This is all so immensely frustrating. Almost weekly now it seems, FOI requests are uncovering evidence of either criminal negligence or actual criminal conspiracy to cause or allow to be caused, harm to the public, including serious injury and death. Yet there continue to be no prosecutions and no jail sentences! What is our society worth if it cannot find the wherewithal to punish mass corporate and institutionalised manslaughter in the pursuit of profit and/or political motives?

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" What is our society worth if it cannot find the wherewithal to punish mass corporate and institutionalised manslaughter in the pursuit of profit and/or political motives?"

With due respect to all those who will read what follows.

A society does not worth more than those to whom it is handled because they are the ones who beat the drum and hold the compass of it.

We got what we deserve given that we have always been blindly confident towards those who have a professional title.

To all those who think of solving the situation with petitions I will blow your bubble.

Whatever the number of signatures will be gathered, the petition will end in the shredder.

You want to attain some results?

Complete PEACEFUL CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN THE FORM OF A COMPLETE PEACEFUL STRIKE that will last as long as required to get them resign.

Think at all the petitions that have been signed and cumulate all the signatures and compare this with real results.

TPTB does not give a shit of you as long as it has no reason to really fear you.

And the only thing they really fear is having millions of people on the streets and an economic system completely brung to a grinding halt.

Remember that the only effective power they have, comes out of your consent.

Stop to consent and they crumble.

You may send them a million petitions daily, as long as you keep the system going on by keeping your usual life schedule, the petitions will all end feeding the shredder.

It may sound cruel for those who believe in petitions but take time to examine cold blood the real effect of all those that have already been done and expedited to authorities.

Nothing. Niet. Nada.

TPTB reacts only when facing a greater power than theirs.

The absolute power resides in you as soon as you decide to say NO MORE and hold fast to your decision.

No violence.

Not even name saying.

Complete and absolutely peaceful civil disobedience in the form of a complete peaceful strike that will last as long as required.

Take time to analyze what has been done here and abroad and the results of each kind of action and the conclusion should come easily to be perceived.

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Psssst- stop paying taxes en masse! They can’t arrest us all!!

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They would pick off individuals and make examples of them. What do you think the Covid protest trials have been about?

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''TPTB'' Why do you call ''them'' that? You give ''them'' power through words.

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I use words that remind everyone that " they " are " human beings" and , as such, will be subject to liabilities when the majority will comprehend that each of us has the ultimate power on " them " by simply saying " NO MORE " and holding to this statement.

Then " they" will realize that " they " are not gods nor goddesses and that " they" will have to face a judicial system that " they " control no more.

Whatever " they" think " they" are will be out of order when " they " will be assigned to answer questions.

That is why I use the words I use.

To remind us and " them " that we are all mere mortals whatever one may think of oneself.

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Very well put. Thank you.

TPTB stands for The Powers That Be, yes? There is only one Power. And force is not violence. You have the right to use force to protect your family and property. Up to and including.........................

''They'' have crossed the Rubicon.

''In political theory, or political philosophy, John Locke refuted the theory of the divine right of kings and argued that all persons are endowed with natural rights to life, liberty, and property and that rulers who fail to protect those rights may be removed by the people, by force if necessary.''

To take away government and replace it with government is redundant.

Nothing happens without cause and that cause is thought. That, along with your proposed action, saying NO, is the answer to the problem. That is what ''they'' fear.

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Revolt is the right of the people

John Locke

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From what follows one can easily deduce what about " they "and their intents really are .

"I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts."

John Locke


From what follows the only valuable protection from "them "

The only defense against the world is a thorough knowledge of it.

John Locke, Some Thoughts Concerning Education

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" by keeping your usual life schedule, " nothing changes. Here the strategy is to change how act. Change what you do everyday. That will work but "petitions" will not. I agree with this person. And if you run out of food you can do a purge/fast which has health benefits. While the friendly persons bring in food in old pick-up trucks from outlying farms

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You again.

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A huge part of the problem is that the courts presuppose ‘safety and efficacy’ and so block their ears and sing là-la-la when confounding evidence is presented. Until health Canada is taken directly to task this will not change.

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Courts don't "presuppose". They are tasked with upholding the law. Laws were passed mandating vaccines and masks. If you refused the vaccine, you broke the law.

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Well, mandates are NOT laws and in fact are issued when governments give themselves extraordinary powers to override due legal and political processes, as eg in a state of emergency, which is why the impacts of mandates on individuals, and breaches of them, need to be weighed with considerable gravitas by the courts.

Meanwhile, taking judicial notice of safety and efficacy, as the courts have done in Canada means, quite precisely, that safety and efficacy are presupposed and taken as self-evident and beyond question. within the context of judicial processes. The significance of this cannot be understated as it involves population-level data and its interpretation is the basis for the adjudication of the individual - which, in itself, is grossly unscientific, as well as unethical and prejudicial. It also means that vast swatches of scientific findings and expert evidence pertaining to individual cases and underpinning any one individual's decision to refuse the C-19 jabs (in the exercise of their most basic charter and human rights) cannot be considered by the courts when adjudicating cases concerning vaccination., are deemed irrelevant to the judicial process. Which is patently absurd. This is a huge problem - most especially when Canada was continuing to mandate vaccines whose general usage had already been suspended in other modern western nations on the grounds that the safety/efficacy profile strongly militated against their continued uptake by the vast majority of the population.

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I did exaggerate. You are right about not taking the jab did not mean breaking the law. But the government did pass laws that would take away licenses of business that refused to enforce vaccination, like airlines, restaurants, and of course fired all employees, who refused the jab, of government institutions including hospitals. Doctors were threatened with loosing their license if they spoke against vaccination. No judge has overturned any of these in BC.

I agree with most of your well written response, especially the part about BC being one of the last hold-outs enforcing mRNA injections. Canadian "freedoms" listed in our charter are quite limited. Freedom to move between provinces, freedom to work. but no mention of freedom of choosing what gets injected into our bodies.

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well yes - although 'security of the person' is the right that entails informed consent and underpins the freedom/right to refuse any/all medical interventions- oddly, here in Canada, the charter also (purportedly) protects against discrimination and although it mentions specific 'protected' grounds it also specifies that the list is not exhaustive - the spirit of the thing appears to be that discrimination itself is a breach of individual rights, and yet, re vaccine mandates, the list of protected grounds is taken at face value as if it were exhaustive.

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" Yet there continue to be no prosecutions and no jail sentences! "

How could there be any ?

Those in power to do so all belong to TPTB.

And I really mean BELONG.

Do you really think they will bite the hand that feeds them and have them entitled ?

Elected representatives do not care about their voters why should " entitled persons " care about anything else that the will of those who have them entitled.

And, to make it crystal clear, it is not me nor you who entitled them thus ...

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That's exactly what I said this is time to make a united front for crimes against humanity we have all got together and start hollering so many mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters and children aunts and uncles and we're still dropping in numbers and the disabilities this is insane the proof is in the pudding we all just need to unite and how do we do this I need help with citizen go.org I'm ready to make a petition but I need help with it ann11660.hollywood@gmail.com

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I think the problem is, the judicial system is bought and paid for by the same corporate actors and billionaire 'philanthropists' who are busy maiming and killing us.

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Maybe you’re right about the judicial system being bought and paid for. Here in Ontario 2 family court judges were crucified by the Toronto star for siding with the parents who DID NOT want their kids vaccinated because there wasn’t enough evidence in front of them that would allow them to rule the other way. The Appeals court raked them over the coals for their decisions. The two judges are Judge Pazaratz and Judge Bennett. You can find the Toronto star articles on line.

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Michael, I said maybe because I don’t have evidence to prove it is true only a suspicion.

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Your gut tells you it is, you see it, but putting it down in writing and finding paperwork, e-mails, etc. that can prove your point even when being challenged by crafty demons... well that's another thing, hence why you have no choice for now but to say "maybe".

Or am I mistaken or missing something?

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The western judicial system has always been corporate based. Look at the history of the police (and Pinkerton), how police forces were formed (and why) and the long, long history of law 'enforcement' protecting business in violent and oppressive ways. Why else does our judicial system have such a light hand for corporate and white collar crime whilst handing down harsh punishment to those just trying to live their lives in dignified ways, the oppressed, minorities, impoverished and those who can't afford overpriced lawyers?

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And then look at Smedley Butler (War is a Racket) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler) and see how our militaries have long since been hijacked by corporate interests via the aid of our Intel agencies, to serve corporate power and profit -- for the greater good, of course ;-)

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This is a good point; those are basic truths for centuries. Though formation of the United States as a country a lot of opportunity was opened up. People spread westwards. In every case capitalism created wealth. But at the same time there then ensued the long effort to stop the process, except for the chosen few. This is the effort to close down those opportunities, for everyone except you and maybe a few of your friends. Capitalism is used to make a million for yourself and a few friends of yours---then block out everybody else you can and create "Empire of Corruption." Instead of "World of Opportunity." Let's bring back capitalism. That is the only option, "socialism" being a complete disaster. Bring back a regulated form of capitalism. Would regulation make capitalism fair? Get back to me on this, on my Substack "newsletter." (Do they still call it that?) Best wishes to all . . .

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We've never had true socialism in modern society - it's never had a chance because capitalists (and especially the US) have shut down every group of people and nation that has ever tried. Why? Because capitalists don't want people to know that socialism (and people before profits) can work and work well. Your belief that socialism can't work is, unfortunately, propaganda spread about by the Haves to keep the Havenots locked into the system they created.

Capitalism by it's very nature cannot exist without oppressing or underpaying workers simply simply because if you pay workers the actual value of their labour, there is zero profit left to make the capital owners wealthy.

"Capitalism is used to make a million for yourself and a few friends of yours" ignores that to do so you must use a method or system of labour that devalues workers at some point in the chain (usually the people at the bottom). Capitalism is the epitome of dog eat dog.

You can't ever truly regulate capitalism because it cannot function without exploitation somewhere.

When you read the true history, see through the propaganda, you realise that Capitalism is nothing more than Feudalism 2.0

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" Capitalism by it's very nature cannot exist without oppressing or underpaying workers simply simply because if you pay workers the actual value of their labour, there is zero profit left to make the capital owners wealthy. "

But most jobs are "bullshit jobs" as David Graeber said.

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If capitalism is another form of feudalism what is communism aka socialism? Socialism is the slow adoption of communist practices. Count the dead bodies of communism. 100 million in Mao’s China. 60 million in Stalin’s USSR. You can research the deaths in Cambodia, North Korea and everywhere else that THEY brought in “build back better” and then decide if communism is a good idea. One needs to read Alexander Solzhenitsyn or Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewsky to understand that communism kills and tortures.

Corporate capitalism is a mirror of communism. When you have one group in complete control of the means of production, commerce and trade they cut the majority of the population out of the equation. People, individually, all need to be independent contractors of their talent and labour without the self proclaimed “elite” skimming off the top of the people‘s production.

Reestablish local commerce systems, bring back barter, support small local businesses, create small supportive communities and everyone lives a dignified life.

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The English never arrested Marx. He remained a respectable member of the bourgeois society. He just did not all it that. He called it the job of "being a revolutionary," a very interesting job category of the 19th through the 20th century. Yeah - it had a good run.

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Don’t forget about their memberships in exclusive clubs, that forbids contradiction of their associates…….the Shriners, the Masons, political party affiliations, country club and yacht club memberships.

Wouldn’t want to be an outcast from their social calendars after all…….

There is YUGE peer pressure to never rock the boat, especially the MASONs………the penalties can be life changing…….or ending for that matter.

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i am in the u.s., where almost all law enforcement and military were forced to get the shots. many did not want them. surely they must have seen and felt the unwanted effects of them in themselves and their families. plus the fact that they have no long term and perhaps negative efficacy. these are the enforcers, so they are a target audience. if they refuse to do their jobs the people in charge are in trouble. power is held to some extent by mutual consent but when the rubber meets the road, it is the state's ability to do violence that keeps people in line, if that is gone they are in trouble. imagine having to be willing to put your life on the line for those parasites in congress or corporate officers that are more than willing to damage you for money

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It sickens me that it all boils down to ego and money at our expense.

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I believe that it is very likely that the reason our present governments are bringing in thousands or more young, military-aged men and housing them at huge expense in hotels and on military bases and providing them money... is for just that reason you outlined:

" if they refuse to do their jobs the people in charge are in trouble. power is held to some extent by mutual consent but when the rubber meets the road, it is the state's ability to do violence that keeps people in line, if that is gone they are in trouble."

So it's always very risky to try to get your military to harshly oppress or kill its own citizens, an that is what can lead an army to revolt and coup their own chain of command, so when the shit really hits the fan (whatever big chaotic event or events they have planned to Shock Doctrine us into accepting their Build Back Better Great Reset CBDCs solutions), rather than gambling on the military to keep us in line if we decide to either revolt or not comply en masse... then can deputize these stand-by immigrants, arm them, provide them will all equipment needed, and sic them on us to "keep us in line", same as we get our soldiers to keep the locals under control when we send them to other countries overseas.

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A doctor on Substack whom I will not name has opined to me the only justice these criminals will ever get will be vigilante justice at the hands of a lynch mob. More and more, I see his perspective.

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It is indeed very likely that if our ruling class thinks that the world is so enraged as to revolt to that level, then our ruling class will help the people get hold of the Fraudcis, the Gates', etc. so as to satiate the mob, to diffuse them.

But in the end, the real planners, the controllers of the Fraudcis, the ones who oversaw the whole globally orchestrated plandemic in it's myriad of inter-connectedness, those people will never be known, will never be touched, and so in a generation or more, we will be right back to where we are, but that next time 'round, they will be playing the round again much better, with what knowledge they'd gained from this trial run.

Unless we work our way to the top to root out these demons, and like the Fathers of the Constitution long ago, enact all manner of safeguards to protect from another such den of vipers forming again by accrual of wealth and influence.

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I can't believe that Bonnie Henry still holds her job, and is still lying to the public, and that health professionals in B.C. are STILL are mandated to have the clot-shot in order to work.

Crimes against humanity.

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AT this point, since the rot is entrenched, the only chance of real retribution is to elect the BC Conservatives and get rid of the NDP. They are on record to fire BonBon, and there is a real anti-Covid measures vibe within the party. Forget about that ideologue DIx, and Falcon is also a midwit Liberal, in love with his winemaking killer.

I dont think we will ever see Nuremburg 2.0 trials ever, though we can dream.

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Unfortunately the opposition parties appear to be in disarray. At this point I would be vote for anyone willing to go on the record as promising to get rid of the whole cartel led by Henry


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The liberalunitedNDPLite party is in disarray for sure. Contrary to the media narrative, voters are not confused regarding the Conservatives, we’re just fed up with the the NDPLite party (Uniteds) and their cousins, the Trotskyite NDP. What’s left of the united voters, will come around when they have to vote and realize, finally, the NDP is a destructive force and must be tossed out.

The Uniteds have consistently voted with the NDP throughout Covid, hence, NDP Lite. It’s a spent force.

As for the whole cartel getting tossed? If that means the corrupt, lying, unionized media, good luck with that. The best we can do is not watch them, have their ratings continue to decline further. Their finances are already disastrous.

As for the Health Ministry? Yes, the entire upper echelon needs to be gutted, fired for malfeasance, no severance, and make them sue. Then the dirt can come out on them, at their expense, that they lied, distorted and the results of which were negligence and death. I would love to see Bonnie Nazi with hundreds of charges of negligent homicide against her, but that’s probably just a dream. She will retire to her winery and stay shitfaced for the rest of her deplorable life.

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Ha ha I don't ever expect the media to be anything but what they are - which is bought and sold. The health ministry together with a whole bunch of bureaucrats and administrators need to be axed. I like your dream. In my dream she and a number of others have become pariahs and nobody will serve them, sell to them, or even speak to them...until they come clean and genuinely admit to their "errors." I hope you are right about voters realizing that the NDP has to go.

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Now that is a great solution. No restaurant should serve her, no store let her buy anything. No gas nada. Everyone shouldBAN her till she comes clean. Returns her sall lol art. And. APOLOGIES to the entire province on all channels of Tv, radio. Especially ChbC TV and CBC Radio

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I hope so too, but it’s also clear that regardless of how inept, careless and reckless the NDP is, they still have a core of 35% that would vote for them, no matter how destructive their inane policies.

The welfare party of unionists that practices the politics of envy, ideological Marxists to the core. The biggest challenging is breaking the lock of Metro Vancouver urbanite soft socialists.

Right now, Kevin Falcon is the NDP’s BFF, splitting the vote. His is a failed leadership, he will be solely responsible for an NDP victory.

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A Greens candidate might well defeat Dix, so there is that. And his comments about health-care are way smarter than Dix's dumb everything: https://www.thespec.com/news/canada/the-bc-greens-are-coming-for-adrian-dix-s-mla-seat/article_bd17e8e9-9564-5366-aad6-7300a7cfc199.html

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I went to citizen go. Org to begin a petition about this because we need a united front now we all need to gather I don't know how to right or start the petition I need help and I need another format we need more platforms so we can all get together and demand these people be charged with crimes against humanity and be locked up it's ridiculous they're still running around ann11660.hollywood@gmail.com

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"Breaking News: BC Centre for Disease Control Caught Lying"

... and this is news because....? It would have been "Breaking news" if "BC Centre for Disease Control was Caught Telling the Truth" :P...

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If I had taken the Covid injections and was still feeling okay I don't know what my reaction would be to hearing news about problems occurring down the line. I would probably want to think I had escaped and then would try to get on with my life and not dwell on what could possibly happen. The lack of pushback on the political scientific and medical institutions is partly, I think, people wanting not to know what could go wrong for them, the one thing I have realised during the Covid era is the incredible power the mind has to self-deceive even when it is detrimental to the health of the body it inhabits.

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Many are aware what could go wrong for them some are willfully blind and some remain in complete denial as the tsunami of deaths especially turbo cancer deaths and severe debilitating heart injuries and deaths press on with alarming frequency increasing each passing day.

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In the midst of the horrors, I celebrate the community that includes us all. Dr B speaking on that famous radio broadcast, folks listening and being alerted, lawyers realising something was up. FOI sent, chased, brought to light. And the resultant knowing of who to share it with to get a genuine honest expert analysis. I applaud us all for every action of sensing the beast, asking questions, sharing knowledge, learning and acting against these inhumane 'officials'. 👏👏👏much love and thanks to all for every step of the way. Truth will out, it always does. 💞

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And Flu shots are far from harmless! https://timothywiney.substack.com/p/no-cure-for-you

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The BC government is pure Satanic Evil!

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UnBridled corruption?

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ALL government. This is horrific and their all still running around FREE FOR PETE'S SAKE citizen go. Org and get a petition I started but need help ann11660.hollywood@gmail.com

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My question is, will the mainstream media report this???

Thank you Dr Bridle, and to the lawyer who submitted the FOI request.

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Bonnie Henry ignored reports of serious adverse events and deaths from the onset of mRNA covid vaccinations. She knowingly continued and continues to this day to push these "Jonestown Jabs". As bad, she hired Alberta's mass murderer, Dina Hinshaw, who came from Alberta Health. Both of them will continue to injure and kill BC residents until they are stopped, charged, and face justice in the courts.

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Please enter "Dr. CHARLES HOFFE" into a search engine.



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Dr Hoffe is one of my heroes 🥰

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The way Dr Hoffe was treated by the "authorities" proves, beyond any shadow of the doubt, that BC judicial system is not only awry, but disgustingly proves it on many cases throttling freedom of speech.

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The irony regarding Dr Hoffe, is most of his patients are natives, who were suffering an inordinate numbers of vax injuries. This is the Trotskyite NDP who wrap themselves in the blanket of FN causes, yet, they are complicit in harm to them today and burying it. Disgusting!

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I know medical professionals who are still imploring people to get these shots... heads in the sand, or worse

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It proves simply that you can be at once educated and completely brain dead.

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I think it's an emotional thing, not logic. You can't reason with someone who "felt" their way into something

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Maybe some are emotional but many has been incentivized to act as such.

But, at the end, it proves that all that one really needs to become health professional is to have a very good memory.

Common sense, empathy, critical mind are nowhere proven to be unavoidable requisite.

You learn by heart.

You repeat the same way.

Anyway, in all fields of education the motto is the same: Chain produce today's train dogs that will become tomorrow's useful idiots.

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It is amazing how unaccountable these people are for what they did you the populace. I have data sets from Newfoundland and Labrador that show significant issues in many areas of healthcare since the roll out of the covid shot and it is all ignored when presented to not only Political parties/ Individuals but all healthcare institutions and associations. Mr. bridle..the most egregious is the absolute risk associated with these shots… it was not the 95% effectiveness that eventually went negative but in fact it was 0.8% effectiveness that needs to be continually pounded into peoples heads. If I told you, if you take this novel experimental shot you will still have a 99% chance of catching covid but might suffer severe side effects or may even die.. would you take it? My guess is the uptake would have probably 0.8%. Keep up the good work, don’t let them get you down… we appreciate your time and effort.

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The "BC Centre for Disease Control" did not lie and withhold information. A small number of specific, nameable individuals, who happened to be employed by that organisation at the time, lied and withheld.

We have to stop allowing people to hide behind their organisations. Be specific. Who did this? Where are they now?

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It wasn’t done except at the behest of whoever calls the shots. Maybe Bonnie Henry, maybe someone above her.

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Unlikely BH.

I attended a lecture she gave about a dozen years ago, she is not that smart.

The politics in BC are quite corrupt. John Horgan was very bright, and had his WEF page taken down.

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Bank of International Settlements call all the shots.

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Monika Naus, Kyle Notfall, Heather Amos are the most common names in the FOIed emails.

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Endotoxin is a major cause of Jab Deaths, especially in the first week

Deaths per million Adverse Reaction reports copes with unknown under-reporting


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Could this endotoxin "built in" to sars-cov-2 and replicated by the body via mRNA? be part of the endotoxin problem? "staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) segment, near the S1/S2 cleavage site of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein" Your article seems to refer to vaccine manufacturing process endotoxin.

my note: bioweapon bacterial superantigen Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) - - an old school bioweapon in the bioweapon stockpiles in the world, undoubtedly in china. Once a US mainstay and now?, undoubtedly still in the US stockpile for research purposes, etc.,

see this study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33930306/ (one among numbers of "bioweapon insert" in the spike studies)


We recently discovered a superantigen-like motif sequentially and structurally similar to a staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) segment, near the S1/S2 cleavage site of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which might explain the multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) observed in children and the cytokine storm in severe COVID-19 patients. We show here that an anti-SEB monoclonal antibody (mAb), 6D3, can bind this viral motif at its polybasic (PRRA) insert to inhibit infection in live virus assays. The overlap between the superantigenic site of the spike and its proteolytic cleavage site suggests that the mAb prevents viral entry by interfering with the proteolytic activity of cell proteases (furin and TMPRSS2). The high affinity of 6D3 for this site originates from a polyacidic segment at its heavy chain CDR2. The study points to the potential utility of 6D3 for possibly treating COVID-19, MIS-C, or common colds caused by human coronaviruses that also possess a furin-like cleavage site."

at the very end of the following "snake venom "excerpt is some of what Dr Kory had to say on the endotoxin subject. from https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/snake-venom-and-covid-19

" ... there is indeed a short sequence of RNA coding for amino acids that make up a part of the receptor binding domain (RBD) portion of the spike protein that is identical to snake venom. Problem with calling COVID-19 snake venom: this ptotein sequence is just a small part of one protein of the 29 made by SARS-CoV2 when it replicates. This does NOT mean the virus came from a snake but it does have a little snake venom protein in it. Why it is in there who knows, I suppose I can ask Fauci or Baric or Daszak or the Chinese Military the next time I run into one of them. Starting from here though, I am getting worried about where this is going.

It is true however, and important to recognize, that this part of the spike protein RBD may potentially make it antagonize nicotinic receptors, a pathophysiologic mechanism which is one of many exhibited by snake venom. This mechanism does indeed cause macrophage activation and cytokine storms via the antagonism of nicotinic receptors. Although we all know that the ACE-2 receptor is how the virus enters and replicates, it is possible that the nicotinic acid receptor antagonism could indeed play a role in making people so ill. So, it has some snake venom like properties and suggests nicotine and other nicotinic acid agonists may have a therapeutic role. May have one. But that is as far as the science will get you. Problem is that the spike also has sequences which encode proteins identical to staphylococcus toxin ... "

ps. In my "covid kit" I stock a pack of Equate brand Nicotine Gum I bought at Walmart (4 mg - 20 Pieces) easy to cut or bite in half and chew 1/2 a tablet for a 2 mg dose if that dose is chosen.

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People crap it out for as long as it’s inside them a year or more, it replicates in bacteria..



Mauro Petrillo they don't get it

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📕This is in 4 parts it’s old now so some links don’t work but gives you an idea, pictures also. Scroll to bottom for the other 3 parts/articles..

Erminio Antonio

Carlo Brogna, SARS-CoV-2: La completa verità (1)


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Thank You for the link. I found the "translate page" feature in firefox by clicking the 3 horizontal line icon which worked well.

I added Bismuth subsalicylate to my covid kit "on spec" early on because because the "gut active" bismuth compound that I first read was effective against covid, "Ranitidine bismuth citrate, a common drug for heartburn and other disorders, has been withdrawn from the market due to its contamination with N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a probable human carcinogen."

I subsequently found research showing "Bismuth subsalicylate, sold generically as pink bismuth and under brand names including Pepto-Bismol, Pepti-Calm and BisBacter,"

was also active against sars-cov-2 and covid.

such as this (among numbers of publications) "Bismuth subsalicylate as potential treatment for Covid-19 pneumonia: A case series report" https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fddsv.2022.962988/full

"Various literature cited suggests that bismuth may have usefulness against Covid-19 both in vitro and in vivo. During the course of caring for Covid-19 patients we administered bismuth subsalicylate to those who displayed diarrhea and/or gastric complaints. Using relatively conservative criteria, upon retrospective review, we noted marked improvement in oxygen requirements in most of the cases. This improvement was observed even when prior therapy with standard anti-Covid drugs had failed. Our overall impression is that these positive results support a detailed evaluation of bismuth as an adjunct treatment for the treatment of Covid-19."

note: "This improvement was observed even when prior therapy with standard anti-Covid drugs had failed." perhaps because it was gut active and whatever "standard anti-Covid drugs" they tried were not?

I searched using duck duck go with these words below

Bismuth subsalicylate and sars-cov-2 / covid

I stocked Bismuth subsalicylate for its potential inhibition of viral replication in the gut, so now also potentially knocking down viral replication in gut bacteria. I read it also has actions against bacteria and inflammation and perhaps some anticoagulation activity listed here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bismuth_subsalicylate

Perhaps the usefulness of antibiotics with antiviral action in the treatment of covid extends to the killing of gut bacteria that would otherwise become infected with sars-cov-2. Useful after infection in a process of knocking down infected bacteria then restoring good, uninfected bacteria to the gut?

I remember I thought - natural evolution? or assisted evolution? when Dr Chetty referenced a shift to more sars-cov-2 gut activity in the second wave of covid and his response with H2 blockers "Your cimetidine and famotidine". (I bought famotidine because it was chosen more often for covid. Geoff Pain PhD has written a substack post citing the relatively high rate of deaths associated with famotidine use though these are not raised by those using it to treat covid where they note few limiting side effects with its use )

Dr Mobeen Syed discusses several Ranitidine bismuth citrate studys which illuminate the "viral helicase inhibitor virostatic / antiviral" action of bismuth salts in greatly reducing viral replication of both sars-cov and sars-cov-2 starting introduction to the 1:40 point then discussion of studies at the 6:02 time point in "Ranitidine Bismuth Citrate (RBC) For COVID-19" found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id3ysIch4lk he has provided links to 4 studies and 1 wickedpedia article below his video.

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How to Clear Spike Protein + The Jacobson Decision


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Dr Christina Parks



https://t.me/ChristinaParks/3850 ➡️🧠➡️

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So few yet fail to understand there is no such thing as mild covid.

I just edited my Bismuth subsalicylate reply above to add a bit more.

Thank You, I too appreciate Dr Chetty and Dr McMillan

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Some things I learnt ⬇️

It’s a virus that infects bacteria, it can infect faecal matter it can get inside bacteria and replicate in a way that is very similar like it does in a human cell.

It has human and bacterial infection capabilities, it doesn’t behave in a way of a typical viral infection like Flu.

SC2 has a duel mechanism it infects human cells but first infects bacterial cells in the microbiome.

Consequences = Release of Toxins (venom like toxins, conotoxins) that go into the blood stream, disrupts the CNS and Gut Brain-Axis (you poison yourself)

It can hide just about anywhere in the body undetected by the immune system, it can harbour in dental plaque, it hides in Biofilms, can hide in macrophages.

“You must remember the spike protein has toxin like peptide motifs on it”

Dr Philip Mc Millan, Dr Chetty, Dr Gustavo Aquirre- Chang, Dr Carlo Brogna.

Dr Carlo Brogna has a book he wrote years ago, you can buy if from Amazon, and he and his team have done many studies, he’s done videos with Dr Philip Mc Millan, Dr Chetty etc..

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Maybe that’s why my adult son had a FK of a time with strep throat last year. He was put on 3 rounds of antibiotics and told if it didn’t work on the 3rd round he’d have to be hospitalized. After all of that he has now developed psoriasis. About a month ago he developed some angry sore between his eyebrow and the bridge of his nose. It was a red lump. Plus an inflamed tonsil. Back on antibiotics. He saw 4 doctors each not having a clue with one guessing it was herpes. It didn’t look like herpes to me but hey who knows. The anxiety I have with these shots, plus being injured myself, is all consuming.

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Dr Mark Trozzi website interview Dr Chandra Chetty (sp?) South African medic, a few weeks ago, advice on v damage. FLCCC protocol too

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See substack https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/.

Not medical advice, but, there are suggestions of supplements to aid with the effects of V injury. Look through his stories, but Nattokinase and Ivermectin seem to be in favour. Good Luck. I dont know if they work, but they cant hurt.

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Cat's claw and goldenseal are great strep and hepatic virus fighters that don't cause antibiotic-resistant strains of strep to develop, as hapoens with all antibiotics. L Lysine is also effective at preventing hepatic viruses from replicating.

Dormant herpes viruses (and there are many types from EBV to HSV 1 and beyond that most of us carry) and low-grade bacterial infections like chronic strep flare up when the immune system is compromised.

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Very interesting thanks. Circulating endotoxin has been measured in severely ill Covid19 patients and was used to predict the survival probability. Virus disrupts the intestinal barrier.

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They hide in bacteria in human flora and we have devised methods to be able to look for them.. He has a test to find them..

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i use 7mg nicotine patches cut in half so the dose is released slowly over 24 hours. i think they help my breathing and sleep quality.

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There has been a number of scientists who got hold of vials. Dr. Phillip Buckhaults molecular biologist and cancer geneticist professor at University of south Carolina. He analyzed the frozen used vials and found the contaminated plasmid DNA confirming what Kevin McKernan found. Other scientists worldwide have confirmed the findings plus more. Buckhaults was questioned in a South Carolina senate hearing which you could probably find on line. He got his IRB and is currently researching to see if all this stuff transfected into our genes. He did manage to get new vials, probably given to him by the senate, he said they cleaned it up.

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Kevin McKernan purchased new equipment and kits to measure 19 EU/ml Endotoxin in a Pfizer monovalent vial. He arranged for his friends to independently analyze for DNA but those friends did not look at the Endotoxin known to be in all batches as Pfizer's preferred adjuvant.

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He mustn’t have been best pleased with that. He’s so dedicated. One of a kind.

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I have several BC vaxxed vs unvaxxed Covid donut chart screenshots from Jan-July 2022 saved on my desktop showing the vaxxed increasingly being disproportionately represented in every category----new infections/hospitalizations/deaths.

That's why Henry and her team pulled the plug on posting any more of them after July of that year and came up with a convoluted excuse.

As an aside I have a particular interest in this matter as my physically disabled brother (he had CP) was one of the first in line in BC to get the clot shots in early 2021 as we was living in a LTC facility. In July of that year he was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (he never smoked, though we did grow up in a home w/parents who did) and died a few weeks later at 67.

Interior Health will not release any vax records to me.

I can't prove it, but I have more than a sneaking suspicion his turbo cancer (for lack of a better word) is linked to these injectable products.

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Keep your donut charts carefully.

They may be useful soon.

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I should have saved more, but at the time I had no idea they'd suddenly stop publishing them.

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You did exactly what had to be done.

It would be great if someone could gather all those infos and charts saved by laypersons and build up a searchable website with those.

Thank you for your involvement and dedication to truth.

It will be useful soon .

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pure “Fauxi Speak”

“Serious events have not been reported at rates higher than expected compared to background rates”. While you believe this is a lie, I think this phrase can easily be defended because it is so meaningless. Some examples:

- “Serious events have not been reported” - what does “reported” mean? Change the definition of “reported” and you get your number reductions.

- “at rates higher than expected”. - define “rate”, “higher”, and “expected”. this phrase is so compromised, it can mean almost anything. “We expected every one to die from the shots, but one lived. The Shots greatly exceeded our expectations”

- “compared to background rates” - again meaningless.

When you say nothing it is easy to be right. Fauxi Speak

While I disagree with your statement BC lied, I think they did something much worse. They used deception, knowing full well that most people would read their nebulous statements as “Shot Save”, to make a dangerous product feel save when they knew it wasn’t. As a simple example of lie vs deception: “Did you do it? Lie - “No”, Deception - “I did exactly what I was supposed to do”.

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