As the health and safety manager of a commercial and residential painting and decorating business. Someone who needs to understand how to mitigate a bunch of different airborne toxins. Whether that be dust particles, lead or asbestos, or solvents and other chemicals. I was pretty shocked when we were told a dust mask, or worse a handkerchief would stop tiny liquid respiratory droplets. Because that isn't how masks like N95/P2 even work. They stop solid dust particles, not gasses or liquids.
But I was even more concerned about how I was suddenly wrong about such a vital part of my job and how students in cafes and new migrants at supermarket checkouts suddenly knew more than me about it. Even when I explained the science to the best of my understanding. They knew more because the experts said so on TV.
I heard them also but MSM surely didn’t. Sad. People are still driving alone around here wearing masks. The adults. The teens are not anymore unless they are with a masked “a-dolt”.
I remember being confused seeing doctors and nurses walk to the nearby hospital, on mostly empty sidewalks, wearing a mask. Even just going on mainstream info before I realized how corrupted that was, it seemed clear there's no need for masks outdoors - even if they did work.
Wouldn't the poor doctor who has to wear a face covering all day want to at least walk from the train to work without wearing a mask? Was there something I wasn't understanding that there is no there-there to masks outdoors?
Oh. Doctors and nurses were the most targeted and brainwashed of all ... : (
I still see people outside walking alone with a mask on. For them, I believe the attachment to a mask is much like the attachment of a toddler to a pacifier. It is harmful but the attachment persists because it is soothing. The mask soothes irrational fears that became tremendously real to millions terrorized by the propaganda campaign of fear and death. Once again, brought to you by Pfizer.
Fear disables, or basically shuts down the frontal cortex of the brain which is where we conduct our rational thinking, the thinking part of the brain....and they knew it! And they used it to their advantage.
I hate wearing a mask and know others who feel the same. I avoided going to places where they were required. But in all honesty, I also know people who forget they have it on?!?
I was once in a bakery line where the woman in front of me was an old acquaintance. We both had masks on but she forget she had hers on and was about to go back to her car to get a mask until I pointed out that she was wearing it.
Your last paragraph was a stunning summation of the madness that’s descended upon us! Whilst I was considered quite knowledgeable about biology, biomedicine etc., before COVID, once I expressed my doubts on masking, social distancing, school closures, lockdowns and the mother of them all, these leaky and *predictably* dangerous mRNA shots, I became a basic idiot and was shunned and ridiculed by colleagues! That would be medically trained colleagues (former friends… from their end as I was happy to continue discussing things or merely ignore those topics to get along, but they simply couldn’t tolerate me).
You know who started to pay attention after about 2 years and actually understood that I was right? My NON BIOMEDICAL FRIENDS and those with no or modest ‘scientific’ backgrounds ( but still well educated).
You know, I found exactly the same thing. Two relatives in the trades were far more informed about everything than former medical colleagues. I've learned that having more degrees doesn't necessarily correlate with more intelligence. Sometimes there's more openness to questioning and learning when you haven't determined at the outset that you already know everything.
as an ex union health and safety rep I kept telling folks this too. Had the same reaction as you Conway even from my GP practice(Who still ware masks).
I like asking ppl if they've cut or demolished drywall wearing a paper mask or bandanna and noted the dust accumulation near their nose and edges of their mouth. The lightbulb turns on quickly. :)
I would ask if they're willing to remove asbestos materials using those masks and whether they think it is appropriate protection from the tiny airborne carcinogens - $100
And then ask them whether they know anything the size of asbestos particles and the size of the tiny respiratory droplets we exhale. - $50
The look on their face as they process it all - Priceless.
And yet I didn't see a single activated charcoal filter on any of my outings.
Mind you, if you Google or search for appropriate biological protection PPE. You will see those big yellow/orange positive pressure ventilation suits.
If you look at military Saratoga chemical suits worn with gas masks. Those are not actually considered adequate PPE for biological events, only instead as chemical protection.
If a Saratoga and gas mask isn't adequate, a dust or cloth mask is entirely sub par.
Well, i did learn something from your comment. Thank you. However, my point remains that they're taught about the nature of such and that extreme actions are necessary for survival.
As part of pandemic planning, every single study, conclusion, and expert opinion re public masking
went AGAINST it prior to May 2020. Even Fauci was against public masking. There was NEVER any
real science to support public masking; much less mandating it. In May 2020 it became government
policy only as a means of authoritarian control.
As a co-inventor of a NIOSH approved N95 respirator I know of its protective effectiveness in specific scenarios; but NOT for public use. To be effective, they need to be fit-tested, properly donned
"...virtue signaling on steroids" - couldn't have put it better! I loved the video you did way back when you donned FIVE masks, then huffed water vapor through them to clean your glasses. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words!
I've read hundreds of studies since 2020 on amulets - aka masks. Even maintaining a website to archive them all.
What I've observed is that every time a dubious non-RCT flawed observational study claims masks were/are effective, academics interviewed by the media are quick to cite them.
But well-constructed RCT studies or meta-analysis reviews confirming the body of evidence stretching back decades, they ignore.
Not a single study since 2020 has been able to conclusively overturn the literature on the fact masks are INEFFECTIVE.
Worse, there are plenty of studies that show their pernicious effects.
I have little doubt masks exacerbated the situation just like they did during the Spanish flu when they observed Boston, San Francisco and Philadelphia; cities with mask mandates. What they found was cases shot up and the masks did little from what I recall.
What I want to know is WHO or WHAT organization ordered masks to be used because even in early 2020 all public health officials were saying the right things and were actually 'following the established science on masks. So what happened around April or May into July 2020 that turned the weakest of the NPIs into the first line of defence?
I’ve been thinking about WHO or WHAT changed and WHEN. I’ve been reading some old MSN articles looking for information regarding lockdown dates and policies across Australia. The thing that struck me was the actual common sense and caution and skepticism being shown early on by doctors and scientists. Then as the pandemic progressed critical think seemed to have been thrown out the window or maybe it was just suppressed, don’t know 🤷
Yes. I was in Rome from late February to March 9 (we narrowly escaped as Italy locked down that day). I was monitoring what the Canadian government was saying and I was pleased to hear they were taking a rational and calm approach at that time.
I even remember "Dr." Tam saying it would be 'racist' to close down travel from China. I felt she should have stepped down after that absurd statement having tipped her woke-political hand. But that's me.
Then.....POOF. All hell, mayhem and hysteria broke loose.
Either something happened by design d or human nature (and its genetic defect of fear) kicked in. Not to engage in false equivalences.
To the mask True Believers - KarënMaskkenFührers - since masks work and the are necessarily repositories of WuFlu and othe yuckies, you certainly take the time and money to dispose of them as a BioHazardous Waste.....right?
My favorite mask study was from the 1980's titled 'Is a mask necessary in the operating theatre?' published in Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, vol. 63 by Neil W. M. Orr.
Basically, the doctors decided not to wear surgical masks during surgery for a 6 month period then compared infection rates of that period to the same time in the previous 4 years. The result was 50% LESS post operative infections in the year where no masks were worn.
There were a few comments in subsequent issues where a doctor noted that the 'unclothed body sheds the fewest germs' i.e., naked! And I paraphrased to make the comment politically correct.
Dr. Bridle, I was at the presentation on Jan. 28. I wanted to make 2 comments on the pfizer 6 month safety data that you presented.
1. We all now know that the shots never prevented infection or transmission so how did pfizer manage to get any reduction in cases at all whether one looks at relative risk or absolute risk (91% and 3 % respectively).
2. Pfizer's data showed more all cause deaths in the treatment group than in the control group, 15 vs 14 later adjusted after giving the shots to the control group. This should have been an early warning of an increase in all cause mortality that is being now reported in highly mRNA vaxxed countries.
4 of the greatest photos of all time. Reality has been broken. We must create a New World Order of Comedian Dictators that rule us all with humor based rules punishable by K.P. duty.
Regarding *virtue signaling on steroids* –– you might like to know ––
Many folks I know (my naughty twin included) utilized bandanas and the like as urban camouflage, and/or as a stealth act of resistance.
After all, with the 50million-camera surveillance state what it is these days (in America alone), you can imagine the lovers of CCP style social credit system keeping a digital list of who's naughty & nice - for future reference.... Even the copy machines at Office Max have embedded cameras on the touchpad now!! Don't think your digital vaxx passport isn't linked to the rest of the IoT "Internet of Things"? Think again. Just ask the dissidents in Canada, Australia how it went for them.....
They look ridiculous, but if they were presented as a viable choice, people of or close to those at higher risk could choose to wear them depending on various factors (like crowded transit), and protect themselves / so they don't then get sick and pass it on, and Also still be able to breathe, while not needing to care if the people around them are masked or not.
But that doesn't fit with the guilt - manipulation of "your mask protects me", when the masks those meant don't protect anyone. But they helped people be afraid of each other and judge each other.
I still wonder if N95s work for some temporary time. Dr Kory has said it's hard to do studies on masks, as they don't really reflect if a mask could work in certain settings.
Finally, in Wokeville, NY, three years in, there are few masks outdoors. And so much microplastics inhaled, and so many disposable useless masks thrown "away" ...
Yes quite possibly they might for a short duration.
Most people assume these masks work like a tight wound fly screen or sieve. But that isn't entirely right.
If you designed a mask like that it would easily clog up. Even with layers. Instead the cross section of the mask is like a bunch of bendy zig zagging tubes. Think of a handful of straws but the straws are zig zag shaped.
Large particles cannot fit into the tubes and are blocked. The smallest particles can but they get stuck on the inside of the tubes where they bend. Sort of like a fly stuck in a web. The only particles that make it through are the mid sized ones which are small enough to fit through the opening but too big to get stuck properly on the insides.
If you do this with a liquid. For a short time the droplets get stuck and do not pass. But as you continue to breathe through the masks again and again the pressure breaks those tiny droplets into even smaller droplets and they begin to pass through the mask both in and out.
Which can be a problem because you can be carrying infected droplets in the mask and repeated inhaling and exhaling those for quite some time.
Hi Terence. Sadly, just me, Dr. Patrick Philips, Dr. Mark Trozzi, journalist Rodney Palmer. None of the others even showed the respect of responding to the invitation provided by the organizers.
Perfect timing, just writing the CPSA in an attempt to have them reconsider their continued attacks on doctors for not blindly following their unsupported standards and beliefs.
As the health and safety manager of a commercial and residential painting and decorating business. Someone who needs to understand how to mitigate a bunch of different airborne toxins. Whether that be dust particles, lead or asbestos, or solvents and other chemicals. I was pretty shocked when we were told a dust mask, or worse a handkerchief would stop tiny liquid respiratory droplets. Because that isn't how masks like N95/P2 even work. They stop solid dust particles, not gasses or liquids.
But I was even more concerned about how I was suddenly wrong about such a vital part of my job and how students in cafes and new migrants at supermarket checkouts suddenly knew more than me about it. Even when I explained the science to the best of my understanding. They knew more because the experts said so on TV.
You never heard a real RESPIRATOR expert on TV. You never heard an interview with an
Industrial Hygienist. The "experts" interviewed were experts in unrelated fields practicing
epistemic trespassing...doing much harm in the process.
I’d did? Two OSHA experts on the Highwire both said masks they way we all wore them would never work to stop a virus.
I heard them also but MSM surely didn’t. Sad. People are still driving alone around here wearing masks. The adults. The teens are not anymore unless they are with a masked “a-dolt”.
I remember being confused seeing doctors and nurses walk to the nearby hospital, on mostly empty sidewalks, wearing a mask. Even just going on mainstream info before I realized how corrupted that was, it seemed clear there's no need for masks outdoors - even if they did work.
Wouldn't the poor doctor who has to wear a face covering all day want to at least walk from the train to work without wearing a mask? Was there something I wasn't understanding that there is no there-there to masks outdoors?
Oh. Doctors and nurses were the most targeted and brainwashed of all ... : (
I still see people outside walking alone with a mask on. For them, I believe the attachment to a mask is much like the attachment of a toddler to a pacifier. It is harmful but the attachment persists because it is soothing. The mask soothes irrational fears that became tremendously real to millions terrorized by the propaganda campaign of fear and death. Once again, brought to you by Pfizer.
Fear disables, or basically shuts down the frontal cortex of the brain which is where we conduct our rational thinking, the thinking part of the brain....and they knew it! And they used it to their advantage.
I hate wearing a mask and know others who feel the same. I avoided going to places where they were required. But in all honesty, I also know people who forget they have it on?!?
I was once in a bakery line where the woman in front of me was an old acquaintance. We both had masks on but she forget she had hers on and was about to go back to her car to get a mask until I pointed out that she was wearing it.
Indeed they were frightened silly....
Your last paragraph was a stunning summation of the madness that’s descended upon us! Whilst I was considered quite knowledgeable about biology, biomedicine etc., before COVID, once I expressed my doubts on masking, social distancing, school closures, lockdowns and the mother of them all, these leaky and *predictably* dangerous mRNA shots, I became a basic idiot and was shunned and ridiculed by colleagues! That would be medically trained colleagues (former friends… from their end as I was happy to continue discussing things or merely ignore those topics to get along, but they simply couldn’t tolerate me).
You know who started to pay attention after about 2 years and actually understood that I was right? My NON BIOMEDICAL FRIENDS and those with no or modest ‘scientific’ backgrounds ( but still well educated).
You know, I found exactly the same thing. Two relatives in the trades were far more informed about everything than former medical colleagues. I've learned that having more degrees doesn't necessarily correlate with more intelligence. Sometimes there's more openness to questioning and learning when you haven't determined at the outset that you already know everything.
as an ex union health and safety rep I kept telling folks this too. Had the same reaction as you Conway even from my GP practice(Who still ware masks).
I like asking ppl if they've cut or demolished drywall wearing a paper mask or bandanna and noted the dust accumulation near their nose and edges of their mouth. The lightbulb turns on quickly. :)
I would ask if they're willing to remove asbestos materials using those masks and whether they think it is appropriate protection from the tiny airborne carcinogens - $100
And then ask them whether they know anything the size of asbestos particles and the size of the tiny respiratory droplets we exhale. - $50
The look on their face as they process it all - Priceless.
Even recruits in Basic Training learn about how to protect themselves from airborne toxins.
Gas! Gas! Gas!
And yet I didn't see a single activated charcoal filter on any of my outings.
Mind you, if you Google or search for appropriate biological protection PPE. You will see those big yellow/orange positive pressure ventilation suits.
If you look at military Saratoga chemical suits worn with gas masks. Those are not actually considered adequate PPE for biological events, only instead as chemical protection.
If a Saratoga and gas mask isn't adequate, a dust or cloth mask is entirely sub par.
Well, i did learn something from your comment. Thank you. However, my point remains that they're taught about the nature of such and that extreme actions are necessary for survival.
Foolish Mortals !! ~David Ralph Rankin (RIP)
As part of pandemic planning, every single study, conclusion, and expert opinion re public masking
went AGAINST it prior to May 2020. Even Fauci was against public masking. There was NEVER any
real science to support public masking; much less mandating it. In May 2020 it became government
policy only as a means of authoritarian control.
As a co-inventor of a NIOSH approved N95 respirator I know of its protective effectiveness in specific scenarios; but NOT for public use. To be effective, they need to be fit-tested, properly donned
and doffed, and discarded after every exposure.
And then there are the studies that show how even properly fitted N95 masks are essentially useless against virus'.
I firmly believe that to protect myself 100% from a virus, I would have to use a big pillow and have an assistant suffocate me to death. lol
Thanks for the laugh....I do not know what I would do without a daily dose of humour!
I have been saying for many decades "The moment you can't laugh, you're scr, .... er, done for" . lol
"...virtue signaling on steroids" - couldn't have put it better! I loved the video you did way back when you donned FIVE masks, then huffed water vapor through them to clean your glasses. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words!
I've read hundreds of studies since 2020 on amulets - aka masks. Even maintaining a website to archive them all.
What I've observed is that every time a dubious non-RCT flawed observational study claims masks were/are effective, academics interviewed by the media are quick to cite them.
But well-constructed RCT studies or meta-analysis reviews confirming the body of evidence stretching back decades, they ignore.
Not a single study since 2020 has been able to conclusively overturn the literature on the fact masks are INEFFECTIVE.
Worse, there are plenty of studies that show their pernicious effects.
I have little doubt masks exacerbated the situation just like they did during the Spanish flu when they observed Boston, San Francisco and Philadelphia; cities with mask mandates. What they found was cases shot up and the masks did little from what I recall.
What I want to know is WHO or WHAT organization ordered masks to be used because even in early 2020 all public health officials were saying the right things and were actually 'following the established science on masks. So what happened around April or May into July 2020 that turned the weakest of the NPIs into the first line of defence?
I’ve been thinking about WHO or WHAT changed and WHEN. I’ve been reading some old MSN articles looking for information regarding lockdown dates and policies across Australia. The thing that struck me was the actual common sense and caution and skepticism being shown early on by doctors and scientists. Then as the pandemic progressed critical think seemed to have been thrown out the window or maybe it was just suppressed, don’t know 🤷
Yes. I was in Rome from late February to March 9 (we narrowly escaped as Italy locked down that day). I was monitoring what the Canadian government was saying and I was pleased to hear they were taking a rational and calm approach at that time.
I even remember "Dr." Tam saying it would be 'racist' to close down travel from China. I felt she should have stepped down after that absurd statement having tipped her woke-political hand. But that's me.
Then.....POOF. All hell, mayhem and hysteria broke loose.
Either something happened by design d or human nature (and its genetic defect of fear) kicked in. Not to engage in false equivalences.
...the "Poof", was the Plan starting to take place, and most of the global population were blissfully unaware! Except of course, for us.
Fauci !
To the mask True Believers - KarënMaskkenFührers - since masks work and the are necessarily repositories of WuFlu and othe yuckies, you certainly take the time and money to dispose of them as a BioHazardous Waste.....right?
My favorite mask study was from the 1980's titled 'Is a mask necessary in the operating theatre?' published in Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, vol. 63 by Neil W. M. Orr.
Basically, the doctors decided not to wear surgical masks during surgery for a 6 month period then compared infection rates of that period to the same time in the previous 4 years. The result was 50% LESS post operative infections in the year where no masks were worn.
There were a few comments in subsequent issues where a doctor noted that the 'unclothed body sheds the fewest germs' i.e., naked! And I paraphrased to make the comment politically correct.
Dr. Bridle, I was at the presentation on Jan. 28. I wanted to make 2 comments on the pfizer 6 month safety data that you presented.
1. We all now know that the shots never prevented infection or transmission so how did pfizer manage to get any reduction in cases at all whether one looks at relative risk or absolute risk (91% and 3 % respectively).
2. Pfizer's data showed more all cause deaths in the treatment group than in the control group, 15 vs 14 later adjusted after giving the shots to the control group. This should have been an early warning of an increase in all cause mortality that is being now reported in highly mRNA vaxxed countries.
4 of the greatest photos of all time. Reality has been broken. We must create a New World Order of Comedian Dictators that rule us all with humor based rules punishable by K.P. duty.
Can someone please tell that to the healthcare facilities that still require all employees to wear them🙄
Yes! And visitors and patients.
Based on what I have seen of teeth in Britain, I think masks should be mandatory in the UK.
Regarding *virtue signaling on steroids* –– you might like to know ––
Many folks I know (my naughty twin included) utilized bandanas and the like as urban camouflage, and/or as a stealth act of resistance.
After all, with the 50million-camera surveillance state what it is these days (in America alone), you can imagine the lovers of CCP style social credit system keeping a digital list of who's naughty & nice - for future reference.... Even the copy machines at Office Max have embedded cameras on the touchpad now!! Don't think your digital vaxx passport isn't linked to the rest of the IoT "Internet of Things"? Think again. Just ask the dissidents in Canada, Australia how it went for them.....
Mask Wearing and Occult Ritual Symbolism
"How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order"
Although P100 masks work better .. ( at least, I think so / hope so ).
They look ridiculous, but if they were presented as a viable choice, people of or close to those at higher risk could choose to wear them depending on various factors (like crowded transit), and protect themselves / so they don't then get sick and pass it on, and Also still be able to breathe, while not needing to care if the people around them are masked or not.
But that doesn't fit with the guilt - manipulation of "your mask protects me", when the masks those meant don't protect anyone. But they helped people be afraid of each other and judge each other.
I still wonder if N95s work for some temporary time. Dr Kory has said it's hard to do studies on masks, as they don't really reflect if a mask could work in certain settings.
Finally, in Wokeville, NY, three years in, there are few masks outdoors. And so much microplastics inhaled, and so many disposable useless masks thrown "away" ...
Yes quite possibly they might for a short duration.
Most people assume these masks work like a tight wound fly screen or sieve. But that isn't entirely right.
If you designed a mask like that it would easily clog up. Even with layers. Instead the cross section of the mask is like a bunch of bendy zig zagging tubes. Think of a handful of straws but the straws are zig zag shaped.
Large particles cannot fit into the tubes and are blocked. The smallest particles can but they get stuck on the inside of the tubes where they bend. Sort of like a fly stuck in a web. The only particles that make it through are the mid sized ones which are small enough to fit through the opening but too big to get stuck properly on the insides.
If you do this with a liquid. For a short time the droplets get stuck and do not pass. But as you continue to breathe through the masks again and again the pressure breaks those tiny droplets into even smaller droplets and they begin to pass through the mask both in and out.
Which can be a problem because you can be carrying infected droplets in the mask and repeated inhaling and exhaling those for quite some time.
Wow, great response. That's one I'll be sharing with others.
Could you kindly advise who attended the January 28 symposium? Thank you.
Hi Terence. Sadly, just me, Dr. Patrick Philips, Dr. Mark Trozzi, journalist Rodney Palmer. None of the others even showed the respect of responding to the invitation provided by the organizers.
Can’t believe the times we are living in. Thank you, to all of you, for your strength and integrity.
I can’t say I’m surprised. The non-attendance of the promoters of this “vaccine” speaks for itself.
Perfect timing, just writing the CPSA in an attempt to have them reconsider their continued attacks on doctors for not blindly following their unsupported standards and beliefs.
We really need an organization like this in Canada.
Hi Byran. You can present this to the judge in the High Court of New Zealand , but he will have to take off his blinkers.