Thanks for your courage and willingness to follow the truth despite career losses and I am sure much more. God bless you and keep you and yours

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Love all your articles, Dr. Bridle. You provide excellent information. I appreciate doctors like you who have the courage and integrity to speak the truth in the face of vicious attacks.

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Dr. Bridle, you are a true hero. Don't stop now. Just keep on keeping on, even though it costs. Every new person you reach is another person rudely awoken from their fictitious dreams. You are making progress and the rate of awakening is gradually becoming exponential.

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Thank You! It is truly great, that you bring forth the truth. Today we were told that one of my orchestra, healthy man of 50 died suddenly, probably from a cardiac issue, "not previously know". I had warned the orchestra about the shots, but was decried as misinformer conspirasist (even though I am a doctor myself) and shunned. The Orchestar people and relatives are clueless. Nobody thinks of the shots. I searched the web and found that there are many many posts and publications that "assertain" that sudden aduld death syndrom is NOT related to mRNA Shots that this is missinformation, that boosted people with covid infection were actually "safer" ecc. It is tragic. How will the truth ever spread out to the uninformed majority? If I say: "I told You so", it would just hurt the berieved and not help in any way and would get me probably spit at for lack of respect for the deceased. How can we get the word out??? Will the combination for Detox by the wellness company avert further SADS?? Are there any ways to help?? Give hope???

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I'm in UK, live in suburbs. Hearing or seeing ambulance with lights and or sirens was a rare spectacle before and during 2020 but 2021 and 2022 there was weekly occurences, still happening more than 2020. We need all hospital doctors to speak out somehow and GPs too.

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I live in the centre of Toronto (downtown Toronto) for and I hear ambulance and fire trucks a lot more often. Today as I droves for 15 minutes there were 3 ambulances but they were going different directions so going to different calls. I made this observation months ago but of course my observation of something that I thought was happening more or is not scientific so thank you Dr Bridle for bringing us the data.

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I know paramedics who quit for these reasons. They said it’s a mess out there and doctors are in denial.

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Please keep your head up Dr. You are an inspiration to many of us.

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Thank you for your diligence

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Dr Bridle, I’m an ex-Torontonian. My ex-wife died there 6 months ago. I suspect that her death was hastened by the Covid shots. She already was not a well person. I have seen patients with chronic ailments like autoimmune illness get rapidly worse.

They keep saying it’s especially important to get the shots if you’re immune compromised. Wrong! It’s just the opposite.

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I’m so sorry about your wife 😞

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Thanks for steadfastly standing up for the truth and presenting supporting data. I'm curious why the numbers in all three categories didn't meet or exceed the 2019 numbers till 2022. Does this indicate that it took a bit of time to accumulate adverse events after the vaccine rollout starting in early 2021? And that people were reluctant to use emergency services during the worst of Covid in 2020 and 2021? Thanks for your insights.

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Also interested. I guess if numbers for 2023 and 2024 increase well beyond 2019 levels it becomes very obvious.

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Prevention is better than a cure

Except when it's more profitable to harm

Then it's just the cost of doing business

And even more than the money

Is the power it consolidates

Problem - reaction - solution

So the algorithm dictates

Extra spending, extra focus and extra controls be put in place

Until we live in a nanny state wrapped up in bubble wrap

And we suffocate and die

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In laws have just flown home today from holiday in Cuba.

Their plane had to do a detour and emergency landing due to someone onboard having a heart attack.

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Hopefully not the pilot, though that is increasingly likely due to FAA lowering the heart fitness requirements after the Covid injection rollout.

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First, why is the U of Guelph not allowing your return to your lab? What insane reasons have they conjured up in their disorganized, confused minds.

The truth may eventually come out once those responsible are either out of public life, the legal and political risks have passed. But even then, what difference will it make? Those that cared enough to learn the truth pretty much know what really happened today and those that don't are not interested, no matter who or what acknowledges the truth. Look back to AIDS AZT slaughter in 80' and 90's, does anyone care today what really happened?

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Thank you Dr. Bridle. Who can argue with government and ambulance statistics? When the truth comes out to the general public, your research into this matter will be invaluable.

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I am surprised we are barely above 2019. I hear probably double the sirens now than ever before.

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Appreciate the write ups and the graphs. A cursory scan of the plots reveals that 2019 levels are where we are headed in terms of normalcy. To play devil’s advocate, one can argue that locks downs were helpful because the events you show are down (may be work and commute related stress were down?) and that reopening brought back the numbers to 2019 when everything returned to normalcy.

In any case, I am not sure the graphs can be used to make the claims unless one has variance and can show that the 2022 events are abnormal (using sigmas).

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Do I see this correctly: 2019, in all instances, was higher than 202 and 2021? (2023 not being a full year..) I do see the later years’ increase over 2020, but the call volume in 2022 is less than in 2019. Note that I personally hear a lot more sirens from 2021 onwards.

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