Why Did University Implement 'Vaccine' Mandate if Government and Legal Counsel Never Intended That?
Update: As of May 18th, 2023, no response to this letter has been received. I has been more than five weeks since the administrator to whom it was addressed acknowledged receipt of it. Since this letter was written, the prime minister of Canada has also claimed that there was no intent from the perspective of the federal government to have COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ mandated.
Dear readers,
I, along with two of my colleagues, wrote a letter to the administration of our publicly funded university, which is located in the province of Ontario in the country of Canada. Our provincial medical officer of health recently claimed that we did not have a COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ mandate from the perspective of our government. He stated that the intention was that institutions NOT implement mandates, but provide accommodations.
Our university’s COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ policy stated that it would follow the recommendations of our medical officer of health and government. Further, the three of us who wrote the letter met with a representative of our university’s administration who informed us that the legal counsel for the university advised against implementing a mandate and cautioned against applying any pressure for people to do so. Therefore, we posed several logical questions. It has been two weeks since we received acknowledgement of receipt of our letter. However, we have not received explanations.
For the sake of the students, staff, and faculty members who were irreparably harmed by our institution’s COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ mandate, please consider disseminating this letter widely. The public deserves to know the rationale for publicly funded institutions implementing mandates that were apparently never intended and that caused substantial harm to many people.
Here is the letter…
Note that the video in which our medical officer of health claimed there was no ‘vaccine’ mandate had comments scrubbed from it and no new comments are apparently being posted. This seems like censorship of public opinions by a publicly funded academic institution.
I've forwarded the post to friends...believers and to very recent converts!
PS: I subscribe to Eugyppius also. In a recent post, he wrote about the extreme change in Germany: vaccine injury is getting considerable attention in their MSM after Karl Lauterbachs' interview where he admits vaccine harm. People there are suing BioNtech. Trudeau can't keep the lid on much longer!
Dear Dr. Bridle,
I was great to see you at the Drs.-Kory-Cole-Lindley event ...
I am the person that last spoke with you when you were leaving after standing outside under the Eglinton Grand marquee ... it was very late!
You are an amazing person ... I thank your most sincerely for your perseverance and non-stop effort in spreading truth. You are so very honourable and kind.
To remind you, I work at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and remain unvaxxed along with about 3,500 TDSB employees (my best guess out of about 40,000 employees).
Myself and others appreciate your talk to the TDSB trustees and the research documents you provided, which you explained to me, the trustees are obligated to read! (That's a very important revelation ... when presented, with proper notice, they must read the submissions).
Therefore, your documents are IN THE RECORD ... as your talk is ON THE RECORD.
As I said, around November 12th 2021, Trustees Tonks and Smith got a Emergency Motion (EM) passed for a vote by the 22 trustees to “Re-visit PR734: COVID-19 Vaccination Procedure For Employees Trustees and Other Individuals .”
Because an EM need s 2/3rds super-majority to pass, it failed to pass because 8 dictatorial women voted against the other 14 trustees ...14 to 8 (if only one of the 8 women was not available that day, the entire vaccine mandate for TDSB workers would have never occurred).
If my memory serves, I recall it was after the November EM that you spoke to the TDSB trustees... maybe in January 2022 ? Nonetheless, in my opinion, these trustees are liable for many damages they caused ...
As far as I know, the only school boards of significant size to invoke the legally questionable employee “vaccination mandates” were Ottawa-Carlton and the TDSB.
I is my understanding that The Toronto District Catholic School Board, though in the same city, with the same provincial and city health officials, did not have a vaccine mandated for their employees! I assume, all their employees were allowed to do Rapid Antibody Tests (RATs).
So as promised, here attached is the Pfizer (first contract) with the US Department of Defense (DOD), I got it from Robert Barnes, the attorney representing
Brooks Jackson, a whistle blower of the fraudulent Pfizer Phase-3 Trials (she witnessed the subcontractor Ventavia Labs )
As we both wondered... where are the Canadian contracts with Pfizer? With Moderna? With AstraZeneca ? CAN THE CONTRACTs BE SHOWN, through FOI or through a lawsuit leading to a court order for disclosure ?
Apparently, a small Canadian Senate committee of about of dozen of senators, was supposed to have access to the contracts, but were denied ...?
As mentioned, I am following US attorney, Robert Barnes, lawsuit against Pfizer for fraud, by not supplying a “Safe and Effective” vaccine for Covid-19.
The case was dismissed by a federal judge in Texas (“With Prejudice” ? ), but according to Barnes, this is actually not a major hurdle ... because there is still a legal pathway to gain more disclosure, and hopefully, an actual trial with a jury (or Judge ?)...
So I believe, after American attorneys get some legal traction, we will get legal traction in Canada--- some civil court justice, and maybe even some criminal court justice ?
Sincerely, Alex Davyduke
PS If I can't attach to PdF of the DoD /Pfizer contract, I will need and your email to send to you ...