Thank you very much for this post and the title! 10 years is the magic number! Personally when I used this number to educate family members/relatives/friends, I looked like the fool. Will definitely save this post :)

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It strange how years ago, if you say something bad about a minority, it is dragged up and used against you in the court of public opinion.

But, if you talk about actual science, not "The Science", it is studiously ignored. But if you do manage to air it, you get called a spreader of misinformation.

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Textbook description of fakakta logic. :)

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fakakta, never heard that word before.

It looks quite useful.

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It is a play on the word "kakistocracy".

From the Greek.

Means "false governance".

The Juden will tell you is is Yiddish; Italians will state that word is Italian.

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Yiddish I think.

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Yes, it's Yiddish and very useful...never saw it spelled that way although it is challenging to transliterate a language that has completely different alphabet! It just means "messed up" but the sound is a lot more descriptive to say! ;-)

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I think I have usually seen it spelled something like verkakte. But enough of this mishigas. :)

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Harms WERE detected early on. They weren't permitted to be made public, however.

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Hi Toonlydoo. You are 100% correct. Thanks for highlighting this. Even after 'polishing' the safety data, Pfizer's own clinical trial data showed more harm in the 'vaccinated' group than the placebo-treated controls (with a median follow-up of a paltry ~2 months; the placebo group were all given the shots four months after the start of the trial). Plus, NO statistically significant reduction in hospitalizations OR deaths in the 'vaccinated' group (in fact, these were numerically higher in the group that got the shots). The raw data speak for themselves in the appendix to Pfizer's six-month clinical trial update that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

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I agree that this information was hidden. When I would raise awareness about the VAERS reporting system people shut the conversation down. People literally looked the other way and refused to look at the side effects....even when people they knew were suffering from these side effects. 🙄

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Pre pandemic: "It takes at least a decade to be sure a new vaccine is safe"

Post pandemic: "It takes at least a decade to be sure how unsafe a new vaccine is"

We're still stuck in the post pandemic paradigm.

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My go to excuse when pressured by MORE-ONS to get Rat Juiced has been from day one ... has been --- I am not taking it till I see the long term studies.

That has been very effective in shutting them the f789 up.

Let's think about that... surely most people are aware that it takes years to determine if a vaccine or drug is safe... I hit them over their thick skulls with that statement leaving them speechless... and still they go out time and again and shoot more Rat Juice.

That's stupidity+ fear at work.

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Don’t forget cowardice and the need for group approval.

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Here is a short video statement I put together to circulate to my friends and family. Others may find the logic useful too. It is very much in line with this post:


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I watched the video. The salient point is that vaccines that are administered broadly (as in the case of the so-called Covid vaccines) are going into healthy people as well as those with less robust health conditions.

In this particular "pandemic" the risks of a bad Covid outcome were established early on: old age, obesity, in addition to a few other risk factors. Plus, we learned that these potions do not prevent the spread of the virus.

In my opinion, the "risk/reward" balance is even further skewed than what you demonstrate, however, I appreciate that the video aims to look objectively at the numbers only.

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YouTube: “This video has been removed by the uploaded.” ???

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I did a remake of my video (because the in the original I wasn't looking right into the camera ... bad eye contact). The remake was taken down by YouTube and I was given a warning that I would get a strike if they were to zap me again, so I took down the original also and posted the new version on Odysee instead. Here is the Odysee version: https://odysee.com/@mathwithoutborders:f/a-very-relevant-math-problem-2:9

Why should we have to play these games? This is about so much more than just the virus & vaccine!

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When Operation Warp Speed was announced I had already worked out that something dodgy was being foisted on us... so my spider sense was tingling big time.

A quick search brought me to this https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/

I sent this to a few people who were excited about this magic shot ... they ignored it.

I stopped sending it.

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Master of deceit.

Very bad energy.

Needa very large Ba-Gua mirror.

Make it two. ;)

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Hi Dr Bridle .. I'm writing a comment on your previous post, about the biology of how they can say women are men and men are women. Thought that comment may be lost in the mix, but you may be here now .. these sites are sad but true and essential to understand what's happening to children now .. in the name of "affirmation", but it's really the opposite .. - https://stilltish.substack.com/p/mining-profits-from-healthy-bodies?r=g2cl7&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

https://pitt.substack.com/- Parents, loving, accepting parents who have no problem with gender nonconforming / gay / questioning, kids, but they are horrified at the puberty blockers and surgeries. They all have the same story .. and also young people who medically transitioned, or almost did, and regretted it.

https://jbilek.substack.com/p/humanity-for-sale - Jennifer Bilek has been researching this for many years. This says it well - "For a decade, a progressive-coded language of body dissociation has taken shape simultaneously on the landscape of multiple Western civilizations. Terms such as gender identity, transitioning, body dysphoria, pregnant men, cervix havers, gender binary, and sexual “spectra” of various kinds have been relentlessly repeated in the mainstream media. These terms, used repeatedly, dissociate individuals from their sexed realities. They are now embedded into our legal structures under a frame of human rights."

I'm sure you have a lot on your plate. Yet if there could be unity among those injured by unsafe vaccines and injured by the trans cult .. there are many of the same players at the top ..

Thank you for all you do ... you are one of my favorite people on the planet ...

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Hi Ellen. Thanks for bringing my attention to these resources.

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Thank you for being interested. So sad how this has captured so much of "education", and medicine ...


"During a recent endocrinology course at a top medical school in the University of California system, a professor stopped mid-lecture to apologize for something he’d said at the beginning of class.

“I don’t want you to think that I am in any way trying to imply anything, and if you can summon some generosity to forgive me, I would really appreciate it,” the physician says in a recording provided by a student in the class (whom I’ll call Lauren). “Again, I’m very sorry for that. It was certainly not my intention to offend anyone. The worst thing that I can do as a human being is be offensive.”

His offense: using the term “pregnant women.”

“I said ‘when a woman is pregnant,’ which implies that only women can get pregnant and I most sincerely apologize to all of you.” . . .

(article continues -


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Good job putting this all together. They have been working a long time on this. Brainwashing the educators and now the kids. Civilization is at stake!

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The raw innocence of youth. Honest. Caring. Eager to cure the world. Raw and authentic. Then, the $.......Fauci to Faust... damn.....

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If you are referring to Fauci, you have to go back a lot further than ten years to get to a period of innocence. I refer you to the great book “Inventing the AIDS Virus” for proof of that.

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Great book. Also The Real Anthony Fauci by Kennedy is another amazing book but requires breaks because it is very enraging to read. Duesberg’s book is pretty straightforward and involves many more people and is more science based so I didn’t get as enraged reading it as I did reading Kennedy’s book.

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Kennedy’s book was the first one I read. It is the gateway drug to realizing that Pharma is just organized crime. And the regulatory agencies simply their cops on the take.

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Neither, he didn't just become a psycho/ sociopath. His long term commentary, particularly based on recent events, confirms, imo, ALL "vaccines" are bullshit.

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Hi Roc. Certainly, Fauci's true colours were also on full display with his decades-long bungling of HIV/AIDS. If anyone doesn't know about this, they should investigate it; Fauci first developed is blueprint of illogical approaches to public 'health' via AIDS.

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Exactly right: AIDS established the operational template for Covid.

From suppression of cheap alternative treatments in favor of expensive but toxic medications rushed through approval (AZT first, Remdesivir later) to ruthless suppression of alternaive narratives (e.g. the career destruction of Peter Duesberg), it was all pioneered in AIDS.

But this only touches on the deceit practiced on the public during the AIDS crisis. The biggest lie is that AIDS is caused by HIV, a connection that was vital to Fauci so that his group at NIH could garner power and funding (he needed AIDS to be caused by a virus, so he found one).

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wait, what does cause AIDS?

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A severely weakened immune system.

Recall that the only groups affected by AIDS were very sexually active male homosexuals, intravenous drug users, and hemophiliacs who required frequent transfusions.

Each of these groups ingested substances that, with regular and sustained use over time, severely degraded their immune systems. For homosexuals it was poppers (nitrites), for drug users it was ... well, lots of things but it seemed like drugs used intravenously were most injurious, and for hemophiliacs it was (is?) a drug that is mixed with the new blood that they require (I forget the name but IIRC it was ‘ Factor B’ or something like that).

For the full story you to have read Dissolving Illusions but for me Duesberg’s argument is dispositive.

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thanks. i didnt get that far yet in Dissolving Illusions

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My mistake. I was confusing books. The explanation for AIDS is in Duesberg’s “Inventing the AIDS Virus”, not Dissolving Illusions. Dissolving Illusions is a great book for exposing vaccines as the con that they are but it does not deal with AIDS.

Sorry about that: I have read too many books. :-)

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Yes, that is correct. Vaccines are, and have always been, unsafe and ineffective, going back to Jenner. The book that convinced me of this is “Dissolving Illusions”, which is a history of vaccines since their beginning in the late 18th century. Highly recommended.

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Highly recommend "Turtles All the Way Down" edited by Mary Holland from CHD and "Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins for people who want more of the 100+ years of injection bullsh*t. I first looked into this 10 years ago and have numerous books on the subject.

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Still working my way through Turtles. At this point I have read so much that has convinced me of the total corruption in medicine that one more book looks to be just gilding the lily.

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I heard this in audiobook form read by Joel Smalley ( from a substack of his, maybe metatron?). I hadn't realised he was reading the actual book aloud, I thought it was a summary of the book or something. It's a short book and really great to have in that form, just as eye-opening in audio format.

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I havent read this one yet, but planning to.

There has been a lot of research recently on "non-specific effects of vaccines" that proves the order and type (live vs dead) of childhood vaccines significantly affects all-cause mortality and susceptibility to disease later on. Could be a palatable introduction for pro-vaxxers to the idea that vaccines arent the perfect solution, and that maybe not taking any at all should also be properly investigated.

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What is even more aggravating, is that Flu vaccines would not pass the 50% effective bar for a vaccine nowadays...AND, when you take a Flu shot every year, you tend to get more and worse flu.

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That latter observation could be due to the flu shot itself or because people who are more vulnerable are the ones deciding to take the shots. Has there been credible research on this qustion?

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Here's a little truth set free.

If a man of character, an honourable man, living in a far away land, a man I would never meet, held me in high regard, I would believe that priceless - well worth at least some of the sacrifices made.

Dr Bridle, you have my utmost respect.

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Fauci vs. Fauci: The Personification of Gaslighting

> https://texaslindsay.substack.com/p/fauci-vs-fauci-a-compilation-of-lies

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The whole world has been spun into a mass psychosis and many are still in a trance , it is a small miracle that the rest of the ones are still sane watching this unfold. The seeds of medical untrust will take years if at all to undo. Thank you for your courage and sacrifice for standing up for humanity. In the end we can only hope to hear those words " Well done , true and faithful servant ... " God Bless.

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Dr Bridle.

If you could approach a stranger on the street and ask them any three questions, without any fear of reprisal.

What would you ask them?

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You cannot ask the speed of a swallow in flight, because that has consequences ;)

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