Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Godspeed Dr. Bridle…..we are watching and stand with you. Thank you for everything you are doing.

I am an Alumni of U of G.

My daughter just shortened her degree there to a General Science as she refused to jab (she was a Neuro Major), she returned her scholarship money but the disappointment 😢. Again, THANK YOU for your integrity and courage ALL OF YOU🙏❤️

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

Your daughter is our future. She is brave and respects the law and her body. Be proud. With that kind of integrity, she has a bright future.

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I am beyond proud ❤️🙏

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Thank you to raise up such a brave young lady! Hat off for both of you!

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She takes after her grandfather, a stubborn Chinese man! He died in September but was very aware of what was going on. He would say “I’m not their Guinea Pig” and “this smells like a rat, I don’t believe anything they are saying” he knew. AND he supported my daughters decision to give up her scholarships, you can imagine how hard that was for him🤣

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Sympathies and support for both you and your daughter; I hope all will work out for the good as truths become apparent. The best qualifications in the world are pointless without integrity and principle; thank you for your strong stance. <3

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My guess is they will not show, but I am sure you guys will use this as a fantastic opportunity to get the truth out to even more people because I suspect you are correct in the number of people who will watch it. I have been listening to you and the other ethical doctors who have been stepping forward, both in Canada and globally for a very long time now. My husband and I signed the Great Barrington Declaration days after it was drafted because we felt it was a more logical solution. I know this has been a difficult time for you and your family. I can not express how thankful we are that ethical individuals like yourself have stood your ground. Know that we are standing behind you in support.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Well said, I second the sentiment.

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It is fairly certain they will not show up. Most likely, too, by then news of mass arrests will overwhelm any interest in the discussion. Worth a try, of course.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Well said!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Dr Bridle, if they do not show maybe consider doing a mock debate against quotes they have made and mandates they have backed. You will have an enormous viewership, getting the info out there again can only help and the three of you are very believable - humble, kind and credible. Thank you so much to you, Dr Hodkinson and Dr Alexander.

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I like this idea. Full disclosure that their quotes can be taken out of context, but we'll try and position their statements in the proper time frame of the circus and in the proper context as to what their comments are discussing.

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I also like this idea. I think it will be nothing short of miraculous if any of these 3 attend so using the media and viewers present in any way to get out the truth would be a positive step forward.

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That is truly a great idea! You can tell the world that they were invited, and stream it on any uncensored platform live, with your attached invitation letters as links. Talk about the myths that have been perpetrated and.clarify all the lies as much as you can in layman's terms. Terrific terrific idea!!!

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Great idea! Yes pls do this if they don’t show!!

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I like that idea!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

You're a good man, and I believe many Canadians will be supporting your stand for the exposing of the truth. I am truly looking forward to this debate. GODSPEED Dr, Bridle.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Been a strong supporter of Prof Bridle ever since the Alex Pierson interview and the press conference arranged by Derek Sloan.

Hope this debate happens but I have a strange premonition that all three invitees will follow the dear leader’s example and test positive on Thursday……or will have private meetings.

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Yes, that was an eye opening interview for me and embarrassingly , when I really only started to pay attention. I have been following Dr. Bridle and his esteemed colleagues ever since. Everything they say makes total sense. I have massive respect for their courage and integrity.

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I am a US citizen and totally support your courage in this fight against pseudoscience and scientism. We're pushing against the same evil. Together we shall overcome!

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Hi Valdis. I have made many new friends in the US. In fact, I am so disheartened with Canada these days that my family and I have been, for the first time our lives, giving some serious consideration to moving to one of your 'free' states. I stand firm with you and all the other Americans that have their eyes wide open.

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Thank you. We are in Florida one of the absolute bests states to be during this Fauci led debacle.

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Florida has DeSantis Hero! We got Trudeau a Dictator

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Hey, there's Alberta! :-) Beats Guelph!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Fabulous! Are you following the international grand jury investigation by Dr Reiner Fuellmich in Germany? Fabulous scientific evidence coming out of it.

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Hi Alix. Yes, I met with Reiner yesterday and have provided him with evidence over the past many months. I will be strongly supporting this international legal initiative.

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Wonderful! And please extend sincere thanks to Dr Fuellmich for me for all that he and his team are doing, The world is watching. I share his videos to everyone I know. The awakening is coming thanks to him. I hope that he stays safe and that the cabal don't come after him. Thanks to you too for your part in this! God bless you all! Alix

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Yay! You guys go get 'em. The number of people who support you is bigger than you can imagine, from one end of the earth to the other. You should feel proud that you were one of the ones who started this movement, and a movement it is!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle


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I strongly encourage everyone to tune into this "Crimes Against Humanity, Nuremberg 2 Trials, and become part of the Grand Jury.


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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

So wonderful. After seeing the invites on Dr Alexander’s substack earlier, too, I began thinking… are supportive MP’s such as Raquel Dancho invited? Would be wonderful to have as much support as possible… thank you and best of luck!!!! 🛻🇨🇦🍁🙏🏻

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Hi Daphne. A great suggestion. I have passed this along to the organizers.

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Thank you, Dr. Bridle! Wish I could do more to help, but sending best wishes to all of you in the meantime.

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It would be great to see many of the supporting politicians . Rick Nicholls, Roman Baber, Derek Sloan , Randy Hillier, and of course Maxime Bernier ( to lend support not to make it political of course). Even Candace Bergen and Pierre Poilievre have been more supportive. I was even shocked to see Liberal MP Joel Lightbound speak out on CTV News on Feb 7th or 8th and who hinted that is not the only one in the party with varying opinions from the PM.

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Yes, EmEm. Very much agree, and just listed to Joel Lightbound's thoughts on a "roadmap".

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I truly hope you can make this happen.

I'll be emailing each participant to see if they plan on attending.

I'm sure you're already planning to do so, but can I suggest running the livestream, whether they show or not.

If they don't show, the three empty chairs on the opposite side of the table will speak volumes about the lack of open debate.

We need to get the livestream shared as far and wide as possible before the event.

Looking forward to it.

Thank you.

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Hi Ian. I agree. My understanding is that the livestream will occur whether it is a two- or one-sided debate; aka as a presentation :)

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Dr. Bridle, thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is beautiful.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

As a science teacher and parent, I am so happy to see this and wish, wholeheartedly, for scientific discussion and dissemination to take place and for political science to take a well-deserved break.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Dr. Bridle,

This is the initiative many Canadians have been waiting for! Bravo!

I am certain that Steve Kirsch, whose similar and multiple invitations to the FDA, CDC and NIH, will be watching. His requests for debate received not even the courtesy of a declining of the offer. That despite that he offered $US2,000,000. just for the opportunity to have a moderated debate, regardless of the result. O course, he also suggested that the money could go to any chosen charity. I’m sure that the many Americans suffering life-altering injuries post-innoculation would have appreciated that, since Phizer & the government have ignored them.

I will be sending your message to everyone I know who is looking for clarity regarding our current insistence on continuing mandates.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

God bless you Dr. Bridle! These corrupt puppets who have been telling Canadians to “trust the science” and have coerced and manipulated, must be held accountable and I am so happy that you and your colleagues are forcing them to show us this “science” that they’ve been basing and enforcing all of these heinous mandates on! May the Holy Spirit that’s been moving through our truth and freedom seeking doctors/virologists/immunologists/truckers/politicians, etc continue to reveal the truth in Canada and the world!!

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They generally just try to ignore debate offers...but I pray you’re able to break that pattern!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I wish you all the best!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Been following Dr. Bridle for some time now. A true lion we needed along with the truckers. Good luck. I don't expect them to show up. They don't have science to back them up. Reminds of the scene in The Simpsons when the content of Lionel Hutz's brief case contained shredded paper and an apple. That's exactly how I view public health officials.

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