Excellent news. Thanks for all the sacrifices you have made in order to maintain integrity, honesty, truth and honor. Thanks for sharing this information freely on your substack and in other venues. Thanks for providing this opportunity for the general public to learn more about the immune system.

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Instead of apologizing and accepting you back with open arms, thus providing their students an opportunity to learn from the best, the University of Guelph acts like a spiteful child. How sad the reality of a learning institution.

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Congrats on pursuing this marvellous pursuit Dr. Bridle!

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I recall a quote from the movie "Platoon" (I don't know the origin of the quote) which characterizes the descent of Western society well; "Hell is the impossibility of reason". The current state of affairs across Western institutions, not only academia, is absolutely mind numbing. Thank you for working courageously to counter societal lunacy Dr. Bridle.


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Congratulations on finding other sane professors and a safe place to work, Dr Bridle! Blessings to you all as you develop a parallel university!๐Ÿ™

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This is amazing. Iโ€™m really interested. I just have to wait a few days to check out my schedule bc I have a lot of family things going on right now. I understand the class may be filled by then...Thank you for all that you have done. There are people all around the world, many of whom you will never hear from or will never know, who appreciate your sacrifice. I hope that all is well and wish you and your family the best, especially your beautiful son!

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Iโ€™m signing up but unfamiliar with these types of courses- is it a set date and time? Donโ€™t see any dates listed. Thanks!

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Hi Sandy, thank you for your interest. I hope to see you in the course. Lectures will be made available via a link one week prior to a scheduled realtime Q&A period. This is to allow people the flexibility of viewing the lecture at any time during the week. We will then be offering two fixed timeslots per lecture for people to directly ask the instructor questions. One timeslot will be in an afternoon and one in the evening; again, to try our best to accommodate peoples highly variable schedules. It might be possible to try to tailor these live sessions once the class attendees are known. The first live Q&A session is scheduled for Friday October 20th with Prof. Bonnie Mallard.

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Well I just signed up! And I'm looking forward to getting all my questions answered! I'm very excited both for myself and for you that you're doing this.

I wanted to mention this: TIm Ballard, of the Sound of Freedom movie and human trafficking rescue operations quit his 'day job' months before he was to have been vested in his pension in order to perform a rescue mission. His accountant later told him he passed up millions! With the success of his movie, his financial picture is incomparably brighter than it ever would have been had he not taken a leap of faith.

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Dear Dr. Bridle, my husband, an M.D., is trying to sign up, but the system won't move to the payment page once it sees a U.S. address. He wanted to get in before the course fills up but can't figure out how to pay. Can you reserve a spot in the name "Kerber" until this is worked out? Do you have any idea what he is supposed to do? He sent an email to customer support. He would be most disappointed if the course filled up before he can figure out how to pay. We both want to send our appreciation and support for your work.

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I have had similar issues in the past when ordering online for things if the credit card is registered in Canada but being used elsewhere, like the US. ..perhaps that is the issue?

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Thank you for the idea, but its a credit card that I use for international transactions all the time. I think it's the setup for the course. The service company apparently did not anticipate Dr. B's global appeal!

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Same here--I am getting the same error with the US payment screen. Iโ€™ve sent an email as well to customer service. Can someone save my spot too!?

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I forgot to mention, he had already filled out the form via the link that you have provided for another reader below, and he still can't pay. Thank you for your help.

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Sadly, others in the field of scientific research who also questioned things or refused to get Covid vaccinated also cannot still access their labs or offices (a friend at UBC, and my dad). At this point it is clearly just vindictive punishment. Funny how those who preach caring and tolerance the most are quite often incapable of practicing it. Actions speak louder than words.

Wish you the best Dr. Bridle.

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I will happily sign up for this. Learning from the best. I hope you are over subscribed Dr. Bridle. You have much to offer and I am thankful that this rotten world hasnโ€™t taken away your love of teaching.

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Great CE offer. Sharing this about. Thank you.

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I tried to sign up for your course, There must be a bug I was unable to get past the first page. In fact it wouldn't accept the data from the email and name fields.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work, Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it


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Hi Shawn, thanks for bringing this to my attention. I should have mentioned, to register, you need to complete a short one-time sign-up for the โ€œImmunoStoreโ€ at this link: https://immunoceutica.zohocommerce.com/signup

I have added this to the article.

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Hi--I am getting an error message while registering, โ€˜tax rule is not configuredโ€™ and I cannot complete the payment/registration. Iโ€™ve also sent an email for assistance.

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I'm getting the same message. I'm in Australia.

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This is an excellent idea. After building this online learning environment may I suggest you talk to Jordan Peterson as he has been looking into doing courses in a similar fashion that would allow people to gain the knowledge they are looking for without the reprehensible cost that seems to be associated with it at the moment.

Keep up the great work and know you ARE on the right side of history with what you have presented over the last few years.



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Completely worth it! What an exciting learning opportunity! I will sign up in the spring if another course is offered. I would love to attend this semester, but I got laid off from my position I held for 9 years. Starting a new job as a healthcare professional and starting from scratch with family/mommy duties does not allow for a course atm. But I do plan on registering as soon as I can!!! What a privilege it would be to be in Dr. Bridleโ€™s class!

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This is a wonderful initiative; congratulations on creating and launching it!

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