Years ago when I was in my early 40's I was taking 4000 IU Vit D and testing in mid 30's. I added Mg glycinate (400 mg/day). Now my Vit D is ~ 80 ng/ml. I now take vit 4000 fall-spring. In summer only take my multi which has 1000 IU. My dr was freaking out & wants to to quit all supplements. I just said sure and went my way. I'm 72, unvaxed and in good health.

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I take 5k and the Mg as you do per day.In June 2020 at 81 I got the Covid which was disabling but I had no respiratory problems and not even a fever.Just cripplingly tired for 5 days and that despite having cardio vascular disease.

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You are being kind to these disinformers. Tim is a malicious disinformer. He is RUN by Sen Stan who checked in on him frequently during the heady daze of complete censorship on Twitter. Dr. Lynora Saxinger , Dr Isaac Bogoch & others in the Science Up Last troll farm were also checked by Stan.

I realize your position (and natural sense of decorum) means you can't tear Timmie & the others down harshly, but I am bound by no such barriers.

That entire crowd belong in jail. The disinformation was being swallowed whole by many with no science background & who believed in the goodness of anybody involved in health sciences.

They are responsible for death & disability on a scale that is off the charts. Damn them to hell.

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Professor Caulfield is a professor of law, not medicine nor science.

Not sure why he sees himself as a credible source on deeming what is to be considered medical misinformation.

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What’s really troubling though is that the MEDIA constantly go to him as a health “expert”. For decades. And rarely point out he’s in law, not medicine.

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The media have long since become disinformers. They are owned by 5 companies & none of these are making much profit, any longer (which is why taxpayers are subsidizing them, even though the parent companies are flush.) It's natural they would use a liar like Tim to propagate the big lies.

Tim is all in for bold money making schemes.

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He doesn't care. He lies with abandon...an orgy of lies....every day & propped up by our tax dollars to do it.

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Spot on! Well said & KUDOS.

HANG these killers high.

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I don't why Substack is so hard to navigate. The original post from Dr Brindle remained hidden until I just wandered across it by accident.

Now it seems to me you are referring to Tim Cauldield, whom I imagine is not Tim Truth (although they both write pure bollocks). My apologies.

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I've missed this post. I wish I hadn't.

Are you referring to the Orwellian Inversion known as Tin Truth?

He seems to be big buddies with the deceitful Agent131711.

If you are referring to Tim Truth, I'd love to chat with you about your knowledge of him. Are you on TG, perhaps?

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Brilliant and fearless as usual Dr. Bridle. Thanks.

PS; Again: Your science peers at the U of G SHOULD be scurrying away, heads down, when they see you coming. In SHAME!!

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Doesn’t get more clear than this: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34684596/

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Sadly it seems doctors today fall into three categories, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Confidence in doctors has subsequently fallen drastically after the CoVid psychopath, whereby Canada did an outstanding job of killing people by outright lies, and killer hospital protocols.

Vitamin D3 in my research is in fact REQUIRED in much bigger doses than 99 percent of global population needs. I rank it in the top THREE vitamins that MUST be supplemented for optimum health and in EVEN MORE larger doses when sick or treating diseases or illness.

It should ALSO bei n the top three blood test if you have doubt's.

Recent research since CoVid shows even far larger doses are required.

Here below is one of the better LINKS.

Thanks as always tp Dr Byram Bridle, and our very best Canadian doctors for truth and medical freedom including but not limited to doctors Hoffe, Nagase, Trozzi, Hoginson, Makis and more.


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Timothy Caulfield isn’t he a lawyer?? A

Also received Hmmm was it $3million from Trudeau in the last two years to initiate an increase in the vax uptake.

I really like reading true science before making decisions on anything. Especially when they are not influenced by the dollar sign

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Rodney Palmer had something to say about Science Up First and Tim Caulfield in his NCI testimony https://rumble.com/v2oqgha-veteran-journalist-rodney-palmer-exposes-the-cbcs-lies-and-propaganda-ottaw.html


See more testimony https://www.theylied.ca/nci/


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Incredibly important topic, which unfortunately is completely covered up generally by majority of MD's, in my opinion. When an oncologist is checking the Vit D levels of own cancer patients??? Ever? Never heard about such a thing.

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I am not a scientist so when I read the above and then read this I don't know which to believe.



Rather than taking supplements, I make a point of getting plenty of sunshine.

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Haven't read that specific article, but it's important to keep in mind that 1) things toxic to animals may not be toxic to humans - dogs die from chocolate ingestion, as an example.

2) an ingredient included in a multi-ingredient formula doesn't mean that it's what is killing rats

3) do you think the mainstream move to reduce vit D testing and telling people to get off vit D supplements is really in people's best interests?

4) just because some conspiracy theories are true, doesn't mean all conspiracy theories are true

5) there are different forms of vitamin D - take krill oil if you prefer.

6) sun isn't enough depending on where you live. Some parts of the world you can't make vitamin D from Oct through May.

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See reply to David Bishop.

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Lol at you and the rat poison.

I wrote a very long rebuff to this years ago.

Essentially you are NOT a rat. Rats don't suntan at the beach.

Chocolate is loved by humans yet is poison to out beloved dogs. Fish can tolerate silver but it is intolerable to horses.

Ask your doctor if you are a rat?

Better learn Orthomolecular medicine and science - before you do yourself and others whom might believe you - HARM.

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See reply to David Bishop.

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I have been an avid supplement taker and believer for years (and I have been witness to some amazing beneficial results). But agreed, articles like this, and the below substack writer, who truly seems diligent in his research, stop me in my tracks. How can we truly find out the answers? I fully trust Dr. Bridle and am wondering if he can comment on this? Please look up his articles on Substack. I would love any info anyone can share on this and his findings.

Agent131711: READ THIS!

My Vitamin-Induced Injuries:

How I Became an Advocate Against Supplements

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One can ever be sure who is telling the truth - that's what I learned over last few years and we should stay suspicious and be cautious and discerning about from where and from whom the information is coming. There are few truth tellers and freedom fighters like Dr. Bridle I admire and trust. He proved himself to be trusted. I trust his opinions no matter the noise and misinformation from others. And that is how we know the truth - you have to look for it in the sea of lies.

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I too read the article you link to by Agent131711. I also read the additional article he wrote: https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/dr-lee-merritt-is-lying-about-me, and found most of it to be convincing. However I do not find it difficult to reconcile what Byram Bridle says with what most of what Agent131711 says. As Bridle says, a certain level of Vitamin D is essential for immunosufficiency, and, as Agent131711 says, at too high a level it is poisonous. But there is a point at which I disagree with Agent131711 - he implies that if something is poisonous it is to be altogether avoided. That is not true.

I do not think that the comments that IceSkater and Warrior make here that humans are not rats are the key to this issue. The key is how much Vitamin D is too much. Yes, the fact that humans are not rats is related to the question of how much is too much, but I think that Agent131711 is right that Vitamin D in inappropriate quantities will be toxic to a wide range of animals, including humans.

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Dr Bridle, I remain so deeply thankful for your dedication, courage and integrity in tirelessly shedding truth and light into the space of ethical scientific discourse.

Blessings to you and yours Brother.

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By the way I have been taking 5000+ units of Vitamin D

Plus K2 since 2000

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Key point, the K2 is required as well. Also magnesium and boron. All of these are lacking in the modern diet, due to soil depletion, processing, etc.

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Yes. And iodine. Absolutely safe, required by every cell of our body especially glandular tissue organs like thyroid, breasts, Ovaries, prostate. Excess easily filtered by kidneys. Essential in every medicine cabinet 100 years ago but demonized for decades now...maybe because it is so

Important to health like it D, but not profitable and taking $$$ away from Pharma.

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I hope Caulfied loses all of his funding!

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I'd like to see him tarred and feathered

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I find most people can increase their Vit D levels with 5000 iu/day within 1-2 months getting the level up to about 50. For me, 10,000/day during Spring-Summer is needed to get my level over 47. Recent testing (late Fall) after 3 months of less sunshine my levels fell from 64 down to 47 with the same 10K/day. Our body is variable betw people and some of us do not absorb certain nutrients easily. B12 is another one that shows difficult absorption. One always has to check themselves out.

As for the propaganda machine? Whenever given any information always ask for the contrary position especially when the science god is cited. Remember NOTHING in science is ever settled and NOTHING in science is always true especially when it comes to health. We are all so variated. And the medical industry provides little information in its training of doctors when they cannot promote a drug for profit. Further, most people don't know and have a hard time believing it that medical schools are controlled by the pharma industry which gives oodles of $$$$ to these institutions. The industry also keeps its own people in these schools just about daily having them attend student gatherings and involving them in the schools research development and the writing of the studies, two aspects where scientific fraud often occurs.

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I imagine it is tough to keep the large volume of disinformation from TC down, but thanks for making the time to clear the air of this recent batch of disinformation, it is important work.

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We need all the vitamins. Maybe one can get everything from food, but look at the food people are eating. I believe vitamin supplements are the most significant advancement ever for good health.

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Thank you Dr Bridle . I received my Vit D testing kits and liquid Vid D from your company ImmunoCeutica today.Thanks so much you .Vit D running out locally . That act to remove all natural remedies including supplements must be going through Parliament. Those snakes are so transparent . Thank you for all you and your collages are doing for us . When my bank balance permits I will fund your site . As a retired MD I know the importance of D in higher doses . Prof David Anderson and Dr Lunney can be heard in interviews with Dr MarkTrozzi .news .They are truthful experts too .

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