Thank you Byram for making this post. It was my next duty - riding your coat-tails on this one. :)

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Hello Dr. Rose,

Will you be presenting as well? So happy to know that Dr. Bridle is. Godspeed to both of you. Greetings from a grateful Canadian living in Switzerland.

Edit: Just read you are presenting, so ignore the above question. Thank you so much for standing up for the truth.

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How lucky you are to be living in Switzerland and not in Canada. I'm assuming the Swiss haven't completely lost their minds like the Canucks have. I can say that because Canada is also my country of birth. Now living in the USA which is also descending into madness it seems, but I have high hopes for us. We must prevail if we want the world to survive because I do feel that where the US goes so goes the world. Hoping I'm wrong on this one.

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Thank you Byram & Jess and all the others who will tell the truth to these ill informed legislators. This is beyond important. God bless you and keep you all safe!!!

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Dear Jessica Rose please read this letter from the head of health in the EU;


Unlawful Genetic Experimentation;

EU incrimineted

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When I think back to when Dr Bridle first spoke out publicly, I remember that he was attacked and some kind of phony website set up in his name in order to smear him. I note with great satisfaction that he is still speaking and in demand in many countries....and where are his detractors? The cowards who refused to meet and debate openly? They are invisible no names with as much integrity and respect as a common internet troll.

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Bravo, Dr. Bridle. You are a Canadian hero! ♥️

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AMAZING 🤩 ( but not surprising you’ll be presenting)

May the TRUTH prevail!

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Take care dear Jessica, and enjoy your well deserved opportunity to speak truth to these puppets, most of whom covertly represent nothing other than undisclosed pecuniary interests....a la the corrupt von der Leyen.

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Please tell them we need the following urgent laws in every single country:

10 urgent laws we need to defuse the global coup (out of 100)?

Most urgent

Declare null the legal immunity to the injection manufacturers due to fraud.

Repel immunity and prohibit Congress to pass immunity laws to corporations, NGOs or international organizations.

Prohibit Government to grant the power to approve vaccines and medicines to the WHO or any non-national organization.

Statistical transparency

All data must be public and real-time.

Death certificates must be anonymized and uploaded in full, including primary cause of death, etc.

The same for all clinical records, lab tests, medications/vaccination by brand and dose.

An independent organization must control the integrity of the database.

Prosecution law for injuries and damages

Enable a simple, fast, free, class action and prosecution lane, against all the responsible command line, from top to bottom, for COVID development, lockdowns, haccines, negligence, malpractice, malfeasance, censorhip, blocking life saving information, misinformation, mal information, incentivizing what injured, des-incentivizing what cured or saved lives, conspiracy, corruption, treason, etc. Use for compensation, the corporate or personal seized assets in proportion to their guilt.

Government reparations

Force government to provide lifelong treatments for COVID, long COVID and haccine injuries and pay damages for lives and livelihoods lost, including those resulting from lockdowns and firing the unvaxxed.


Ban mandates, disclosure, and any direct or indirect coercion, punishment or reward for vaccination and pharmaceuticals.

Allow real money, ban CBDCs

Prohibit Central Banks from issuing any Central Bank Digital Currency.

Allow states to issue real money, asset backed with real assets like gold, silver, flour, gasoline, whatever which could be securitized into a warrant.

Eliminate legal tender. Allow competition among real money.

Anti-conspiracy law

Mandating public disclosure of membership to secret societies which require obedience (masons prioritize obedience to the common good and patriotism because otherwise they lose their jobs, livelihoods o life): should penalize more any political candidate, government position, listed corporations, media, police, armed forces.

When people realize how many of them have so much power, they’ll react.

Freemasons have to obey like the military, with the difference that their orders are secret and that, if they disobey, they lose their jobs or even their lives, if they reveal any important secret or membership.

So what's really more urgent is a law stating under severe penalty for non-compliance (even to their heirs if that is known after they died), that anyone should disclose if they belong to a secret society, especially those with the requirement to obey secret orders, such as all lodges and freemasonic and luciferian/satanic type of societies.

Penalties should be even more severe with all stake holders involved in or with all the 3 branches of government (even suppliers and candidates), finance (especially, banks, funds, listed corporations) and especially, the armed forces, even the police (that's the reason they' didn't protect the country against blatant constitutional violations).

If this law passes, you'd learn that all listed financial and corporate boards are controlled by freemasons, all the Democrats and especially all the Republicans voting for gender ideology were freemasons, all politicians members of the CFR or attending Sun Valley are freemasons, most of the Supreme Court and lesser courts, all dominant media CEOs are freemasons.

Only then people will ask for change, for example, a law barring them from all such positions. There's no deep state just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry. Freemasonry is the enemy of the people.

“Amnesty for the first higher ranking (max 100?) whistleblowers in the medical colleges, first in the law societies, etc., so that the majority, those that committed the worst crimes consciously don't escape justice.” 1

Anti-emergency law: emergency powers can never be invoked by politicians over epidemics, hack attack, EMP, global warming, climate crisis or anything else, except civil war or external aggression, and even in such cases, they must be proportionate to the need and backed by 2/3 of Congress and the Supreme Court.

Pure medicine law against whore medicine (whorrible medicne)

Dismantle all norms that promote the bio-medical-industrial-complex (BMIC) machine, which profits at the expense of patients and clinicians who suffer: government, pharmaceutical industry, insurance industry, and corporate big hospital and healthcare systems.

Foster real health, not pharma. Dismantle all norms that forbid or make it hard for health practitioners (doctors, nurses, chiropractics, natural medicine experts, etc.) to organize medicine according to health, including coverage for behavioral medicine and integrative health, both destroyed by the 1910 freemason Flexner report, and Maternal-fetal medicine (MFM), where subspecialists treat the two patients at the same time, attacked by pro-abortion norms.

Financial conscientious objection

Forbid forcing tax payers, health insurance clients, etc. to indirectly pay for abortions, abortifacients, contraception, infertilization surgeries, euthanasia, artificial insemination, IVF, embryonic research, trans-amputation/pharma, injections linked to abortion or infanticide, behavioral self-inflicted damage, and other questioned “medical”practices.

Prohibition of abortion laced injections or at least, labelling, vaccines, haccines, medicines, food, beverages, by the use of cell lines derived from aborted fetal tissue or infanticied tissue (this would leave out nearly all COVID shots).

21 Jan 2021 H.R. 419 - No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act 1 Defunding is the first step.


S.4343 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act 2


17 May 2022 H.R. 7806 - American Sovereignty Restoration Act 3 Leaves the UN (including agencies, funds, peacekeeping missions, conventions and agreements), repeal of diplomatic immunity, removes Headquarters’ benefits, etc.

The ideal is to retain observer status (which allows to have a voice) and to co-found a non-politicized international health organization, run by doctors and nurses, open to all proven healing currents and the voice of patients, funded by all countries equally, with equal voice, based on free cooperation and no legal binding.


Right of health autonomy and medical freedom: having access to genetically unmodified blood during a time of need.

Even 6 months later, the vaxxed keep producing spike proteins and there’s the problem of transfusing mRNA hijacked cells. Montana House Bill 645 would ban on long-COVID and the COVID vaxxed from donating blood and tissues, because of “gene-altering proteins, nanoparticles, high-count spike proteins from long COVID-19, or other isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA vaccines, mRNA or DNA chemotherapies, or other novel mRNA or DNA pharmaceutical biotechnologies“. 5 Leaves out Novavax in spite it takes time to clear the millions of S-proteins. It creates a shortage of blood.6 Solutions:

1. Self donation

2. Blood discrimination: one bank for the unvaxxed, who could decide who to donate and have priority in receiving as much unvaxxed blood, and the other bank for the rest.

3. Paying the unvaxxed for their precious blood and organs in a free market.

Clinical Trials

Compulsory animal studies with strict oversight and independent side-effect follow-up of at least a year, including reaction to exposure to wild pathogens.

Open real-time data of all results or lack of them.

Ban on human trials and tests on the pre-born, starting from conception.

Independent lab testing of what the patients will be given/injected.

Trials should include an un-treated, a placebo and a medicated arm (with prior approved medication).

Real-time open anonymized data, so that others can profit from it.

Corporations shouldn’t be allowed to run them, only governmental institutions with close citizen oversight, funded by corporations but through indirect independent funds. If that’s not attainable, at least outsourcing should be prohibited.

Some side effects take years to appear. At least, trial-patients should be provided with lifetime top medical coverage for anything coming up in the first 5 years and free legal services to claim for injuries and damages without any cap or reduction of liability to anyone in the hierarchical chain of command conducting the experiment.

Forms and signed papers don’t reduce liability if the patient didn’t really understand what was written. Independent assessment of understanding capability should be done before starting the trial.

Children can never take part of a trial, unless adults are tested before, lowering the age on trial at a time and reviewing the epidemiological data for 5 years, each.

More here:

The full PLAN exposed:


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GODSPEED Sir, I wish you every success in your presentation. Thank you for continuing this fight, as we know it ain't over yet!

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That's good news. Here in Canada, as I am sure you know, parliamentarians and the press are so allergic to all the topics on the agenda they appear to be doing everything in their power to not have to talk about it. Surely this grand silence will end at some point!

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And of course the PM is already lieing about his own behaviour during the pandemic. And getting away with it even though the Toronto Sun showed side-by-side videos proving his lie. That should normally sink a politician. Not this guy.

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Oh, he will sink. The Good Lord will take care of that for us. Some things are bound to happen, and this is one of those things.

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Same as FJB

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These people need to do more than just slither away into the good night but be brought to account, especially JT.

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Teflon Turdeau.


Until then? We have Dr. Byram Bridle, riding shotgun, and John Julian, who recently bravely resisted the slings and arrows of outrageous wokedom and so far?

Is winning.


He smells like virtual ROSE by comparison but you be the judge. 😉

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LOL...thanks for the link to JJ. Sometimes humour is all that saves us.

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He's the only Trudeau I can bear to listen to. 😁

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You are speaking for so many of us who are silenced. You're gonna do great!

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thanks Byram for telling the truth

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there is a truck right now parked in downtown Peterborough ,Ontario, plastered with newspaper photos of the jabbed dead. Dr. Bridle, remind these people of that. Dr. Denis Rancourt estimates 13 million dead ( all cause mortality with correlation) for it so far, Dr.Hodkinson 20, but I heard already 1 billion. A lot , and a lot more to come. thank-you ! you are a credit to your profession

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I've seen a recent video of that truck. Who was it that was walking around, reading and filming.

Do you recall?


#HonkHONK 🚚🚛⛟🇨🇦

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sorry I don't . I only saw the photo. ironically I was nearby that day but did not know about this , otherwise I would have gone to see it. I hope the trucks travels all over .

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Some interesting speakers in the line up over the course of this summit.

I sincerely hope this has some tangible outcomes, and is not just a box ticking exercise for the sake of aesthetics.

Real justice is well overdue.

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Congratulations to you both. Your tireless efforts, through such an incredible display of doubt and cynicism of your work, is so greatly appreciated by so many of us. You are doing The Great Work. Many many thanks.

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Dang, I think that will be 3:00 AM here in Alberta according to my time converter. Do you know if it can be watched later?

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Hi Debbity, I am fairly certain that it will be recorded.

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I am quite positive the CHD ( Children's Health Defence) Europe will be covering it, and will post it on their newsletter....we will be translating the transcripts in as many languages as we can...we have such a wonderful group of volunteer translators. Godspeed Dr. Bridle. Cannot thank you enough for speaking out. Greetings from Switzerland.

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Please post some links to the recordings,,I just went in to watch but I’m thinking I missed it all

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Good luck Dr Byram - always following you from here in Italy. 💖 Hope you get to talk to the brilliant Christine Anderson and her colleagues (among them, Cristian Tehres & Francesca Donato). They have been fighting for the truth for the past 3 years. 🙏

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Good to see you Puffin.

Hope you're doing well.

"La gente come noi..." 🇨🇦 ❤ 🇮🇹

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Thank you so much Unapologetically 🥰 Canada is always in my thoughts too - so similar to what we passed here.

I hope very much that you are well 🙏


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I'm in touch with "la gente", pero mi dispiace, non sono "come noi"...

My sis and bro do the facebook face time blah blahing with my mum and "la gente".

I'll occasionally be required, to dial a telephone # to connect mum with someone via landline, as she rarely gets it right and "strangers answered!", but I walk away before I blurt something mum will regret... 😉

Glad to hear "it" which shall not be named has "passed", there.

There's nothing that a good stiff broom can't brush under an Italian carpet eh?

Did you ever hear the old Italian expression "Dove che passa il Prete?"

Kind of like that. 😁

It which shall not be named has not passed here. Trudeau and Tam and Bonnie Henry Fluevog Shoes still insist it's a hot issue.

A hot potato they'll continue to pass around the conference table until they come up with The Next Big Thing which they'll attempt to force down our throats or into our deltoid or into our food.

Various potential simulations/scenarios.

"It" was just a practice run. Look how well Canada and Italy both scored on the behaviour compliance scale of one to 10!

Where will "la gente come noi" find refuge, next time?

Trying to figure that out before the SHTF again.

"Never again" my ass. How quickly was Italy locked down and Piazze San Marco deserted? (Rhetorical question. I know exactly how fast.)

So yeah.

NOT Italy. NOT Canada. (NOT Sudan. 😉)

Switzerland? Andorra? Lichtenstein?

Find a cave? (A woman recently did... Too much press...)

Hope you've recovered. Wishing you serenity Puffin. 🍷

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You tell them Jessica! what a huge opportunity.

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