I don't know which is worse, finding out that the mRNA "vaccine" ends up in breast milk, or seeing that some scientists are so woke that they are incapable of using the word "women".

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It's CHEST milk now... 😉

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Absolutely right, lactating "individuals"? Please, give me strength. The research was important but every time I read that ludicrous expression being used it cast doubt on the sanity of the scientists involved

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Apparently even "scientists" don't know what a woman is. And here I thought it was only Supreme Court justice candidates, and deranged leftists.

How can they be so sure they know what breasts are?

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Even while knowingly killing people, one must always be politically correct when addressing insanity that pops up and cater to the madness.

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It enrages and saddens me that the following quote is already a cliche:

"We know they are lying.

They know they are lying.

They know we know they are lying.

We know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying."


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I'd also want to know if Dr. Bridle can translate for us what is the concentration of the mRNA inside the breast milk according to the papers he shared. A few tens of naked mRNA strands flowing freely in breast milk is ignorable, a high number of extracellular vesicles containing the mRNA inside flowing in breast milk is devastating.

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To be clear Damian, I don't care. A single "ignorable" trace is enough to confirm what everyone with sense predicted: they're lying to the people. There are no good reasons for why they would lie.

"It can't happen"

"It doesn't happen"

"It might happen, but rarely does"

"Okay it does happen, but it's rare"

<--We are here-->

"Okay, it happens a lot but it's no big deal we swear"

"Okay it happens a lot, and it is a big deal but you chose this"

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I've long been troubled by the medical establishment, I don't take any vaccine, unless a rabid animal bites me. So far that hasn't happened.

But, I would think a person who has trusted medicine are now having the foundations of that trust crumble, and their cognitive dissonance is screaming at them. Especially, medical professionals.

We live in a period where many institutions are disappointing the public as never before. I see no end to this. It's devastating to many, I'm sure.

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I'm barely in my 60s. Up until a few years ago, I had great trust in "the system." Now? I don't trust or believe ANYTHING. All the "experts" and the government have so blatantly lied so many times of late that they DO NOT DESERVE any trust whatsoever. I can't be the only one who feels this way.

This can't be good for society.

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Yes, this is happening all over the place. Unfortunately that is when governments fall. They lose the confidence of the people. We are there.

I follow a model of uncanny accuracy. It is called The Economic Confidence Model. If can forecast many things but particularly the rise and fall of nations and economies. We will see a big change coming in 2032. What you are feeling is the lead up to that period.

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You just described the anger & distrust seething inside me since I began noticing the lies & contradictions early on and began to do my own research.

I now feel like one who having peeked behind a familiar innocuous curtain, is now for the first time, facing the rot in what seems EVERY institution of our nation! Worse, my research reveals this is not limited to our country, it is global. (Coincidence or coordination?)

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Just last week Real Time Magazine wrote about 648 VAERS reports they found on babies who experienced adverse events after breastfeeding from recently jabbed mothers:


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When I first read the study, that line reminded me of my Soviet childhood when it was absolutely necessary for any adult writing a dissertation on ANY topic to mention the greatness of Marx, Engels, and Lenin, even their dissertation was about medieval chamber music or something along those lines.

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I’m not familiar with the communist “affirmation of faith” but it sort of reminds me of something I’ve heard recited many times during my early childhood:

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,

creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ,

God's only Son, our Lord, ....

Has the same sort of ring to it, don’t you think?

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How can a study like this make such a simple error regarding its dates, and not get more wrong? We knew it was in the milk because nursing infants were breaking out into hives, and even some had worse outcomes, including death. https://circleofmamas.com/health-news/breastfeeding-newborn-died-one-week-after-mother-got-moderna-vaccine/

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I'd also want Dr. Bridle to translate for us what is the concentration of the mRNA inside the breast milk according to the papers he shared. A few tens of naked mRNA strands flowing freely in breast milk is ignorable, a high number of extracellular vesicles containing the mRNA inside flowing in breast milk is devastating.

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Did you read the post? One of Dr Bridle's points is that we do not know what the effects of trace mRNA in breast milk might be. It has not been studied. You seem to be committing the same error he criticizes: assuming that because it's small that it's "probably OK."

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That's the reason why I ask if the detected mRNA are naked strands flowing in the breastmilk, or they are within the lipid nanoparticles that surrounded them so the lipids are also concentrated in BM.

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Great article again, Dr. Bridle.

Everyone; please also watch this short video to review the propaganda and coercion we have been put through.



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That is a great video. I'm going to spread it far and wide.

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Isn't it? Imagine what future generations will think of what we went through.

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Yes, horrific. In some ways, embarrassing for us .. in how docile/compliant/submissive we've been in response to these idiots (actors/health authorities/MSM etc) in the video - coercing or brainwashing the masses.

Maybe folks could combine your video link above with these 2 vids below?:

People seizing up and/or dropping dead: https://rumble.com/v1hpxdh-warning-graphic-images-global-depopulation-in-full-swing-as-adult-death-syn.html

People dropping dead #2: scroll all the way down to near the bottom and watch the video titled "The Experimental Jab": https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/unknown-causes-montage-video-goes-viral-recent-gateway-pundit-posts-sudden-death-syndrome-video/

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Assuming there are any, they will be suitably appalled, just as our current generations are horrified to read of other genocides, such as have happened with repeating regularity across history. This time though, it is so much more perilous. There are so many young people who can no longer reproduce because of jab-induced sterility or if they do manage to, their babies are bizarre looking and probably won't survive long. The cabal of trans-humanists at WEF and their minions and vassal states around the world are determined to inject us all, one way or another and then we will no longer be human. When they roll out their programmable CBDC / social credit slavery system, I am pretty sure it will come with mandatory jabs in order to be able to even have an account. And of course, the 87,000 new IRS agents will be confiscating cash from those of us who refuse to comply, so they're going to try to make it impossible for us to live. The programmable CBDC / social credit slavery system is gonna have to be the final line in the sand, or humanity in it's natural form may very well be over with soon....

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Wow that video!

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Amazing, huh?

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I have no doubt the damage to your career has been an extremely difficult and bitter pill to swallow. More so as it has been despite your standing up for truth, scientific integrity, and genuine concern for your fellow human beings. In fact, it has been because of this.

You have not paid the price so many of your colleagues have/will pay - the loss of their integrity, and honour. Most do not know it yet, but it has been stripped from them, and will likely never return.

Yours, Dr Bridle, will be with you for life.

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May you be vindicated for your brave, scholarly work on this initially. The principles of sowing and reaping are inescapable. Sarcasm is certainly necessary in this instance.

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I saw what you did there, in my email notification.

"When Properly Doctored"...

You're cutting edge. A real gem Doc. 💎

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Not kidding, I have about 10 heros and you are one of them. I was a prenatal genetic counselor for almost 20 years before moving to human genetics research (I do the IRB's and consents etc.....) - and in early April of 2021 when they were recommending the vaccine for pregnant women, I thought woah woah woah...... there was NO DATA at the time to show anything was safe....weekly when people came in for prenatal counseling for exposures/meds - we never said anything was safe. I could go on and on... but it was then that I was certain that this was all very very wrong.

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uh, you meant to say "pregnant individuals" right? heehee

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Wondering about impact on breast cancer in these mamas (and other injected women). 😢

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Hi Copernicus, a valid and important question.

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I love the dose of sarcasm! this is serious stuff, but humor and sarcasm is a good balance. Thank you.

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Have you mailed printed copies to all of your executioners yet? Thank you for continuing to shout from the electronic rooftops. I'm still looking for the million scientist and doctor march. I'm willing to sponsor marching doctors and scientists.... D.C. or Ottawa?

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Great post with an important message: aren't some babies dying after drinking milk of their freshly 'vaccinated 'mothers??? One important note, I'd like to suggest Dr. Bridle to make one addition or a total correction of every word 'mRNA'. The entire human body is full of mRNA, BUT not of modified, synthetic also called mmRNA as the drug cartels call their new type of nucleotides. That SYNTHETIC part, which barely gets degraded in human body is the issue here. If it never gets degraded, then what??? Normal HUMAN mRNA lives few minutes to days, most. The petroleuom-derived mmRNA is most probably there to stay. Recent japanese study found SPike expression 88 days after the Pfizer booster, in all skin wounds of the now chronic sick patient fighting for life. I wrote about the mRNA issue in the most recent posts:


and with more explanations about the basics in:


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Great point! Just subscribed will be reading those. Thank you

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Thank YOU! In case of questions about the details or corrections, just let me know...

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I love the humour in this post - the people in power are unbelievably stupid or unbelievably evil. Regardless of which is the case , they are guilty of crimes against humanity and should be appropriately held accountable and if found guilty punished to the highest extent of the law as a warning to future leaders who might think its ok to negligent evidence based medicine not sponsored by industry.

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