Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Beautifully said! Thank you for being a role-model for respectful discourse.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I commented some time ago that your future, Dr Bridle, will be of a man who can look himself in the mirror, and genuinely respect the man he sees.

Let's see if Mr Caufield can alter his future, and chart one of such worth.

Accepting your gracious invitation would be a first step.

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Well said. Dr. Bridle is a hero for myself and many others.

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Well said, but Caulfield doesn't strike me as the soul searching type, or the type that has a soul to search in the first place.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

You demonstrate so much true class and integrity, evidenced in both your words and your actions. I predict Timothy Caulfield will simply ignore your request. Much easier for the schoolyard bully to hide behind the building and call out names than to come out and face someone who is bigger and stronger than him...

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Dr. Bridle, your polite challenge to Mr. Caulfield is so different than other warriors for freedom who desire to share ALL the scientific findings exposing the problems of the C-19 vaccine. It truly is an all-hands-on-deck moment and with you, Steve Kirsch and the many heroic doctors and activists battling censorship, I feel confident that lives will be saved. 🙏

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

What an open, warm, genuine invitation. 🙏💕 I hope it happens.

And if Mr Caulfield is a part of your lawsuit (I forget if he is), I hope you continue with that no matter what. The different lawsuits happening are so important for the next round of this type of malfeasance. If people don't see others paying a price for what they did, they will easily do it again.

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Hi Nova123. No, I have had no previous interactions with Mr. Caulfield. I would be genuinely interested to get to know him a little bit from a professional perspective.

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Oh great. I really like to watch scientists discuss science, where the people are trying to discover things about the science itself through their discussion. I've seen enough of your videos to know you would approach it this way. Take good care.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Very eloquent Dr B. The evidence cannot be denied.

Power to you 🙏🏼

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

🌲Well said Dr.Bridle your words are well thought out and positioned with mindful regard for a conscious dialogue. I feel it is to early yet for this conversation to happen because the dark forces are still pushing hard to contain the narrative. Any dialogue that opens even a crack to let the light through will put them in a vulnerable position. Let's see what happens. If he does except remember to anchor your light before going into the conversation. 😊🌲

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Caulfield is an abusive sociopathic back stabbed. He will NEVER have a civil discussion for he cares not about the truth.

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It's a lovely sentiment, and we wish you the best with this, sincerely hope you get him to talk it out.

But some of us are feeling like this about the whole thing.


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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

You are a good good man 😊🙏

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Bullies like Caufield don't care about eloquent requests for debate.

They are leftists - communist in their thinking. All they know is POWER and the methods to wield it.

Know your enemy.

When they denied treatments, I sensed something was off. Then I learned later on in 2020 you can't get a EUA if there were valuable treatments. So the demonization of HCQ and Ivermectin was deliberate in order to get to an mRNA rollout.

Very corrupt stuff we are witnessing.

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Why then when Paxlovid was released was the EUA allowed to continue?

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Many have asked that question.

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You are correct, he is a hitman with no conscience, His technique of ad hominem is a tool of communists, fascists & propagandists. He will never debate a truthful scientist, since he idols not possess any medical/biological training degrees, he knows he would be torn to shreds.

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It's years I've known about this ideologue. It wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't so embedded within the government.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

And perhaps Dr. Theresa Tam will decide to also have a healthy discussion as well…too many folks in the public eye are hiding behind the “Oz” curtain….”Float like a butterfly Dr. Bridle…..Sting like a bee”

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Well said!

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

you are so classy! what a gift for all of us to witness this as an example of interacting with opposition calmly, respectfully, and with grace and dignity. thanks for being such a great role model.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I wonder if Mr. Caulfield was involved in the prosecution of Truehope nutrition supplement for bipolar, schizophrenia, depression etc. Even after TrueHope won their case in court, Health Canada was going to appeal and deny people access to their treatment nutrients.

I hope Mr. Caulfield accepts your offer. Thanks for staying on top of the studies! And sharing your knowledge with the world.

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Unfortunately Timothy Caufield blocked the Twitter user that offered the invitation. He also blocked me for reposting the invite. I don’t think Timothy will be having any public conversations with people that have opinions that differ from his opinion. What a lack of leadership.

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This is extremely disappointing to hear. Like me, Mr. Caulfield is someone whose salary and academic institution are paid for by taxpayers. Further, he holds substantial funds that originated from taxpayers. These funds are for supposedly dealing with 'misinformation' via social media. As such, his social media presence is literally a workplace for which taxpayers have provided money. Therefore, he has no right to deny taxpayers the ability to engage in his tax-funded work. To block people from communicating an invitation for a respectful scholarly discussion about the very science he is supposed to be investigating is unprofessional, to say the least. Everyone who experiences this should feel free to share their experience with both his academic institution (University of Alberta) and the granting agency that funded him to work via social media (Immunization Partnership Fund). This is your right as a taxpayer.

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Your polite offer to debate was the correct approach. However, if this approach is unsuccessful the University of Alberta should encourage Mr. Caulfield to accept Dr. Bridle's invitation. A follow up formal letter to Mr. Caulfield with a copy to the President may be necessary. On the "About the U of A" webpage there is a quote from the Founding President, Henry Marshall Tory: "...knowledge shall not be the concern of scholars alone. The uplifting of the whole of the shall be its final goal." This debate captures the essence of the Founding President's wisdom. The motto of the U of A is Quaecumque vera "whatsoever things are true." The truth does not reveal itself easily, Mr. Caulfield can demonstrate his commitment to the U of A's stated Purpose of truth and honor the Founding president's words by accepting Dr. Bridle's sincere and professional invitation to debate in an attempt to come nearer to the truth. "https://www.ualberta.ca/about/index.html

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That is so true. He is paid by the public but wants no engagement with them aside from lecturing them from his protected ivory tower. How many academics like him spend their days (and public money) just pontificating among their like-minded peers? This has become ever more clear since Covid. They seem to have decided as a group what is right-think and no discussion or debate allowed. This is what now passes for science???

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I have thought about this a little more. It is egregious that a public academic servant who is receiving tax dollars to work on Twitter is treating people this way. If it was solely his personal time, with no tax dollars involved, he is welcome to determine how he conducts his personal business. However, it seems to me that professional and academic codes of conduct should apply here. If you don't mind, can you please email me, through Substack, screenshots of these 'blocked' messages?

If anyone reads this comment and has experienced something similar, please send me screenshots as evidence. This request is not just with respect to my attempt to chat with Caulfield, but any blocking of reasonable communications throughout the declared pandemic. By 'reasonable', I mean something that doesn't remotely approach a death threat; there would be ample justification for blocking these kinds of feeds. There needs to be some accountability for how tax dollars are being used.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I would gladly toss in a few hundred dollars to put up a Kirsch-style billboard in Cauldield’s workplace backyard. To, you know, formally invite him to the debate in case he doesn’t open his email.

Just a social nicety. 😊

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

There is absolutely no point in trying to engage Canada’s MSM; the public space is the only option. The fact that it might be forced to be removed only suggests on another newsworthy message should be launched. Then there’s the other option of a burma shave style campaign on roadways. Just a brief one line respectful question with a website link.

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