Pathetic MDs here in the US, pulling aside their masks to gobble the commie pabulum out of fear and/or intellectual ignorance. Those of us who refused the jab were mocked and vilified; an MD “friend” openly tried to shame me into it. “Well, I’ll visit you in the hospital.”

Shocking to see so many who still buy the narrative. Fauci, et al, the creators of this evil, still held quite nicely unaccountable.

2024 promises to be a banner year. Love the Canada truckers!

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Last night, a MD I've known for decades (and haven't seen for about 10 years)was showing me (unsolicited) photos on their phone of themselves and the pics were incidentally framed in the "I got my vaccine" "Disinformation is deadly" logos. He is an ER doctor. What floored me about the experience was they had no idea I wasn't vaccinated - and, that he still bought into the narrative...

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I for one sm so thankful for you , for standing for truth🙏🏽 I am not complaining but I am super limited in funds , I would dearly love to support you in funds however that I cannot do at present but I can tell you how important you are to me & so many others . You are a warrior on the front line 🤺🥰❤️🙏🏽thank you & Gid bless you

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The legacy media will continue to do what it has always done: lie, lie and lie some more. Thank you for continuing to be the warrior we so desperately need here in utterly corrupt Canada. 🙏❤️

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I encourage everyone to read "Fisman's Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science", by Dr. Regina Watteel, just out and the #1 best seller in Healthcare Current Events on Amazon, for a damning expose of the junk science Dr. Bridle discusses above.

Link here: https://www.amazon.ca/Fismans-Fraud-Rise-Canadian-Science/dp/1988363241

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That's the book Dr. Bridle linke to in his article.

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The luciferian medical system, with its weak, indoctrinated oath denier majority, is a disaster and no trust will ever be regained in my lifetime. Your Dr is on the mirror.

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There is plenty of good info available on 'Doctoring yourself' and boosting your immune system......Hangnails need not apply.....D

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It has been two years, four months, and twenty-two days (873 total days) since you became my hero. Keep up the good fight Dr. Bridle!!!

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While these efforts were under way to debunk a numerical model's boundary conditions, some real science got done with Ontario data, showing a dose-response curve correlating the severity of reactions to the Comirnaty and Moderna vaccines, with the level of contamination present in the batch of vaccine injected. Then last week a whistleblower dropped the other shoe on this execrable tale of woe: The contamination present in the two mRNA vaccines was E coli DNA. Canada's TGA did not bother to run their own tests in interests of accelerating the vaccine deployment, and took our FDA's word for it. FDA approved safety and effectiveness of a lab-cultured vaccine grown in a human cell line. But the industrial product was grown on E coli. To make matters worse, Pfizer took the trouble to reveal this switch, not to FDA, but to the US Conference of Roman Catholic Bishops and made a canon law argument to the Bishops, who'd suffered lockdowns and prohibitions of religious gatherings, funerals for the COVID dead, and other clear violations of the International Convention Against Genocide and the Proxmire Act implementing that treaty within the US: Pfizer's argument? Yes, in 1985 someone obtained a human cell line from a dead baby at an abortion clinic without the dead baby's consent, and kept growing that cell line in a lab, which arguably might be a sin. But we only bought a few of the 1985 dead baby's cells to test the vaccine out, and Catholics can separate themselves from the taint of that sin by using our production vaccine that's grown on something else.

Not being Jesuits, most of the Bishops didn't ask what the "something else" was...and voted to encourage their congregations to take the vaccine.

They might have thought differently had they been told that fecal matter was the source of the vaccine. For that matter, so might the FDA.

Well, now the facts are out. Fecal coliform, a dangerous water contaminant when drinking it or swimming in it, was used to grow the mRNA vaccines, and coliform debris from the manufacturing process got into some batches of vaccine more so than others. This very likely explains why most people who played the Russian roulette game of getting dosed and boosted, felt mildly sick for a day, recovered, and lived to catch the next mutation of COVID and earn natural immunity the hard way...and others dropped dead within hours of getting a contaminated shot. Your survival, if you got the mRNA shot, depended on whether E coli debris was chambered in the syringe when the nurse pushed the plunger.

My hat's off to Newfoundland's "Unacceptable Jessica" Rose, PhD for teaming with 4 other brave Canadians in studying the contamination, and to the whistleblower who confirmed the contamination was the common intestinal bug E coli.

Now the onus is on Pfizer and Moderna to figure out a way to get the manure back in the horse. Meanwhile the State of Texas announced plans to sue for fraud in a class action and 95 private law firms are soliciting clients (or their estates, if deceased), seeking class representatives to go up against Pfizer and Moderna. Conceivably this could have an ending like Monsanto experienced with their PCB contamination of Times Beach, Missouri: The harm they did exceeded the net worth of the company and a US Bankruptcy Judge liquidated

Monsanto to pay some of the damages.for which a jury had held them liable in civil court. (Curiously a biotech firm bought the Monsanto name and trademark, relying on their past name recognition as a fertilizer and pesticide maker, to help sell a line of GMO seeds to farmers).

I do not envy anyone in the Trudeau government right now. They've put themselves in a bad spot. Unless they join the litigation against Moderna and Pfizer, at some point the news of the trial may end in a No Confidence vote.

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I know this may be off topic? But- you mentioned Jesuits-

I’m Catholic, and my kids have been raised in Catholic schools their whole lives.....I was shocked that the Seattle Diocese mandated all workers, volunteers, and parents (even volunteering for crayon happy hour at preschool) for an experimental anything!

Saddly after the mandates there was one of our Catholic moms that died within 48 hours of her shot. It was verified by University of Washington Medical Center that she in fact died from the shot. It never reached the media at all.


No one, and I mean NO ONE talked about it. She was swept under the rug.

She didn’t want to get the shot.

But the Diocese mandated it-

Her name was Jessica Wilson.

She was 37.

She left behind two young girls.

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I thought the E coli angle was super crazy - that the DNA contaminate was E coli...how can anyone be at peace with this????? I'm thinking of the "fact-checkers" - from the lowly media fly-by-nights, to the trolls on X - will they ever stop in their tracks and say to self, "I think we're f**ked"??????

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Or certainly we've been beshatted...

What amazes me is the lack of common sense among Moderna and Pfizer management. If I served them a steaming plate of fresh manure at a four-star restaurant, would they pour salad dressing over it and pretend to enjoy it? It does indeed boggle the mind that these boneheads did it.

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A vote of No Confidence will fail with Jagmeet Singh preserving his place in the government and WEF group of minions.

My actual fear is that Justin may be turfed and a competitive replacement anointed (WEF minion Mark Carny has been the subject of a trial balloon) before the election.

With respect to the Fisman paper, there is a recent CMAJ article from BC CDC and provincial lab pretending that there is a significant proportion of the population not exposed to Covid-19. They used donor blood and short-lived N-antibodies to "prove" their hypothesis. Watch for the testimony and government dishonesty in the ongoing trial in Vancouver via <librti.com> in the suit against Bonnie Henry.

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I personally think they are right. The Covid vaccinated are more prone to infection in the first 14-21 days following first injection, so exposure to any one shedding or any fomite which had been shed upon would have made them more likely to get Covid than their unvaccinated counterparts, who might or might not have been carrying their first and msot likely last infection. Then they will get more boosters and then eventually they would become immune tolerant and get sick from everything they are exposed to assuming they didn't die first. And then they die. The end. Sort of ignores the obvious...that vaccines are supposed to protect against infection, not enhance it, but proving that wasn't the purpose of the study.

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I could not wrap my brain around the "protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated" narrative until I read your comment.

Now I realize that the lying politicians and media were, in fact, telling the truth.

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In fairness, they weren't telling the truth on purpose.

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With the new breed of humans in the works...maybe a new work space will be necessary Dr Bridle , since your return may trigger a "shoot the messenger" response because I imagine they are clumped together tighter than those blood clots that are baffling to most. It seems the whole agenda and intention is to make those who questioned the narrative feel less than human .

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Nobody 'who questioned the narrative' feels less than human. Quite the opposite.

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It seems many were vilified and lost friends and family . Many experienced shunning by their families . Perhaps its a terminology use Paul and they were quick to put people away in many places - that seems less than the best of humanity to me . However, small cracks in the armour of sorts I am noticing ; had a person here for a visit yesterday and she said : " I wish I didn't have my son get vaccinated ." All I could say was your son is at Quelph University and pretty sure he didn't have a choice anyway .

So the kid was squeezed by both parents as well as the university.

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I guess I mean "at this time" Linelle.

We also lost friends and family, nearly all of them were so fearful (for their own safety) they wanted nothing to do with us. We were slightly hurt. But, mainly felt sorry for their cowardice and inhumanity. You can't experience contagion from your own phone?? As things progressed, it became obvious that "Fear of Authority" was also a large part.

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Absolutely unconscionable.


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LOL...Its hard to get "Accountability" from a majority?

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I got COVID from a vaccinated person, so I was really wondering about all the elders that got COVID after medical staff were vaccinated.

Keep up the good work of speaking the truth.

It became like Protestant doctors against Catholic doctors and Catholic doctors comply.

I am at the point I do wonder if the bottom Lion, means how much you buy a CATholic for?

Honestly they were trained to obey in a way that is concerning as doctors and scientists!

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An Orthodox writer named Fyodor Dostoyevsky approached this topic a century and a half ago, in his classic novel "Crime and Punishment". Bankrupt divinity student Raskolnikov murders an old man for his savings to pay for school, reasoning that somehow, all the good he will do as a priest will outweigh the evil of the murder. The trouble was that none of Father Raskolnikov's good works ever worked out, because of the evil taint he put on them by financing them with a murder.

A century later Native American filmmaker Quentin Tarantino took up the same subject of obedience to an evil idea, first in Reservoir Dogs then again in Pulp Fiction. Obedience itself is not virtue. Virtue is in following the good. So virtue begins as a personal choice then grows into a social one as we team up with others of good conscience. Sometimes we follow one who has a good idea. Sometimes we lead. It's our persistence in doing good that earns us the trust of others. Mere obedience, without concern whether we are obeying good or bad, puts us where Tarantino's character Vincent wound up. We're too busy obeying evil, to notice the dangers in our path.

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We get the last laugh in this, doc.

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Personally I am happy to be segregated from the vaccinated although I am in an enviable position of living on a farm and working from home.

The vaccinated are in the main a sickly bunch and I have never had an interest in hanging around sick people. Even more so now. Especially if they have bugs to share.

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Very few are so lucky.........? Do what you can to keep the option open for others!

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The paper was written by David Fisman. The clown who took union money to promote school closures in Ontario. A real piece of sleaze that one.

MP Adam Van Koeverden - who once said 'fuck you' to a citizen pleading with him about the pain she was suffering because of restrictions. Not very Olympicky of him. - read his paper in the House of Commons.

Will he do the right thing and read this?

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Dr Bridle thank you for all your efforts. Have been reading and listening tp you now for at least as long as you have been kept out of your lab. What will it take for Guelph U to relent? If we inew maybe we could help in some way?

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Perhaps there is a problem with science itself. But it's easy to point the finger. Perhaps there is a problem with all of us.

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