Great idea to give us a behind-the-scenes peek at the smear juggernaut in action!

I call them fact-chokers, BTW :-)

Here is a World Council for Health presentation focused on exposing the fact-choking industry:


Byram, I believe you are friends with Sucharit Bhakdi and are likely aware of his upcoming trial on May 23. I wanted to alert you to the #IStandWithSucharit campaign I launched today in case you would like to help get the word out:

• “Profiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit)

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"fact-chokers"? OMG, absolutely love that term. It's like "Foxweiser" that Megyn Kelly came up with.

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Since I don't follow Megyn Kelly, perhaps you could provide some context to 'Foxweiser.'

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https://twitter.com/megynkelly/status/1654472338581123073 where she said her audience call Fox (after Tucker's departure and ratings/viewership cratering) Foxweiser (wordplay on Fox and Budweiser). Hope that helps.

But really, a simple search for Megyn Kelly Foxweiser would have brought up many links.

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I was hoping for clarification on the wordplay, but it isn't worth the time to dredge twitter.

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Jun 28, 2023
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Why didn't you declare your link as covert advertisement for “The Lost Superfoods?”

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Is "MRNA" similar to mRNA?

I'm not worried about anything that has to be stored in cryogenic condition to maintain its stability being any match for my stomach's well-nurtured hydrochloric acid.

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this is an old video but shows that at the time cia had over 400 planted agents in the media


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I wonder how much higher that number is now. Thanks for this.

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difficult to say at any point because they use contractors as well as employees, also have a venture capital firm InQTel that invests in emerging technologies and naturally they have many brainwashed loyalist followers. by leveraging investments in media and tech companies they manage perceptions meaning many people are unknowingly disseminating their propaganda for instance on social media programs so i'm not sure the absolute numbers of persons is as important as the impact of technologies although you can probably get an idea by comparing their budgets from various years. they probably have a black budget derived from their criminal activities as well since they are behind a veil of official secrecy i'm sure their is no limit to their income

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Yes, it's the widespread impact that concerns me and seems impossible to stop, since the deception is so widespread and so well covered up. - with so many people thinking it's all a good thing. How can we stop it? I'm not certain we can - or even divest from it or resist using it.

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Pfizer documents attached in substack 393 pages of adverse events

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I appreciate your devotion to the truth. It would have been much easier for both your career and personal life to have rolled over and rubber stamped all policies.

Good on you, we need more people like you.

I often think back to when I first heard you speak up, in mid to late 2020, you could have never have imagined in 2019 how your life was about to change.


Brad Haugan

Courtenay BC

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It might be useful to ask a few questions. What created the vacuum that fact checkers fill?

I sense AI at play in much of the communication from our masters. There is a certain cleverness that was missing in the past. Psychopaths are not know for their creativity.

The clowns profiting from all their nefarious schemes have budgets to access and control all form of mk manipulations.

The infighting we see (within the open to learning crowd) is a danger. Divide and conquer is as relevant, if not more so, as ever. We must pull together.

I am very pleased by RFK Jr. stepping up. The deaths of his father and uncle clearly signal what our masters abhor.

What institutional device will override the fact checkers tsunami?

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My questions with RFK Junior stepping up, though:

1) How can he keep on with his work from inside the system? Because,

2) They will kill him if he tries.

So I hope he doesn't win because that system is broken and he is far more valuable on the outside. It's all so out of hand with the supreme court and congress as well. They are all puppets of who's really in power and always been in power. At this point, only a small handful have the integrity to stand up and they are ignored, ridiculed, or no threat because they are so outnumbered.

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Pfizer documents attached in substack 393 pages of adverse events

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There should be mandatory school level education in critical thinking from Grades 6 to 12. The syllabus should thoroughly cover propaganda and psychological manipulation techniques.

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why start at grade 6? young children should be taught how to think for themselves. how to research. how to sniff bullshit. alphabet, numbers, critical thinking. start’em young!

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After I was born, my mother brought me home from the hospital where she and my 8-year old sister started reading to me. They continued to do so every chance they had until I could read to them. I entered first grade a year early, reading at a third grade level with a junior high vocabulary. I read my mother's nursing textbooks when I was in the sixth grade. Critical thinking needs to develop from critical reading and critical knowledge.

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yes. as a teenager i was at a friend’s house where a Carl Sagan book was on the coffee table. i had this visceral reaction to it, knowing that my dad had read it to me when i was a small child. my friend laughed at me like i was stupid saying ‘that’s not a kids book’ which i knew. i later asked my dad if he had read it to me and he said ‘probably’ as tho it was a totally normal thing to read ‘high science’ a 5 year old. it should be.

critical thinking, ability to learn and love of knowledge probably go together.

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According to James McCanney, Sagan was a tier two scientist instead of a tier one scientist like himself.

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Absolutely agree as it is apparent now that even learned people from established academic backgrounds lack this quality.

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On further reflection, selected "mandates" (e.g. suggested) in the spirit of freedom and liberty have a solid place. Imagine those clear-thinking-enlightened kids in action in their other school classes? A nightmare for the controlling powers.

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Unfortunately, this would be impossible in the current Canadian School system as since around 2005, they have succumbed to only telling the government accepted narrative on all subjects- Diversity, Colonialism, revisionist history, climate change alarmism, big government, LGBTQIA +, indigenous ways of knowing and definitely anti Christian. What my son was allowed to joke about in class in Grade 12 in 2003, compared to what my youngest son was allowed to say in 2007, was miles apart. And class assignments reflected that.

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I second that. It has been an exponential decline in educational quality. The warfare comes from the top of the pyramid along with incentives and punishments. The admins/teachers downstream cannot resist it. Some, for lack of critical thinking ability and other engineered vacuums, adopt the new cancerous nonsense. The others keep their heads down to not lose their jobs.

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Having "mandatory school level education in critical thinking" would contradict the function of indoctrination in the public fool system since John Dewey.

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A "fact-checker" is not employed to check facts, but only to quote "experts" who hold the pro-narrative view.

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Fact Checkers are paid by the Globalist owned Media to effectively censor and cancel Truth Tellers. That’s a Fact.

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...that goes unchecked by most.

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Dr. Bridle, thank you for sharing this glimpse into the Reuters' factoid-esque "sausage making." I am in no way surprised, however, and alas. Reuters "fact checkers" (and their ilk) are just part of our mainstream media (NYT, NPR, WashPo, CNN, MSNBC, et al) that has thoroughly, completely, and did I mention totally, disgraced itself. It is May of 2023. Anyone who still pays attention to these "fact checkers," they get the "facts" they deserve.

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I might add any and all fact checkers...

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I remember during the "Great Pandemic" researching fact checkers, come to find out none of them sign their names. Surprisingly, they are impossible to contact for any dialogue or constructive conversation.

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Dr. Bridle, thank you for your unwavering commitment to truth and integrity. May God bless your efforts and give you much grace and continued fortitude.

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The new paradigm seems to be if we publish something and it gets repeated 500 times, that's it, game over, it's a fact. Another issue is the idea that these medical boards can take away a physicians hard earned license without a complaint from a patient that is proven in a court of law, outrageous!

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A sentiment echoed in their ongoing "Terrorismo Mediático" slots of Radio Aymará of El Alto (La Paz), Bolívia.

The eponymous Aymará are a nation that have maintained their identity solidly throughout the abuses of the last 5 centuries from their eyrie in the Altiplano of the Andes.

That a people of such remoteness feel both able and duty-bound to advise their own on such must be a hope for the rest of us.

Blessings, Dr Bridle, and thanks.

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I can’t count the number of times people have responded to something I have said related to Covid (quoted from ethical doctors) with “fact checks”. Many people just want simple answers that fit with their cognitive biases. The idea “vaccines are safe and effective” have been drilled into our minds for so long, most people don’t even think to question. It is ethical caring doctors and scientists like yourself with strength, intelligence and integrity who will eventually wake people up to the lies and corruption happening within the pharmaceutical industry and our medical system. I can not thank you enough for your dedication to your profession and your continued push to reveal the truth.

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i don’t think people see the difference between ‘safe and effective vaccines’ that were tested for several decades before being deployed in populations, and these novel serums tested for 2 months in fraudulent trials which showed significant and worrisome harm in the fraud trials and in their first 6 weeks of post marketing surveillance.

it’s like mainlining caffeine and lumping it in with tea drinking.

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Yes, I agree that there is difference but I don’t think the testing even for the childhood shots is adequate. For example, this is from the Hep B insert: “In three clinical studies, 434 doses of RECOMBIVAX HB, 5 mcg, were administered to 147 healthy infants and children (up to 10 years of age) who were monitored for 5 days after each dose.” 5 days!!!

They give this shot to babies on the first day of life in the US. The US has one of the the highest SIDS rates.

Then there’s the fact that each vaccine on the childhood schedule is tested for safety, but never has the entire vaccine schedule been tested for safety. Each vaccine contains aluminum and many other toxic ingredients. With the amount of shots infants get now, how do we know the amount and combination they’re getting is safe? Every year since the 80’s they’ve been adding more and more shots (more boosters, chicken pox, HPV, Flu shot, now Covid shot). Every year since the 80’s the rates of neurological disorders and autoimmune conditions in children are exploding. 1/38 boys have autism. The government can do studies comparing health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. That would say a lot. But I doubt they will because it would likely reveal more than they want.

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i fully agree. that’s why i used “safe and effective” even for the decades long testing.

it seems that the number of vaccines that were tested for decades and found to be ‘safe and effective’ is relatively small. and that the entire house of cards vaccine industry is built on the foundation of a couple (or maybe just 1) success story.

when i was 12 or 13 i read an article about the hepatitis vaccines that had been deployed through schools to my generation. the article made 2 points that i have never forgotten. first that the testing period was very short, i think 6 weeks. and second that ADD/ADHD became widespread and problematic shortly after the mass injection of school aged children with these shortly tested vaccines.

they also mentioned that the makers of the shots and the makers of Ritalin (popularized at the time for treating children with ‘hyperactivity’ disorders) were the same company...

i luckily/craftily missed out on that series of shots. but i never forgot that article and have questioned the safety of vaccines ever since.

i fully agree, most of them are grossly inadequately tested, no long term safety assessments are known, harm is being recorded, studies show that the more vaccinated are more chronically sick, and we clearly see with the c-19 shots that gross negligence is occurring on the part of the regulatory bodies tasked with safety monitoring.

it’s a racket. a big fraud. deceptive marketing. etc etc etc.

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Yes, such a mess. I really hope people/parents start making these connections and asking more questions.

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as do i.

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agree, I worked with a nurse, who said, although the vaccines are "new", the technology has been around for years....

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the tech might have been ‘around’ for years, but it has never undergone rigorous trials on humans. or animals (as far as i can tell) so it doesn’t matter how long it’s existed. it is still not proven. now with excess deaths occurring in alarming rates and all the vaccinated people getting covid, as far as i’m concerned they’re proven unsafe and failures.

i think these mRNA covid vaccines are just bullshit. but i think with time and thorough testing mRNA as a therapeutic has potential. if mRNA instructs the cells to make proteins, why didn’t they design them to skip any infection/immune system response and just make the antibodies to the virus. since monoclonal antibodies were given as treatment.

presumably once the body knows how to make the antibodies, that is the body having immunity... no?

seems stupid to make the body make any part of virus unnecessarily.

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unless the goal wasn't to cure you

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Fact checking is a fraudulent industry. Fact checkers are paid tools, receiving many millions of dollars each year from Pharma, Gates, Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, global corporations and governments. They’re paid to put out disinformation and propaganda to further the political and financial agendas of those groups and individuals. And paid to falsely discredit anyone who exposes and opposes those agendas. Fact checkers are owned marketing and propaganda mouthpieces - not independent. All frauds and liars.

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The insulting assumption is that we are SO stupid, we need them to tell us how to think.

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I agree 100%. I agree not only with what Dr. Bridle writes about the "fact checkers", but also with his sentiments about the Mr. rather of Dr. subtle but noted insults or put downs. I have been dealing with it since 1982, the year I got my Ph.D. at UofT. So I fully appreciate Dr. Bridle setting the record straight on these multiple issues.

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i have been shocked -since before covid- at the number of smart and capable people who relied on ‘fact checkers’ to parse their reality. it is sad to witness such intellectual laziness and complete lack of curiosity in people- curious enough to seek the truth, but not curious enough to find it themselves. content to be spoon fed prechewed propaganda.

this dumbing down of society is tragic.

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When you get a chance, look at the provenance of fact checkers... The "certified" and "official" "fact checking" organizations, who controls them, and going on back to the Poynter Institute and their funding as well.

Oh, and look at the time Facebook relied on a 3rd party fact checker, had it fail in court, and then classified it as an "opinion" in an effort to avoid paying fees and seeking protection as "an opinion".

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Well written, kudos!

A "fact-checker" is obviously a paid profession...

"Wanna keep your job?", comes to mind...

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Good clear writing. Have you written the writer who identified herself and asked what she thinks now?

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I like that suggestion.

I looked her up here https://www.linkedin.com/in/livingstonenatasha/

It looks like she was leaving that short gig around the time she sent you the letter. She studied history.

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Good Lord, we need historians more than ever, to teach the lessons of malicious propaganda used against populations in the 1930s, for example. Said that this one missed a real opportunity to serve humanity.

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History major collecting a paycheck.

Do you suppose she might do any fact-checking of her performance for these ghouls? Perhaps produce a historical criticism of this episode?

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Pfizer documents attached in substack 393 pages of adverse events

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Who reads full articles these days?

Headlines and summaries are all I need to make an informed decision.

Like eating bugs to save the Earth

Or taking pills to increase my girth

Rainbow youth is equity

War with Russia, necessity

UN policy the experts said

I don't feel well

I'm dying, dead.

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Pfizer documents attached in substack 393 pages of adverse events

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