WOOHOO!! 👏 This is exactly why I have been telling people "do not comply" and to fight employer mandates in the courts if they can. May this pave the path for an avalanche of lawsuits that will obliterate past and all future attempts to mandate injections and other invasive procedures.

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Great news. But its not enough. The mandates also violate the 4th Amendment and the right to personal autonomy. I am hopeful this is the type of the iceberg.

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Agreed. But in essence this suit challenged the university actions because of their contravention of one of the clauses of the Constitution. So the actions carried out by the university were unconstitutional: period.

I’d expect that any like contravention of the constitution in relation to these toxic injections would therefore be viewed similarly as being unconstitutional; especially the 4th!

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Another win but it’s not only religious ppl that were unfairly fired . Ppl that were forced out of their jobs because they believe in their rights as a Canadian citizen . Companies like Cami in Ingersoll fired my daughter with 5 kids 2 days before Christmas because she stood up for her rights as a Canadian … It’s shameful what they did to her

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Not nearly enough, but at least in the right direction. So when public agencies, like universities are eventually sued for same for student mandates, isn't it basically the taxpayer that is paying the compensation? The money should be taken out of the paychecks/accounts of those in charge that allowed this to happen in the first place. In addition, punishment for the crime should not stop at fines alone. If people were fired for not taking the jab, seems reasonable that those allowing this to occur should be fired.

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Hi Lee. I agree on all points. People should have been concerned from the get-go with the manufacturer's being relieved of all liability. Indeed, it will be the taxpayers paying for the harms done to taxpayers. Hopefully, lawyers can find ways to ensure the decision-makers/pushers have an opportunity to share their versions of the science in the courts.

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It’s my belief that the agreements signed between countries and the pharmaceutical companies is null and void because they didn’t fully disclose test results.

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Hoo-ra!!! As a fired RN I’m so excited to hear this news!!

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This is GREAT news! Thank you Dr Brindle for sharing it! By the way, I wrote this letter to mandaters and included you as a go-to source of information at the end. Thank you for all you do! https://turningpointnews.org/corona-virus-reports/a-letter-to-people-who-support-covid-vaccine-mandates-in-wa-state

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Bridle. 👍

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Most importantly, we have to fight government mandates.

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This is wonderful news, and the beginning of great things to come. But we are suing ourselves. The Pharma companies need to be paying. The personal individuals which legislated this mandates need to pay, I refer to Trudeau, Freeland, Singh in canada and many others. I didn't know will become the new defence but, what is the deterrent to speeding if the ticket is paid by the company.

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Yes those benefitting from the wrongs should pay and receive the appropriate consequences

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They should be forced to stay home and cover their faces for two years and then never be allowed to hold any position in the public or private sector that enables them to push people around.

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Well Said Lee, concise

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Awesome work guys!

This is America, not Nazi Germany!

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This is great. An index case that should have the jab cult shaking in their boots.

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It's a step, but it still falls very short. So what if they don't have fetal cells: is it then ok to mandate drug treatments on people? The fact is that they've lied every step of the way. There are so many reasons for legitimate refusal, the most fundamental of which is that we all should have the right of control over how we treat our bodies. This shot destroys our health on so many levels and as we all know, pharma has a history of lying about efficacy and safety, and it's rarely acknowledged until vast numbers of people are injured.

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This is wonderful news!!! Hope it happens in Canada too.

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Thank you so much Dr Bridle for some good news at last. Although personally I think that the Pharma companies (who have become sooooo rich in the last 2 years) should pay for all the damage they have done. But this is a start 🙏 The good news in Italy, is that a judge in Florence, has ruled that a Dr (a psychologist), had the right to refuse the vaccine and must be reintegrated into the workplace (with backpay). This is a first here in Italy and encouraging. (I got this news via the wonderful Italian lawyer Renate Holzeisen and Reiner Fuellmich - Rumble ) 😊

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THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR bringing this to our attention!!! WOW!!! How absolutely fabulous!! There endless possibilities as to where this could lead!!! Maybe the vaccine injuries will finally be recognized & brought to justice! There NEVER EVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN MANDATES FOR EXPERIMENTATION ON HUMAN BEINGS!!!! This is so illuminating & uplifting!!!!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Great but it's only for religious reasons. Every single individual who plainly refused to put something in their body, should be completely vindicated, compensated, and fully reinstated. Charter Rights (& natural rights) are for absolute individual choice and security of the person, not just religious opinions.

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There are still fundamental problems: 1) an exemption implies consent. Consent is assumed until one applies for an exemption, which is different than saying no to a medical intervention. Implied consent violates informed consent. 2) informed consent is not a religious exemption. I would not take the medical intervention because I am not interested in this medical intervention. I don’t need any other reason. I have ethical and moral reasons why I reject the entirety of the biomedical dystopia currently worming it’s way through the minds and spirits of us all. I reject medical apartheid and discrimination. I reject Gesundheitpass and QR codes. I reject mandates and violations of informed consent (not a single person who has taken the jab has employed informed consent given the limitations of information with respect to vaxxine effectiveness and harm…people guessed…no informed decision has been made by a single person). I reject employers that attempt to coerce people into a medical intervention using unemployment and furlough as a weapon. I reject governments attempting to coerce people into a medical intervention using rights and freedoms as a carrot. Coercion negates informed consent. I don’t see this case as a win…it simply instantiates the idea of implied consent until you seek an exemption.

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Agreed. A simple "No" should suffice. No need to explain much less beg for mercy.

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