Great idea to give us a behind-the-scenes peek at the smear juggernaut in action!

I call them fact-chokers, BTW :-)

Here is a World Council for Health presentation focused on exposing the fact-choking industry:


Byram, I believe you are friends with Sucharit Bhakdi and are likely aware of his upcoming trial on May 23. I wanted to alert you to the #IStandWithSucharit campaign I launched today in case you would like to help get the word out:

• “Profiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit)

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I appreciate your devotion to the truth. It would have been much easier for both your career and personal life to have rolled over and rubber stamped all policies.

Good on you, we need more people like you.

I often think back to when I first heard you speak up, in mid to late 2020, you could have never have imagined in 2019 how your life was about to change.


Brad Haugan

Courtenay BC

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There should be mandatory school level education in critical thinking from Grades 6 to 12. The syllabus should thoroughly cover propaganda and psychological manipulation techniques.

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A "fact-checker" is not employed to check facts, but only to quote "experts" who hold the pro-narrative view.

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Fact Checkers are paid by the Globalist owned Media to effectively censor and cancel Truth Tellers. That’s a Fact.

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Dr. Bridle, thank you for sharing this glimpse into the Reuters' factoid-esque "sausage making." I am in no way surprised, however, and alas. Reuters "fact checkers" (and their ilk) are just part of our mainstream media (NYT, NPR, WashPo, CNN, MSNBC, et al) that has thoroughly, completely, and did I mention totally, disgraced itself. It is May of 2023. Anyone who still pays attention to these "fact checkers," they get the "facts" they deserve.

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Dr. Bridle, thank you for your unwavering commitment to truth and integrity. May God bless your efforts and give you much grace and continued fortitude.

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The new paradigm seems to be if we publish something and it gets repeated 500 times, that's it, game over, it's a fact. Another issue is the idea that these medical boards can take away a physicians hard earned license without a complaint from a patient that is proven in a court of law, outrageous!

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I can’t count the number of times people have responded to something I have said related to Covid (quoted from ethical doctors) with “fact checks”. Many people just want simple answers that fit with their cognitive biases. The idea “vaccines are safe and effective” have been drilled into our minds for so long, most people don’t even think to question. It is ethical caring doctors and scientists like yourself with strength, intelligence and integrity who will eventually wake people up to the lies and corruption happening within the pharmaceutical industry and our medical system. I can not thank you enough for your dedication to your profession and your continued push to reveal the truth.

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Fact checking is a fraudulent industry. Fact checkers are paid tools, receiving many millions of dollars each year from Pharma, Gates, Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, global corporations and governments. They’re paid to put out disinformation and propaganda to further the political and financial agendas of those groups and individuals. And paid to falsely discredit anyone who exposes and opposes those agendas. Fact checkers are owned marketing and propaganda mouthpieces - not independent. All frauds and liars.

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I agree 100%. I agree not only with what Dr. Bridle writes about the "fact checkers", but also with his sentiments about the Mr. rather of Dr. subtle but noted insults or put downs. I have been dealing with it since 1982, the year I got my Ph.D. at UofT. So I fully appreciate Dr. Bridle setting the record straight on these multiple issues.

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i have been shocked -since before covid- at the number of smart and capable people who relied on ‘fact checkers’ to parse their reality. it is sad to witness such intellectual laziness and complete lack of curiosity in people- curious enough to seek the truth, but not curious enough to find it themselves. content to be spoon fed prechewed propaganda.

this dumbing down of society is tragic.

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

When you get a chance, look at the provenance of fact checkers... The "certified" and "official" "fact checking" organizations, who controls them, and going on back to the Poynter Institute and their funding as well.

Oh, and look at the time Facebook relied on a 3rd party fact checker, had it fail in court, and then classified it as an "opinion" in an effort to avoid paying fees and seeking protection as "an opinion".

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Well written, kudos!

A "fact-checker" is obviously a paid profession...

"Wanna keep your job?", comes to mind...

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Good clear writing. Have you written the writer who identified herself and asked what she thinks now?

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Who reads full articles these days?

Headlines and summaries are all I need to make an informed decision.

Like eating bugs to save the Earth

Or taking pills to increase my girth

Rainbow youth is equity

War with Russia, necessity

UN policy the experts said

I don't feel well

I'm dying, dead.

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