It’s not only effective in preventing or mitigating Covid symptoms, it is also effective for other viral pathogens.

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And has shown applications against cancer cell lines!

(See Drs. Tess Lawrie, Richard Urso, Pierre Kory, and Ryan Cole.)

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Based on my limited research, Ivermectin appears to be both safe & effective at preventing and treating the coronavirus that is responsible for Covid. Since Flu & the common cold are caused by various coronavirus types, it seems likely that Ivermectin should be effective in treating those as well.

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It seems though that Iverm is not effective against all mutations. It was effective against delta and omnicron but not the newer "strains". The "kraken" can last up to 5 weeks and longer and it has no effect on it... that is what they call the new variant/mutation of covid in Namibia at this moment..

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I strongly doubt that "Kraken" is different from precious Omicron lineages. Covid is over...

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Then it still applies thst iverm is not effective against all coronas perhaps?? Both family members used iverm prophylactic as well as early treatm, and still the symptoms prevail after 5 weeks. They are using zinc, vit c, artemesia annua and iverm. The animal one, we don't get iverm for humans available in rsa and namibia because of the pushing politics

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The vast majority of us have had Covid once or twice already, and most of us didn't even visit our doctor. Why? Because for healthy people it is a trivial illness and we recovered in a few days.

I have no doubt that if we had all been dosed with Ivermectin or even aspirin, we would all have recovered too - but the clinical trial would have claimed that 'it was the aspirin wot dunnit'.

Lets be honest: the human immune system is the best cure of all.

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Governments have concerned themselves with suppressing only cures, not curses.

Have you noticed their obsession with quashing Ivermectin and HCQ, while roundly ignoring Fentanyl and the vaccines? Project Veritas-disclosed DARPA documents clearly reveal the U.S. authorities were well aware early on that Ivermectin, HCQ, and interferon were EFFECTIVE CURATIVES in the Covid fight.(Pls see full contents of Page 4.


Distribute the curses, withhold the cures...

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Broadly speaking, a 'Plague on both their houses'.

Coivid-19 is a typically presenting seasonal virus, with modest fatality rates, mainly affecting the very aged and sick, for which there is no cure, but for which some feasible treatments have been proposed, none of which are especially effective in improving quality life expectancy.

I would not have put any faith into any of these therapies, because when people are already sick and dying of , e.g. dementia, their quality of life is so poor that death usually comes as a relief.

In the old days, sensible doctors called pneumonia : "an old mans friend" and so is Covid.

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I largely agree with you.

Perhaps a fundamental adherence to the beautiful simplicity of "First, do no harm" would have acquitted many operatives throughout this choreographed debacle.

It was never the scourge it was portrayed, certainly never justifying the public health measures employed.

As it stands, justice will find all involved...whether hiding or not.

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Well, I have my doubts about justice: there are too many people in positions of power, and they will block every move to hold them to account for their actions.

It is a cabal: very hard to crack it open.

Sure, I mean some anti-virals might help in some experimental circumstances, but my considered view is that Covid-19 is a proven faux-pandemic, and that throwing lots more money into clinical trials is largely futile, given that most of us now have natural immunity - the horse of Covid-19 had bolted from that stable way before the end of 2020, so anything after that was pointless.

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Medications are used off label all the time. It was clear from the start, the hard nosed effort to ban such a simple drug as Ivermectin, that it was beneficial in treating Covid but would get in the way of the emergency use authorization of the Vax. Why was it clear to layman people like me, but not to highly educated professionals? So we can perscribe a diabetic drug such as Ozempic, to non diabetic people for weight loss, which is full of harmful side effects, but Ivermectin was impossible to get. Nothing to see here.

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I’ve read and watched reports from dozens of covid-treating physicians who swear by ivermectin. These doctors come across as totally credible. Their reports are worth infinitely more than animal studies. Yet these doctors have been vilified and censored, some have been terminated from their positions, some have their medical licenses threatened. This is disgraceful, and everyone involved in this miscarriage of medical ethics is criminal in my mind.

Same situation applies to HCQ, Vitamin D, quercetin and other successful protocols.

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Ivermectin effective in prevention and treatment of Covid19.

Great, next thing you know, we'll rediscover a circular wheel is more effective than a square one.

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We are so very grateful to be receiving this content. It is trustworthy and sound wisdom. Dr. Bridle could be using his time extraordinarily within the expertise of his work in giving careful study, as is his customary approach. Yet he continues to give us all fair warning, out of honest concern over these matters. In fact the "leaders of our country" have been literal enemies of the people in simply feeding us lies. I think of so many people who are still being harmed but will not listen.

Thank you Dr. Bridle for your tenacity in making your voice heard wherever possible.

Marj Pachniosky

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The writing and advocacy work that Dr Bridle and other diligent professionals have done is at least as important as his scientific work in the lab.

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how all alone you felt when lockdowns prevented you from socializing

how frustrating it was to not have any means to find other people locally

who shared your concerns

how powerless you felt to speak out or resist the mandates

how happy you were when the Freedom Convoy proved that thousands

of Canadians felt just like you

We must never let this happen again.


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You were only lonely If you adhered to the lockdowns. We did Not....

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glad to hear it

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Dr Bridle, does SARS-COV-2 exist?

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Would he write about it If he thought it didn't exist?

Surely Not ....

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I don't really interact with Virus deniers any more, I find them too dull and boring.

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A blockbuster article in the Virology Journal, an official publication of the NIH, was published August 22, 2005. Write the researchers, "We report...that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage." Said Dr. Fauci's NIH in 2005, "concentrations of 10 µM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection." and added "chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV." This means that Dr. Fauci has known for 15 years that chloroquine and its milder derivative, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) showed promise in treating COVID 19

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Sadly, I don’t think the problem just cropped up in 2020. I don’t believe the drugs over the past ten years have been adequately tested. The first thing that needs to happen is barring Pharma from running their own clinical trials. What are we paying the FDA all those billions for? They don’t even test the drugs!

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Early on in March 2020 the information coming out on this covid thing became so convoluted, ever changing and very very unscientific! I became suspicious and started doing research. By early April I had a good idea that this was not a health issue but rather a politically motivated move fueled by media. I decided to avoid any injections and earned the name of antivaxer. I did order ivermectin ftom India and it was confiscated at the Canadian border. I received a letter from customs to which I promptly tore it up and trashed it.

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I've been ordering the same product from a US supplier for my horses for the past 16 years, and have never had an issue until January 2023. (Ironically, made in Canada but 1/4 to 1/3 the price compared to my local feed store). Health Canada recommended its confiscation because I might eat my horses. I told them I found that highly suspect. My horses are family, and I'm a vegetarian....

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Apr 30, 2023
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Me neither. My dad likes to tell me how he's on #6 and so far so good (tries to bait me as he knows my stance). Yikes! I found an alternate in Ontario: https://www.pleasantridge.ca

Go to the horse health tab. Good prices.

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Found the syringe difficult to control. Best to put all the contents into a very small container and use a more easily controlled syringe for human use to get accurate dosing for your weight.

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yup, it's always fun to try and get the dang thing plunging when stuck in a horse's mouth! but, at least i don't need to worry about anything less than the whole syringe.

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I practiced law for over 30 years, I am not a medical person, however I have read more than a thousand reviews and papers since 2019.

Without boring you I will just high light a few facts. First is Bill Gates announced in October 2019 at Davos conference of the WEF that he was going to make 7 billion in 2020 fighting a pandemic not yet released not yet named etc. Later I found out that 100,000 troops from 100 countries in August 2019 participated in a pre pandemic preparation group to prepare to respond to the pandemic not yet released!

Early on in the process 2020 or early 2021 I saw a news clip by a reporter in Bill Gates driveway who asked him are you going to vacinate your teanage boys and he said no!

I talked to an African acquaintance and asked if people from back home were going to take the vaccines and she said we in Africa would never take a vaccine approved by the UN and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation as in the past they have poisoned our populations and promoted medicines that made our people sterile! I later found out when her countries president resisted the use of the vaccine he was associated, a common practice of the CIA.

Just an aside I had a former CIA director as a friend he was a political refugee from the USA as he said George Bush senior had executed several former CIA directors due to the fact they were all aware he signed death warrants for at least 28,000 various leaders in 18 countries over a 30 year period on behalf of the US military complex! His specialty was planing the over throw of various countries governments!

Now in respects to the COVID reality, on August 11,2021 an Oxford University study was released of 850,000 COVID survivors some never vaccinated some with one dose of the vaccine and most with two doses of the vaccines! The double vaccinated were 252 times more likely to infect non vaccinated people with COVID than the unvaccinated! It was said the double vaccinated were the supper spreaders!

The insurance industry actuaries found an increase of death rate amongst the healthiest portion of our population to be 40-60% higher than prior to COVID!

Several population groups including here in some Canadian provinces have the number one cause of death as for reasons unknown, doctors are afraid to identify adverse reactions to the vaccines as cause of death for fear of losing their licences to practice medacine!

Their are now 750 known adverse reactions to the vaccines I am told!

Recently one whistle blower in respects to Phyzer got hold of 2.4 million pages of court documents in a US law suit in respects to adverse reactions and she managed to get 3,500 medical specialists to help her digest the information and discovered that Phyzer never did human studies on the effectiveness of their vaccines, they knew within thirty days that it did not stop the spread of COVID and that it in fact caused the spread of COVID! The paper work also confirmed that the UN, NIH, CDC, WEF, FDA, the CIA the US military and their germ warfare people all were involved in the spread of the virus!

A recent court decision of a whistle blower of Phyzer a medical person involved in the initial studies of the production of the vaccines who quit when she realized all the crimes involved in the vaccine production the case was dismissed the judge said the military and the US government signed off as far as protection of Phyzer even knowing the vaccines would kill people, and cripple people.

The only recourse is the International Criminal Courts with war crimes charges for Crimes Against Humanity to be laid against our governments, the medical community forcing the vaccine upon our general population, the big tech companies blocking the spread of the truth, the main stream tv networks etc!

There is so much more I could share but UN agenda 2030 promoting depopulation of our world planing to kill at least 7.5 billion people is a rigorous satanic anti God agenda!

This is not just physical warfare it is spiritual as well. The Ukraine has 47 if these CIA labs producing germ warfare, there are others including Ethiopian labs and in all likelihood here in Canada and the US! I know the original Scars was created here in Winnipeg Canada!

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China CCP released COVID but they didn’t invent it!

Trudeau is a willing participant as is Biden both work and support the CCP!

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Around early summer 2020 in Japan (when there was no poison vaccine yet), word of mouth spread on a small blog site that Ivermectin (hereinafter referred to as IVM) was effective against SarsCov2. In November 2021, a book supervised by Dr. Satoshi Ohmura, the discoverer of IVM's prototype Avermectinus, was published, and a theory was published that it would be effective against SarsCov2. Somewhat earlier, in 2017, the journal Nature described the possibility of inhibiting the growth of RNAviruses in the body.


Above all, unlike poison vaccines, it is good that there are almost no side effects unless you take an abnormally large amount.

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Micheal Callahan/US Intelligence noted at the start of 2020, Ivermectin is successful against Covid.

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Dr. Bridle,

Have you had a chance to listen to RFK Jr. on JRE? Would be interested to hear your take on it. I believe the CCCA has substantiated a lot of his points.

One interesting thing he said is that the researchers in the Solidarity trial were charged with homicide for providing the patients with lethal doses of ivermectin.

Is this true? Can you provide a link to any information pertaining to that?



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