Well done, Dr. Bridle.

Sheila Annette Lewis was murdered by ignorance, arrogance, and hatred just as surely as if she had been burned at the stake as a "witch" in Salem, Massachusetts. Yet she died with dignity and will be remembered as an inspiration to so many who admire her courage and steadfastness.

Mr. Angus' depraved indifference to human life is unforgivable.

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It was definitely a " witch burning". Sadly we haven't changed. The same mob, easily led, mentality is still with us in our so called " enlightened technological era".

I am quite sure if I lived back then I would have been burned on the stake.

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Sep 1, 2023
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Not as painful as pedantry though.

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Jagmeet Singh, leader of the NDP needs to rescind Mr. Charlie Angus' membership in the New Democratic Party. This is not the first time Mr. Angus has spouted vile and vitriolic comments about Canadians. His comments in parliament during the Trucker Freedom Convoy were disgusting and hateful. As Canadians, no matter which political party you support, we need to rise up and demand that this dismissal happen. We deserve much better from our elected representatives.

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Jagmeet Singh is a disgusting vacuous vassal of his master, Laurentian elitist, Justin Trudeau. The Liberal New Democrats coalition divided the country, pitting Canadians against each other. They all need to be removed from the government.

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Absolutely. I was unaware he has done this before since I rarely listen to the NDP.

Thanks for pointing that out.

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Derek Slone was kicked out of the Cons for accepting a small donation from a far right activist, he didn't even know but he was supposed to background check all his donators (sarcasm). This guy Angus has done a heck of a lot worse!!!!

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She died because she had less of a chance of living with the shot than without (that is, IF she had been allowed her transplant). I just heard an interview with McCullough that a colleague of his who deals with transplants informed him that since transplant candidates are now being forced to take the shot, he's seeing many who are dying before they even get their chance. Nice odds. This man should resign. Shameful!

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This is consistent with what I've observed, as well.

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I agree. Mr. Angus is a disgusting human being for what he stated. I live in the US and I, too, am embarrassed to be a US citizen. Unfortunately, our society is degrading to the lowest level. Not sure how or even if it can be corrected.

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Welcome to the club. I feel the same way as a Canadian.

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Sep 1, 2023
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What health benefits do insects confer? I'm guessing none. Fermented foods have k2 though.

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He may have well just wrote "serves her right". Despicable! Ignorant and bigoted person who does not belong at the seat of any table of any civilised society.

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I have a sister who is chomping at the bit to say that to me as unvaxxed. Karmas a bitch she crowed. Darn it, though. She’s had bad covid twice since being vaxxed up. I had it mild before jabs came out and I’m 12 years older in my 70’s.

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Vile comments from vain men

Pretending they have something valid to say

But all I see is prejudice, bigotry and assumptions

Peddled as science and truth

Even without proof

They cannot and will not acknowledge they might be wrong

And one has to ask themselves

Is this really the type we want making decisions on behalf of a nation?

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No it's not. But is there the will or even the awareness amongst the majority to effect change.

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Unfortunately here in our echo chamber

The message rarely makes it out

Through the firewalls and censorship

Most think it's all over

Or settled

Unfortunately until we take the messages away from the digital world and out onto the streets

Very few will ever take notice of the details

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Conway Judge. I agree with you based on my own personal experiences. No one in my circle of family or friends wants to pursue any of this. They say. " we are moving on and want to forget about it all".

Nothing has changed. I am still the only unvaccinated one of the entire group and am still wanting to take this on.

It's a terrible position to be in. I have probably lost a lot of respect and credibility from these people for my reaction and decisions I made about covid but now just when I'm regaining their trust and acceptance once again, provided I refrain from all things covid , I once again find myself in an untenable situation. I don't want to move on and forget. I want accountability and answers. This is not a discussion at this point that I can have with said group of cohorts. To say that I find it frustrating is an understatement.

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I'd say I'm in a similar position.

But truthfully I stopped caring about the social pats on the back and have become a bit eccentric and straight shooting with my wording and phrasing or more specifically.

How I ask questions.

I love to throw them out when the situation arises to see how they navigate the surprise that they actually have no idea about so many of the details.


This is a small circle it's the streets and general public I'd rather be able to speak to.

Murals, slogans, banners.

Public performances which poke jest at the irony of everything that's happening.

And imagine those in the most crowded of places like train stations and on the side of motorways where they bottle neck during peak hour traffic.

Unfortunately these are mostly pipe dreams of mine.

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I don't know how old you are but in the end it probably doesn't matter. Your post reflects how so many of us feel but to be honest, I don't plan to engage in public displays of discontent to express my views or disagreement with the prevailing theories. It's too easy for the media to describe these forms of protests as radical, right wing extremists views.

And to be quite honest I detest the radical environmental activists that do tie up traffic, glue themselves to treasured art pieces etc. to make a point. I don't think that's the way to go.

Do I have a better solution? Apart from refusing to be vaccinated and refusing to believe the entire covid narrative and commenting to substacks like this I haven't done much to fight this.

Your pipe dreams aren't necessarily wrong, perhaps misguided at this time in history.

As for throwing out surprise and confusion with the questions you pose to this circle of people, what's the point. You say you don't want pats on the back but perhaps you do. Why else would you bother? In all likelihood they will never agree. It's a dead end.

If it's to score points, I have already been there. They are just not interested.

That's why I pretty much contain my comments to various substacks that I subscribe too. For me it's an outlet that I have found very understanding and comforting during these very difficult times.

I wish you all the best and hope that somehow we survive this assault on our human integrity.

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I understand.

And just because I don't care about the pats on the back it doesn't mean I also don't want them. It's a paradox I am happy with.

You win some, and lose some.

But I can't win them all and dare I say, I'm not afraid to lose them anymore.

Please don't take it as if I am telling you what to do.

You do you and what is best for you.

We all have different circumstances.

I just think, if I was going to be defeated, there was no chance to win. I'd just like to look down and see myself fighting till the very end.

If I can take one more step, breathe one more breath, throw one more punch or write one more letter.

It's not yet over.

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Helen, if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem!

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Well said

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"They say. " we are moving on and want to forget about it all"

Of course they do, Helen, as do all the rest of us.

The reason we can't move on is because the facts are not yet known; the mass human trials are ongoing and it'll be the better part of another decade before the experiment has concluded.

Look back over your life, and you will almost certainly find yourself knowing at least one iconoclast who mildly but consistently held their viewpoint over time, only to be vindicated in the long run.

These "holdouts" play an important role. They begin as a sort of "Cassandra," and when eventually proven correct, they serve as a mirror, a reminder that "no, this is not new" when a grand narrative pivots, feigning amnesia.

What we're seeing with the "that's so yesterday" crowd is ordinary behavior and typical human nature. In one sense, we have to think of their "whistling past the graveyard" as okay, because it's how these things have always worked. It's unhelpful and dangerous, but normative.

Stalwarts such as yourself will be there at the right time to help prevent repetition of the error. It's a difficult and often unpleasant role, but your unquenchable thirst for truth is the personal curse that selects for the role.

Your curse is a blessing for the rest of humanity. You have my condolences and appreciation, in equal measure.

No Amnesty.

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Ted. Thankyou so much for such a kind and encouraging comment.

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Charlie Angus has established his place in Canadian politics. He participated in the greatest crime in human history; to this day his rhetoric is vile, it seems he does not possess even a modicum of self awareness nor an ability to make an honest discernment. Is this evil manifest or simple human stupidity?

There will come a time when Canadians are forced to face the horrible reality that they have been irrevocably poisoned, that their life span has been reduced and that the people who did this knew exactly what they were doing.

I sincerely doubt that the vax survivors will be in any mood to forgive the identifiable perpetrators. Societies wrath will be galactic.

My sincere hope is that the loud mouth buffoons like Charlie will be the in the first cohort to swing.

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Loved your post Northern Pundit. One of your comments really resonated with me .

" Is this evil manifest or simple human stupidity".

I looked up various definitions of evil thanks to Google and the one that seemed to fit Mr. Angus best was.

What is the pure definition of evil?

"Absolute evil; that has no sense of morality or mercy at all. "

A pretty apt description of this man.

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My mama always said what you say about someone else says more about who you are. Angus is certainly revealing himself. Disgusting monster.

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Yes, we have been irrevocably poisoned and it was intentional. The "one world" guys have been talking openly about population reduction for over fifty years. Does anyone remember ZPG ? Zero Population Growth followers were common in the 70's.

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If the jabs don't get them first... that would be perfect karmic justice!

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Another paper just published can be added to your mountain of evidence. This one shows that those with infection-acquired immunity are >13 times more protected against reinfection/breakthrough than those fully vaccinated during the Delta wave. Furthermore, those fully vaccinated had a 27 fold greater risk of symptomatic infection compared to those with infection-acquired immunity. Out of the entire study group (n = 16,215 in each arm, which were matched on a number of important variables); 8 in the vaccinated group required hospitalization due to Covid infection; 0 in those with "natural" immunity. https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/75/1/e545/6563799?login=false

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Thank you for sharing.

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Dr. Byram. You are keeping me up way beyond my expected bedtime!

I just responded to your last excellent post and now this! I guess I'm not quite heading to bed yet.

That is a terrible comment made by this ignorant politician. But at this point I am not surprised.

I am so glad you posted this story before it was removed from his on line post.

I too, at this point am embarrassed to be a Canadian. To think only a few years ago, we, as Canadians, used to travel to foreign countries and proudly display our flag on our luggage or backpacks as a sign of good will and sensibility.

And we were recognized as such.

I've traveled a reasonable amount in my life but at 73 I doubt I'll be getting on a plane again given the questionable health of the vaccinated pilots!

But if I ever decide to I won't be advertising to the world that I'm Canadian.

Mr. Angus has no business being in politics. He needs to be taken to account for his statements.

I hope this story gains traction. We need to shine a light on these dark forces and expose them for who they are. These are toxic people in positions of power. We as a people do have the power to vote them out but we are pretty apathetic in Canada and appear to be very malleable and compliant when it comes to being governed in Canada. And the Emergency Act applied to the Freedom Convoy didn't help.

As the noose tightens on the perpetrators of these medical crimes, given all the research coming ,out I expect they will double down rather than admit they were wrong. This was amply demonstrated by Mr. Angus. He is but one of many.

I don't think this fight is over by a long shot.

It certainly wasn't something I anticipated when I retired at 69 in the fall of 2019.

And I am quite sure none of us expected to be in this situation now.

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We as Canadians MUST stop being so naive, apathetic, & compliant. The government is getting bigger & bigger and produces nothing! When we are living in camps controlled by our corrupt overlords, don't say I didn't warn you.

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You're preaching to the choir. Couldn't agree more. However my observation is that even before Covid Canada was a compliant apathetic nation. We were pretty much ripe for the picking by the time covid came along.

I'm sure the WEF thinks we're the best country ever.

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I am sure Mr Angus would really enjoy debating you Dr. Bridle. Consider he is so confident she was a spreader/defender of misinformation he wasn't hesitant to wish death on her. Undoubtedly he feels his very knowledgeable position on vax is superior to yours. Maybe he can teach us poor misguided souls something, lets giv'em a chance to educate us. Consider this he said a Canadian deserved death, Isn't that hate speech, isn't that aggressive speech, incitfull(?) speech, isn't that much more dangerous and unprofessional than anything Dr Petersen said. Isn't it much more dangerous and untrue than your comments regarding the nano particle travelling in the body.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work Who knew When did they know Who suppressed it.(I bet Charlie knows)


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Posted by Shirley Guertin at: https://palexander.substack.com/p/alberta-did-the-alberta-government/comment/39379520

It's not the government who killed Sheila. From Sheila Lewis’s affidavit naming the team of doctors at the University of Alberta lung clinic who killed her, because they refused her a lung transplant because she did not have a C-19 vaccination: The team includes Dr. Rhea Varughese, Dr. Dale Lein, Dr. Justin Weinkauf, Dr. Ali Kapasi, Dr. Kieran Halloran, and Dr. Alim Hirji.

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Those unethical Doctors were “just following orders” from government handed down to their regulatory bodies. “I was just following orders”. Where have we heard that before? Nuremberg Trials 2.0 needed now.

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with the luck that other canadian doctors have had after their boosters...what is the death count now - over 200 dead doctors ? Let's hope they run to get their new shots this fall. Maybe Sheila will greet them in heaven

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I've spoken to dozens of practicing physicians about the toxic jabs - maybe one or two showed some signs of comprehension. The rest were like zombies. Nothing behind the eyes. "Big Brother! Big Brother!"

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totally Allan

what gets me is the smugness of these ijits. I spoke to a cardiologist last year whose specialty was transplants and she explained with a straight face, that it's important to have the c19 vx before a transplant because the post-transplant medication regimen is quite heavy duty. They basically don't want to transplant anyone they feel wont adhere to the strict regimen prescribed. to them, its a waste of time and effort and money to do so, to them it just means you aren't obedient, compliant, and disobedient people don't get to have transplants. It's that simple, it is their mentality and they can justify their ridiculous stance from the point of vue of money spent on patients. They are not intersted in the pathology reports. I stressed to her that is is her duty to inform herself on what the effects of the V are, the rising numbers of myocarditis etc. she was unmoved and unconvinced. Now transplant ,pardon the pun, that notion to the rest of society and how it's going and you get it...

We are two camps forever divided: the obedient credulous gullible zombies and us.

nothing, absolutely nothing will make them change their minds, not the deaths of their loved ones, not articles, not physical proof. Scientism has taken hold of them and replaced their souls.

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I continue to be amazed by their colossal incompetence - willful blindness! About 200 Canadian physicians have now been KILLED by the toxic Covid-19 vaccines (see Dr William Makis). That equates to about 2000 physicians C-19-vaxx-killed in the USA.

I've spent 3/1/2 years studying and writing on Covid-19, but I identified the obvious Covid scam after a few DAYS of study in Feb2020. The Covid-19 virus was only fatal to the very elderly and infirm, and younger people had mild or no symptoms. I was reluctant to publish against the flood of false propaganda, until I learned that our hospitals were EMPTY, waiting for the "tsunami of Covid patients" that NEVER ARRIVED! I published in 21Mar2020, six months before the ~identical Great Barrington Declaration. NO harmful Lockdowns!

Alberta physicians practiced early, competent treatment for Covid, and we had NO EXCESS DEATHS well past 1Jul2020, the end of the first Covid flu season.

No excess deaths means NO REAL PANDEMIC! Analyst Denis Rancourt* et al and I independently reached the same conclusion. We had a Plandemic, a Scamdemic, but no Pandemic!

USA physicians practiced late treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators and needlessly killed ~500,000 Covid patients in 2020, and the government paid their hospitals ~$30,000 for each Covid-labelled medical murder.

I strongly advised our governments to NOT deploy the high-risk Covid-19 “vaccines” on 8Jan2021 – again, they did not listen. Now, about 36 million C-19 vaxx-killed people worldwide agree with me.

Regards, Allan

Post Script


On 9Feb2023, based on Alberta total deaths, I calculated 12.9 million deaths worldwide caused by the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” and this total was independently confirmed by Rancourt et al based on Australian and Israeli total death data. I estimated that total vaxx-caused deaths would increase to 19 million by end2023. These totals exclude Covid-19 vaxx-caused-deaths in China, India and Russia.


In the Western world, the Covid-19 vaxx-caused death toll increases by ~500,000 per month. Globally, including China, India and Russia, total vaxx-caused-deaths increase by approx. one million per month. I estimate approx. 40 million vaxx-caused-deaths globally by the end of 2023… and so it continues.

Post Post Script


- New study: Do 50% of Pfizer & Moderna vaxxed produce spike protein forever? I review 5 studies on Spike protein in blood.

Dr. William Makis MD Sept 2, 2023


This paper suggests that half of those who were Covid-19-vaxxed will produce the toxic spike proteins in their bodies forever – billions of people! Hope it is wrong. I tried to save you…

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Mr C Angus is shameful and disgusting.

Resignation is too good for him.

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Well said Dr Bridle. I am grateful for your expertise, your voice and your courage to share and expose the lies that so many uninformed believe as truth.

Can we expect anything less from over half of the Cabinet that has been penetrated by the WEF? 🤮

Their day WILL come. Justice WILL be served.

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Wow!!! This just blows my mind!!! How on earth has Canadas political / social system fallen so far from rational western ethics???!!!! This is a heartbreaking story! You speak with a calm rational, reasoned voice, but this dystopian world shits you down as a “quack”!!! Absolute craziness! Keep pursuing and speaking truth! All the best from the UK!!

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Thank you Dr.Bridle from Israel!! You are such an important shining light for the whole world!!your courage to speak out and help the lay public to become more informed and therefore to also speak up is much appreciated!!thank you for your bravery and integrity!!

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This is my email sent immediately after reading this substack to the NDP leader and Charlie Angus with a copy of the tweet.

Mr Singh

I am totally disgusted with your colleague you chose to defame a very courageous woman. This should not be acceptable behaviour by any Canadian let alone a Federal MP.

I request you clearly and loudly show your support for ALL Canadians by forcing Mr. Charlie Angus out of the NDP and request that he officially resign from sitting as an MP.

His behaviour is disgusting and not that of a True compassionate Canadian, he deserves zero respect from ALL Canadians let alone those who chose to use their critical thinking abilities which represents 20% of Canadians.

This tweet is defamatory, disgusting and discriminatory against many many citizens of this country and we should not have been forced to read such utterly disgusting words.

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