Mar 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I have been watching these people with a magnifying glass for 25 years. I see this sort of thing all the time.

They "release damning info" on themselves to push a narrative. In this case the narrative is "be afraid of the variant, be very afraid."

Hegelian Dialectic in action. The anticipated reaction from the public is: Problem, Reaction, Solution

"see!! These crooks! They are trying to kill us!! They need to go to jail!!." Then nobody ever goes to jail and when the narrative serves it purpose they drop it like a hot potato and go the next clown show.

They don't care why we believe in a lethal virus. They don't care how we feel about it. The most important thing is that WE BELIEVE. If we don't believe the game of ping is over. Done.

I am already looking forward to the next play. I think the lab leak will be used as justification to drop the WHO on top of us and a ton of long lasting "legally authorized" abuse.

Officials: "these people are doing bad things. How did we get here? Something must be done. This must neverrrr happen again. What will we do?" In comes the Who to unsnarl it and "protect" us from these bad people.

They have been seeding this in our mind for how long now? Maybe 2 years? Now suddenly both the MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND GOVERNMENT are kicking the lab leak ball.

Then the WHO with their "legally authorized" treaty power will be in charge of Climate Change and Plandemic lockdowns, coerced/forced medication, carbon taxes, etc.... We have not seen Monkeypox in ages and Tedros just RE-declared it a threat of "international concern." My ass. They will keep us in a never ending siege of Plandemic Emergency and Climate Emergency whenever the WHO CHOOSES.

15 Minute Cities, Smart Cities, C40 Cites, are Climate Lockdown in disguise. That's my two cents and I think it will play out similar to this scenaro.

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Agree! The ‘lab leak’ is simply too coincidental and convenient (and, isn’t there some noise being made re: China being at fault?…what’s up with that and how does this play into world political theatrics?). Why NOW when this very same theory was posited more than a couple of years ago, but was then poo-pooed as tin hat conspiracy theory (oh, but they think our memories are short!). Same with these WHATSApp ‘leaks’…mmm…Midazolam murders anyone? Look over here! Nothing to see over there! Seems to me that someone is being hung out to dry, that these ‘leaks’ are meant to place blame solely on an individual (useful idiot).

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"Same with these WHATSApp ‘leaks’…mmm…Midazolam murders anyone? Look over here! Nothing to see over there! Seems to me that someone is being hung out to dry, that these ‘leaks’ are meant to place blame solely on an individual (useful idiot)."

Bingo. Midazolam is one of the places there is REAL action. I watched that go down. Some seriously blatant malfeasance in that situation. Some heads could roll to prison on that deal. Probably ventilator abuse too. Fraudulent death certificates. DOD/Pfizer fraud. Lots of low hanging fruit being ingnored.

WHATApp leak. I agree. I swear I laughed when I saw it. The health minister talks about zapping people with a variant on WHATSApp....naaawwww lol But they will jam the news cycle with it for a distraction.

Lab leak. Mark my words, write it on the wall. Nobody will go to jail and as they drop the WHO on us like a ton of bricks it will fade away. The WHO Treaty is the apple of their eye right now. They WANT that reealllll bad. They have a mountain of abuse planned using the WHO. That is the stuff nightmares are made of.

Did you see Trump's speech about Freedom Cities? Has all the 15 Minute City, Smart City, C40 City talking points. New cities, demolition, refurbishment, land, rural areas, etc... He is priming the pump like he did on the toxic injections. They expect him to lead his base into the Climate Change abuse just like he Warp Speeded his base into the poison needle.

The abuse they plan to heap on us with Climate Change in the next 10 years is gonna stun and amaze people that don't understand where this is all headed.

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And climate change is a HUGE fraud!! Bigly HUUUGE! They’ve been planning and putting this in the works for decades, if not longer. It’s shocking, really, when one starts to delve into the ‘legalities’ of it all. It seriously burns my butt! I refuse, however, to let fear or despair take hold (that, I think, is the best they can hope we will do if not a brainwashed sheep…lalalala). I can only laugh at this point. I feel like I’m living in an alternate universe. Maybe I am…

Just grateful for all the kindred, strong, and giving souls who envision a new and better way forward for humanity.

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"They’ve been planning and putting this in the works for decades, if not longer."

Yep. They had Climate Change planned long ago. I started reading about Agenda For The 21st Century roughly 20 years ago. I also read a paper written by The Club Of Rome named 'Limits To Growth.'

I knew I was reading something that would happen someday but I didn't know when. When they kicked C0vid off the tee I wondered....is this it? After about 3 months I knew. I knew by damn Agenda 21 here we come. Next thought was 'oh shit!'

"I feel like I’m living in an alternate universe. Maybe I am…"

We might as well be because this is some next level Mr. Toad's Wild Ride shit headed our way. Covid was only the beginning.

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I have that Frog and Toad book..your comment made me laugh out loud...my kids loved those stories. Meryl Nass is keeping me up to date, among others, as to what the WHO is up to..none of it is good. All terrifying in fact.

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Yep Meryl is on top of the WHO info. She is on top of most everything.

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Mr. Toad. Aptly describes most politicians…

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Yes, and remember that the climate change show was that we would all be freezing to death by now (1980's)....the Organic Consumers Association/CHD presentation hosted by Meryl Nass was excellent, btw, especially for people who just can't quite swallow that big red pill, that is getting bigger day-by-day. Retired MD Robert Yoho has just posted some deeper dives on substack for those interested delving into the truly 'skullduggery' practices of some of our "elected" officials....(pun intended). Strongly recommend Whitney Webb's current books for those totally ignorant of the history, as well as Andrew Sutton and James Corbett...many many many people are trying to reach the sleepy ones. Some have been scrubbed by the censors :-(

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I watched a Whitney Webb video a few days ago and a Corbett vid yesterday. Whitney's photographic mind is like a machine gun.

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Yep. When they say China, China, China you know they full of shit. Its amazing how many people think China is on the verge of of coming over here to boogie man us though.

Hell our Oligarchs asset stripped the U.S. and took the industrial base to where? Oh, they took their investments to China.... Look at Detroit, they turned it into a ghetto. Other cities too.

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Even more amusing…’China’ is a bad word in Canada now, the Conservatives referring to Beijing instead. Clowns! This cancel culture BS is out of hand!

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Happening in Canada as well. They can’t solve the homelessness or the drug crises, but keep bringing in ‘refugees,’ which we pay for. And, now Turdo is investigating the whistleblower who let loose the Chinese election interference. Clown show!


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I have spent a lot of time keeping up with Canada. Yall have had it rough. I consider Canada and Australia two of lead 'pilot nations' for the Agenda 21 atrocity. They backed up the dump truck and dumped the shit in yalls yard for sure.

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....thank goodness I escaped decades ago....living in Switzerland now. But is anyone really safe from the evil elites?..we fared better than most. Unfortunately, most of my family still lives under the excuse of a leader, Trudeau. They all fell into line, and were compliant, and weak; they all wore the masks, tested copiously, and jabbed themselves with poison, some countless times. I was always the rebel, and it probably saved my life. None of that for me, and my two kids. I was the leper...they shunned me, and some still do. Here, on these Substacks, is where I found kindred spirits. Bless you all.

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Standing your ground and not following the herd sometimes comes with consequences like that. But it also comes with rewards. Not only did you not get poisoned but your integrity and sense of self worth are intact. Those are some valuable goodies :)

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Unjabbed, untested, proud Canadian. Not so sure this is Canada any more, though. Yes, Substack has been a Godsend, Eileen, and am enormously grateful as well. Lots of love to you and yours!

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Message to the Unvaccinated

“Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having.

They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.

Banned from their families’ tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a “casting”, now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

That’s you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand. You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark.”


And another thing to which people seem to be totally blind, is that wherever there is a resounding message "get the jab or lose your job/house/home/friendships" then surely a coercive agenda is afoot. And that is a crime in the book of law. Why can't people see through this? Sometimes denial just knows no bounds. The architects of this current saga knew what they were doing when they rasped psychological fear, to create a stir and need and denial and heated emotions.

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The last few years here in Canada have been as close to Hell as I ever could imagine. All friends and family went for the koolaid. Shocking. And yet the certainty that I'm no longer interested in their company makes the isolation somewhat easier to bear. Blessings to you too, Eileen.

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We didn't all fall into line and we are not all weak. Canada has so many heroes and heroines in this fight and Dr. Byram Bridle (whose Substack you are posting on) is one of those. We have the Canadian Covid Care Alliance which is at canadiancovidcarealliance.org which is a volunteer organization run by the best of the best in many fields of knowledge around these happenings. They have produced game changing information and support and influenced many and continue to do so. Our Freedom Convoy was one of a kind and had impact throughout. Christine Anderson, a MEP from Germany was here recently by invitation from the organizers and she met and experienced the spirit of the "truckers" with. The reception they organized for her was first class. She recognized that the "truckers" did have huge impact, until the "ruling class" got offended and conjured up a fake charge against a peaceful protest. There are too many to mention and Dr. William Makis is currently raising awareness of the increase in deaths of children due to the "liquid." He's saving lives for sure. Fortunately the parents of most children caught on and the demand for the "liquid" is way way down. You might follow Dr. Makis on Substack and I agree it is the best of the best to meet like minded people. I have lived in Canada after I immigrated here 50 years ago and it's only now that I really see it for what it is and I recognize what it stands for. It was always a mystery what exactly the "brand" of Canada is and now I know. It is the "Everyman brand" or "Regular guy/gal" brand. Read the book The Hero and The Outlaw by Carol S. Pearson and you will understand. We have downplayed our power and handed it over to the Ruler class, consisting mostly of doctors' and politicians and universities. Of course, we now see that all of these have been "captured" by Big Pharma and the money involved, but we are learning as we go, who to trust and who to not to trust. It's happening though and Canada is growing in the power of the Regular guy/gal. Oh, I forgot about Dr. Yaffe who described in detail about the clots and what's happening. He was the first to mention the D-dimer blood test and I had never heard of it before and now almost everybody knows about it. Canada is waking up. The fake leader is on his way out - hopefully.

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Your country is where BIS, GAVI, most secrecy lies, and City of London, of course!

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Yup. Testing grounds for sure. Thinking ‘they’re’ a bit surprised at the level of non compliance considering. Old stock Canadians are a lot less prone to the BS, I think. My first ancestor landed on this chunk of land in 1644. It’s a lot harder to dissuade those who have a connection to place and land. I think we have a greater soul feeling of sovereignty…something they weren’t counting on. Our First Nations even more so, but they were targeted hard by the injection campaigns. For their safety. Pass the smallpox blanket, please. Have to wonder if all the focus on unmarked graves and residential schools the last three years doesn’t also play into this as well…(still no bodies or bits thereof unearthed, btw)…’truth’ and reconciliation…yeah…

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"Pass the smallpox blanket, please."

I heard an interesting story about that a while back. I have been meaning to research it and see if its true but have not. The story I heard is that smallpox might actually be caused by bed bugs if the bed bugs are carrying it.

I have no idea if that is true but its an interesting theory.

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"Oh, Canada, my home and tragic land".......what a disaster! Blessings to all there who are fighting against the insanity.

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Hard to believe isn’t it? Especially with so many hands over eyes, ears, and mouths…go along to get along…our government would NEVER! Um, YES IT WOULD. Hullo…history!!

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Exactly what I told my Mom...she is getting more awake now. I spoke with her yesterday, but for her, the immense scope of the lies and deception is impossible for her to believe...she simply cannot. I fear that many will feel like this. "Go along to get along" is how I would describe a large segment of the Canadian population....sadly.

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Thank you. Yes, they do consider us cattle. Worse still, they want to monetize all of Nature. This against God’s Will. And, I fully admit that I am not religious. I am, however, fully spiritual, and realize wherein we now find ourselves.

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My mother said the battle was spiritual and I didn't understand her for quite a while. In fact I found that a tad annoying, I thought the words we needed were only the words that defined the wrongs, rectified the wrongs or propelled the battle.

Until recently, I thought the battle was exclusively scientific, legal, political, media, etc. Somehow having a spiritual battle actually may make it more winnable. If this WHO 'accord' goes through we may have some dark times before we win. Its a race. I think places of worship may represent a way to stay in touch in true cold war fashion. We need to know who in our communities are like minded. And of course Hope isn't owned by any religious institution but reverses the energy of fear which incapacitates us and IS USEFUL TO THEM.

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"If this WHO 'accord' goes through we may have some dark times before we win."

That is their main goal right now. At any cost. In my opinion the "lab leak" is a psyop to further justify the need for the WHO to come in and save the day from these "bad lawless people that make bad germs in labs."

They seeded that into our minds for 2 years and it went largely ignored. Now suddenly the mainstream media and politicians are on it like a beehive playing Lab Leak Football.

I predict that as soon as they drop the WHO on us and finalize the paperwork the lab leak will be dropped, fade away, and it will be onto marketing 15 minutes cities and other Agenda 21 goals. And nobody will go to jail.

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Fat Lady has not sung YET.

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You right about that. They plan to have an inventory system for everything living on this planet. Every species of plant, mineral, people, you name it. I can't remember the name of it.

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Completely off topic but you might find interesting some videos put out by the Hoover institute on Darwin/Creation. I've seen a few and found them fascinating. Here's one:


The 3 interviewees are all eminently qualified.

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Good catch. Not many people understand their use of anagrams, spelling words backwards, etc...

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It's actually new for me ie/ in the last month or so that I've been awake to that.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Dr John Campbell, PhD nurse educator, has a brief video about the leaks from Hancock and believes it is in the public interest to look into this further. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DriaNp3yEGQ

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Worth watching. Today’s latest show. Always hard to know what to believe this decade.

But so much of the truth has actually been right out in the open. One just has to look. And believe. I’m inclined to believe in WhatsApp quotes. But... there seems to be an element of look over here so you don’t see what we are doing over there. It’s good to get old. This is exhausting. But fascinating.

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'But... there seems to be an element of look over here so you don’t see what we are doing over there.'

That is your answer.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

The only “news” here is that three of the sources cited are the BBC, Washington Post and YouTube. Seeing any COVID reality coming from these bastions of censorship and government-cooperation is utterly amazing!

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Hi Jason. I couldn't agree more!

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

When do we get The Canada Files?

We had a glimpse from the Transpo Mandate hearings.

These people are non-humans.

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Our MSM still hides everything. I haven't seen much coverage of the whattsapp-matt hancock issue.

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Vanda, have you heard? (I hadn't.)

Thought I'd post a comment I discovered on another stack, as an article.

Attention all Canadians: When the going gets tough, the tough ones will need to double down.

That time is now.

Kindly redistribute this post far and wide, as you see fit.



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I was aware that digital id's were tied into the health care funding that has/is being negotiated between the provincial and federal governments. This is most likely part of that 'digital id' program. I wasn't aware of the details but pretty much figured it would be every detail about every person.

As far as I know, 2 provinces: Alberta and Saskatchewan have refused to comply, it was reported that Ontario signed the deal as well as the Atlantic provinces making that 6 provinces that have complied. BC probably will, Manitoba maybe not. The north? Who knows.

No, this is not good.

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hard to imagine him using whatsapp to communicate info so sensitive that if leaked it could result in him being hung...

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...real idiots can't and don't think like this....it would come as no surprise to me. Did you see the moron that Veritas caught red-handed? Says it all.

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That was a psyop as well... fake. He was acting .. wasn't it obvious?

They are playing you.

I may be part of a psyop ... I may be paid to run you around by your nose. There are so many psyops going on you can't know what is up or down.

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What you've just said here is a psyop. You can't run around distrusting everything. That's the same as fearing everything. Not a good way to live, we all have to take risks and some of those risks include being wrong.

The Pfizer exec Veritas video was most likely the true, not fake.

As far as whatsapp being used, yes, that surprised me too but Eileen is correct.

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William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987 "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

I suspect the sports scores and weather reports are correct.... all else is generally false... and if it is not there is no way to verify anything unless you go there... I have gone there quite a few times ... that's why I know.

Consider that most people believe what CNNBBC says about Covid and the Rat Juice. And the Ukraine.

How do you know everything on CNNBBC is not similarly manufactured spin?

You cannot know - how could you?

You are in a matrix... they can even tell you that you are in the matrix (they allowed that moves to be made didn't they...) but that changes nothing.

It is total capture. You are in a bubble with no way out... they feed you what you believe via the Tee Vee radio movies etc.

I do not have a Tee Vee - I do not listen to the radio -- nor do I watch movies. I primarily spend my time avoiding the mob ... biking ... playing ice hockey ... and listening to history lectures on Audible... I live on my Goat Ranch ... I used to travel a lot --- off the beaten path mostly ... Yemen... Uzbekistan... anywhere the mob doesn't generally go.

I am mostly unplugged. Even so... I am still like a man in an unfamiliar hotel room feeling around for the light switch in the middle of the night

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...except that weather is manipulated and sports are fixed. I'm only sort of kidding.

Well, we have that in common: no TV, not much radio, no movies. I've never used Audible but I'd say generally be careful of the history lectures...it's usually written by the conquerors.

Best way to live is face to face with other people following the Golden Rule (do unto others...).

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so then who was the idiot that Veritas interviewed? Was he not from Pfizer?

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He was. But he was playing a role.

If you have ever worked in a significant corporation you would know that loose lips sink ships... and that would be pounded into them --- particularly with respect to a situation where your company is committing a Crime Against Humanity.

Yet he tries to impress a male prostitute date by exposing this???

Oh and how are you Global Director of whatever .. at 27... in a corporation of that size.

This is complete bullshit ... top to bottom.

Just goes to show you how easy it is to play people...

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Never underestimate the stupidity of some people.

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Covid and the Rat Juice are part of a plan hatched by the DOD.... these are not stupid people.

These are the people that covered up the JFK murder... 911... and thousands of other black ops that happen every year that we do not hear about .... they are not stupid people... they do not use Whatsapp to communicate.

It amazes me the gullibility of most people...well actually it doesn't ... almost all people are MORE-ONS.

They are so easily controlled that they must be controlled. They don't want the truth.

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Some of what you've said is correct but Matt Hancock is not part of the DOD, neither is Justin Trudeau, neither is Joe Biden...

There is a very, very long list of useful flunkies out there. Haven't you ever seen reasonably intelligent people do really, really stupid things? I have. Sadly, it sometimes costs people their lives, e.g., car accidents, industrial accidents, crimes etc.

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He'd be dead by now if he did that ... and he would know that ... therefore he would not do that.

You must consider the PR Team -- they are grand masters.... they play games within games within games... and they are allowed to cheat.

Nothing is as it ever seems. Never. And therein lies the problem - they own the sources of information ... and you have to reply on those sources or you are in a vacuum...

I know you will say 'but there is Substack'... SS is also controlled by them ... why does SS not censor when all others do? Cuz they want to corral the anti vaxxers here and 1. keep an eye on them and 2. plant false actors who pose as leaders of the movement who like CNNBBC control what the anti vaxxers think

Resisting is Futile. Trying to decipher what they are up to is futile. Friends are enemies...

How do I know all of this? That's another riddle for you to ponder. But I know. I won the grade 3 spelling B many times.

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They already planned out the "unveiling" of the truth to appease the peasants and allow them vengeance on a few useful idiots. You are absolutely right that they plant people inside the various movements so they can control them and work out any issues that arise. Calling Robert Malone .... But I digress ... The unveiling is all part of the plan.

Where I believe they screwed up this time is that they were not expecting people to look past the useful idiots to the parasites controlling the operation. This is the great awakening they are trying hard to stop. But we see things our parents didn't and the jig is up. We need to unite in order to remove the predator class and that's my focus.

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Wasn't Hancock the computer modeler found screwing around on his wife mask less while his first grade level disease models had everyone else in lockdown and distancing?

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Here's a relevant video that explains this story...


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What a lying weasel.

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"FergusWrong" as I call him in the UK. He hasn't called any infectious disease outbreak correctly for over 2 decades. He's always on the high side by over an order of magnitude. Him and his Imperial College computer model.

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I've noticed that, too.

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Neil Ferguson is the computer modeller and broke the lockdown rules by visiting his girlfriend, Matt Hancock was the one having an affair with one of his staffers

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Nerd hardball. Lock down the competition. Geez

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No. That was Prof Lockdown, Neil Ferguson. Hancock was caught with a different woman.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

The original WhatsApp messages are not online but the Telegraph articles are all here


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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Horrible stuff. And this request by Hancock was made just before the release of his text messages that seem to demonstrate his blatant disregard of advice that would have reduced deaths in long-term care homes. I hope all politicians involved with making draconian COVID-19 policies are watching Hancock's very public slow-motion train wreck.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Someone tossed a dead cow on the tracks in front of his train.

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This is a “limited hangout” Isabelle Oakeshott is the partner of Richard Tice, who stupidly said he didn’t want Andrew Brigden in his political party the Reform Party, Isabelle Oakeshott also wrote Matt Hancock’s biography

The leaks of these WhatsApp correspond is to avoid the vaccine damages, the murder of the elderly and not so elderly with large doses of MIDAZOLAM and morphine. They are implying that this is all due to incompetence , leaving the door open to the WHO treaty, because governments and their health advisers are unable to manage their country’s health

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

How stupid can you get? Give all the incriminating evidence to people? The hubris ... it burns!!! LOL

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I am sure much of this revelation is true. What we need to notice and be watchful about is who are the people doing the exposure and for whose interest. We have seen in last 2 years most of the official opposition to the official narrative in the media is coming from conservative & right wing forces who traditionally has been supporting the dominant corporate interest, in other worlds the elite who are in control. They are trying to control public anger & distrust against the establishment & prevent real change. The Murdock media in USA, UK, Australia & New Zealand are in forefront of these effort. In Canada the Post Media & Sun Media are doing the same. They are deeply committed to protect the elite interest and were going along with the COVID official narrative until they realize a large portion of the public are questioning it and distrusting the authorities. To take the control of ever growing opposition to government mandate & distrust of the authorities, and channeling it to established political vessel such as Conservative Party in Canada, they began the opposition to the government mandate & restriction . We have seen this during the truckers convoy. We need to pay close attention to establishment manipulation of the people awakening and their movement.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023


Doesn't show much...other than the caliber of the man which is pretty much...what's the word...disgraceful...the kind of guy you accidently pour beer all over at the local pub.

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Easily bought and sold, and not worth wasting a beer on, but satisfying nonetheless.

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Not sure about the veracity of the latest Hancock leaks; but, I know with absolute certainty that the video below is real, which shows Hancock discussing the murder of the elderly in care homes, using midazolam and morphine to set them off on the Liverpool death march . A Private Criminal Prosecution to bring these monsters to court was attempted in Britain but failed due to the endemic corruption in the "justice" system there.


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Methinks They doth protest too much.

They cat is out of the bag.

Long time now.

They should just STFU.

And step up and take Their just punishments.

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I have lost count how many things that were once "conspiracy theories" are now just accepted mainstream facts. What is most dismaying is that there has been no reflection on the damage that was done to society through the campaign of stigmatization on those who questioned the motives of governments, media, and big pharma. Remember how Trump babbled something about "using light" to kill the Covid virus? As much contempt as I have for that guy, a stopped clock is still right twice a day. Now we read in mainstream press about this great "alternative treatment" that was being administered "quietly" using -- you guessed it -- "lights attached to probes to kill viruses." The article never addresses why doctors had use this therapy "quietly." This link goes to the Vancouver Sun, but the story was also carried by MSN and across papers owned by Canada's Postmedia conglomerate.


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>include plans to sow fear among the public with respect to COVID-19,

Haha, that's funny, coming from a Virus Pusher like you.


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