Don't forget your zinc. IVM is the gun zinc is the bullet.

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Beat me to it. Zinc ionophore, baby. Dr. Zelenko take a bow!

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Saw a story yesterday about a guy that beat cancer cancer with dog β€œdewormer.” Very interesting! They basically sent him home and said he had 3 months to live. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM216554W/

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Thanks for this. I am a project manager for a small cell lung cancer, trial, and have separately been a fan of ivermectin for β€œcoof” purposes. Very interesting! Sharing this with my family.

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Also check out the Substack called "Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer" which features many stories of individuals who have been totally cured of their cancers. If l remember correctly there is at least one study of a patient with small cell lung cancer who is now cancer free. The Substack is not selling anything. Strictly informational. The also talk about the gentleman (Tippen) in the above tiktok video who has his own website.

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Thank you. I took your advice and subscribed to that substack.

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There is also a wonderful Substack called "Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer" with detailed case stories of people who have been completely cured of many different types of cancer. It is strictly informational. They do not try to sell any products or vitamins or anything. They frequently mention the gentleman (Tippen) in the tiktok video above who has his own informational website. For anyone with a cancer diagnosis it is certainly worth investigating.

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I saw this same video!

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Yep. Watched a local news story years ago and sent it to my ex.

That's Joe Tippins, in Edmonds WA, still alive and well.


The medicine is fenbendozole.


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I'll go with nefarious designs.

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For 10 please

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Nefary is always a good choice.

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So said the Science-slayers.

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Vinay Prasad, who I consider a smart and honest fellow, still does not seem to understand that one does not have to have ONLY RCTs to demonstrate effectiveness of a drug (IVM and HCQ). Case control studies, when taken together (and in meta analysis) generally produce almost identical findings as seen in RCTs. Vinay points to the meta analyses showing that HCQ and IVM are completely ineffective. But those analyses used RCTs that were designed and prosecuted badly; either inadvertently or on purpose (I favour the latter... it's not possible that the studies, inadvertently, could have been done so poorly IMHO).

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Hi Howard. As usual, you have nailed it.

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Dear Dr. Bridle,

I just finished watching your presentation at the European Parliament International Covid Summit and want to say how proud I felt seeing you there and how you managed to make such a compelling, precise and stunning presentation in the time allotted ! In other words, you nailed it too !! Please remember that we Canadians are sincerely appreciative of all the efforts you've made through this awful, most dreadful time we are witnessing. People like you buoy us up and keep our hopes alive.

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May 10, 2023Β·edited May 10, 2023

Google won’t let me open the video. Says exceeds replays allowed. Bull crap. Infuriating. Of course they got wind of it in the 16 hours it was up.

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I tried another browser. Nope.

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RCT’s are lauded as the only good evidence precisely because Pharma has perfected the gaming of those trials to get the results they need.

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Wonderful. Only question now is how do you get Ivermectin? I order from a horse store. Seems to do the job. I have to go to a children's hospital everyday to visit my grand-daughter; the hospital is filled with patients with long lasting devastating gastro. I'm taking my horse paste and make a nose rinse with povidone when I come back home. So far so good.

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I ordered from India Mart. First 2 times arrived good. 3rd was confiscated in Ontario.

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Bummer. Confiscated? really? I might be better off with my Canadian horse preparation. I don't neigh for now, It's a good sign I guess. LOL...

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I have since received the replacement order.

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that is a very nice video, what a pleasure. I also believe Ivermectin is a sterilent(?) in the nose. killing the virus 98% in 24 hrs and 99.? in 48 Hrs.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work, Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it

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They knew by April 2020, and suppressed those curative medications! 🀬

I would direct your attention to the entirety of Page 4, attached U.S. government DARPA documentation, made public by Project Veritas.

Nefarious IS the term you’re looking for.


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hello Cheeps

I will look at that link thank you

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You won’t find it today. It’s a Google doc so it looks like they Google holed it. But I’m going to try different ways.

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Is there a way to get this document without the Veritas watermark?

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Try directly contacting James O'Keefe, Project Veritas, or his new effort, OMG.


Those would be my starting points...

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Ok thanks

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Dr. Bridle, have you seen this? RFK Jr. vs Vinay Prasad re: ivermectin effectiveness: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-vs-dr-vinay-prasad-on-whether

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Thank you for this link. It is great! Everyone should read it.

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I'm sharing your post because of what you said. The animation is mehhhh. It would be better to briefly animate/text balloon how it works.

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I thought the animation was good, but better with your addition.

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May 9, 2023Β·edited May 9, 2023

Thank you for the animation Dr Byram, and on a side note, congratulations on your speech in the European Parliament. It was moving and just brilliant. πŸ™

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That animation would make a great billboard, something Steve Kirsch might have an interest in possibly. I refer to the closing scene with the Virus dead captioned 'Ivermectin kills covid dead'

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πŸ€”Attaching or footnoting the government’s OWN concealed communications verifying as much, would make it fact-check-proof.

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May 9, 2023Β·edited May 11, 2023

Hi Byram. Have you used IVM, or observed the treatment of others? I read most of Alexandros Marinos' retorts to the IVM bashers. I'm amazed that the trials never explored the synergistic effect of multi-drug therapies.

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"Have you used IVM, or observed the treatment of others?"

I used it: 100% better the following day.

Gave it to my sister: Same results.

Gave my son just one dose: Same results.

This is what I have in stock. Manufactured in Calgary Alberta.

Got it from a good Samaratin whose father is a vet.

Remarkable stuff.


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She could do a little comic strip adding all the other amazing things it can do!

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Ivermectin might kill covid dead, but the concoction they tried to make everyone take made them uber rich....and for the ones who took it, potentially far less healthy. Just goes to show what the fake scientific community values. And it is not yours or my health and well being, imo.

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Fake Science?

Made you take it?

Made them rich?

Have a wonderful day!

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Yeah, fake science. Mr. Science himself, Fauci, tried shutting down anyone who might get in the way of their big plans, spewing his 'real scientific facts.' And if you do not think the vaccine made a lot of people uber rich, then we will have to agree to disagree. And I stated they tried to make people take it. No human can MAKE you do anything. They DID try though, using guilt, fear and shame. Ivermectin was too cheap a treatment for them to be bothered with. Plus it would not have allowed them EUA if they did. Money and power. And thanks. I had a great day. Ps 2

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The animation implies that IVM actually kills the virus (as opposed to treating the symptoms) which I believe is what an effective ("sterilizing") vaccine should do.

Am I interpreting this correctly?

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Hi Martin. Along with things like zinc, it can definitely inhibit the life cycle of the virus. As with many medications, including most antibiotics, direct killing of the pathogen is not needed. If a pathogen is inhibited, the immune system can get the upper hand.

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I followed your presentation in Brussels via the Children’s Health Defense link, and you were wonderful! I especially appreciated the Holy Bible attestation.

After the past three years of mayhem, I applaud more than ever God’s design, and the miracle of natural immunity.

Psalm 91

Thank you for all you’ve done for TRUTH, Dr. Bridle!


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I saw the brief video of Dr Bridle with Dr Malone and several MEPs last week.

It is telling that the most active MEPs on the Covid issue are from the former Eastern Bloc countries. I think that the legacy of communism in Romania, Yugoslavia and East Germany has taught them to the detect the lies and deceptions of the global Covid crime spree.

Thank you, Dr Bridle, for having the courage to push back publicly against the propaganda machine for the past 2 years.

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Perhaps there’s a β€œtruth gene”, which some, through lineage, possess in greater measure than others.

Thank God for it!

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Dr Bryam ... could you repost the video ...it won’t play anymore views because the time has lapsed :) thank you for you great work and passion for truth !

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Thank you for the clarification. Can I conclude from your answer that the reason why IVM , as good as it may be, is not 100% effective for everyone is because it still relies on the individual having a well functioning immune system?

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maybe someone has a screen shot of it somewhere

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