Jul 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Dr. Bridle, your observations are entirely consistent with the information Dr. Naomi Wolf and her cadre of 3000 health professionals, statisticians and researchers have gleaned from the Pfizer clinical trial data they (Pfizer) were forced to release. Bear in mind these are the documents they wanted under lock for 75 years so no one could look at it until 2097.

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I asked medical exemption for my daughter, who suffered from severe anemia from irregular period a few years ago, but it was denied and I was ridiculed.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I"m sorry. I'm a minister writing RE letters. The truth will prevail - may society learn to think critically as the pending outcome.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I'm so sorry! That's horrible!

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Everyone who so much as questions it is ridiculed. This is not a hallmark of a free society.

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

40% of women were affected. Women under the age of 50 (i.e. healthier than the average adult as we are dealing with a younger contingent of the population). This is just ONE of many side effects listed. Shame on all the companies who required the staff to inoculate an experimental drug. I think it was Dr. Carolyn Dean who stated that the average drug has over 100 side-effects. The last time I was recommended a pharma-product I asked the pharmacists for the breakdown. As I added up the % risk of the various potential side effects the total risk factor exceeded 100% -thus it isn't about IF you get a side effect it is a matter of WHICH. As the spinning roulette wheel promised to land on a side effect - just didn't know which one.

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I’d like to know about unvaxxed women having cycle changes from being around recently vaxxed people. It’s happened to me twice. Totally unvaxxed. And the first time happened before I had CoVid.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

YES...me, too...unvaxxed and irregular menstruation.....EVRYONE at work is VAXXED and proud of it...I am the loner......

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Yeah. So each time my parents got their vax and boosters, I had extra days of spotting after them coming to my house. We stayed home for two years with only the grandparents in our bubble and it repeated with boosters.

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Hi Carrie and StellaMaris. This is another legitimate issue that the scientific community should address. I touched on this a little bit in this article: https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/a-moratorium-on-mrna-vaccines-is

Specifically: "Page 14 (section 6.3): Urine and fecal samples were collected but never analyzed (also see section 6.9.4). This is a shame considering the world-wide debate about potential shedding of mRNA ‘vaccine’ components and/or the spike protein they encode."

Based on the biodistribution data for the mRNA 'vaccines" and other published findings, including distribution of spike proteins through the body via exosomes (little fat bubbles that bleb off of our cells, carrying proteins with them), the potential for shedding of the vaccines, one or more of their constituents, and/or the encoded spike protein is theoretically possible. I have received many communications from women reporting effects on menstruation simply by being around recently vaxxed people. It seems to me that menstruation is particularly sensitive to the biological effects of the mRNA shots. I think this particular concern, which is shared by many other women need to be taken as seriously as the direct side-effects seen in 'vaxxed' individuals. The frustrating aspect is that such a study would be very easy and inexpensive to do and results could be generated rapidly. However, no public health or regulatory officials seem to be willing to push for this. And researchers who would be willing to do it are often limited in their access to the relevant samples, actively discouraged from doing it or can't even access their own labs. The fact that these simple studies are not being done at this late point in time is a red flag for me. If naysayers are so confident that it is a non-issue, why won't they generate the data to settle it? It could be as simple as taking a bit of saliva, urine, feces, and maybe a skin swab from some recent 'vaccinees' (e.g., 24 and 48-hours post-jab). The samples could then be assessed for the presence of lipid nanoparticles, mRNA, and spike protein within a week. It might cost up to a few thousand dollars, max.

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I’m too old (nearly) to worry much about fertility and have my kids already. But I would love to know what the hell was shed on me. LBP’s? Spikes? It’s freaky.

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2003: Development of an adenovirus-shedding assay for the detection of adenoviral vector-based vaccine and gene therapy products in clinical specimens.

(Wang F. et al., doi: 10.1089/10430340360464688.)


2003: "Adenoviral vectors are used widely as gene therapy and vaccine delivery systems. An adenovirus-shedding assay may be performed in clinical trials to monitor the safety of the vector and to investigate the potential relation between clinical symptoms and shed vector virus. This report describes the development and statistical performance of the shedding assay. Live adenovirus was recovered from throat swab and urine samples spiked with E1-deleted adenovirus type 5 vector expressing HIV-1 gag [Ad5HIVgag], in the presence or absence of wild-type adenovirus (WT Ad5). Samples were cultured in 293 and A549 cells, and the DNA extracted from virus culture was tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for sequence identity. The results showed that the frequency of Ad5HIVgag infectivity in 293 cells by cytopathic effect (CPE) or an immunofluorescence assay (IFA) was concentration-dependent (53% for 10(2), 94% for 10(4), and 100% for 10(6) viral particles). WT Ad5 virus did not interfere with Ad5HIVgag. PCR amplisets could specifically amplify target sequences in the background of nonspecific DNA matrices and could distinguish Ad5HIVgag from wild-type adenoviruses. This assay may be used for clinical trials using adenovirus vectors as vehicles for vaccines."

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Yes I am unjabbed too. I spent three hours with a relative who has hyperhidrosis the day after his second needle and the next day had unexplainable and weird shaped “bruises” on my leg. They looked like bruises but I had not bumped my legs or injured myself in any way. I’ve had an endometrial ablation and did not experience bleeding. But the bruises were spontaneous and painless. I’ve told only a few people. I took pictures of the bruising because I didn’t think I would be believed.

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Absolutely - something to be proud of.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I've been writing exemption letters - thus having candid conversations with many pure bloods. I didn't take a poll or probe into the question. You are not alone.

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I started bleeding between periods at the same time my partner got vaccinated. This had never happened to me before. It happened for 3 months, stopped for 1, and then restarted and is still ongoing. I had planned to start trying for a baby around this time. The idea that what he did (due to social pressures) might have affected my fertility terrifies and angers me...

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Mine lasted a while too and then finally stopped and my cycles were finally lengthening and normalizing and then my Dad freaked out about his chemo starting and went and got a booster the morning before spending a day at our house and the next day I started again though I was only on day 10 of my cycle. Fucked up.

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I'm so sorry. As an EFT practitioner and coach (with a side hustle as a minister- now writing exemption letters) I am regularly dealing with my clients; anger, shame, fear .... Not only has it affected your fertility but also his. Sperm count has been dropping in males over the last 100 years (so reported my landlord the other day). Not only is it affecting your fertility but I suspect also his. I feel for you.

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We had unvaccinated patients coming in with early pregnancy loss approximately 1 week after their workplaces were vaccinated. There is no system in place to test for a correlation or to discuss it.

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Holy shit.

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Me too. I’m a nurse (not vaxxed) and was working per-diem 12/20 during the vax rollout at my hospital. I’m perimenapausal and at the time hadn’t had a period in 5 months. I kept a period journal. The day after I worked I wrote in my journal “heavy period” of course at the time I didn’t put two and two together. Then I worked 5/21 and 6/21 and both times documented spotting in my journal only after working at the hospital. This time I was more aware. I also looked at the dates my patients were vaxxed and all were within days of surgery which I was really surprised about because we were aware of risks for blood clots at that point and I would have thought surgery contraindicated. (I worked in the PACU).

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I think that it is now the responsibility of all those doctors (who are not in the pocket of you know who) to openly call for their patients, and people they know who are not their patients and who don't have a regular doctor, to report. In Canada the health authority has been actively blocking - with threats of professional punishment - doctors who want this information or call for it. They need to stand as one voice. Then let someone independently analyze the data. We have AI that could search the whole drug database to come up with cheap likely treatments (which the authorities largely ignored of course) so we have AI that can also crunch these number and ring alarm bells for all to see.

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Hi Mark, many people were not told that they should report any unusual medical issues post-'vax'. I have had many people tell me that their physicians refused to submit adverse event reports. I have also had many physicians tell me that their local medical officer of health refused to pass some or even all of their reports along to the Public Health Agency of Canada. Many Canadians don't realize that physicians are not supposed to make their own determination as to whether a medical condition is or is not related to a vax. To do so would be preposterous. There is no way of knowing whether something is related unless all of the data are compiled to see if a strong correlation begins to emerge. However, our local medical officers of health (MOHs) are charged with making this determination. Different MOHs will have different criteria. And again, there is no way for them to know whether or not something is related when we are dealing with a brand new medical product; assumptions often lead to missing safety signals. As a result, the Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS) suffers from massive under-reporting. This is why we have had to rely on other countries to detect safety signals for us, including the blood clots associated with the AZ inoculations, and myo/pericarditis associated with the mRNA shots. I would love to know whether the proportion of adverse event reports approved by MOHs has dropped in the past 1.5 years relative to previous years. At the end of the day, nothing compares to active safety monitoring; something that has not been done and reported to the public in Canada during the rollout.

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Thanks for unpacking that.

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Jul 22, 2022·edited Jul 23, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

We need immediate studies to determine the pathology occuring because it is a clear and strong indicator of "something" happening.

And that "something" could be a very important piece of the great puzzle that is 2022. And there is no way to reliably reverse or treat any process without understanding the process itself.

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Jul 23, 2022·edited Jul 23, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Thank you, Dr. Bridle.

You and all courageous medical and scientific people are a comfort to lay people like myself, because you are addressing reality and not dismissing it.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Not according to McGill's ad hominem generator machine Jonathan Jarry they are. I didn't really listen because my MIL is over and that means CTV is on. The TV is never on here and certainly not on CTV. Anyway, he was in fine form attacking Wakefield as being fraudulent and that birthing defects are a figment of the "anti-vaxxer" imagination. Jonathan spins so much that he must have vertigo like Scottie Ferguson.

The 'interview' goes something like:

Matsumi Takahashi: Wakefield amirite? I have a friend who says vaccines are bad for you is he right?

Jonathan: No, just ignorant. Wakefield lost his license for fraudulent work. He sucks. Babies are doing fine. We don't know why babies are getting hurt. Or why people are dying from heart attacks. But it's not the vaccines. In fact, here's a promotional video for you to watch from our friends at the ACME Vaccine Council of America......

That's how they sound.

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Dr. Kate Clancy, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign had created a retrospective study back in April, 2021 on menstrual changes in those that received Covid-19 vaccines. It was called BLEEDVAX (Biomarkers & Lived Experiences of Endometrial Dysregulation in response to Vaccines) and there were about 100,000 participants from all over the world. The study got some media attention but the articles always ended with recommendations to get vaccinated with the and safe and effective inoculations. In August that year, the NIH announced it was funding studies to assess potential effects of COVID-19 vaccination on menstruation. But the NIH rejected funding the continuation of BLEEDVAX and awarded the grant money to five institutions that found no association between irregular periods and the C-19 injections. Because BLEEDVAX didn't get additional funding, Dr. Clancy couldn't hire people to analyze the enormous amount of data collected. Still, she persisted and finally published her research here:


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My Mother in law (91), has just had her 4th jab here in Italy. She had vaginal bleeding after the 1st and we tried to tell her but she will not listen. 😕 Some of my friends and their daughters have had lots of problems like this. Either very heavy bleeding/absence of periods etc. I am 61, unjabbed.

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The day of onset pattern in VAERS is highest for the first 24 hours with half the reports for the next 24 hours and half again the next 24 hours. See https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-1508835/v1

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Pattern 1: immediate onset in surge pattern with fast decay of onset risk - model: uptake and expression in antigen presenting cells drives immediate degranulation of mast cells and granulocytes; followed by normal metabolism of released inflammatory molecules. Adverse events resolve within 2 months from menstrual cycle upset by histamine surge (hypothesis). Note that this model predicts these adverse events will occur for all mRNA and adenoviral therapies and vaccines.

Pattern 2: ongoing menstrual disruption associated with likely biodistribution to ovaries and longer term expression of vaccine insert.

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When my husband got his second shot I came out with a bad case of shingles… I had had shingles previously but never a case like this… And I know it was from his shedding…

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Jul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022

Here in Norway, a man his house was raided by police, because he was posting these kind of studies on his facebook page... The world has fallen, or has been already for a long time, victim of small group of super criminals. And I would not be surprised if they are not done with us yet, diminishing our numbers... What is next, DNA manipulated Marburg virus, Monkey Pox? Or a disease consisting of a DNA cocktail of multiple pathogens?

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There is ovarian and uterine toxicological history of these vaccines excipients and nanoparticle constituents. My resaearch into this is published in the August 2022 Journal of Clinical Toxicology:


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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

This is really concerning. When you don't know something is a side effect of a vaccine and you spend 8 months worrying over massive changes to your reproductive cycle, severe anemia, blood tests, lots of testing, CAT scans, high doses of iron to deal with blood loss, finally things right themselves and doctors are shrugging their shoulders because there is nothing they can find wrong...turns out it could be you 'listened' to the science and got your shots like you were told.

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Is it not unbelievable how easy it is for the super rich, the owners of the pharma industry, to wipe out a large part of humanity.. With MD`s and specialist as well as the media outlets world wide following the narratives which are made up by this small group of very powerful individuals.

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