Is Canada lost for good?

I think I would be looking to leave & make a new life because the mindset is avowedly totalitarian it seems to me.

I recently lost a Canadian friend because he saw my challenging of the Covid narrative as somehow blasphemous.

Best of luck to all your friends and colleagues over there Dr Bridle.

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Good friends allow their friends to have differences of thought and opinion. I had a strong disagreement with my buddies who didn't appreciate my perspectives. We managed to calm down after a week or two and accept our differences. I realized that its best to wait until it comes out in a media form they will accept, before bringing up the subjects again. They are accepting of the known myocarditis risks now and think that it was always widely known. ..sigh...

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Always known ?? Why would someone take an injection that has the potential to damage their heart to avoid the flu? If this was known and your friends still accepted the shot it seems crazy, but this whole worshipping of the Vaccine god is crazy.

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Crazy behaviour to you and me? Yes.

Normal behaviour for those who believe a vaccine is a vaccine is a vaccine. That the FDA, the CDC, Health Canada all have reviewed the product and consider it unquestionably "safe and effective", is all the convincing they need.

We're talking highly educated, intelligent individuals who implicitly believe 1+1=3. No data put before their eyes will convince them differently. It's clearly illustrated in their recent edict to Ontario's physicians. It's clearly in the recently fired Alberta Health Services board member who believes the new Premier is endangering the lives of everyone by not reintroducing a mask and vaccine mandate.

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Agreed, I am living it with family and friends for the past 3 years. You show them the trial data has more deaths in the trial group than placebo, makes no difference, you show them the 1223 death 90 days after the vaccine distribution, makes no difference, you show them dozens of studies showing efficacy of early treatments, makes no difference, you show them autopsy evidence that the vaccines killed these people, makes no difference, you show them published studies the IFR is less than flu, makes no difference. As you said no amount of evidence will change their mind. It must be cognitive dissonance. As I said "All Worship The Vaccinne God". And you show them Dr. Bridle's rock solid Substack posts, make no difference.

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Maybe they have had their brains altered by these shots? I listened to army people who talked about infections ( bio or chem weapons) and vaxxes being able to alter moods and eradicate terrorist extremist views. Huge possibility.

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I know people who were gung-ho on the vaccines when they were first rolled out, i.e., before the first shot. These folks couldn't believe I wasn't rushing to get in line. They were convinced they were doing the right thing, had no thought about the shots being super rushed or experimental and asked no questions whatsoever.

I've heard about those 'eradicate terrorist...' but I really doubt that that's what's been going on. Some people have seen the light.

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Look for recent videos with Sucharit Bakhdi (sp?). The brain is definitely being affected.

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Well put!! A really good synopsis. Exactly.

But it isy more than just cognitive dissonance.

The Vaccines is now a religion. How many of you beleive that

polio was caused by a virus (Dissolving Illusiona)

How many of you think vaccines can protect you against anything (show of hands)

Why can you not get a tetanus shot all by itself anymore? (because it is the ony one that possibly works, but of course, you don't get lockjaw right away).

Why do they insist on vaccination for everyone, if you are protected

by a vaccine?

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We Canadians are so fortunate to have Sir Sparkle Sox in Southeast Asia though, still advising to roll up our sleeves, again, for the winter flu jab and booster Covid shot, at the same TIME...

And don't forget your CHILDREN'S sleeves, because, science...

Like HE did! (And no doubt his lovely children are all current with their mRNA injections.)

Do even "political scientists"

agree that's advisable or did that particular (reversal of the) speed of science whiz right past me?

Help! I'm SO confused.

#NoAmnesty 🚫💔

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

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I'm a university graduate but I'm beginning to think the 'highly educated' is the problem. At my church, our priest recently had a sermon about pride (one of the 7 deadly sins). He explained that there is no sin in being proud of your work, achievements etc. but that the sin of pride happens when you can't accept criticism or correction, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Perhaps being well educated somehow bestows an attitude of 'I know everything'.

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- Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance.

- Excessive pride, presumption or arrogance (originally toward the gods).

- overbearing pride or presumption

Proverbs says; "pride goes before a fall".

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Henry, this was a highly engineered pschological operation.

Less than one out of five people can resist this kind of "nudge"

They have been refining their approach for over 20 years.

They have been collecting so much information on us (thank you google)

that they only had to refine it.

Here's a good idea of how far this goes:https://www.oval.media/en/0423c4c7-a7b0-4d82-80c2-26ff61c107c8/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Engineered period. I will have a listen. Thanks.

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Dear Paula

Don't lose heart, even though friends are lost in fact in some cases family is lost we are winning.

We are stronger than ever before.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work. Who knew, when did they know, who suppressed it.

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There's a total psyop on one side. People are middle of the packers. Until they see what you are saying reflected by the majority they don't feel safe believing anything else. It's the rare sort who thinks for themselves. It's rarer still the soul who stands and shouts even when opposition looks fierce. Oh boy!! Let's all stand with huge grins on our faces. Because we are undaunted. You will convert my lost Sheep. I will convert yours. We are getting stronger larger every day. 💪

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'It's rarer still the soul who stands and shouts even when opposition looks fierce.'

Yet those are the ones who are celebrated in movies and books. Everybody loves a rebel, except apparently in real life.

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Time may heal your lost frienship, in the mean time meet some new Canadians.

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Time doesn't heal these types of wounds.

Memory loss might.

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Convince yourself that it does.

What the heck, brainwash yourself (little bit of sarcasm).

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Nov 23, 2022
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Take heart. Time will wound all these heels.

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Yes, there are friends you haven't met yet.

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Danielle Smith in Alberta brings hope. Check out her intervlew with Jordan Peterson.

I typically feel the same about this country.

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Thanks. I should say that I'm not Canadian - I was referring to a friend who is and sadly couldn't accept my stance.

I feel incredibly sad for the good people of Canada trapped in what looks like a nightmare (I'm a Brit).

Things aren't terrific here but we never reached Trudeau's level of totalitarian insanity.

Best wishes to all living that.

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I also know fearful Brits and Italians who followed the (political) Television News science sponsored by Big Pharma as well.

Unknown if they've snapped out of it yet. (No contact in nearly a year, from either side of the fence.)

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Oh believe me almost all my university level educated friends were and still are Covidians! The UK went completely insane yes, but while the peer pressure and public shaming of people lokd me was horrible, the UK government preferred to use those methods to pressure people into taking experimental injections rather than mandates.

They did try mandates with public health workers but they fought back & won.

So I'm not suggesting the UK has been good, it has definitely not, but it's not been anywhere near as bad as Canada/France/Germany/Italy/Ireland and of course Australia. I work for a national organisation and have refused to wear a mask & they accepted that and asked for no proof of exemption. Nor did they ever ask me my vaxx status. I consider myself extremely fortunate.


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You forgot Austria, Lithuania, New Zealand and China. (And more.)

You're lucky Paula.

I should have gotten out sooner, before the mandates kicked in. I was booked, but as "luck" would have it, not permitted to board my flight due to no PCR tesr. Uprecedented flooding took out the roads and prevented me from obtaining the test. "Cancelled. Sorry."

Trapped. Window of opportunity and job: lost.

Unable to secure employment due to: no QR Code.

When the mandates against the unvaxxed were "temporarily suspended" at the end of June, could no longer afford to flee.

Now? Cannot escape to the US: CDC banned entry to unvaxxed. As of November 8, 2021.

It just goes on and on.

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Yes many countries have slipped into totalitarianism, I agree we are v lucky in the UK but the public shaming of people who refused to take the vaxx or mask was appalling but in comparison to places like Canada, I agree we have been v fortunate.

I hope you can manage to get out, sending you deepest sympathies for the terrible abuses you are enduring. Best.

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As of today, the US restriction expires Jan. 8. We shall see what happens then.

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I didn't have too many Canadian friends left to lose but I was cancelled by my oldest one.

C'est la vie, c'est la guerre.

#NoAmnesty 🚫 💔

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

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We conflate compliance with patriotism instead of self-preservation. Scary!

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I don't think we're lost yet. We've just made some wrong turns.

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Do you see anyone backing up or making a U-turn?

If so, please post some data, because Turdeau is doubling down and the lemmings don't see the cliff.

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What I see is people around me saying they've had more than enough, and they were all compliant until they all got sick. They are beginning to see the tyrannical control for what it is. It ain't over 'til it's over.

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"... I see people around me saying they've had more than enough, and they were all compliant until they all got sick. They are beginning to see the tyrannical control for what it is."

Really? Jabbed people around you are actually saying that? Wow.

People around me who rolled their sleeves up and still got sick (and thanked me the other day for the ivermectin they'd never heard of because they'd not READ or WATCHED anything at all about the subject matter) are saying nothing of the sort to me!

Zero feedback, positive OR negative. No comment at all about anything I ever link them to.


My sister, whom I spoke to last night via Skype (they're on vacay in the States) asked me what I was doing.

A: "Watching the Emergencies Act Public Inquiry".

She repeated that, with a question mark. (Puzzled.)

She obviously hadn't actually "heard about" The Emergencies Act Public Inquiry.

It's happening, in Ottawa, as we speak. In its 4th week... (I've sent links. Enuff said.)

On November 8th my BIL apparently watched the US mid-term elections all night but hasn't heard of, or watched a minute of this momentous inquiry?

They probably won't be watching this clip either:


Everyone "around me" are jabbed Canadian citizens. Most live within kilometers of me when not enjoying a winter golf holiday in the States.

They are all very "normal" Canadians who were permitted to attend hockey games, Christmas dinners, weddings, funerals, movies, concerts, and fly to the States because? They all acquiessed.

So yeah.

People around me are talking, but won't discuss any of this stuff with me.

They tell me they don't know about The Emergencies Act Inquiry which was commissioned to investigate the 1st ever invocation of the ACT in order to (brutally) shut down the largest of its kind (legal) protest against the Canadian government's Covid19 mandates.

My people though? Can't wait to watch the new episodes of "Yellowstone"!!

Good to hear "it ain't over 'til it's over" from where you're sitting though. 😉

I'm in B.C. and might want to move to your neck of the woods. 😁

Where is that Shelagh?

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I'm in the Maritimes. Not saying all's well here. Far from it.

The chattiness near-smothered by covid is back. People here talk to complete strangers in store checkout lines, starting with the weather. Second topic now, noting drastic price hikes in the cart, is what a mess the economy is in and often how Trudeau is trying to destroy the country.

These people don't play golf. They wear rubber boots to work. They know nothing of the proceedings in Ottawa but they know about the truckers and believe in their cause.

It's nice to bond with such strangers because of the personal cancellation among those I do know because of the shots. Which I warned about, did not partake, was shunned.

Now, they mention the heart damage, mentioned on local TV, as the reason they aren't taking any more. I'm happy they are reclaiming something of themselves, and enjoying the sensation of a tide turning, although there will be another assault and we'll see what happens.

Danielle Smith gives hope for Alberta. If she wins I might be moving there.

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"Danielle Smith gives hope for Alberta. If she wins I might be moving there."

Me too. If I'm not allowed to board a plane to Florida real soon.

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Paula, if you are my countrywoman, you need to wake up and realize this country is also lost

Years ago.

It is over. Unto you God, I give my spirit.

Look at Dr. McCullough.

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Paula is in the Uk.

All G20 countries, are lost, if the recent WHO and WEF plans are implemented

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May our Lord Jesus who is above “ all rule and authority and power and dominion,” be with these doctors and deliver them from the hands of evil. May He give them victory, which in turn will bring victory to others. This is a spiritual war. God help us.

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I went to hospital for a stress test and the doctor asked me if I had the Covid shot? I said no and he asked why not? I told him it did not stop infection or transmission. He looked at me as if I were a Martian, and said it stopped severity, and told me his wife was a virologist. I asked him to name one RNA vaccine other than SARS-2? He could not. I told him vaccines inoculate and prevent transmission. Anything less is not a vaccine. The Emperor has no cloths.

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What was his reaction to your obvious understanding of the scientific FACTS of the matter?

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He still insisted it was worth getting. Just boggles my mind that we lose our ability for critical thought.

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Wow. Luckily he's not your primary doctor.

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I have a book coming out in January called Pandoras Box, about SARS & viruses. I said I would give him a copy.😊

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I saw a cardiologist who asked the same thing, why I was not getting vaxed. I said ‘I’m scientifically literate’. She said ‘why should I bother to treat you if you don’t do as you’re told’!! She was so close to being sued. I was waiting for one more statement. But she did sort of treat me.

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The recent Ontario College of Physicians directive to doctors to push the vaccines and to ignore exemption requests for all but a few limited reasons, to instruct doctors to recommend psychiatric medications to those who are vaccine hesitant, doesn't give me much hope for a judicial process that sides with professional organizations over the individual. I do hope I am wrong. Will the judge try and avoid a legal decision and say it's a professional conduct manner between the College and the member?


After rereading the article, I realize it IS a tribunal. So not sure who presides over it. A judge or a group of peers.

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I wrote a blistering letter to the College over this issue and included the 2.5 years of irrefutable data I have accumulated, everything from the Pfizer trials debacle to the plain truth of inefficacy and the massive harms caused by the injections. I received a reply. The individual only wanted to know how I got their email address. Not at all concerned over the tens of thousands of deaths and injuries sitting right there on the CPSO's doorstep. This criminal sham of an organization must be dismantled and the incumbents prosecuted as individuals.

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"The individual only wanted to know how I got their email address."


Please NAME this individual. And email address.

I want a record of that type of response too!!! (Because SO far? Crickets.)

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https://www.cpso.on.ca/en/News/News-Releases The email address is there. I fully expect it to be gone soon.

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I sat beside John Horgan in a coffee shop at the end of July 2021. He was sort of whispering to a friend about vax harm. He talked about doctors showing him files of vax harm and deaths. He said he spoke to Trudeau about it but rolled his eyes and said ‘but you know Trudeau’ and shook his head derisively. He said something very telling. He said ‘We can’t keep ignoring this.’ The implication being they had known of it for awhile. I sent him a registered letter talking about the vax program. And I parroted back his own words to him. Words I had just heard him speak. I didn’t get an answer. And a week or so later he proudly announced the vax was now available for the next younger age group. The last thing I heard was him saying how he had turned it all over to Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix as he was not a doctor. He said he deferred to them. He’s laying the groundwork for his denial of culpability. Throwing Dix and Henry under the bus. He sees it coming. Too little too late. He was in charge.

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When I say the last thing I heard him say I meant most recently just as he retired.

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That's a fascinating story William.

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Dr Bridle I admire your work and courage. Keep it up!! In my respectful opinion we should call it for what it is. This is CCP style social credit. Comply with the ''then current' the goverment narrative and you can keep your licence aka support your family. Full stop. It is nothing more. And going down the barrel of their arguments without loudly proclaiming this is defensive play. All doctors on this side need to name this communist Lenin style governance. Frame the story. That's how you win. This needs to be said very loudly from every pulpit.


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Perhaps these fine docs need your assistance to Frame the Story. I am working on personally changing the story because this current narrative sucks. Love your comment.

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They must certainly can reach out.

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Thanks to these doctors for their integrity and honesty. Covid is great!!! It shows the deep corruption of the Canadian system.

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That is the one silver lining of this whole mess, for sure.

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So very disheartening when everything seems to be captured by a medical mafia and I hope someone is not incentivized to hear science that hasn't been bought and paid for by Big Pharma's thugs.

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Luckily I read Dr. Guylaine Lanctot's 1996 book "The Medical Mafia" prior to the birth of my child in 1997.

He remained unvaccinated until last year. He couldn't withstand the discrimination and the social pressure to fall in line.

After being pressured by his employer, friends and relatives, and after being banned from his fitness centre, restaurants, planes trains and ships, concerts & pubs & movie theaters, my 24 year old succumbed.

He rolled up his sleeve, unbeknownst to me.

Despite having been given ALL the data (by me) he chose to put his life at risk in order to obtain a QR code to be able to see the new Spiderman movie with his vaxxed cousin.

Broke my heart.

My concern for his future health and well being will never abate.

#NoAmnesty 💔

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

#TheMothersAreComin'Justin 😭

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Get why this would break your heart . Like you , I would be worried about the long term effects however , there is that certain breed of people who still think there is nothing wrong and they would die without it . It looks so similar to me to what Hitler did in Germany and people don't know their history and how it repeats itself . The innate urge to be part of a group is so compelling , especially for young people . My daughter got her 2 for the same reasons but now says no more . I'm an introvert by nature so makes it easier to wait and see what is unfolding .

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My son has PROMISED me that he will not bend to the 3rd, to comply with the new definition of "FULLY vaccinated".

I send him the latest data, daily.

He broke my faith in "promises". If push comes to shove, like it did last year, am certain he'll break.

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Maybe time to become unethical - it's it terrible to have to even think like that but it's a kind of a survival technique - do whatever it takes . Pretty sure half those political guys aren't into the juice like the mere mortals have to be .

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Wondering what happened to this toddler.

His death was sudden, and thus far, unexplained:


Will keep my eye on this evolving story.

Yes. Maybe it's time to go underground.

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Omg I so feel your pain!!! I am in a very similar situation with my 24 yr old son. Everything revolves around peer approval, employer approval, fitting in, being main stream. He's an associate scientist and highly intelligent and educated. He will not consider that the system is evil. Mom must be crazy. 😭

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We raised them up, protected them from harm and from evil, and now?

We're just nuts. 😉

He still comes over to eat though. 😁 Albeit iPhone on table. ("Talk to the hand" when I try to broach any, um, "controversial" subject matter.)

He's my only begotten child. Cannot remain mute ALL the time. 😭

Better pissed off with me than not with me at all.

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100% can relate. (((Hugs)))

Hey I thought the US Canada was now open for unvaxxed??? 🤷🏽‍♀️ Although I could never move away from my son at a time like this and I doubt you can either.

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I'll leave in a New York minute. My son can visit...

No, the restrictions are still in place for the foreign "unclean". Including Canadians. (Entry restricted to UNVACCINATED)


And as of 3 days ago, this just in, from Joe Biden's administration:


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🤦🏻‍♀️ Can not wait until these sick people are out of power!!!

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Thank you for that book title; the intro is prescient. I also have a more recent book by Peter Goetzsche, MD, "Deadly medicines and organized crime".

Yes, I too have sent data after data, and still some family members & friends STILL finally fall to peer pressures and allow themselves to be injected with this toxic stuff. I am grateful none of them thus far have received hot lots....

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I'm too frightened to look at the hot lots data Sandy.

Have his, and my mum's batch numbers. Will eventually muster up the courage but until then: am comforting myself with the thought that he could have been given a placebo, or the vials could have been improperly stored so the spike protein was almost non-existent, etc.

You know, the myriad ways in which mothers try to cope. (Denial is not a river in Egypt.)

Have my son on NAC and a schwack of supplements.

Unsure whether he even takes them as he lives independently and will accuse me of nagging so I don't press too hard these days.

Am a hermit these days, and not because of "the deadly virus".

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Bless you, but please be brave and look at the data (https://howbad.info/). I personally would be relieved to know what was injected into my loved ones or myself. Our fears are often bigger bugaboos than 'reality." I'm a biologist, and although I am not an MD, I am a PhD and used to teach cell biology (now teaching ecology). If you know what you (& your family) are dealing with, you will be better equipped to help yourselves heal! Unsolicited advice: Definitely stay on NAC, and look to some of our MD heroes for supportive care (the supplements, etc., that you are taking). As a Reiki practitioner, I will also say that *spiritual* discipline is also massively important for us in this time. (Yes, prayer, meditation, visualization, intent, will, focus!!) Your thoughts carry weight! Keep them focused on healing (but know what you are dealing with rather than cower in fear of the unknown). Blessings to you and all who are presented with these very hard situations.

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Thank you so much for kindness and intelligent, sane, words of encouragement.

I have no fear for myself, as I've never willingly succumbed. (They'd literally have to tie me down, and yes, it has happened, but I fought like a banshee and would do so again.)

I've studied all the pretty well known detoxifying/repairing/healing protocols.

My entire immediate and extended family is jabbed, on 2 continents. They want NO part of my whacky ideas and never have...

Tough row to hoe because I've studied "alternative" medicine for 35 plus years and my entire family rejected any and all advice & all the medical data and publications attached.

My head isn't buried in the sand re: hotjabs. I know the truth is out there.

I'm frightened for my child. And what may lie in store. With zero notice.

I'm depressed and sad and find myself almost unable to drag myself out of bed, most days. (Kind of like Naomi Judd must have felt.)

I want to ESCAPE.

Cannot (legally) flee to any of the more or less "free" States, due to still being banned from entry to the USA, for lack of vax papers.

I'm not cowering in fear. I just fear thete's nothing more I can do. "Inevitable."

Was notified that an old friend of over 45 years died the other day. Appatentlt lived only 6 months after "terminal diagnosis".

No "cause" of death but I was shown a photo, snapped 6 weeks before she died. I enlarged it. Looked closely. ("Talk to me Sue...")

"Best Evidence" may not be a picture, but it said a thousand words and I think I know what disease (and its "treatments" so ravaged her body, and snuffed out her life so quickly.

Since I also knew her line of work, and her love of world travel, I thus surmised she was undoubtedly "FULLY compliant" and "up to date" as Tam et al advised, I also believe that I understand what may have triggered the sudden, aggressive illness which took her out in a mere 6 months.

She was my age.

I do not cower in fear of the unknown, by and large. I investigate possible cures.

I was briefly informed of her death by a former mutual friend who cancelled me earlier this year.)

Earlier this year, a freedom fighter I know was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. I did extensive research after being told he was suddenly hospitalized. Hours and days and weeks of it.

His fear of imminent death made him do an about face and he chose the "known" gold standard "treatment" that was recommended by his oncologist.

I don't know how he's doing today. (He cancelled me in February.)

I'm sad and tired Sandy.

Maybe I just want to be an ostrich in my next life.

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I have forwarded this to my list of 120 people along with my sample email to encourage them to flood the CPSO to let them the public is watching carefully and will be expecting a just and fair proceeding.

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As in the USA, it all seems disappearing into increasing disorder and the crushing weight of jack boots.

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Dr. Bridle, thanks for the heads up. I have requested a link. 

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Same here!

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Here is the information regarding the link to tribunal:

Dear Parties,

Please see the below message from Mr. David Wright in this matter:

Message from Mr. David A. Wright | Drs. Phillips, 21-023; Trozzi, 22-006; Luchkiw, 22-012 | November 21, 2022

Dear Parties,

Due to the volume of requests for the link to the motion hearing, the Tribunal is making the link public. You may distribute the following link: https://youtu.be/xS4A2z4UogY (https://youtu.be/xS4A2z4UogY)

Please include in any distribution the following message:


David A. Wright (he/h


Chair | Président

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You and Mark Trozzi and his Ontario colleagues, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Dr. Daniel Nagasse, Dr. Mel Bruchet, Drs Alexander, Kory, Malone and McCullough et al, and so many more renowned doctors from around the world, have been fighting on the front lines from the get-go.

Your battles have been bloody. The censorship of your work has been diabolical.

Canadians who did NOT readily succumb to political and societal and our unelected "health" minister's mandates owe our steadfast resolve to YOU, and to all the other scientists and health advocates who blew hard on your whistles, EARLY days.

Thank you dear sir. 💖

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️🔎

#HonkingForFreedom 🇨🇦🚙🚚🚛🇨🇦

#NoAmnesty 💔

#TheLionsAreComin'Justin 🦁

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Link requested!

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I requested a link and got an immediate autoreply—that was a blank email.


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Yes me too.

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Their email might be answered by actual humans called in because of the many requests. My confirmation took a few days; its tone was person-like.

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Several hours later received the actual link.

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Yes I am hopeful about Danielle Smith also. No other issue matters except free speech and accountability.

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Dr. Bridle, the videoconference link is provided in the Upcoming Hearings listing on the OPSDT website. Here's the link: https://youtu.be/xS4A2z4UogY.

OPSDT Upcoming Hearings listing can be found here: https://opsdt.ca/hearings/upcoming-hearings

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hello Woody

Wise words, it is best if enlightenment comes to a person through a channel of their own making(?).

I would add another comment regarding 'the Fight" We are fighting for everyone, and that includes those that don't/won't believe.

Speaking for myself I can say, if not for the doctors/scientists that were willing to stand by their ethics and oaths and speak out I would have continued on without questioning.

I do not think it is an exaggeration to say the leadership of the informed movement(US) have saved thousands of lives by bring the counter narrative forward

We fight, a peaceful fight for all.

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