Dr. Bridle, you are making an essential error. I'm one of the hundreds who routinely excoriate Caulfield on X. Caulfield is just a paid pharma troll. Basically a celebrity sponsor. He has ZERO INTEREST in truth or intellectual rigor. Your concern about intellectual integrity matter not to him, as he has NONE. Not only that, but he's a paid disinformation agent of totalitarians.

Dr. Bridle, you are trying to meet illogic with logic. This is a common failure during the rise of totalitarian systems. Hannah Arendt, Joost Meerloo, and Vaclev Havel all address this issue. Dr. Bridle, you are falling into the common trap of treating Caulfield as if he's a rational human being who desires to live in a healthy society. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Caulfield is paid by totalirarians (WEF & pharma via the Trudeau regime) to sow chaos and confusion. You'd have better luck calling out Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels for lack of integrity.

Dr. Bridle, usually I offer academic links but in this case a silly video best explains the situation. You are operating on a rational level far above where Tim Caulfield operates. His posts are designed to operate emotionally, and to sow chaos and confusion. When he makes contradictory false statements it's part of the plan, not an error. Like this:


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Dear Bruce: You hit the nail on the head, however, I do not fault Dr. Bridle for his comments. Caulfield has attacked Dr. Brittle on numerous occasions. I feel he has to address the attempt by Caulfield to, in my opinion, slander Dr. Bridle.

We are in a psychological war of the human mind, brought on by the Globalists for their agenda and plans. On their side, it is all lies and propaganda to achieve their New World Order, by way of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and their Strategic Intelligence Transformation Map The WEF has had fifty years developing over 200 of their topics. The Globalists have been planning their New World Oder for well over one hundred years. They also have the WHO, most of the 193 UN state heads, NATO, the pharmaceutical industry, most of the G20 nations, most of the health care industry, some NGOs, some Multi-national corporations, the G20 mainstream media, The BIS, World Bank, IMF, and Federal Reserve on board.

Edward Bernays would be very pleased with this group

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You're correct that @CaulfiedTim operates like The Joker or The Penguin of Batman Gotham City, generating chaotic disorder which confuses rational logic. It's astounding how the MSM supports his insanity.

Dr. Bridles rebuttal is appreciated as it helps those of us who look to understand the flawed 'science presented.

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'Dr. Bridles rebuttal is appreciated as it helps those of us who look to understand the flawed 'science presented.'

I agree! I think it is commendable that not only is Dr Bridle rebutting the sheer nonsense spouted by TC he is also enabling the rest of us (those who can be bamboozled by research papers) to better understand such research.

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I agree completely. I understand that Dr. Bridle got attacked and had to respond. His response is entirely appropriate. I just wanted everyone to understand that illogic was being met with logic, which never works out well for logic.

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"Dr. Bridle, you are trying to meet illogic with logic."

More/also like trying to meet evil with good. Either way logic and good only ever prevail by destroying illogic, or evil, not by persuasion.

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Thank you! I see a lot of this "conclusions fitting a predetermined target instead of the data" happening these days. It's so important and valuable to point it out where it happens; you, sir, are a hero, and you have my respect and admiration.

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Mar 7Edited

Well, I've had zero Covid 'vaccines'.

Yes, I've refused to take them, despite being badgered and coerced to do so more than 217 times in 2021 alone.

People think I'm crazy.

But, I've done a pile of tests that confirm I'm in the same good health I was in prior to the emergence of the dreaded SARS-CoV-2.

Unavoidable conclusion: Not having these Covid19 'vaccines' is 100% safe and effective.

Naysayers may claim my experience is of limited value. But, I reckon it's atleast as valuable, and more credible, than the 'experience' of Mr THaS (Two Hundred and Seventeen).

At the very least, it nullifies the validity of the point in him getting 217 shots, or any at all.

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It's staggeringly sad (and diagnostic of the blinkered times in which we live) that anyone would need to respond to such a silly post in such a deliberate, detailed, and sober way. But I'm glad that you did. Thank you for doing so.

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I wouldn't doubt that this is a made up story by pharma interests to try to further propagandize the "safe & effective" narrative, much like like Fisman's "the unvaccinated pose a danger to the vaccinated!" bullshit.

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Sounds like this jerk needs a book, along the lines of Fisman's Fraud

Caulfield's Chicanery?

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I don’t believe anything of this 217 shot story. The only thing I believe is he was running a scam. He could be, and likely is, a massive drug addict. His system is shut down already.

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He probably received saline injections,

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All I can really say again to you and a few other heroes of our time is thank you!

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If this man exists and has taken all of these injections then he is either a masochist and derives pleasure from the injections or he is lying and is a Walter Mitty type and derives pleasure from his daydreams, both of them reflect mental illness. Or maybe the whole thing is made up as a distraction, after the covid con nothing would surprise me.

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Wow! I thought the guy was mentally ill or the story was fabricated. I never thought about selling vaccination status to people. I just hope he made a lot of money because he most likely has heart damage from myocarditis and doesn’t know it.

Interesting that charges were dropped by the police. I’m sure Big Pharma swooped in and persuaded them against prosecuting HIM.

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The point is, he wasn't being jabbed at all, except after he was passed into the hands of German "scientists".

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I’d never heard of this fool Caulfield till this week, here.

Suggesting it’s fine for anyone to inject anything with absolutely no proven long term safety profile 217 times, is self-evidently reckless.

The guy just sounds like a jerk.

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That story is just a story, only God knows who concocted it in the ktichen pot of the sorcerers, also called spin doctors, the header does not even equate the story. I did not go into it too much but apparently the person might also allegedly have made a business out of 'getting it'' and selling it to those who did not want 'it', only God knows if it is true, the story is weird, right? Weird times for sure, in any case people need to read the whole story to see how weird it is, it proves NADA of the ingredients are 'good for you' story line in the master narrative holders way of holding onto their narrative. Any idjit knows that ALL MEDS can have direct side effects and that ALL BODIES react differently to anything put into it, oh my you have to explain the basics apparently to people, cheers!

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For another take on the most recent misinformation Caufield is spreading….. see Kevin McKernan’s response to the ridiculous stories being published by msm on the subject.

If you know about the DNA contamination/ SV40 contamination in the mRNA products , you’ll recognize Kevin’s work. He made the discovery.

The person who was allegedly injected 217 times was selling fake proof of Covid jab cards. He’s completely reliable!!!

Someone might want to link Kevin’s substack article on the subject in response to Caufield on Twitter! Caufield might not understand though, because he really hasn’t a clue!

If the link doesn’t work. Kevin’s Substack is Anandamide from Nepetalactone Newsletter - Title 217 Jabs or Legal Jousting.

Jessica Rose also cross posted on her Substack as well.


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Excellent analysis.

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