anyone willing to seek it out.

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I remember that article. The death threats, loss of friends and family, job loss, no e.i.

The masses did not care if we lost everything and became homeless. Still, living off savings after selling my home and can't find a job in Ontario. Brutal!!

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They were all bureaucratic and technocratic cowards who willingly wanted to be part of the false narrative so that they could share in the same strategy of power and control; any harm or benefit to the general population was the least consideration involved in their pathetic decision-making.

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Resign is pretty lenient, in my humble opinion. Tried and convicted for supplying promoting a bio-weapon = life in prison, of course with sincere remorse leniency is always possible. Still like to see some convictions.

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Exactly right, there has to be some legal accountability and court convictions and I understand that there is, in fact, some movement in that direction; if none of these nefarious actors are ever prosecuted for anything then their racketeering crimes will continue under various guises; as it is we are victims of an enormous criminal conspiracy where far too many are profiting at taxpayer expense, not to mention the crimes against humanity that continue to go unpunished, politicians and governments world-wide will have to pay too high a cost in admitting responsibility or that they were wrong; in the U.S. even the new Republican Congress has not had the "balls" to charge Fauci for lying to Congress, which is a felony; so far their Covid and lab leak investigations are a lot of posturing and cover-ups to wilfully mislead the public; anything to avoid the evidence of GOF experimenting in U.S. labs!

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The CBC was paid billions of tax payer dollars to be the government propaganda machine . They need defunded .

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Kieran Moore is heavily conflicted with Pfizer but when he suffers public backlash he becomes quiet and changes his tune. When he is faced with undisputable truths he is forced to retreat on decisions. That's why public outrage necessary as they are weak cowards.

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Excellent points.

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He is lying. He is now saying it was "recommended policy", not a mandate, but it was a wink, wink, nod, nod, kind of policy recommendation, with the understanding that the institutions would be punished if they did not meet the target vaccine uptake. They should ALL rot in hell, includind Kieran Moore.

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Most people do not realize that EVERYWHERE there was a 'target injection uptake'. That alone should have made conscious people run away from these psychopaths at top speed. Seriously...

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They blackmailed us with targeted vaccination rate to get back to normal. It was blackmail using our lives as hostage to take these vaccines or no back to normal. Criminal cowards. Thus needs highlighting in court and criminal charges filed.

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"rot in hell" <- that works!

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Likely where most like him are headed. 20 pieces of silver to sell out humanity.

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We know hes lying

They required 100% compliance i know as they rejected 99% plus of exemptions medical, creed, religious and each hospital had to report their 100% jab status straight to KM CMOH proof below


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Used to be Lying was a big issue, apparently not so much lately.

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Gee, is it a coincidence that the US federal Congress is holding hearings now too?? Something is up. I smell a rat in a trap fighting for it's life. And the US hearings are spewing lies as well

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They are desperate to contain the real issue, which is that the US DOD planned and executed this genocide, and owned the vials from conception right up to second they were injected per Shasha Latipova et al.

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And let's not forget Fauci pulled 2 salaries. One from NIH and one from DOD that is why he was the highest paid federal employee. He needs to be place for a court and when found guilty stand before a firing squad along with many others he paid off

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don't leave out Francis Collins, ForMemRS the American physician-geneticist who discovered the genes associated with a number of diseases and led the Human Genome Project. As Head of NIH, He quit in 2021 so he would not suffer any more fall out. hahah hahahaha

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Right. (Creepy guy.)

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Exactly, and as Dr.David Martin has shown in impeccable evidence he has brought forward, an infectious pathogen was engineered at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; this was illegal GOF work with the intention of deliberate RELEASE; the Wuhan labs were complicit but the synthetic pathogen did not originate in China, but the U.S; THERE WAS NO NATURAL ORIGIN!

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The very first person to reveal the truth was Dr. Francis Boyle in early January 2020. He knew exactly how it all started and he was boycotted from interviews so he accepted an interview from Alex Jones. Boyle is a law professor and he was responsible for writing the bio weapons treaty. He stated from the start this all began at the U of NC Chapel Hills and was sold to the Chinese under the Obama admininstration. People would like to make us think Obama wanted to stop gain of function but that is a lie. He was part of the plan to move it our of the country all the while appearing as if he was putting a moratorium on GOF in the US.

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Exactly right! The GOF moratorium did not stop the collecting of pathogens brought over from China where GOF was certainly going on in Wuhan; the respiratory pathogen("virus") was WIV1-COV and synthetically engineered to be infectious to humans; this infectious CLONE had NO NATURAL ORIGIN! David Martin provides "published admissions" detailing who, what, where and when all of this happened, especially in the 2015 article, "Sars-like WIV1-COV poised for human emergence." Now we have both China and the US denying direct responsibility with the usual lies and cover-ups spreading like wildfire even though this information has been known for years by politicians and government alike.

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Don’t worry, they have Brand, Greenwald, Musk, Tiabbi, Weiss to come in and save the day and lead us into New World Order.

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Horse puckey. First learn the difference between DARPA and BARDA (division of HHS) which was responsible for such things as vaccine research. Sasha Latipova is totally ignorant on who is really behind this. You are perpetuating ridicule bait.

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If you think she doesn't know the difference between DARPA and BARDA than you obviously are getting your info from other sources beside Sasha herself. She has spent her career working with the swamp until she woke up to the fact that it was never what she thought.

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Sorry, I can guarantee I've worked with DARPA more than Sasha has in a nearly 40-year career in the defense industry. I had several projects that came from DARPA cancelled, due to the military ultimately concluding they were impractical. The standard technique at DARPA is to throw limited funding at thousands of projects in the hope that some tiny percentage will prove to be useful. The funding directors are poor at figuring out what is really practical or not until it's obvious, so no, DARPA is not behind the whole deception. They are mostly clowns.

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Again, your statement is not backed on fact. Sasha is well aware of the difference between DARPA and BARDA. The alliance she speaks of is between DOD, BARDA, HHS. She has never said DARPA was behind this. You obviously have not watched many of her interviews or read her articles as well as Katherine Watt.

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Neither Sasha (Pharma) nor Katherine (a legal reporter) have any direct experience with DoD nor DARPA as I have. I have indeed watched several interviews (the latest, American Media Periscope) and read some articles, and she has valid points regarding the horrible manufacturing and QC of the vaxx makers, and in other areas where she has expertise, and the Pharma schemes.

As for the DoD, pretty much nobody there has a clue regarding things that don't go Boom. Calling something a "countermeasure" is presumptuous and simply a means to evade legal prohibitions. Countermeasures and counter-countermeasures are a staple in the DARPA/DoD world, but nothing that BARDA nor HHS does meets the military definition. She has essentially zero proof of the military being in charge of this other than HHS borrowing illegitimately the word for scare tactics. That's NOT proof, it's an argument for the ignorant.

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I think throwing shade at someone publicly without solid proof, with at least two reliable examples is one of the lowest forms of attack imaginable. Just saying not saying.

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Experience counts for something, and the "proof" that Sasha and Katherine seem to offer is the use of the word "countermeasure" and an org chart showing the COO from the DoD. I worked with REAL DoD countermeasures and counter-countermeasures for decades, and NOTHING that the Pharma/FDA/NIH is doing meets that definition. The term was simply borrowed by HHS to evade legal liabilities.

I can guarantee that the DoD does not "run this", they just take orders like they always do. I'm buying none of this "proof" of the DoD running this, because they are clueless on things like this. I know these folks better than Sasha, Katherine, Malone, or any other Pharma-connected "whistleblowers".

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"... Experience counts for something..." Of course. And so do proof and trust. If DOD did not run it, who did? eg. Do you agree with what david martin says? Please expand.

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These hearings, so far, will do their best to cover up the real origin of the "virus" because enormous evidence points directly to US lab involvement; this has been known for many years but members of Congress will not take responsibility because they have been involved in one way or another in supporting illegal GOF research in the U.S., not to mention their money ties to big pharma and government agencies of all kinds!

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As we suspected all along, Fauci was trying to cover up there was a lab leak under his watch and thanks to the fact he was allowing risky GoF research. And rather than come clean, he chose to burn the civil order down. Just like our 'experts' did here.

If they cared anymore for our well-being, we'd be suffocated.

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I've been wondering for a couple of years if the lab in Winnipeg had any involvement. There was supposed to be an investigation into why two scientists in that lab were escorted out (were they??) and returned home to a far eastern country. Trudeau swept the details under the rug and refused to respond in Parliament about this.

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There is a Winnipeg connection. But this is Canada, where transparency is non-existent. This country features prominently in this saga.

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AND he paid off people to lie about its origins.

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Via enormous NIH grants.

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To the tune of 9 million dollars !

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Just endless "hearings" to feign the appearance that something is happening until the sheep forget.

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The Western Pivot? Mind the gap!!

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I lost my remote work where I was 2000 miles away from any coworkers because of corporate mandates encouraged by governments. I have been unable to work for three years and my skills are now outdated. At 62 yo, I was forced to retire early and will probably live the rest of my life in poverty.

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I am so sorry for what has happened to you. I hope you can use this story to help you fight your precious employer and rightfully get what you deserve! ☹️

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Chasi you didn't know the layoff was coming, just like you dont know if a windfall is headed your way. Keep plugging if you got the skills to work remotely write up a profile on Linked in, or sign up with Way Out or some other company. Shalom

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My recruiter profile on linked-in is flagged as unvaxxed after being denied a contract due to vaxx status. Recruiters won’t touch me. Canada is different than US.

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Oh, my God. I'm shocked to read that, Chasicakes.

You never know, though, another unvaccinated individual may hire you knowing how strong you are.

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Yeah, you usually have to go through HR in the end and they set the policy. You need vaxx to work fast food in Canada. Small businesses are almost non-existent anymore.

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Well, they will be begging you to work for them in a year or two when the vaccinated have dropped out of the work force due to death or disability.

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Sadly, Robots and cloud technology will replace most jobs, which is why their trying to kill us before paying pensions. Sorry to be so blackpilled. My job was implementing HR cloud software, so I know how these things work.

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I agree. I’m a massage therapist and after 2.5 years of almost no one who would go near me I found a work home with two other unjabbed (Naturopathic doc and acupuncturist) who own the business. Needle in a haystack as so many natural and alternative healthcare are providers got jabbed! I’m in my late 60s and nearly four decades into my career. Finding a good match is possible Chasicakes. I know it’s not been easy. Stay strong!

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The governments did promote mandates but are now backpedaling saying they were misunderstood. They are complicit allowing institutions to make mandates without alternatives and staying silent. This all was intentional and now it’s pass the buck time. We knew this was coming.

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....and that's why we have good clear recordings of what they all said way back then....nothing like having them eat their own words. Liars. They need to face the music.

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I've heard more convincing statements come from the mouths of children, caught with their hands in the cooky jar.

I tripped and fell.

I thought my toothbrush was in here.

My sister said it was okay to eat them all.

Isn't it funny how we don't really change as we grow up. It's all still the same with slightly more sophisticated vocabulary.

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Wow. The Canadian rats are jumping ship, just like the US rodents and WEF'fers.

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Not only did "institutions" enact mandates, some (and I have the written proof) mandated that outside contractors and employees of any of those firms who would be working at the facility in any capacity - could be a construction company; delivery truck driver, cleaner, had to be "fully vaccinated" or they could not work in or at that institution, even if they were not a direct employee of the facility. Add to that, some hospitals also mandated that anyone visiting a patient also had to be "fully vaccinated".

All of this was fully encouraged by Trudeau and Tam, and the provinces fell in line.

Now they are busy lying and twisting their words to cover their tracks.

What this entire debacle has shown is the depth of corruption in this country; that the Charter is worthless; and that a large portion of Canadians have lost their critical thinking abilities and have no consideration for their fellow man. Respect went out the window.

Rot in hell? No, the fires of hell never go out. Christ said of that place - "where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched". I see no sign of repentance from any of these actors.

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The worms go in and out and are not harmed. Yes well aware of that one. Which is the pit. But apparently their is also a "Lake of Fire" which does not sound like a pit? That has me concerned. lol I used to think how appropriate a punishement for these Fallen Seraphim who fancy themselves Dragons* and their servants, to become worms for eternity. Without constant pain or torture which fits my concept of a Merciful Creator. The Outside* where there is constant wailing and gnashing of teeth before the gates" Is when you know that "Once a year they come to the gate of the "City of the Lord to bring their tithe offerings" and it is while thier "Once a year that "their is wailing and gnashing of teeth" Not that their is 365 wailing and gnashing. And Outiside is not the Pit the Pit is inside the gates. Least it was. Still, what and who earn the Lake of fire?

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"Satanism is not a 'belief in Satan' but the false pursuit to self-deify oneself."(Taylor Marshall in "Antichrist and Apocalypse") What all of these nefarious actors have in common is that they are not only elitist psychopaths but see themselves as society's "new gods" and we should be worshipping at their altar and following all of their edicts without question; that requires the use of power and control and mass propaganda and the plandemic was certainly the ideal means to achieve that end and at any human cost; such as these who have rejected the Lord's grace and the promise of the New Covenant have wilfully chosen the lake of fire; "I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life."(Deuteronomy 30:19)

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"Still, what and who earn the Lake of fire?"

The beast, the false prophet and the dragon. (beast = all governments through time that have persecuted the church. False prophet = all religions that have deceived the people; the dragon = Satan). That lot and anyone whose name is not written in the Book of Life.

God is merciful but He is also just. So He will deal accordingly with those who worship the beast, the dragon, and the false prophet. Revelation Ch. 19 & 20.

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Well said!

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The Earth's weasel population is exploding and going viral - we have a pandemic of weasels as the newest variant of the WEF-sponsored, US-made covid virus.

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Dr Moore is CYA mode

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If the mandate was really not intended as a mandate but merely as a policy recommendation, then those in charge should have been shouting to make that distinction clear. The fact that they did not reveals their true intentions.

Further, can someone please parse the difference between “policy” and “mandate?” Seems like splitting hairs to me. If the school or employer’s policy is that everyone be injected, how is that not a mandate. Every time I have worked someplace with policies, the policies were, in effect, mandates.

The dress code policy says you may not wear shorts; there is, in effect, an anti-shorts mandate. The policy gives employees four weeks of vacation, there is a mandate that employees are allowed not more than four weeks of paid vacation. I’m not sure I see the distinction he is now trying to make.

He seems to be trying to put spilled milk back in the carton.

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Just like the FDA never "forbade the use of Ivermectin". It was just a recommendation.


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You act like you believe what he's saying is true? Of course they wanted the mandates, enforced them even. If it was true, and somehow only recognized today, why are they not scrambling to re-hire the Nurses and Health Care workers (Provincial Unionized Workers) that are STILL out of work because of vaccine mandates? He's a lying sack of bovine excrement and pretending that his most recent lie represents truth is not helping anyone.

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Hi Linda,

As someone who is called upon to serve in our courts of law, my job is to remain objective and only relay the facts; and let others draw the conclusions. I agree that what Moore said yesterday versus previously do not align well.

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Hi Linda,

I don't believe even for a second that Dr.Bridle is acting the way you say it. But I can tell you the truth about the "way he's acting": like a brave doctor who took tremendous personal risk to help people like you and me, and everyone else. I believe we own him a debt of gratitude for the rest of our life. Because without doctors like him we might have never find out the truth about these miraculous " life saving" vaccines. My family will be forever be grateful to him. There aren't enough words in the dictionary to say thank you.

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Actually, I know of 2 unvaxxed nurses who have been 'hired back quietly' by hospitals. Sadly, this is happening 'quietly'. I suspect because they don't want to 'raise a lot of unrest' by those who stupidly think unvaxed nurseses are 'unclean and will make them sick'. Personally, I glad that these nurses are getting hired back, and are 'still allowed to be unvaxed'.

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In the hospital I work for (I’m off with orthopaedic issues) anyone who’s recently gone back after being on sick leave have been terminated. Last one a month ago.

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I'm lost. Being on sick leave, is not the same as those who were fired for refusing to be vaxed. or are you saying those who wanted to be unvaxed, said they were ill, so they would be on paid sick leave? In any event, I hope more hospitals hire back the unvaxed nurses or doctors. Most had covid during the Alpha strain, and apparently have superior natural immunity to the vaxed.

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I’m saying any unvaccinated nurse that goes back to work after being on sick leave for whatever reason is still being terminated when they are able to return to work.

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Ah. Well that sounds like it might be a different circumstance. These were unvaxed nurses who were 'released' or 'fired' or whatever they called it, because they didn't want to get the jab, in 2021.

They were 'rehired' recently 'quietly'. I'm glad they were rehired.

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