The government made this mess -- The government should pay for it -- or rather, it should come out of the Politician's bank accounts... Damn their grifting, psychopathic eyes... 🙄

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Just as in another epoch, "following orders" trumps neither morality nor divinely-determined liberties. Nuremberg should have informed on multiple levels. This is lawlessness on all levels.

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Having read some "revisionist" accounts of the Nuremberg trials (about on a par with the Salem Witch Trials apparently) justice very much depended on who was following the orders... and who was giving them... 🤔

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And who the US was willing to "save" by bringing them here to work on our own diabolical programs

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I can't accurately sense your meaning there, but skewed justice has and will endure as long as mankind looks to its own egocentric wisdom for the grace it woefully lacks.

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Cheeps: The fact is that 'Nuremburg' was a Show Trial! It was selective window dressing. The Twenty Four defendants were scapegoats, taking the punishment for tens of thousands.

In the same way, Covid will be bundled up and dumped on the heads of a "Few" of the more obvious perpetrators (Faucci) ...? People like Bill Gates on the other hand, will be exempted as "Too Big to Hang"!

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Perhaps I should have been clearer in my initial comment. The resulting Nuremberg Code informed all current criminals that their process and actions were IN NO WAY historically or humanely sanctioned, but were offenses writ large against all that is civilized.

The bearing and substance of the trial itself are a whole other matter, outside the intent of my cursory reference to the avalanche of vacant self-justification we're about to witness from servitude minions across the globe. They are WITHOUT EXCUSE.

May we perfect our just completeness this time around.

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Emotionally, part of me wants to see that happen...But, it can't and won't happen...

Take Canada as a small example: There is not enough money in all of Canada to pay restitution to make all the "Injured parties" whole! In a legal sense, with only two exceptions the entire Parliament would be arrested and charged with 'Breach of Trust'...The same for most bureaucrats, Law officers, Court officials, and Health Care employees.....

When the majority is the Criminal,: How does anyone 'Enforce the Law'??

It is like the endemic corruption in this country and others. It becomes a "Conspiracy of Silence.",

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You're aware of how Dwight D. Eisenhower deliberately caused 2 million German POWs to die of exposure and starvation right after the war? Guess what happened to him for committing that Crime Against Humanity? That's right: Nothing...

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Basically the Nuremberg Trials were in fact a total Kangaroo Court...

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The results were foretold in the book of Esther.

His will be done.

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In most countries, politicians seem to only be interested in two things: (1) winning the next election and (2) money.

Moreover, they have no knowledge or thinking ability in biology, medicine, or natural science. They do not hire staff who are capable of doing so because they are not useful for purposes ① and ②.

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They also seem to be very weak on things like "morality" and "ethics"...

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That's right !

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I agree, but the ultimate power was in the hand of companies hiring millions of people. It was their call and they screwed up monumentally. This is the biggest reason why they need to be hold responsible. This way they are going to learn first hand what happens when you follow illegal orders even from your own government. Let's just imagine this scenario: what do you think it would have happened if many companies would have said no to forced vaccination? At worst they would have gotten a fine, then move on. And later they could have sued Trudeau to get their money back. Did you know that many tech companies such Autodesk never forced the vaccine mandates on their Canadian employees? Interesting, isn't it? Therefore, if they could do it than any company could have done it too. And this company is not the only one who did it. Here is another fascinating example of two other famous companies: Microsoft and Google. Both companies easily accepted the " religious reasons" for refusing the vaccines. No questions asked. And here is another example from a big hospital in Edmonton: I know about this story first hand because I talked to a nurse working in that hospital. Once he refused the killer shots, they put him on unpaid leave. Guess for how long? A short three months! Then after three months they called him to return to work. Isn't that fascinating? And how about the 20,000 Quebec nurses ( that's the official number) who refused to take the shots and were ready to give up their jobs? The Quebec government was forced to back off. Beautiful! Even Trudeau couldn't do anything about that:-). And there was a news about the birth rate being the lowest in Canada, with two exceptions one being Quebec. Makes you wonder what happened in Quebec with the forced vaccination.

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Nothing about "Covid" or the "vaccinations" was an accident or a mistake, Gabriella. Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon.com accurately called it out a few months back: "Covid-19 and The Lethal Injections are nothing but a scam designed to profit from premeditated mass murder"

"Mistakes Were Note Made" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueUXNL-A3Zg

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There is a cabal who wants to control the world. Some of the heads of the large companies that you refer to are probably members of this cabal. They were just implementing the agreed upon plan, pretty much like capt. Roy states.

Watch the Tucker Carlson interview with Russell Brand for some great info.

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Initial comments from Oz Senator Rennick


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I agree it was the governments forcing the companies, what about the Workers Compensation? I sent them a letter here in BC asking if they will be responsible for any injuries, they never answered.

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Ah, I didn't know I could comment on stuff. Byram, thanks so much for all you do. I still remember the first video of you I saw at the beginning of the pandemic - you were in your lab I think, and you said you had some concerns about the jabs and thought it may be best to pause the roll out until such concerns were addressed. Next video I saw of you was at a press conference, telling the world what you and your family were being subjected to as a result of voicing those concerns - you were clearly upset. I don't know why but of all the Docs I follow I was most affected by what happened to you and was pleased to find you on substack. I am so glad you continue to speak out and I hope one day you might see some kind of justice for what has happened to you and all the others like you who would not be quiet. I also hope you get your office and lab back!! Best wishes to you and your family.

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hear hear 💖💖💖💖

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Well said!

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Hello Kate Greenhalf: Nice comment, and germane to the article context. Some comments are so unrelated to the subject, its as if the commenter is on the wrong page. Thanks.

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The first domino falls.

I hope we see a ripple effect around the world.


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I hope we see frenzied lynch mobs.. .

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I wonder if the same ruling should apply to regulatory bodies who mandated their members to mask, take the shot, etc? Shouldn't our regulatory bodies have a similar duty to care for their members regardless of government orders?

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Hi Curtis. I would like to think so. Otherwise, they would seem to wield excessive manipulative power.

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The regulatory bodies seemed to be among the worst of the bunch. Even now, when our health care system is in severe crisis, doctors are losing licenses because they told the truth about covid etc.

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As a small business owner who struggled through this period in NZ, I have to say I'm not really sure how I feel about that decision. We didn't fire anyone, but in order to stay open we had to hire more employees who had already chosen to have the vaccine. To this day our business has not recovered. It seems to me that if you're not allowed to work as an unvaccinated person but you're not allowed to fire unvaccinated people then businesses are being put in a position where they must either break the law or go out of businesses in most cases. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely disagree with firing unvaccinated people, I just believe in putting the blame where it belongs, on the government for implementing the mandates.

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Hi Sunshine,

I only see these types of court decisions as 'wins' if the application of the law continues up the ladder to the very top. I agree 100% that the government needs to be held accountable. If they didn't put business owners in a difficult place in the first place, then the problem would have been solved for everyone. It wasn't fair to put small business owners in the position to decide who would lose their livelihood (employee versus owner). It is the publicly funded institutions that could have made a strong stand. If the government fired all its employees, it wouldn't have much to work with.

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I made a similar comment as Sunshine did just now. I know of a small family run plumbing company, about 10 employees plus husband and wife. They faced a problem because some of their long time best customers would not accept a tradesperson who was not vaccinated. I remember a conversation with the husband & wife: they were able to juggle with employees who chose to get the shots, including themselves. I suggested they consider the possibility of a vaxx injured employee eventually suing and a government who would be more than happy to throw them under the bus. I don't think they put in mandates but it wasn't easy for them.

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If you are not going to stand up for yourself over bodily autonomy, then when will you?


Everyone saying "They had no choice" because "It's the law" are just weak humans who will be victimized and victimize others. See where you fit on this diagram? Asch? Milgram? Stanford? Look at the diagram and then read your post again.


Then look at this one to see what it was you agreed to by taking the shots.


There has always been 1 way and 1 way only to deal with these situations. You say "NO" and stand your ground come hell or high water. Nothing else has ever worked and nothing else ever will.

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Did you read my post? I never said I took the shot. I didn't, and we didn't fire any unvaccinated either.

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My apologies for misreading your post.

You stated "but in order to stay open we had to hire more employees who had already chosen to have the vaccine".

You didn't "have to". You chose to go along with immoral and unethical discrimination.

I'm glad you survived unjabbed as very few in NZ managed to.

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I do get your point (although we were lucky enough not to have to actively discriminate, the mandates were so widespread by the time we rehired - we were one of the last to be affected - that no-one unvaccinated applied, and we found ways to keep our unvaccinated employees doing other stuff, non-customer-facing). But I get what you're saying. One of my heroes flouted the lockdown laws and stayed open, but got hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fines, don't know if they're still open or not. I'm sorry that I'm not as brave as he was. But if you go out of business, all your employees lose their jobs, so long term it's not great either. But anyway, I do see your point and that's why I said I'm unsure how I feel about it. On the one hand, what I said before. On the other hand, this would give us a great precedent to point to next time they try to force us to mandate vaccines. It was such a hard time and so difficult to figure out what to do to keep ourselves afloat while supporting others who didn't want to vaccinate, and I think with this precedent it may be easier next time.

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Thanks for your understanding. I'm a bit of a short fuse these days and wrong to judge others so harshly.

"if you go out of business, all your employees lose their jobs" - The whole problem is that they will slowly put the screws to everyone until they arrive at the final solution to the unvaxxed problem. Like Austria tried with "Mandated Vaccination" which in reality is "Forced Injection". It just sounds so much nicer the first way.

There is nowhere to run on this earth anymore. Time to fight.

"with this precedent it may be easier next time" - They will milk this again. They know what it takes to break everyone. Basically 3 groups. First group is "Doctor knows best". They will do whatever their doctor says. About 1/3rd of the population, now down to about 20-25%. Second group can be inconvenienced into it. Gym, concerts, shows, restaurants, travel. Third group is those who caved in when their income was threatened.

I can understand the third group only. The first two are so foreign to me that I can't relate to their position ever.

The WHO power grab is happening as we speak. Enjoy the "eye of the hurricane" while it lasts and never give up your right to informed consent. They hide information then you can't give informed consent.

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I'm afraid you're probably right. It's incredibly scary.

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"if you go out of business, all your employees lose their jobs"....

Yep - that reasoning, as you indicate, is a downward spiral. The ´authorities’ can say: « Just fire the uninjected person/the Jew/the conservative/the christian & your other employees keep their jobs ».

AKA: the hill to die on.

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I think along the lines that you do. However, I try not to judge those who felt they had to chose between saying 'no' to the shots and feeding their families. Some people are stronger than others. I know of a family of 7 where the mom and dad both did not want the shots at all but both worked for the same hospital with mandates. They decided that dad would get them so that they would not be financially destitute.

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The Asch-Milgram-Stanford diagram pretty much says it all. I generally don't associate with humans at all. Most are morons taking orders from imbeciles...

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" I generally don't associate with humans at all." - Me neither, at least not much. My favourite line is "People are overrated. Present company excluded of course"

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Heh, heh... I can relate. Good one!

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Looking back, you would have thought the company’s insurance companies would have yelled very loudly -“STOP - don’t do that!” to the companies that required jabs (or be terminated). Seems very strange now - they didn’t. It was a HUGE potential liability at the time. (Business Liability Insurance). And as we have known, the jabs were always a real liability. Why didn’t insurance companies speak up? Why didn’t insurance companies protect their insured?

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Hi Annette. I suspect there are a lot of insurance companies that would like to go back in time and take your advice. One of the earliest indicators that something was going very wrong at the global level was the rise in insurance claims. These data preceded the worrisome all-cause mortality data.

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Unfortunate, "death by climate change" is being geared up and could be used as cover for the rise in all cause mortality due to the genetic intervention.

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I suspect that disease X will be the cover.

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But still...they are trained to think - what if and the future.

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Now that is an interesting take! And one which nobody has mentioned before to my knowledge. Ah the ramifications of this. Well done for picking this up..

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I really think everyone thought they would be able to say, "the government gave me no choice." And for a while, I thought that was actually going to work too. I have never been more happy to be wrong.

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What evil perpetrators the governments were all over the world! This is just another case of passing the buck and veering away from responsibility. It is just another way that they will destroy businesses (not saying that the businesses should have gone along, but initially they did it to avoid being charged by the governments) , and now many will go bankrupt with legal cases building up against them. This has happened recently in the US with Sleepy Joe passing the buck onto businesses as well. The judicial systems all over the world are corrupt and IMHO have been paid off, so cases will take a long time to get in front of judges, or it will cost individuals their livlihoods to hire legal representation, unless they know how to represent themselves. This entire agenda is maddening and tragic for so many reasons. Thanks as always Dr. Bridle for bringing education and truth to the forefront of your Substacks.

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Great, now that the damage is done. Why didn’t the court rule this way DURING the peak madness?? It was just recently revealed that Australia now has the highest excess mortality rate at 14%. Australian government has been brutal in their shameful treatment of their citizens, so this is a surprising positive note.

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Wow wow wow. Great news! I don't particularly agree with institutions "caring for" individuals, but neither do I of course agree with their coercing them. The government is not off the hook! Retribution all around, top to bottom, left and right!

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Thank you so much for your work, Dr. Bridle. I was once proud to be an alumnus of your employer, but not so in the past few years. I was furious when seeing the deceitful website set up in your name by some low-life loser, who spews so many now-disproved claims as if they were true. The stupidity and gaslighting displayed by that individual is immeasurably large.

I'm still waiting to hear if the lawsuit I'm part of against our government for their garbage vaxx mandate will ever be heard in court. It's now almost three months since the appeal hearing (the first submission was "stricken"), with no word yet.

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Thank you for trying

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Hooray! Money talks! This will help prevent this from ever happening again!

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If only.

These are the worst of the DERELICT. When lawfare of their own incitement begins to crimp their money bags, the taxpayers will be expected to then cover their losses, as they label it a "stimulus" package.

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There is a deeper meaning to this venture. This is a move to destroy small and medium-sized businesses. Many companies and corporations have large legal offices that will either reach settlements with employees or pay compensation because they can afford it. Small companies will fail. And that's what these bandits want. Greetings from Poland.

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When there are big fines paid and people in prison I will have hope that sanity is returning to the world, and I sincerely hope that day comes soon. Until then I have my doubts that people are changing their perspective about the unethical mandates, lives lost and destroyed from the poison shot and harmful policies. We are deadlocked, what comes next is going to be telling.

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Sadly, there are too many who got just a taste of power...and really enjoyed it. And now they cannot admit to their role in what took place. As you note, we will see what the next "crisis" brings.

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Amen to that! I’m in Canada myself - hoping this common sense ruling happens here.

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I have mixed feelings about this. I saw covid as pretty much a top down operation, i.e., governments mandated and coerced, lied to and deceived everyone including employers. Just remember the former PM of New Zealand, Jacinda Arden and our own Trudeau. Of course, employers should have stood their ground but so should have individuals. If everyone had said 'no', there would have been no mandates, no vaccine passports, no masks and no lockdowns.

It is our politicians and public health officials that I hold responsible for the mess we were and still are in. It is they who should pay the price, not from the public purse but from their own pockets.

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But then there was the incestuous relationships between the state and things like health systems (both in the US and Canada) where these major employers continued to mandate booster after booster LONG after knowing efficacy was negative. So, some employers were only too happy to go along with government mandates (obviously, not all).

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Thank you for including the link to the case. I read the transcript. It was a concise well reasoned decision, which looked at relevant case law. Am I right in understanding that this is the first time freedom from liability has been challenged, and that the Emergency Powers Act does not override other statutes? While this was a tribunal decision dealing with workers compensation, if picked up by other interested parties the results will be far reaching. And while I do sympathise with small business owners surely it’s time the vaccine injured had some redress. I’m in Australia and totally excited about this development. I thought the EP act was unchallengeable. Read the decision.

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