Byram. As a doctor, let me help you out, good Sir! The technical terms you are looking for are: “What the actual f*ck.”

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So true. I was just getting ready to share this article with the heading: WTF!

It seems we are in good company.

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WTF is a good heading Betsy.

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Wrote a sub about this thing a few days ago, the good news is this insanity only effects USA&EU, the rest of the world thinks the West has gone bat-shit crazy.


The is a very serious issue, because our 'Insane USA- Elite' are saying that the alt-binary will lead the NWO, and that binary 'men&women' will be expunged; I guess the trans-human owners only want a single sex; So if we don't fight this bullshit with all we got now, we are kaput; But the good news is that only in the 'west'; Which leads to the assertion is maybe the East is guiding the west off the cliff.

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Fortunately, I do believe there are very few that go along with this absurd behavior. The thing I find funny is the doctors that were mutilating, female genitals which we all heard about a couple years ago, the Dr’s could no longer practice & some even went to the big house! Yet, because this is not about different cultural beliefs they don’t prosecute? This I find the same situation, doing harm to children, & yet they ceremoniously, celebrate it!

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Surgeons got to do surgery, the most profitable gig in medicine

They don't give a fuck what they cut, just got to be cutting.

I remember a few years ago in USA they had a pandemic of doctors that were doing surgerys for common backaches and really fucking people up for life, now the medicare will no longer pay for back surgery for common backpain and all the un-needed surgeries stopped;

Circumcision is genital mutilation, its some kind of Jew obsession, still going strong yes or no??

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Last night we watched (What is a woman) have you seen it? Kept having to stop the movie to speak about the crap these ppl were talking about. It’s so worth watching! Circumcision is much debated, I think it really depends on the circumstances. Two of my grandsons were not circumcised, had lots of problems, turned out they both had to get circumcised after two years old, because of the ongoing problems, and after they were circumcised, they never had these problems again. Lots of infections, pain, urinating, or some of their symptoms prior to.

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I was told by an emergency doctor some years ago about surgeons doing surgery whether needed or not as this was just what they did. A friend was due to be a victim of this when it was decided to cut three of her toes off at the second distal joint as they were turned under. Mercifully, I was training in Sharon Wheeler’s Scar Work at the time and offered to try my techniques on her feet; after a 30-minute session and a period of a week for the changes to take place, her toes straightened and stayed straight. There was no need for surgery. While this case has been mentioned in a book about scars (there had been some previous surgery) the aforementioned doctor was not at all interested. This has been my experience of the medical profession regarding any ‘alternative’ therapy. I mention this as a matter of interest not a plug for this therapy.

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Go to a surgeon for a common-cold, expect to get surgery referral;

When your only tool is a scalpel everything looks like a $100k payday;

Insurance companys actually keep 'black-lists' on hospitals that do surgerys more than national averages; It is advised to know those black-listed hospitals and doctors in your region and avoid them like the plague;

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Yes 'trans ideology' is basically a free for all (ie no consistent underlying logic) so all we can talk about is its blunt cause/ effect on society. The effect of 'trans ideology' will be the eradication of gender as a concept. By sheer coincidence this is happening at the precise moment artificial wombs are about to become a thing. It's almost as if the entire 'gender ideology' movement is being pushed (and funded) so hard to condition kids to accept (and even embrace) their new role as genderless and sterilised worker drones ... Brave New World style.

(FUN FACT: Aldous Huxley was a member of the social engineering elite think tank The Fabian Society which is how he was able to 'predict' the future so well. The Fabian Society's original emblem was wolf in sheep's clothing).

But I'm afraid all of this started with feminism (another project of the elites who funded it and promoted it). It was feminism that first started to deconstruct (and deny) sexual dimorphism (ie gender / biological sex). Their 'patriarchy theory' presumes men and women are the same and therefore have the same motivations, needs, strengths, vulnerabilities, proclivities, psychology, biological imperatives, skills and ambitions.

For the last century feminist women have been deconstructing femininity (and especially motherhood) while also invading men's spaces, appropriating male behaviour and gender roles (often creating ridiculous one dimensional male caricatures that degrade men). Thanks to feminism forcing women to adopt men's role as 'wage slaves' most women can no longer afford to BE mothers to their own children, having to outsource the role to the state (where children get indoctrinated by 'gender ideology' which further erodes gender).

Modern day 'gender ideology' is just an extension of feminism's project to eradicate men and women in the name of 'liberation'. Feminism was always a transgender ideology (as distinct from transexuals who hate 'gender ideology' as much as anyone else), it's just than nobody cared when feminists appropriated male clothing, male hairstyles and superficial male behaviours... or when feminists partnered with the state (men with guns) to effectively create a harem for women (free stuff and special treatment thanks to the taxpayer), which also greatly emasculated men who were now forced to support a population of single, promiscuous, feminist women via their taxes... and get nothing in return.

Yes, this is a slippery slope argument (slippery slopes exist!) and I'm not suggesting a return to gender traditionalism is the only way to save gender...... although it might well be. I think we should at least consider it - if only to save men and women from being made extinct.

It's annoying that feminists are now complaining that their war on gender is now backfiring on them, but they won't admit responsibility for any of it. And it's even more annoying that 'anti woke' (mostly conservative) men are now rushing in to defend them, by saying it's all men's fault and just another example of men's misogyny and lack of respect for women etc etc.

Blaming men and excusing women is just empowering feminism even more. Who is cheering drag queen shows for children (often with convicted sex offenders)? It's predominantly feminist women. The elite's destruction of gender is a being enabled primarily by woke women. Feminism's insistence that women have no agency and no social power convinces modern women that their actions have no consequences. In reality only women have the power to save gender / fertility / motherhood / fatherhood - from being outlawed and vaccinated away (and made the privilege of an elite class of technocrats).

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I wonder if the conspiracy isn't still patriarchal like it was in the days of Alexander and Caesar, hip deep in blood and gore? The rights and privileges of women are undone to the extent men are allowed or encouraged to "be women." Pretty obvious now in sports. That wombs will no longer be needed soon, puts the icing on the cake. "Why have women at all" as was thought in purely patriarchal times and still in Islam as they were often thought inferior even as sex objects good only for reproduction.

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The problem with this concept of women being 'inferior' is that it comes from feminist ideology which designed to destroy the natural harmonious relationships between men and women. Feminism starts with the assumption that men and women are separate and opposing tribes engaged in a win/ lose battle (battle of the sexes).... instead of being two halves of a whole, who are invested in each other's success (win-win).

In 'purely patriarchal times' women WERE inferior (more vulnerable) because society was a brutal, dirty, hostile environment and just about every aspect of daily living involved backbreaking and highly dangerous manual labour. Even housework was hard manual labour by today's standards. What men had to endure to put food on the table was insane.

Women might have been branded 'sex objects' (baby making machines) but men were equally branded as machines for mining coal, building roads, fishing the seas and generally ensuring the women and children were protected and supplied with adequate resources. Feminist ideology always forgets to compare women's situation with their male counter part, because men invariably have it worse! Even today men make up 95% of workplace deaths because we expect men to do all the dangerous jobs in society. But feminism only focuses our attention on the 0.01% of men who are CEO's earning billions.

Women were inferior to men in the same way that men are inferior to horses, but nobody would say horses are 'privileged' over men just because we all recognise their greater strength and utility. Women had their own set of skills and therefore contributions to society and therefore unique value (a value which feminism refuses to recognise let alone celebrate).

Through the feminist lens women's obvious inferiority seem to be an insult and oppression because feminist theory automatically rules out cooperation (and love, respect, loyalty) between men and women. But the fact is women (pre feminism) trusted men, and would signal their own inferiority (vulnerability) to men with displays of exaggerated femininity (clothing, body language, make up, etiquette etc) which (as we all know!) triggers a strong protective instinct in men and a desire to meet women's needs and desires! (AKA 'chivalry')

Feminism ITSELF is an appeal to men's benevolent and protective instincts towards women (he for she), but because feminism is designed to destroy the natural trust and loyalty between men and women, feminists frame female vulnerabilities in terms of 'male oppression' rather than female inferiority/ vulnerability. But the demands from men are the same (resources, special treatment, comfort, security etc) but now the demands are framed as 'penance' from men for their 'systemic abuse', rather than as gifts from men, with women offering comparable gifts in return that only women can provide (all the things that define men as inferior to women!).

Feminism cannot conceive of women purposely (or even subconsciously) signalling their own inferiority to men (vulnerability, fragility, femininity), as a strategy to provoke men to work hard or even inspire men to achieve greatness. And yet we all know that nothing motivates men more than a feminine woman standing on a piece of wild land and saying 'make me a home' or even 'build me a civilisation'!

Would men have been motivated to create fantastic cathedrals, canals, productive farming methods, giant iron ships, trains etc without women provoking/ inspiring them with constant displays of femininity / vulnerability (inferiority)?

We understand that babies provoke/ inspire mothers to work harder and become more selfless than they were before motherhood (babies are 'inferior' to their mothers) ... but feminism denies that women have a similar effect on men.

Feminism also cannot conceive that women in the middle east might CHOOSE to adopt a hyper-feminine (hyper submissive) gender role, because in those circumstances it's the best strategy to ensure survival and security. Feminism would have us believe men would impose gender roles that segregate women from them, and even prohibit them from seeing women's faces or speaking with women ... and only allow him social / sexual intimacy with a woman AFTER he has signed a contract agreeing to provide resources and protection to her for life! To me that arrangement sounds like it was invented by women and not men. And in the middle east it is women who most fiercely enforce those gender roles, just as women in the west enforce western (feminist) gender roles and attack any woman who dares to challenge feminist dogma.

But feminism denies women even HAVE any agency or social power, which rules out the idea of women defining their own cultural norms and gender roles through... oh I don't know ... the raising of children?!

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Feminism Was Created by the US Communist Party:


The Roots of Individualist Feminism in 19th-Century America by Wendy McElroy:


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To answer this question indirectly but unequivocally, someone once suggested the following experiment. Put one biological male and 10 biological females on a deserted island and come back in ten years. You'll probably discover that the population has increased. As the control we put one biological male on an island with 10 trans-women. Come back in ten years and you'll see either the same number of people (or fewer if some died) and everyone will only look older.

I would NEVER have believed as little as 5 years ago that we'd even be talking about this at all. I am even more aghast that we are being forced to treat these concepts as if they were actual issues.

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Keep in mind it only took 1 voice… 1 advocate…1 lobbyist to get to where we are today. Presently there is 1 preacher in jail because he has courage of his convictions in an attempt to stop the asinine drag queen issue. Just think of how far this gender issue would have got if the majority spoke out against that 1 gender advocate voice.

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How about an island of 1000 trans-men with 1000 trans-women?

And that is the mission accomplished: the population growth reversed all the way to minus-infinity.

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Trans men are women so there would likely still be population growth - whether agreed to or forced I think. 🙄

What is a tranny but a homosexual with huge mental health issues???

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My understanding is that there are different types of trans women. Some are confused people (generally youngsters) - they may continue to be gender dysphoric into adulthood. Others are actually autogyephile men (fetishist men who, usually after being drenched in pornography since they were teenagers) get off on imagining themselves as women. The latter often get boob jobs but retain their male tackle intact. They tend to hate women and consider themselves to be 'better women' than real women - because they are a bit of everything. Some of these may identify as lesbians (in case you thought it couldn't get any more insane) and berate lesbian women who won't have (presumably heterosexual) sex with them. They are often quite vicious towards anyone who stands up to them. Graham Linehan (cancelled Irish comedy writer - Father Ted and The IT Crowd) has an excellent Substack called 'The Glinner Update ('A Week in the War on Women' that keeps me updated! You can find it on my profile.

Layer upon layer of insanity. And/or gaslighting.

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I love Graham Linehan. He deserves a medal (and a huge apology) for all the crap he's had to take. Father Ted is HIS show and how dare they try and cancel his name from it. The whole thing is utterly utterly disgusting.

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In my own family my wifes husbands brother went full man2woman some +40 years ago, cost him $500k he had the money, years of psych & surgery

Now he lives with a woman and considers himself a lesbian I guess; He was an ugly man, and the ugliest woman on earth.

What I remember was, he had way too much money, so was bored with life; He liked to dress up like a girl; The strange thing is that he owned a machine-shop biz, you would think a 'macho guy'

Long ago the Kinks has a song "LOLA", "Its a mixed up world" that sum's it rather well, for my sisters hubbys brother I think the transition was just about being 'exotic'.

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Most alarming thing you write is this has able to done for 40 years now. I am so surprise, and shock.

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"My understanding is that there are different types of trans women."

Modern 'gender ideology' claims gender is completely arbitrary and fluid even to the point that it can change several times a day (gender ideologues often wear coloured bracelets to indicate their different genders throughout the day).

This is an affront to transexuals who (like most people) view gender as fixed and biologically determined, and whose condition is defined by having a fixed gender which is at odds with their (also fixed) physical body. Transexuals view their gender as their essence, and they don't deny their physical bodies are at odds with this essence (that's what being transexual means). There are various explanations as to why a person's gender might be at odds with their physical bodies (or what gender even is to begin with). None of them particularly satisfactory. I don't think modern 'mechanistic' science can account for gender because gender exists in consciousness which mechanistic science cannot account for.

If gender was purely a product of physical (mechanistic) biology then a full hysterectomy, mastectomy and hormones blockers would prevent you 'feeling' like a woman. But it does not. It makes no difference to your gender 'essence', because that resides in consciousness (a realm which is more fundamental than the physical mechanistic realm).

Transexuals may or may not seek to align their physical bodies and physical presentation with their gender (via hormones, surgery, clothing etc) in order to FIT IN with society. In other words transexuals (in the old school sense) tended to want to conform to normal social conventions. Their distress came from being unable to conform to traditional gender roles, not least the ability to reproduce and pair bond in the normal way.

Modern day 'gender ideology' (where gender is treated as arbitrary and meaningless) is a million miles from 'transexuals' who generally can't stand 'gender ideology'.

'Gender ideology' is actually more accurately a progression of FEMINISM which has always denied, denigrated and attempted to deconstruct and ultimately dispense with concepts of sexual dimorphism and masculine/ feminine gender roles and identities.

Just as feminists appropriated (and subverted) the concerns of gay men in the 80's and minorities in the 2000's they have now done the same for transexuals, who, before feminists took over, just wanted to fit in and get by in life and not draw attention to themselves.

Modern day 'gender ideologues' who seek attention in the media do not represent transexuals, just as 'radical feminists' who seek attention in the media do not represent women.

And yes, there will always be men and women who want to appropriate the opposite sex for any number of reasons (fetish, ideology, boredom, social status etc). This is why lumping everyone together under the same clunky language is ridiculous. But unfortunately most anti-woke conservatives just want to virtue signal their opposition to women being made uncomfortable or being denied sporting trophies. They don't care to actually understand what they're talking about.

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Thank you - I am aware of the distinction between transsexuals and transgender individuals, and agree that transsexuals do not follow modern gender ideology.

However, gender ideology (and the opposition to it) is about more than women's spaces being protected, although that is important. Gender ideology is ultimately being pushed and financed by the same global financial interests behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The transgender movement, for its sponsors, rather than its practitioners, is part of the transhumanist agenda. Added to which, totalitarian systems aim to make people deny the evidence of their own eyes. Ergo, 'this person is a woman, even though 'she' has a penis; this 'vaccine' is safe and effective even though people of all ages, including teenagers, are dropping dead of heart attacks all around the 'vaccinated' world. It's about menticide.

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Yep. Agree with you (although I had to look up menticide!). I actually view transgenderism/ transhumanism as the logical end point for feminist ideology (feminism was also funded and promoted by the same technocrat social engineers). IMHO the deconstruction of gender (and gender trolling) began way back with ''women's lib" which also demanded we all pretend men and women are interchangeable ... while at the same time adhering to feminism's hyper-traditional gender roles (men act / women are acted upon).

Feminism told women they could be anything .... except (as it turned out) mother to her own children and home maker, which is now a privilege reserved for the rich only. Yay! Empowerment!

The same trick is now being played with respect to gender... kids can choose any of 100 genders, and then over time 2 of those genders will be removed. And we all know which 2 those will be! That will leave 98 imaginary genders left.

It's no surprise gender ideology is being promoted and funded at the exact moment that artificial wombs are becoming viable (or so they say) and vaccines/ EMF is destroying fertility. And again, I view artificial wombs as just the next step now that putting kids in 'daycare' facilities (day abandonment facilities) has been normalised.

If artificial wombs do become a thing, I can't imagine them being able to produce anything other than total psychopaths. And that'll be the end of humanity....

Sometimes I think it's already to late to save humanity .... and sometimes I think they've pushed it too fast and it's going to provoke a 'gender renaissance' and a return to sanity.

I don't like anti woke conservatives (often men) framing 'gender ideology' as a misogynistic attack on women though, because that just feeds into feminism which is the ideology that brought us here to begin with. A lot of feminists are now blaming men for the consequences of feminist ideology. We need to stop blaming men for everything and recognise women's huge social power .... especially when it comes to setting moral standards, social norms, gender roles etc. This erasure of gender wouldn't have had any traction in society without women cheering it on (especially as parents and teachers).

And far from being as expression of misogyny, I feel the motivation for supporting the feminisation of boys/ men comes from feminist women (with issues and baggage) wanting to dominate, denigrate and neutralise men and masculinity. For example, everyone thinks Drew Barrymore was kneeling in deference, but to me she was assuming a kind of maternalistic role, treating Dylan Mulvaney as a child. The infantilisation / feminisation of men is how some women like to dominate men.

The transgenders now invading women's spaces are basically copying modern 'empowered' women who have have shown this amount of entitlement and narcissism for the last 3 decades. Such entitlement by women was accepted because vagina. Without the vagina people (especially men but also women) have a lot less tolerance!

But whatever .... the main goal is transhumanism. I totally agree.

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Another problem is chromosomal male might have such low testosterone as to not be able to comfortably express a male personality. He might be tempted "to be" a woman. However, bio-identical male hormones at puberty and on for life would make more sense. Mirror image for chromosomal women with low estrogren, etc.

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Yes, and that would explain why about 80% of 'gender questioning' children grow out of it when they hit puberty. Many people (including transgender people) now question the wisdom of giving cross sex hormones/ hormone blockers, when giving same-sex hormones (like you say) might have been a better strategy ... or better yet, just wait for puberty when natural hormone levels increase.

But all this falls under the heading of 'common sense' and there is no common sense to be had with the gender ideologues who are on a mission to 'trans' kids. The only real solution is for everybody to home school (and don't send your children to uni) and turn off the TV and let all these institutions collapse.

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I know nothing, LOL, and maybe shouldn't even try to educate myself any further.

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BAM !!!

Don't know, don't want to know, ... don't care, ..... Unless they are pushing it on the kids. Homeschool, Un-school, hell at this point Feral children are probably an upgrade to Public Schools. lol

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Not if they have been chemically castrated...

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That many, all together on a deserted island, all chemically castrated? I don't think so... there aren't enough of those in the overall 'movement' and the numbers in the 'movement' aren't very large to begin with. But I get your point.

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Well, ..... I feel that if they can round up every Leper and force them into a secluded colony, ..... then why the hell not do the same with ALL the delusional trans freaks, so they don't spread their funky ailment to future generations ?? Eventually the problem will rectalfy itself. lol

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You know, in truth, without God people will fall for anything as they try to fill that huge empty place within them. We should rather pray for them to be saved. 🙏

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let's turn it into a reality Tee Vee show -- is this guy still alive? he could be the host


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To a young man's perspective, you just described heaven versus hell.

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We are entertaining the few who feel left out. The problem is that the few want all of us to believe that trans -people are just as normal as us. They can be normal. But I would like to think that Bruce Jenner is intelligent and he and Katlyn can tell her community of trans-friends.

They can't have babies or cervix cancer screening. BC they don't have a cervix and they never will. I don't care what kind of clothes you wear. I do care if you want to spread lies about the God-given anatomy of human beings. Man and woman create babies! Period

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Just look at all the crap we’ve swallowed in the last five decades. We would never have believed any of it before it happened either yet here we are! Wake up!

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In 100 years: the bones of 11 biological males will be discovered.

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Logic like this is a thing of the past... they are beating it out of the mob.

As an aside... if you ever do carry out this experiment and you can convince 10 SI Swim Suit Models to participate ... I'd like to put my hand up to be the single male. I guarantee I am non trans and fully functional.

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Sure, you can put your hand up, but your wife might chop it off first.

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She's likely chop something more important off then wish me bon voyage. :)

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Apparently, you like to live dangerously. Please waste a globalist or two before you go ...

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Yes! I don’t actually care at all what consenting adults do to themselves or each other. And I see trans people as either confused or genuinely born into a body that feels wrong, so who am I to judge? It’s not that trans is moral or immoral or crazy or not crazy, because I only know my own perspective- it’s that it’s humiliating for everyone to be silenced and forced to pretend that niche issues are mainstream and that suddenly biology is whatever I say it is. It’s the forced pretending that I hate the most.

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" It’s the forced pretending that I hate the most."

1. Do you believe women can be firefighters?

2. Do you believe the gender pay gap is because of the systemic oppression of women, or because men are far more competitive (in the arena of business) and far more motivated to earn money and gain social status because of women's naturally hypergamous nature?

3. Do you believe women should serve on the frontline alongside men?

4. Can we indulge in political correctness without causing social dysfunction and eventual societal collapse?

These aren't supposed to be 'gotcha' questions. I genuinely think these are issues we all need to confront.

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Yes, B, No, & No !

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OK so you're trapped in a burning building. The door is jammed and you can't get out. Smoke is filling the room so you'll be unconscious soon (a dead weight). There are two fire services in your town. A normal fire service with male firefighters and a feminist fire service with female firefighters. Which one do you call?

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My "Yes" on #1 was only on the basis that they can pass the requirements as-is, without downgrading them to make it easier. But if that isn't the case, I see your point. But either way, it depends on the construction of the building. If block or steel building I would immediately throw a heavy chair through the nearest window to exit. A wood frame construction I would kick an exit straight through the drywall and exterior siding.

I disassemble wooden pallets and break them up bare handed. lol a little brute force is handy in a pinch. I'd be outside trying to call them to come put out the fire.

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Thank you for teaching me a new word (had to look up “hypergamous”). 🙂 I think the position itself (in regards to firefighters) determines who is a candidate or not. If you meet the criteria for the job, go for it. No changing criteria for ‘inclusivity’ BS or whatever. I agree these are legit questions that a civilized society needs to address.

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As an avid non-feminist I've read accounts of fire departments being forced to lower the physical requirements so that feminist women can join and essentially 'role play' at being firefighters. They get to fulfil their version of what an empowered woman is, and (as the firefighters point out) people will actually die as a result.

These women are just not capable of shouldering down a door and carrying a person out of a burning building. Even most MEN are not up to the physical requirements of a firefighter (assuming rescuing people is the goal).

My point was we've been 'forced to pretend' for a long time. At some point we've got to become pragmatic again (like our ancestors had to be in order to survive). If we can't go against PC we will eventually become a completely non functioning society.... then after it collapses we will not be able to afford to be PC any more! :)

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I foresee a future where we go back to basics, to common sense. After whatever the hell it is they have planned for us next, and the next years will be… I can’t even imagine. But I see humans waking up. I’m also an optimist and always have been. This feels like a spiritual war.

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I'm a pessimist, ..... so I think 'they' will likely all need to be slaughtered.

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How about 0) crazy talk 1) demanded self-censoring, 2) thought police 3) child mind bending 4) active grooming 5) persecution of dissent? We have all 6 in Canada.

And I also don't care what the adults agree to do privately. But when it is codified and institutionalized, the wrath of God follows.

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Dr. Bridle:

The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) is being dishonest. The "tunnel," as you accurately describe it, which is surgically added to male individuals' groins as a pretend vagina, would correspond to what the CCS calls a "neo-vagina." (A "false vagina" would be more accurate.)

Since these "tunnels" are primarily created from the patients' own mutilated penis, it would seem more relevant for so-called "trans-women" to be screened for PENILE cancer.

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Thanks for this point. I had assumed it must be a skin graft, but it makes sense that the penile tissue would be recycled. In that case, I agree with you. Getting an accurate diagnosis of the cellular origin of a cancer is very important with respect to prognoses and treatment decisions.

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Yes, as thoroughly distressing as it is to imagine, the false tunnel added to the groin of "trans-women" is their own empty, inverted penile skin, incapable of any of the functions of a natural vagina. It serves as a "receptacle" only.

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Need to throw up now. Thanks.

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(Sorry, Steshu.)

As I said, thoroughly distressing. But the general public should be aware of the reality of "trans" surgery.

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Oh, I've read accounts written by people who have gone through it themselves--and to say that it's gut-wrenching would be an understatement. And then reading on to learn about the horrors that these people experience after these surgeries for the rest of their lives is even worse. And they typically were never informed of any of this before making the decision to mutilate themselves--or their children. It's an excellent example of what people will do to other people for money.

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It is kind of like getting your ears pierced or getting a tattoo.... right?

Well, in general. Specifically, yeah, you are getting wrecked

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thank so much Kathleen for "telling it like it is" being graphic.

Now I want to be sick hahaha

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KT & BB,

You're high-quality human beings. And the content of your dialog, at least for me, shows that, on average, the processes and outputs of real science are essentially better for us all than the usually unprincipled, indecent endeavors and effects of real politics, in all its forms and upon all its sources.

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A personal thank-you to Gator Guy. KT

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You always earn it, KT; anyway, you're kindly welcome.

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You made my day!

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"Politics is like trying to screw a cat in the ass." ~ Charles (Barfly) Bukowski , "The Most Beautiful Woman In Town & Other Stories" 1983

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Given all the confusion - I am wondering weather the CCS is as informed as Dr. Bridle as to the definition of "trans woman", and that their PSA (no pun intended) was really intended for trans men who may actually benefit from this message. If that is bizarrely not the case, then it begs the question whether trans women who have undergone this surgery have shown to have an increased risk of cancer with this pseudo "tunnel" to nowhere that would warrent this very specific outreach.

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Re-defined Prostate Cancer ?

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Excellent point

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I think they are just juggling definitions again, changing what words mean. Perhaps this cervical cancer screening is what was previously defined as Prostate Cancer screening ? lol

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Mar 16, 2023
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They’re not doing good in their minds; they’re just making boatloads of money.

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It is appalling to think that a Canadian woman - a real one - might have her cancer screening delayed because the appointment was already taken by one of these guys indulging his fetish.

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Hi MacGuffin. Thanks for pointing this out. I hadn't thought of that. Although I can't foresee this being a big problem, you have made a genuine point. It could actually have some impact in a medical system like ours, where wait times for tests are too long.

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As I noted below (not sure if you can see it without being tagged, so redoing it here)

I waited almost 6 months for my PAP result to come in

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It would likely be seen by 'They" as not a problem, ... but a feature.

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Similar but less life threatening, transgenders playing women's sport under the disingenuous heading of inclusivity, whilst excluding a real girl/ woman from their chosen sport, farce.

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This is the real issue

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I waited almost 6 months for my PAP result to come in

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That is ridiculous! Some healthcare system eh?

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I seriously didn't know whether to laugh or cry. As a woman this is one of the most insane things I have read recently. I stopped donating to all the institutions long before this because of the way donations were really being spent. I donate monthly to my food bank. I know the gentleman running it in my City, he takes no income, it is 90% volunteers and his only overhead costs are the building, heat, hydro and purchasing things not donated by people.

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Gender equality does not mean being woke silly. How offensive for a trans woman to read that from the CCS. Either the person who wrote this is incompetent, stupid (does not know what a trans woman is) or is trying to help the trans woman feel included. Included in a cancer screening process for women so they feel like a woman? Silly and a waste of time.

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It’s a waste of resources and money as well a precious time for the doctors, nurses and pathologists to pretend to perform these actual medical procedures on men, to make them feel like women, while there are women going without them. It’s the ultimate in coddling, in a society where men are already coddled. As soon as women started achieving a semblance of real equity and power in society, and replacing men in academia, men decided they could now be women too? The primary societal focus is now back mens rights, even their right to be recognized as not men. How fast would trans women run to the gender bent exits if women’s right to vote or own property were once again gone?

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Because of the soothing and lulling lies of Merck and their poison Gardisil, too many young actual women are not getting the screening they need regularly. So cervicle cancer is rising. There is NO EVIDENCE Gardisil prevents cancer in either sex. It’s a dangerous con, of course, that I’m sure injured my granddaughter. Screening is the best way to catch cancer early. Merck is a murderer from the get go. So screening for real women is good. Don’t let your loved women get Gardisil. It’s also hawked to boys and men for penile cancer.

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I know this is a bit off topic , but I read somewhere this week, that Merck are buying up factories in India that produce Ivermectin, and then closing them down ? I can't for the life of me remember where I read it. 🤬

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I know Merck originally sold ivermectin. The patent ended. Then they dissed IVM because they had a product for covid they wanted to push big time. Probably monoclonal antibodies. So of course they are going to take action to destroy IVM for good if they can. Never mind it’s used worldwide by millions. These are awful and disgusting people running awful anti human businesses. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are doing that. 🤬🤬😡

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It is the waste of resources, particularly in health care, that makes this so enraging.

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Good point

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"Gender equality does not mean being woke silly." Says who? I bet it does.

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Agreed! I love how these organizations ate self identifying as ridiculous. Easier for people like me to decide where to place my time and money towards. Not this organization. I also respond to blanket mailings for cause money in the same fashion. I ask questions about their policies(as so many have changed on this area). It helps greatly to direct my time and money.

Withdrawing money works - it always has. Note too that there are alternate similar area organizations you can give money too😊

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I LOVE Corporate 'science'! It's some of the best fiction you can read.

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I am no expert on gender dysphoria nor its causes. I do, however, understand that there is such a thing as "queer theory" which has nothing to do with biology, medicine or health, and everything to do with upending cultural norms.

When an ideology like queer theory starts to infect the legal, educational and medical fields, it becomes pathological because it obscures objective truth and reality. Without objective truth, one cannot function competently as a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc.

In my view, this ideology should be regarded as intellectual terrorism.


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I am also no expert, but I believe gender dysphoria is directly caused by very progressive liberal queer grade school teachers. Maybe even school mass shootings too !!

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Yikes, your comment from last week was prophetic.

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I used to have dreams that come true, but not before 6 months later. I didn't like that, ... so I decided to stop dreaming, ... And Did. But this stuff doesn't take a crystal ball, as the writing is on the wall. They push all manner of twisted stuff at grade school kids, get them confused as to their gender. Oh, confused and depressed now? Fine, here are some drugs for depression and a toxic cocktail for your transition. What I believe is that too many people are standing too near the wall and can't make out the mural. People need to back up a ways until it is in focus, then use a bare minimum of cause and effect and odds of probability and viola, then it just Seems like you have a crystal ball. The leftists know this too, and they also know exactly what the outcome will be, but they prefer to LIE about it and play dumb because that goes along with their agenda. Never mind that the agenda itself is pure lunacy, I guess it doesn't need to make sense one bit. What is their issue and what is their goal? Their issue is they Hate America and their goal is to destroy it. Why? Because they are to damn dumb to realize they are useful, expendable, liquidatable, idiots who will be next in line immediately following the intended targets of their evil. Besides, this isn't new. Remember last year Uvalde was perpetrated by a sissified cross dressing outcast who was also on SSRI's. Then there was the July 4th kid in Illinois last year who was a reeeing leftist cross dressing depression patient who was just like all the other castigated school aged males with an attitude towards vengeance for having been chided, derided, put down and forced to feel lesser than. This attack on out youth Should Not Be Invisible To Anyone, ..... but sadly it seems to be. If I had my druthers, .... I'd lay waste to the Teachers Union, torch the public school system and fire every damn leftist progressive queer/trans teacher with pictures of their same sex lovers on their desks which are only there for one reason, ... to make curious kids ask "Who Is That" which they take as an open door to go full on grooming. Makes me puke !

I am old now and have five kids and luckily 4 of them are 30yrs old or more, .... but this last one is only 10 and there is no way in hell I will allow any of this trash to happen to her. I pulled her out of Public School in 2020 over CRT, Mask Mandates and Gender/pronoun ideology. She is better off home schooled, un-schooled, hell, even Feral is better than how the schools would do. No, I have two grand kids from my other two daughters and I am getting grand kids out of my last daughter too. she is certain she is a girl, ... so it looks like I pounced early enough in getting her out.

There's that crystal ball again, lol.

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Maybe you are not aware of some new cervix trans-plant surgery that is going on? OR maybe they are growing cervixes in a warehouse in Van Nuys and attaching them to men.s tunnel wounds? Just commenting for a friend. All Hail the NWO...

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It is happening. In Wuhan. Fauci has funded gain of function cervix research.

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Gain of cervix

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Somehow that sounds correct.

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Gain Of Tunnel Wound ?

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Wow. Thats so funny scary probably true.

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No, ... when their mangina cervix is late being delivered, .... they will say it is stuck in a warehouse in Bullhead City !! lol

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Bullhead City... wow. What a place. The river taxi ride can be exciting.

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I just heard about that but haven't dug into it yet. I think the guy doing this research is in CHINA, same place that gave us MBP trans ideology psychological warfare. It is evil. See the link below.

03/28/2023: Lin Biao’s Curse of Trans! He built the Weapon!:


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Oh Dr. Bridle, you're not nearly as confused as we're all going to be: French, Spanish, Slavic languages and others I haven't listed, they all will now have to change their entire languages: they all use gendered object pronouns.

Why is it 'la table' and 'le tableau'? Who was that nasty misogynist anyways? We'll just have to somehow get rid of all that prejudice and change all those languages to be gender neutral!!!

Except that when that happens, forget communication of any kind.

Perhaps I should have refrained from my attempt at sarcastic humour. I may have given the thought police too many ideas!!!

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Following the science, how quaint. Great post.

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I have lost ALL faith in the medical profession. I have become incapable of trusting almost any medical "professional." I stare into faces wearing masks that cannot work for their stated purpose, I receive directions for behaviours or actions that are farcical in nature (six foot distancing, anti-bacterial cleaning all the time, shots for an illness that are 3 years out of date (the originals), booster x forever, etc) and I listen as they adhere to magic guidelines and act on beliefs grounded in fantasy vs. reality.

I am genuinely concerned that I will never be able to accept their guidance ever again. And your note from today ensures that most charitable agencies pushing similar levels of insanity will never receive a dime or a thought from me ever again.

They broke everything. The really did.

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Or maybe the fog simply parted and now things are clear.

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I assure you that many of us doctors are not on board with this craziness.

Sadly, we are in the minority.

Unbelievable, but true.


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Great essays! Thanks for sharing! Good to know another warrior in the fight.

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No need for confusion, we've moved into a 2+2=5 world.

If anyone is interested in hearing from a person who went through the 'transitioning' process, here is a video from the Viva Frei youtube channel where young gay man tells the story of how he was surgically altered. He's trying to sue:


It makes you realize the depth of the harms that people experience at just about every step of the process.

This issue of treating biological males medically as biological females won't and can't end well.

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maybe people who used to be female and now identify as male should be tested.

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I am a cytotechnologist and this is what (who) it is for, females who say they are males in their mind but in reality still have a cervix and are real females--so they could still (very rare) get cervical cancer. The whole situation is antithesis of science (no data), but for the last three years no one has bothered.

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For what, though?

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For any cancer of any female organ remaining in the body. (And for insanity.)

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I don't get their definition either. I learned in science class that a male is a male from fertilization onward. The sex of the mother's fertilized ovum that gets born later as a full term baby is 'assigned', if that's the right term, by the chromosomes in the father's sperm at conception. Not by the parents or the birth attendants nine months later. Maybe the CCS is just stupid. A transgender "man" is a biological woman, chromosome-wise, who may or may not still have a cervix when she decides to "identify" as a man. But a transgender 'woman' would only have a cervix if they were intersex.

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Disorders of sexual development do occur, from a range of causes, among them genetic and iatrogenic. Endocrine disrupter exposure is a big problem to which we calmly close our eyes and trust the science, and poisoning from pharmaceuticals is an everyday thing. The "trans" phenomenon we are seeing now, however, would appear to have little to do with that. I think. As usual, it's hard to know.

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