They accuse you of what they really are.

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Fascists and communists are sides of the same globalist coin. Up to us as individuals to reclaim the whole coin with our health first and foremost.

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Exactly. Stay unvaccinated. Stay in the fight.

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Yep. I like to just say they are totalitarian and I really dont care about the flavour. If someone wants to wax poetic about Pol pot vs Stalin vs Hitler I don't need to care do I?

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right. spot on.

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Jessica, The work and power of Freud and his disciples never ceases to amaze me. This example of the Nazi warrior receiving a standing ovation in Parliament is but another gross example. Here, both Canada and the US can’t send these Nazis enough weapons to kill our ally in WWll who put on what was once thought and end to this ugly movement. Go figure?

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Here's another way to look at it. "Why You Should Stop Using the Concepts Left- and Right-wing".


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Following the lead of the Canadian parliament, Rice University has sunk to a new low by hosting a talk by Peter Hotez on Oct. 2 at 5pm at the Baker Institute. Bring your copy of "The Real Anthony Faucho" and see if he will sign it. I hope Bobby Kennedy shows up to question Hotez.

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Love all your articles Jessica!

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Yes, projection! Pray for Canada. 🙏🏻

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Yeah. Before WW2 the warmongers in the US said Germany was planning to take over the world. Funny how that worked out, isn't it?

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Yours is the best avatar yet!

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Heh, heh. Thanks.

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Let them go to the front lines.

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Yes and they keep proving it.

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Authoritarians (fascists, communists, religious extremists, etc.) are all fundamentally the same. They are mentally disturbed individuals who lust for the power to subjugate everyone else. Their illness is the root of evil; a societal toxin which has afflicted humanity throughout human history. Tragically they have now insinuated themselves into positions of power throughout western institutions and governments.

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Canada, which considers itself an exemplary country, has a history of protecting fascists. But almost everywhere the hatred and fear of communists has made people crazy. Fascist capitalism, OK, but never communism - which is only socialism, or sharing. Yet, had communist Russia not stood up to Nazism, alone, and sacrificed 28 million to that cause, this would be a far worse world than it already is.

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'but never communism - which is only socialism, or sharing.'

And if you don't want to share what you have worked for we will murder you.

And if you don't want to do the work we allocate to you we will murder you.

And if you don't agree with our communist utopia as set out above we will murder you.

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Totally without foundation - but totally. We must all have been badly deluded because we used to refer to Stalin during WWII as Uncle Joe, and Papa Stalin. You have been reading The Big Black Book of Communism, apparently. You people are so stupid you don't know what is oppressing you- like sitting on a hornet's nest, but swatting at imaginary flies.

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Socialism only works until they run out of other people's money. There is a huge difference between some social programming and full blown socialism. By its lack of incentives it will always eventually fail.

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In a communist/socialist system where everyone gets the same no matter their role (not that it ever happens like that) the only rational thing for intelligent people to do is to find the least stressful or demanding role possible.

It doesn't take long for everything to stagnate.

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That is an anticommunist myth - honouring all honest work doesn't imply it is paid the same. How would you know in any case - we've never had a communist/socialist system. Oh, you read it in the Black Book of Communism? You and Jordan Peterson?

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Yes, Stalin alone sacrificed how many of his lost 60 (28?) million in the pursuit of his communism? With grand ideas contrived in his paranoid little mind, Stalin aborted thousands of his best senior military, who alone would have probably have saved millions with their knowledge of warfare. Oh, I forgot, he just did not know how to "do communism" the correct way, just like every communist since Marx/Engels, and every communist to come.

We are not afraid of communists, we are highly on guard with regards to communism, and for damned good reasons. If communism is only sharing, I'm sure you wouldn't mind sharing out all of your assets to those who have less than you.

My God, two of my grandparents fled Ukraine just before Holodomor where Stalin's "sharing" would have made life (death) more than a little interesting for them.

The western alliance against Germany made sense, but Russia had no intention of becoming 'western'. All we did by defeating Germany was slow the communist/fascist worldview a bit. It would have been better if we had toasted both regimes at the time.

I highly recommend "The Soviet Story" documentary. Want to know where the first (and model) concentration camps were started? Want to know where 20th century pogroms started? Watch it.

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I recommend the book 'The Chief Culprit: Stalin's Grand Design to Start World War II' written by a Soviet military intelligence defector.

Long story short Stalin was amassing a massive strike force he planned to use to attack Germany as they fought with Britain. Hitler learnt what Stalin was planning and launced operation Barbarosa as a pre emptive attack.

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You believe Stalin should have allowed the Nazis to control Russia? Did you know that Hitler's plans for all " Slavs," and I think that might include you, was to kill a lot and enslave the rest. Check out Mein Kampf -why don't you.

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You are saying Stalin and the Russians should have given in to the Nazis? What do you think of the West's treatment of Ukraine these days? They turned it into a battleground against Russia at the cost of Ukrainian lives, autonomy and well-being. They can do it because the myths and lies on the theme of Russian evil are so well-played. But, believe what you will.

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I'm afraid I do not trust the media either way. The point is that historically I do know with some trustworthiness, what happened. But as for today with all the propaganda, I am not sure. Also, I am not at all certain the the Russia of 2023 is the same as the Soviet regime of the past, if you know what I mean. I support not 1 but 2 families in Ukraine via Chalice. To me this speaks of gross mismanagement of the system in Ukraine that I would have to do so at all considering Ukraine's wealth. Also, my uncle, a rancher, travelled to Ukraine in the 80s and was flabbergasted at the backwardness of the place and wrote of it. But I know that Ukraine and Russia both have sufficient means of propaganda to muddy the waters and for that I trust neither. But historically? Communism has a 0% success rate. And, you did not answer my questions but instead posed more straw man arguments.

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Communism was attacked by the entire West in the early 20th century: it was blockaded, denigrated, sanctioned, with Russia designated a pariah state. Yugoslavia was attacked by NATO in 1999 for no other reason than its alleged affiliation with Russia, even though Russia had given up on communism in 1991 because of economic and political isolation. That's when the West attacked it economically like vermin on a weakened animal. So your criticism amounts to a circular argument, and don't talk to me of "straw man"arguments: you are a master of the irrelevant and trivial.

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Russia has a lot of land in fallow. Land that previously had orchards or farms. When I drove north of Moscow a decade or more ago it was quite surprising how much there was. Even NZ dairy farmers were eyeing it up as a means of expanding their interests.

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So you think Europe was mistaken to fear communism, when the Bolshevik takeover resulted in the murder of the middle class, with bullets, famines and working them to death in gulags? When they said that their aim was to spread communism world-wide? When they had already made several attempts in Germany?

You still believe what they told the workers before the revolution that they were going to share everything ... and make it a workers' paradise?


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I don't know if you've done this accidentally or not, but the removal of the middle class is what communism is about. Which leaves the upper and working classes under a totalitarian system.

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Yes, the middle class was deliberately murdered. Wasn't that clear?

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If it was I would have just agreed with you.

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You still believe in Western Capitalism, even after it killed a million people in Afghanistan and Iraq, on the pretext of 9/11, like all the other false flags: innocent people blown up, sometimes children, right in view of their parents. Even after colonialism and the enslavement of millions for cheap labour, their resources exploited by western capitalism. Even when at this time, US citizens aren't making enough money to marry and reproduce. Even after the rush to use every resource as quickly as possible , creating extreme climate change -you must have noticed, a tiny bit? Even after a strange Covid virus was created, killed millions, and then faulty, dangerous vaccines were made - FOR PROFIT, THE MANUFACTURERS PROTECTED IN ADVANCE FROM LAWSUIT OR COMPENSATION. And So much more.


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I'm glad to see there's a lot we agree about!

Here, you are using "believe" (in capitalism) in the sense of "support" or "advocate" rather than "believe it exists". Well first, capitalism and communism as a choice is a false dichotomy. You are implying that because I don't believe (in the sense of thinking it is true) the early 20th century propaganda about communism, that I must be advocating ... a whole lot of things that I don't advocate.

Secondly, just as we haven't had communism (as advertised), we haven't had capitalism either, for over a century.

Capitalism wants to use competition in the market to improve services and quality; but it involves regulation. So in the UK e.g. there was a body called the "Monopolies and Mergers Commission" (name changed now). It's role is (in theory) to make sure that companies don't club together in cartels, or merge into large companies which will be able to crush other companies. HOWEVER, capitalism was over by 1900: Rockefeller had essentially a monopoly on the distribution of oil by rail. Once that had happened, and legislation had been passed to change the nature of the legal entity known as the Corporation (see The Corporation on YouTube) it was corporations, not governments that had the power. That is called fascism. The world has been run by fascists since about 1900; the pollution has been done by corporations, not the populace. Hitler was funded by Wall St. (See Anthony Sutton (books and YouTube). Hitler was just a puppet. He was employed by military intelligence between the wars. The Nazi party wasn't the first party he infiltrated to report on its personel. (Penniless artists don't suddenly know everything about propaganda).

If you really want to understand how the world works, a good place to start is the interviews with Norman Dodd on YouTube. Then Peace Revolution by Richard Andrew Grove, and The Corbett Report.


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I once read something in the MSM about Hitler, selectively quoting a letter that he'd sent to the NYT (it was published) in about 1932 or so. So I went searching for the complete letter and found it and he was basically supportive of the big banks and from memory was saying to them do you want us or the communists?

Should not forget either that the 1930s was a time when central banks were making an appearance around the world having had their start in the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve (realistically both were owned by the same people & these privataly owned central banks were after a monopoly on printing money)

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That sounds very interesting, and shows impressive determination to find the truth. I wonder if you would be able to email me the result of your research?

My understanding is that central banks go back rather further, but I suspect that you are right that the thirties was a particularly influential time for them. (See Bill Stll's documentary The Money Masters on YT)

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I don't want to leave my email address up for long, but I'd love to see that letter, if you can find it.

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... and "All wars Are Bankers' Wars" on YouTube.

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Look, I don't know you (so I can't tailor replies to "where you're at" accurately, as you have seen); and you don't know me (as you demonstrated with your very cogent polemic about current events). But you seem both highly motivated and energetic. If that really extends to wanting to have the best grasp of the truth that you can, the best I can offer you is

"Coping with Disagreement and Being Wrong",


... which is mainly about how to search for the truth;


Why You Should Stop Using the Concepts Left- and Right-wing


... which is about ridding oneself of a common impediment to the search for the truth;

but most importantly

What's Wrong With The Grater Good


... which deals with a common, very topical and urgent blind spot.

Good luck to you.

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CE, there are actual differences between authoritarian ideologies. See this well written recent piece by SB Shurk in American Thinker


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Try "Why You Should Stop Using the Concepts Left- and Right-wing".


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Thankyou for covering this event in your post.

I agree with all you said.

I am appalled by what happened in our parliament on Friday. The picture you featured in your article is one I can't unsee. And by now most of the world will too.

I don't like mainstream media but do follow it so I know what they are saying and writing.

The National Post did cover this event today and over 1500 people had commented by the time I quit reading the comments. Pretty much everyone on that comment section was pissed off. Their comments were angry, dismayed, appalled and stunned.

And all this within days of the "India" problem.

And the Million People March.

And the sham trial for the " leaders of the convoy".

And yes, crime is a huge problem. I live two blocks away from the tragic loss that occurred of a police officer on duty while in Coquitlam, B C.

So all in all, not a good week for Canada.

I can only imagine what next week will bring.

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YES, horror is occurring....BUT JESUS CHRIST hung on The Cross for all who Believe in HIM. Look up and look away to HIM. The Church resembles what He saw from The Cross. "Father, forgive them."

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After Jagmeet Singh gets his pension.

I'm not lying. Or Trudeau's Caucus throws Him out or 2025

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It has become obvious the US Administration is fascist, the Canadian, Australian, British, NZ, and EU Governments are fascist, or, at least, serve the interests of global fascists.

It should hardly be surprising they have lost the ability to identify the evil which they now represent.

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Lost the ability to Identify the evil?

More appropriate: they identify WITH the evil they now represent. I believe they know exactly who they are supporting.

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Joe public has lost the ability to identify who the fascists are .The people in power know exactly what they are and what their mandate is.All disciples of uncle Klaus who by the way was born and raised working for the German Nazis in the 30's and 40's

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Don't forget who Freeland's grandfather was, or that she was photographed holding pro-Nazi symbols.

As the child of someone who was orphaned as a toddler in Ukraine at the hands of the Nazis during WWII, there are no words strong enough to describe Parliament's actions.

Tell me why we are funding the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians again?

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{...Tell me why we are funding...} How about contemplating the idea of a future, New, Greater Israel on Ukrainian soil ?? ...

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I do not wish to defend any war criminal, Nazi or otherwise. In fact, I emphatically condemn all such evil doers - no matter thier ideology. I particularly am not defending the apparent reverence given by the Canadian Parliament in this instance.

However, one critical element which is forever absent when discussing the Ukrainian 'Nazis' of WWII is: the Ukrainian people had been suffering unspeakable atrocities at the hands of the Stalin Regime for 15 years before the German Nazis launched their assault against Stalin. This included the Ukrainian Famine - Holodomor, an orchestrated genocide of Ukrainians by Stalin's Regime. The Holodomor claimed ~ 5,000,000 Ukrainian lives, with tens of millions more suffering dreadfully.

It should be no surprise Ukrainians held a deep hatred for Stalin, and subsequently fell into the arms of the Nazis promising to liberate them from nearly two decades of hell on earth.

Like in all peoples, there are sociopathic/psychopathic monsters, evil to their core, and eager to ply their evil trade whenever opportunity presents. But, to most Ukrainians Hitler's army was seen as liberators from evil, not genocidal monsters. To them, the genocidal monsters were who the Nazis were fighting.

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Banderites committed mass slaughter of Polish people too evidencing that they are motivated by hatred of other ethnicities, not just Russians. There is no excusing the behavior which to this day includes slaughter of defenseless ethnic Russians in the Donbas region through artillery strikes targeting civilian populations (now using US weapons and ammunition), among other methods, which have been ongoing since murderous authoritarians were installed in Kiev via the DC orchestrated 2014 coup.

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Putin's propaganda is as effective as that of the Western Globalists.

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Sounds like you need to study some history to understand this conflict. And understand western corporate media spreads almost nothing but misinformation and disinformation regarding the matter, along with anything else they can politicize.

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Sounds like your understanding of history is a little one-sided. Half my family is Ukrainian, been there multiple times, and know the history well.

The assholes of Ukraine are of the same ilk as those of Russia, Europe, US ... I'm talking about the people.

By the way, Donbas was part of Ukraine since, and prior to, the collapse of the USSR. The region has a significant ethnic Russian population, but critically, it was also highly industrialised and endowed with resources - which is why Putin invaded in 2014, subsequently forcing out / murdering those identifying as Ukrainian.

The artillery strikes you refer to were in response to that military invasion. Justified, moral, appropriate, I think we would agree, certainly not. No more so than the greater invasion by Putin of Ukraine in 2022, or the ongoing obliteration of Ukraine by Western powers in order to strike a blow at Putin. Meanwhile, it is the people who die and suffer, whilst the fascists on all sides, play for supremacy.

Back to my original point. It is all to easy to paint the Ukrainians as 'Nazis' deserving what ever fate Putin - surely the World's most obvious fascist - dishes to them.

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This isn't about the Ukrainian people, they are just being used as cannon fodder by DC and DC's self serving puppets in Kiev. And in case you aren't aware artillery strikes are targeting defenseless ethnic Russians civilians in the Donbas to this day, daily, in a futile attempt to terrorize them. If you really care about the Ukrainian people you'll recognize the evil in Kiev and DC for what it is.

Incidentally, just to state what should be obvious, Zelensky is nothing but a halfwit entertainer playing a puppet role; no doubt taking in masses of money as long as Ukrainians get torn to shreds on the front lines. Also, in case it isn't obvious, Kiev was never going to prevail in this conflict. That has always been pure fantasy. Ukraine is being exploited by psychotic megalomaniacs in DC and their well paid puppets in Kiev.

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Let me just correct your statement in the hope of flicking a switch. "You'll recognize the evil in Kiev and DC (AND MOSCOW) for what it is".

I know Zelensky is an asshole, so too Biden. You seem blissfully unaware Putin is too.

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'which is why Putin invaded in 2014, subsequently forcing out / murdering those identifying as Ukrainian. The artillery strikes you refer to were in response to that military invasion.'

So the MSM forgot to cover this 2014 invasion at the tiime?

Weird seeing as how they hated him long before that.

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"Half my family is Ukrainian"

Kind of hard to be impartial then, isn't it?

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NATO had designs on Sevastopol for a naval base from which to control the Black Sea. There were even solicitations for contracting let out from the US Navy for remodeling the base---from August of 2013. Neither Mr Putin nor any other competent Russian leader was going to allow that to happen. Period! The 30 + year re-leasing of Sevastopol had already been concluded and the money paid to the Ukrainian government before the Maidan Coup

Khrushchev's Folly---the 1953 giving up Russian territory for bureaucratic efficiencies---would never have occurred under any other circumstances---the USSR was inviolably forever in Nikita's mind.

You have an interesting construct of events leading up to what we have today, some valid, some quite the stretch. I'm not going to spend more time from my day doing the latest "irresistible force meets immovable object." Suffice it to say, NATO's constant goading and keeping old wounds open since WW II have rebirthed that conflict and will likely lead to WW III unless sanity prevails. I'm not so optimistic.

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TSMe. While I agree ithe Ukrainian people looked to and supported the Nazis to liberate them from Stalin, it must be said their support also included signing up to participating in mass murder of the Jewish Population. Did the solution justify the means?

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Which territory invaded by the Nazis didn't 'sign up to participating in mass murder of the Jewish Population'?

I dare say, if Britain had fallen, the Jewish population would have suffered the same fate there.

If they weren't murdering the Jewish population before the Nazis arrived, it's a bit much to blame them for what occurred once the Nazis assumed absolute control.

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"If they weren't murdering the Jewish population before the Nazis arrived, it's a bit much to blame them for what occurred once the Nazis assumed absolute control."


Murdering Jews is an ancient tradition in that part of the world. Nobody's hands are clean.


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You are right. Many other countries signed up to the genocide once they were under Nazi Germany control. I'm certainly not blaming Ukraine for this horrific episode in its entirety. They were one of many. However it does appear there is still an active faction of so called Nazis within that country.

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I agree. Though it has become obvious fascism now permeates all Western Countries too. It is a Global phenomenon. Referring to the fascists in Ukraine as 'Nazis' is smoke and mirrors. Putin is the most blatant example of a fascist leader. The idea he invaded Ukraine to eliminate fascists/Nazis is nonsensical.

What we have unfolding is a power-play between the fascist regime of Putin and the Western Globalist fascists controlling Western Governments. Ukraine, and it's people, are just fodder for tyrants.

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I think we finally agree. We are all just fodder for the tyrants. It has always been. And sadly will always be. There have always been tyrants no matter what time in history we can refer to.

We frame our experiences within the context of our time. As all civilizations have.

All the turmoil that we as humans experience is nothing more than a power struggle for resources. This struggle takes many forms. War still seems to be the " Go to Solution" when so called diplomacy fails. We really haven't learned much since we climbed out of the trees and decided to walk upright on our planet.

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Sadly, too many do not realize that this is NOT “our planet” but just the one we are on. The human animal does NOT own the planet. It just behaves as if it does.

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Utter bollocks. You and your misinterpretation of Putin is only understandable when viewed through your hyper-partisan lens.

I have far too many friends in the Donbas and in Russia to fall for your fabrications. That's it, I'm outta here.

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But even the German Einsatzgrüppen---tasked with rounding up and killing Jews---were horrified and sickened by the barbarity and bloodthirsty atrocities committed by your "partisans." Most interesting too that in spite of those obscene depredations, not one Ukrainian ever stood trial in Nuremberg. Very strange. (But only if one believes what the "official" story has to say.)

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Just reading about the American US Prosecuter who hunted Nazis in the west... John Loftus describes the atroctities of nearby Belarus volunteer SS divisions. They were so barbaric that the German SS were shocked. Yes, populations eagerly jumped into the evil headfirst. John Loftus: The Belarus Secret, Americas Nazi Secrets and his other related titles published in the 80's, 90's. He is still doing interviews once in a while. Many interviews in podcast archives of Dave Emory, Spitfire List.

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I had relatives ( they have passed on) that were part of a Nazi German army forced labor battalion. As they passed thru Kiev, there was a dead jew hanging from each lampposts of the very long street they marched on.

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That is such a sad and horrible thing for your relatives to have endured.

I can't image what a terrifying experience that would be.

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Thank you. I did not grow up with Ozzie & Harriet.

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The murderous Bolsheviks that terrorised every nation they successfully conquered had a decidely semitic flavour to their leadership - the people under Bolshevik control saw this.

When the Bolsheviks lost power the Semitic populations were targeted by way of revenge.

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"This included the Ukrainian Famine - Holodomor, an orchestrated genocide of Ukrainians by Stalin's Regime."

The problem with that narrative is it was not specific to Ukraine.


Millions of Soviet citizens of all republics suffered from famine, but to hear Ukrainian nationalists tell the story, only they were the victims, not of famine perpetrated by communists but of genocide perpetrated by Russians.

You can file that one under Big Lie as far as I'm concerned.

BTW, Stalin was Georgian, not Russian.

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Since Hitler lived in Europe during the all Jewish Bolshevik Revolution, who controlled the liquor industry btw, he saw that Russia's problem would eventually slide south west to Germany, and it did. The Holodomor was orchestrated by the liquor industry that sought more profit from the making of Vodka than feeding Christian people. 20 million, not 5, wiped out in 2 years. 60 million by the end of Stalins reign. Only one holocaust comes close to that and that is the covid death shot.

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Excellent point. Ukrainian actions need to be viewed in the context you've mentioned.

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I am also appalled by what is happening in Canada. I am a proud Canadian who is concerned. I have lived in Southwestern Ontario for almost 50 years. I have seen the decline in this country and the province. I am now fully aware that agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and agenda 2050 is there to create havoc for the people. I have seen that the the United Nations is not what it seems. It is a truly nefarious outfit. The ideas of the United Nations is growing in our schools, universities and colleges, hospitals, and social services. I also the ideas of phoney environmentalism and strange social movements being implemented. I see the c40 and smart cities being implanted through UN documents and strong mayor policies. Canada does not need foreign or ngo policies. It needs Canadian policies for Canadians.

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Lisa, if you get a chance, read this book below. You can almost get by just reading the first 3 chapters and the 5th chapter. Explains most everything that's been going on since - Day One.

Combined with the book "Creature from Jekyll Island" and it becomes even more clear.

"Tragedy and Hope" $6.99 Kindle


Snip: "The information contained in this book contradicts nearly everything you've been led to believe about democracy and "representative government."

Based on the groundbreaking research of respected historian Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope 101 reveals an unimaginably devious political system, skillfully manipulated by a handful of elite, which is undermining freedom and democracy as we know it. The goal of those who control the system, in Quigley's own words, is to dominate "all habitable portions of the world." Using deception, theft, and violence, they have achieved more toward this goal than any rulers in human history.

However, the Information Age is quickly derailing their plans. The immorality of their system, and those who serve it, has become nearly impossible to hide. Awareness and resistance are growing...Tragedy is yielding to hope."

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Thank-you. I will.

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It is a hysterical and sad sign of the profound stupidity of Canada’s politicians that they failed to detect (or willfully ignored) the intentional omission of “Nazi” when hearing the WWII veteran had fought Russian forces.

Byram, you may appreciate my Profile in Courage on the Canadian Truckers in which I dubbed the Freedom Convoy protest the Winter of Love and debunked the propagandists’ smear campaign against the participants:

• “Profiles in Courage: The Canadian Truckers” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian)

This represents the culmination of several months’ worth of examining primary source material to paint as accurate a portrait of the event as possible, an aspiration that apparently succeeded as one on-the-ground documentarian from Real People’s Media stated, “You did a most excellent job. I would say it’s the best and most resource-full on the topic I’ve seen. Thank you for all your hard work!”

Pierre Kory also wrote, “Holy cow. Your piece was brilliant beyond belief. Wow wow wow. So comprehensive in documenting both the beauty, courage.. and brutality. This one is for the history books. Margaret, I know the (American) Convoy organizers well, they will be thrilled, thanks for this am sending now.” (https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/the-global-disinformation-campaign-e1e/comment/5749710)

It is my hope that this can serve as a testament to the truth that will withstand the propaganda intended to discredit those peacefully and bravely coming together to defend their rights and freedoms and, by extension, those of citizens around the world.

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We in the UK watched the entire protests from beginning to end thankfully due to the world media not being censored.

We believe several things... the protest was orderly and peaceful.... the footage of truckers lining the highways to Ottawa with no roadblocks ... the citizens of that great city waving Canadian flags peacefully in their thousands.. people holding hands together in unity....

It was a coward broadcasting his propaganda from his hideaway spouting absolute rhetorical nonsense... with a menacing look of hatred in his eyes.... that tried to spin a different story..(even his own brother seemed disgusted by his behaviour.) .. it was that coward who declared emergency powers... it was that coward... who brought civil unrest by making his police force turn upon peaceful protesters... the world saw him for what he is... a traitor disguised as a leader intent on following the blueprint to disaster by the WEF.

Canada is a strong country filled with hard working and considerate people... they need a compassionate leader who knows right from wrong... not a tyrannical dictator who reneged on his promises and forced an untested ... unsafe ... gene altering toxic upon his people just like the NAZIs did in World War Two.

Trudeau should leave politics immediately and let his fellow countrymen and women fix the mess his policies have created... begin to heal those damaged by vaccination and bring a more robust countermeasure into law to prevent delusional tyrants from holding office... from the top down.

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What do you need a leader for? To tell you what is right for you?

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... and not all that long after Poilievre's ill-informed condemnation of the EU hero, Christine Anderson, calling here a racist. Then refusing to correct the slander with an apology. So-called Conservatives falling into lockstep with the radical Liberals and NDP. Where the hell are these people living? One Uni-Party to rule them all and in the darkness bind them. It's time to start from scratch.

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I hadn't known that about Poilievre. There's his true color, in plain sight. He's another Scum bag. Yes, Christine Anderson is an amazing hero.

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Here's one of the very few honest reports: https://www.westernstandard.news/news/conservative-leader-poilievre-denounces-christine-anderson-after-three-mps-meet-with-her/article_772cdf40-b470-11ed-a012-6f19a92d2239.html

It was Poilievre who stood there clapping in the Commons with all the other ignoramuses giving standing ovations for not one, but two actual Nazis: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/06/03/ykgh-j03.html

So they all frantically threw each other under the bus trying to save their sorry skins. Even the Jewish members.

Unbelievable? No. Quite expected.

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Well said. I weep for what was Canada. I too searched for CBCs "breaking story." They didn't mention it until 6:09 PM, when they ran cover for the libs, once again, by publishing Rota's apology. O'Canada.

Thank you, Dr. B., for continuing to shine a light on the darkness that has fallen over Canada and our institutions, including our Parliament .

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Great that you're spreading the truth, my sister in law lives in Canada and she used to read the local on line paper from her home town here in England. Apparently they're not aloud to read about news from countries other than Canada. It's getting very authoritarian in its ways, some what like China ! It's extremely disturbing 😱

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I look forward to hearing an apology from Trudeau and Freeland but I also doubt that they will issue an apology. Let’s see if the CBC will write about this, which I also doubt. Hard to believe that with all the paid bureaucrats, no one could find this information about Hunka before his presence in Parliament. The whole underlying premise ‘he fought the Russians in WWII’ meant that he fought Canada’s ally. Sad that this was all part of today’s pump up the war machine against Russia moment in our parliament. Sad all around. Canada has really degraded. It’s an embarrassment.

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It is the 1984 version of events where lies are truth, wrong is right and Nazis are the good guys. Cowardice abounds in spades as no-one wants to go against the current thing - Ukraine is finished militarily, while the cross-dressing, child-trafficking, money-laundering, church-banning, priest-arresting mini-me dictator travels the west soaking up platitudes from suckers. Pathetic.

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Truth is whatever you want it to be. Reality is whatever they tell you it is. Your gender is whatever you "feel" it is. There's a pattern here. The pattern does not include reason or logic.

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Who are the masters of deception to create chaos since time immemorial ??...🤔🤔🤔

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Rich psychopathic power brokers whose greed and hubris drive them to seek limitless amounts of power and wealth.

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These rich and psychopathic power-brokers usually have something in common that never is spoken about on the net. A huge elephant so to say ...

Most unfortunately for them, once their worldly expiry-date has come, they won't carry anything with them; or have you ever seen a coffin with a roof-rack ?? 🤣🤣

The real problem is the enormous amount of poverty and pain for millions and millions of innocent but highly gullible people they leave in their wake ...

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I agree that the engineered lower-class misery suffered by millions is a real problem. But I maintain that the root cause of that problem are those doing the engineering; i.e., those same wealthy psychopaths who, partly through deception and partly with brazen boldness, rig the laws, loot the economy, and send other people's children off to fight and die in unnecessary wars.

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I previously wrote:

These rich and psychopathic power-brokers usually HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON that never is spoken about on the net. A huge elephant so to say ...

Not skin-color, nationality, gender or the like but a MIND-SET base on creed.

Any guesses from you side ??🤔🤔 Or shall we leave the topic at this stage in order to avoid de-platforming and being called names ??

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It's early in the morning here and my stomach is already churning. What are we becoming? The disconnect between fact and fiction is becoming wider by the day. In your opening paragraph, you say "This seemed to be caused by two or three ‘bad apples’ infiltrating crowds that totaled hundreds of thousands..." Rodney Palmer, in his National Citizen's Inquiry presentation, made a strong case that the oft-published nazi flag image was actually staged. Its location was an out-of-the-way spot far from the demonstration where spectators were unlikely. It's truly gruesome to think of what we're dealing with. Thank you eternally for everything you're doing.

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The really are masters of the "false Flag" especially with a bought and paid for media to push their agenda. Do not lose hope. Hope is what the evil bast--ds really fear. Never comply and never submit. We will prevail. If not for us then hopefully for our grandchildren. You can never kill an idea that is honorable.

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Agree. Completely. The evil bast--rds fear our freedom to think for ourselves. They fear democracy itself, and it's almost amusing to hear our PM utter that word so often. We know the difference, and many are more aware now than ever of his manipulative tactics.

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You gotta hand it to Trudeau. In the space of just a few years he's succeeded in seriously pissing off Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus and now Jews. Buddhists must really be feeling left out at this point, to which I can only say, patience. Your turn is coming:)

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