In Australia recently we also had a referendum vote to drastically alter our constitution. The people also voted no. However, states and local councils have decided to go ahead anyway!! To me this is even more than them trying to convince of us as “yes” vote for this change, it’s also, “If you don’t do as we tell you, we’ll railroad you anyway because clearly you choose wrong.” I’m pretty sick of current governments.
It was very telling how the PM called the referendum "a failure." No, a failure would have been no result at all. It was a success. We got a clear answer - just not the one they were wanting.
Exactly right. Good observation, it’s in my country too. Unfortunately Canada and other supposedly democratic nations are headed towards authoritarianism as they have little to no respect for the wishes of the people and think the politicians should be able to do what they want, as long as the PM smiles and says he cares about democracy.
I agree. The more I’ve learnt about my own background and trauma…. The more I’ve learnt about all this because in my case they’re all linked in some brutal horrible ways that I think us “normals” can’t easily comprehend (which is good we don’t want their lack of emotions, morals and corruption) but wow! They really are soulless!
This happened and happens in the US as well. They either keep making us vote until they get the results they want or hey F it, they just do what the heck the want. It’s so very clear how much our “betters” despise the middle class
"Politics, sex, death, psychedelics, fiction, spirituality, Covid, mental health, music, napping, cooking, guitar, hiking, camping and hiding from society." Sounds like a good selection. I'll take a look shortly.
It's all literally a charade, and them, efforting so hard to keep us all playing along. It is really very amusing, finally a reason to chuckle (gasp!)...
The hypnosis is clearly faltering, broken; freeing us from slavery.
So long as we beg the Authorities to let us have "Security, and a share", then, we will remain "Slaves to the system." When we "depend" on others, we cannot be free.
That is where any type of Debt is soul destroying. In many ways, Homeless people are more Free, than anyone with a Mortgage....Sounds terrible doesn't it? But, it is true!
If only it was just 'The Liberals'.........Has anyone heard Poilievre or the Conservatives, say that they will "END" the Carbon Tax or any of this Totalitarian Extortion???
NO! They will be happy to collect the loot...Immune by Law from any resistance?
I've noticed very recently actually, a distinct shift in the CPC rhetoric.
For the life of me, I cannot remember atm, which issue it was on but it was more than one clip I saw of Pierre...ugh, carbon tax? I think it was him dialing it down of redefining what the impacts should be...
The root of this impediment seems to me, to be money. Ppl who can be bought for ________ l (fill in the blank, there are many options), those without moral courage are experiencing the slow death of their Soul. They clearly lack integrity and are not fit to hold any office of authority. Byeeee
How many Canadian politicians have ever accomplished anything worthwhile before getting elected? Isn't that a poor reflection of Canadians? We vote for a pretty face and a quick tongue, without bothering to learn about the underlying character. Therefore we end up governed by phony "Vested Interests", out to make a quick and easy buck?
A lot of people are upset that politicians earn as much as a good McDonald's Franchisee? Well, you get what you pay for.
If we paid for and demanded integrity, the country could be a lot better and wealthier.
Mr. Poilievre is very careful about that. I've only heard him complain about the recent 21% increase. Lets hope the abolish this fraudulent tax, I won't hold my breath. It is similar to the treatment of the "Emergencies Act". Canada does not need Emergency Powers, there were already countless procedures in place to deal with any "Emergency"?? Mr. Poilievre belatedly complained about the Declaration, but said nothing to block it originally?
I agree and don't get my hopes up that any mainstream party is able to drum up the will or means to go against any of the major policies implemented by the current power structure. They are too much a part of that structure.
I don't believe that we can live with any of the current crop of Power Seekers. Too many of them are already corrupted and subverted by evil interests. We have to start over with a much simplified set of laws and a much Stronger Constitution (Which has big nasty teeth!)
Our Prime Minister should be paid 100 X the 'Poverty Level, but should face forfeiture and Jail Time for crimes...!
Currently retiring totally nuts governor of WA, Jay Inslee is selling carbon credits. Our gas prices are almost CA level because of it.To get rid of it its become a ballot initiative in November. Bob Ferguson/Dem Attorney General is running for Inslees seat…WA perfected the mail in balot scam so we'll see if Ferguson gets the boot….I doubt it.:(
Let's just keep blowing the clarion loud and long enough to wake up all of Canada. I spoke to an ambulance first responder yesterday who had never heard of Drs. Byram Bridle, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Denis Rancourt, Charles Hoffe, William Makis, the Great Barrington Declaration, or the World Council for Health. I live on a street populated by zombies, most of whom who think (poor choice of words) Trudeau is doing a great job. Whenever I pass them I say, "Greetings from the Truckers."
As was discussed in the recent Tucker Carlson/Mike Benz interview, democracy now functions to preserve and promote entrenched institutions, rather than to abide by the will of the people.
However, it has not been just 'the past four years' only needs to look to climate "scientism" to discover that rational, well trained and quite frankly pioneers in their accomplishments (you may consider yourself in this group.
Those who pay attention to the "science" have been silenced, ridiculed and stripped of their professional credibility by those who wish to enslave us...Judith Miller comes to mind in this regard. A fantastic academic who speaks clearly and concisely is one of those pesky science deniers.
This is truly a horrible precedent to set. The fact that this so-called "government official" can say these words and not immediately be fired or forced to resign is disgusting.
It's because they are not working for us, and have not been for a long time. They are working for Globalists. The UN is an example. We really shouldn't be paying any taxes for this reason.
Well, this is evidently beyond anything we have known before. The goal is to destroy individual freedom and objective science, which is a myth anyway. All science is imbued with subjective belief and presupposition. Otherwise, why would 'scientists' pursue a particular path of study if not to prove a preconceived point. Science is one way of looking at the world. I believe that our current problem results from the desire to prove preconceived ideas as reality rather than looking at reality first and trying to uncover its source.
There is no democracy. Governments are organized crime syndicates. It’s up to the rest of us to stop buying the lies, the dog and pony show, and drum up enough pushback to make this tyranny unmanagable.
It worries me that silmilar things are happening all over the world. In Australia our government recently tried the same. I can’t help but suspect somethings up.
It’s standard operating procedure in the EUSSR for ‘incorrect’ elections and referenda to be held again - for as many times as it takes for the peasants to ‘get it right’.
The most cursory look at EU history tells us this, and it took at least two such referenda to get Ireland to join. Since then, the usual policies: abortion, immigration etc have been ushered in by the abominable Varadka.
Poland just underwent a rigged ‘election’ that saw Donald Tusk, a leading architect and proponent of the communist EU, installed as prime minister. As with Ireland, it will now be overrun by illegal immigrants and pro-abortion decrees.
Note that both of these countries have long histories of adherence to the Catholic faith, although it could be any religion - as long as it’s targeted for destruction. Except one.
Family and faith - two pillars of our western civilization - are not to be tolerated by our NWO commissars. We have quite a fight on our hands. Better get busy, eh?
In the end these politicians do not care about the constitution. In the words of Justin Trudeau, "we know what we are doing is unconstitutional." Really though, doesn't that make it, by definition, sedition?
In Australia recently we also had a referendum vote to drastically alter our constitution. The people also voted no. However, states and local councils have decided to go ahead anyway!! To me this is even more than them trying to convince of us as “yes” vote for this change, it’s also, “If you don’t do as we tell you, we’ll railroad you anyway because clearly you choose wrong.” I’m pretty sick of current governments.
It was very telling how the PM called the referendum "a failure." No, a failure would have been no result at all. It was a success. We got a clear answer - just not the one they were wanting.
Reminiscent of Brexit, no?
Indeed. I was also thinking that.
🙏🙏 the people need to be respected. Atm that is clearly not the case.
Exactly right. Good observation, it’s in my country too. Unfortunately Canada and other supposedly democratic nations are headed towards authoritarianism as they have little to no respect for the wishes of the people and think the politicians should be able to do what they want, as long as the PM smiles and says he cares about democracy.
It has become we who serve them, not they who serve, ‘We the People’! The arrogance of this lot!!!!! No self awareness whatsoever! Zilch! 😢
I think they're quite aware of what they're doing, it's just that they're soulless sellouts.
I agree. The more I’ve learnt about my own background and trauma…. The more I’ve learnt about all this because in my case they’re all linked in some brutal horrible ways that I think us “normals” can’t easily comprehend (which is good we don’t want their lack of emotions, morals and corruption) but wow! They really are soulless!
You mean you don't want to be enslaved and exploited before they kill you?
I know shocking isn’t it!
This happened and happens in the US as well. They either keep making us vote until they get the results they want or hey F it, they just do what the heck the want. It’s so very clear how much our “betters” despise the middle class
this lock step approach WORLDWIDE is proof enough for me to recognize something aint right here....
EU us a perfect example,
A further serious issue is that today’s so-called journalists view their job as influencing more than informing.
In today's Canada, it is the Government's Job, to "convince people" to bother voting at all.
They need some justification for their continued existence and salaries.
Nah.. just put the bastards in front of a wall, and shoot them. 🙄
I would actually like to get back to where the "Rule of Law" meant something on a consistent basis. Mob justice doesn't lead us there?
That was just me being frustrated.
Still... the idea has real appeal... 🤔
Yup. That's what we do when the system fails us.
"Politics, sex, death, psychedelics, fiction, spirituality, Covid, mental health, music, napping, cooking, guitar, hiking, camping and hiding from society." Sounds like a good selection. I'll take a look shortly.
You can find my stuff here, if you're at all interested..
And boy... has it failed us...
😕 🤔💩☠️
Bob Moran's cartoons epitomize the last few years quite nicely
It's all literally a charade, and them, efforting so hard to keep us all playing along. It is really very amusing, finally a reason to chuckle (gasp!)...
The hypnosis is clearly faltering, broken; freeing us from slavery.
Sarah; Only 'we' can "Free us from slavery.".
So long as we beg the Authorities to let us have "Security, and a share", then, we will remain "Slaves to the system." When we "depend" on others, we cannot be free.
That is where any type of Debt is soul destroying. In many ways, Homeless people are more Free, than anyone with a Mortgage....Sounds terrible doesn't it? But, it is true!
If only it was just 'The Liberals'.........Has anyone heard Poilievre or the Conservatives, say that they will "END" the Carbon Tax or any of this Totalitarian Extortion???
NO! They will be happy to collect the loot...Immune by Law from any resistance?
Some Democracy!
I've noticed very recently actually, a distinct shift in the CPC rhetoric.
For the life of me, I cannot remember atm, which issue it was on but it was more than one clip I saw of Pierre...ugh, carbon tax? I think it was him dialing it down of redefining what the impacts should be...
They are gearing up to swap our head clowns out!
"They are gearing up to swap our head clowns out!"
Partly. I see that Mr. Trudeau is desperate to be "Voted out of office", rather than Hanged out??
And yes, I suspect that all the Politicos are "Plug and Play". They follow the same script with few variations.
It is past time for Canadians to fire the "Script Writer".
Support and vote for independent Candidates, at least they have Local Roots.
The root of this impediment seems to me, to be money. Ppl who can be bought for ________ l (fill in the blank, there are many options), those without moral courage are experiencing the slow death of their Soul. They clearly lack integrity and are not fit to hold any office of authority. Byeeee
"Moral Prostitutes"??
How many Canadian politicians have ever accomplished anything worthwhile before getting elected? Isn't that a poor reflection of Canadians? We vote for a pretty face and a quick tongue, without bothering to learn about the underlying character. Therefore we end up governed by phony "Vested Interests", out to make a quick and easy buck?
A lot of people are upset that politicians earn as much as a good McDonald's Franchisee? Well, you get what you pay for.
If we paid for and demanded integrity, the country could be a lot better and wealthier.
The conservatives repeat endlessly ‘ax the tax’.
Mr. Poilievre is very careful about that. I've only heard him complain about the recent 21% increase. Lets hope the abolish this fraudulent tax, I won't hold my breath. It is similar to the treatment of the "Emergencies Act". Canada does not need Emergency Powers, there were already countless procedures in place to deal with any "Emergency"?? Mr. Poilievre belatedly complained about the Declaration, but said nothing to block it originally?
I agree and don't get my hopes up that any mainstream party is able to drum up the will or means to go against any of the major policies implemented by the current power structure. They are too much a part of that structure.
Thanks Kitty.
I don't believe that we can live with any of the current crop of Power Seekers. Too many of them are already corrupted and subverted by evil interests. We have to start over with a much simplified set of laws and a much Stronger Constitution (Which has big nasty teeth!)
Our Prime Minister should be paid 100 X the 'Poverty Level, but should face forfeiture and Jail Time for crimes...!
Only the PPC will eliminate Trideau's hated and useless carbon tax.
This isn't 'Trudeau's Tax'!
The Carbon Tax is a Globalist Agenda, fostered by an ignorant urban population, which 'believes' they won't be harmed by it????????
Any politician who tried to expose the Fraud of the Climate Scam and the Carbon Tax, could count his votes on one hand.
Currently retiring totally nuts governor of WA, Jay Inslee is selling carbon credits. Our gas prices are almost CA level because of it.To get rid of it its become a ballot initiative in November. Bob Ferguson/Dem Attorney General is running for Inslees seat…WA perfected the mail in balot scam so we'll see if Ferguson gets the boot….I doubt it.:(
Most likely, and the rest is probably because she does as she’s told! Sad, sad world, we live in.
Let's just keep blowing the clarion loud and long enough to wake up all of Canada. I spoke to an ambulance first responder yesterday who had never heard of Drs. Byram Bridle, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Denis Rancourt, Charles Hoffe, William Makis, the Great Barrington Declaration, or the World Council for Health. I live on a street populated by zombies, most of whom who think (poor choice of words) Trudeau is doing a great job. Whenever I pass them I say, "Greetings from the Truckers."
As was discussed in the recent Tucker Carlson/Mike Benz interview, democracy now functions to preserve and promote entrenched institutions, rather than to abide by the will of the people.
I will always remember her giggling about freezing bank accounts of anyone who donated to the truckers protest.
The banks could have told them to fu(k off with their directive, which was based on illegally hacked data. But they complied.
"..could have"....But, the Banks are "Globalist Corporations"..Sooo?
😆😆😆ya true.
Well said, Doc.
However, it has not been just 'the past four years' only needs to look to climate "scientism" to discover that rational, well trained and quite frankly pioneers in their accomplishments (you may consider yourself in this group.
Those who pay attention to the "science" have been silenced, ridiculed and stripped of their professional credibility by those who wish to enslave us...Judith Miller comes to mind in this regard. A fantastic academic who speaks clearly and concisely is one of those pesky science deniers.
This is truly a horrible precedent to set. The fact that this so-called "government official" can say these words and not immediately be fired or forced to resign is disgusting.
It's because they are not working for us, and have not been for a long time. They are working for Globalists. The UN is an example. We really shouldn't be paying any taxes for this reason.
Exactly. The collection of taxes used to gain more powers to act against us is the modern day slavery.
Well, this is evidently beyond anything we have known before. The goal is to destroy individual freedom and objective science, which is a myth anyway. All science is imbued with subjective belief and presupposition. Otherwise, why would 'scientists' pursue a particular path of study if not to prove a preconceived point. Science is one way of looking at the world. I believe that our current problem results from the desire to prove preconceived ideas as reality rather than looking at reality first and trying to uncover its source.
Not new- they are just being more brazen about their theft!
There is no democracy. Governments are organized crime syndicates. It’s up to the rest of us to stop buying the lies, the dog and pony show, and drum up enough pushback to make this tyranny unmanagable.
It worries me that silmilar things are happening all over the world. In Australia our government recently tried the same. I can’t help but suspect somethings up.
If the pandemic confirmed anything for me it is that the bureaucracy and politicians think they know 100% what is best for us great unwashed peasants.
Be thankful that their public actions and words make this clear.
Yes we can at least appreciate that these moments show us what they really think.
We call it a democracy but upon examination it is obviously more about political power and self interest.
It’s standard operating procedure in the EUSSR for ‘incorrect’ elections and referenda to be held again - for as many times as it takes for the peasants to ‘get it right’.
The most cursory look at EU history tells us this, and it took at least two such referenda to get Ireland to join. Since then, the usual policies: abortion, immigration etc have been ushered in by the abominable Varadka.
Poland just underwent a rigged ‘election’ that saw Donald Tusk, a leading architect and proponent of the communist EU, installed as prime minister. As with Ireland, it will now be overrun by illegal immigrants and pro-abortion decrees.
Note that both of these countries have long histories of adherence to the Catholic faith, although it could be any religion - as long as it’s targeted for destruction. Except one.
Family and faith - two pillars of our western civilization - are not to be tolerated by our NWO commissars. We have quite a fight on our hands. Better get busy, eh?
The problem you describe can be easily traced back to the 1950s.
Consider the following
And a few decades before with the 'inventions' of postmodernism, deconstructivism, and existentialism, then later, queer theory.
Queer theory was created because Eat The Rich was dieing.
In the end these politicians do not care about the constitution. In the words of Justin Trudeau, "we know what we are doing is unconstitutional." Really though, doesn't that make it, by definition, sedition?