Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Wow!!! This was an exceptional post Dr. Bridle. Your integrity, courage, principles, ethics and convictions are greatly appreciate by all Canadians. I have been following your work for several years and have cited your work as a portion of my own defense in my litigation related to the employer mandates. It's evident Mr. Caulfield (Notice how there is no "DR" listed beside his name/account) is a paid shill whose mandate is to spread propaganda not science , legality, logic or reason. We can observe his lack or character by his emotional and baseless attacks. I look forward to readings your further posts in the future and if I ever had the power or opportunity to choose I would vote you to receive the order of Canada one day for your heroic and patriotic work.

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Excellent takedown of an obvious propogandist. What an idiot and toxic person. Make me sad, particularly since I share his first name. Nomore Timmy Tantrums!

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Just subscribed for the year. This post alone shows you deserve financial support. Cheers!

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It’s actually a lovely irony that this $1.75 million was given to Caulfield to “counter vaccine misinformation,” as it could hardly have been given to someone who would be less effective in doing so.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I am thankful every day that I found you early on in this nightmare! Thank you for your expertise and your professionalism. You have been looking out for the best interests of the public and for that I am eternally grateful!

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I am, too!

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Me three.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Agreed. Found this really early on and followed ever since.

Awful synced audio but still all valid concerns // covid symposium 2020


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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Dear Dr.Bridle,

I know you don't know me, but for what you did for my family, I will be forever grateful to you. I strongly believe that you may have very well saved my daughter's life, my own life, and that of my husband. Without that interview with you in early March of 2021, I may not have a family today. Your interview in which you talked about how toxic these shots are, was enough to persuade my husband not to take them. He also wanted our young daughter to receive the shots. I will never forget my despair, and my panic in the early day of covid " vaccine" propaganda. In my eyes, you will always be a hero! That's what heroes do: they saved others without thinking about themselves. Dr. Bridle, you are one of a kind. I have no doubts that history books will remember you very kindly.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,


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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Thanks for this post. You don't know how happy it makes me to see the results of someone's (Dr. Bridle's ) good works. It's really encouraging.

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Same here! The panic and despair I felt! Our lives were consumed with wondering what to do, but deep down we felt we should proceed with caution. And then the initial interview he gave-it prompted me to search for more interviews with him. I can remember the exact moment when I heard him speak-I knew right away that he was a man of integrity. Thankful for people like him.

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We owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the people like Dr. Bridle whose integrity did not let them stay silent.

I was quite anti-shot even in 2020 but early in 2021, I almost succumbed when I saw people I knew, respected, loved getting it. I am forever grateful. God wins!

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Dr. Bridle's PPT video presentation in early 2021 in which he explained clearly how actual vaccines work, then shared concerns about how the mRNA function, and as well, concerns about the brevity of the testing and the testing/trials themselves was the convincing evidence and reason my best friend and her family chose to not take the shots.

For that decision, her 22 year old daughter was not allowed to attend school and went through horrific shaming by a friend's mother, who didn't want her at a university outdoor toboggan party!? Her husband lost his job as an engineer for several months.

Since then she and I have ridden the Covid hysteria govt misinformation roller coaster together, when my own sisters refused to watch the video b/c it didn't come from the CBC (🤡).

Her husband is back to work, her daughter is back to school, and none of them need to worry daily when they might suffer a stroke, myocarditis, or the appalling SADS.

Thank you Dr. Bridle for this outstanding rebuttal of Caulfield, your earlier rebuttal of another spreader of misinformation, David Fisman, and all your outstanding work for truth and genuine concern for public health.


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Yes! It happened to my kids. They were excluded from gatherings because of not being vaccinated. It was heartbreaking for them and for us. It was heartbreaking for everyone! Even the ones who imposed those “restrictions”. They were victims of misinformation and mass hysteria!

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I remember you worrying about "people are going to throw out the baby with the bathwater" years ago and you are correct. I would not have any vaccine for any child now. The medical profession needs every single vaccine examined in a true RCT with saline as the alternative. No more removing the viral component and leaving all the adjuvants in then saying "same number of adverse events in both so not the vaccine".

The medical profession has done the "Amber Heard" on the bed and now they can sleep in it. They've set back medicine by a century.

By the way Dr Makis is putting Mr Caufield in the cross hairs as well. LMAO.


"Halifax family doctor drops dead at age 57

Died on Jan.7, 2023 after "SUDDEN and UNEXPECTED ILLNESS"

Canada's leading cause of death of doctors is "sudden" and "unexpected".

Paging Timothy Caulfield (University of Alberta Pfizer sales rep)

we have another doctor death to "debunk", Timmy

(has the latest check from the Trudeau government cashed yet?) "

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

How did these kind of people ever get into a position of authority. He sounds like the clever, overly self important first year college student that thinks he knows everything because he reads a lot of magazines. Order of Canada? Apparently no longer worth the paper it is written on.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Well, .... we can't let the Nobel Prize be the only one showing multiple layers of pure tarnish, ... now can we ?? I swear, it's like there are no historically significant awards that mean anything worth a damn anymore. It is extremely sad and alarming.

At what point does awarding honors, begin to look like Pin The Medal On The Donkey ??

Oh, wait, the bombingest US Pres in history wins the Nobel Prize for PEACE, ..... I guess the donkey pinning began some time ago with Obama. lmao

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Yes I remember when somebody asked the Nobel Committee what they were doing with some of their peace prizes nowadays, notably, giving one to Obama. The representative actually said they were now trying to advocate for peace, not reward peace-making, or something to that effect. The implication was that there was nobody who performed meaningful enough good works anymore.

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Must be progressive liberals running the show over there eh? It's the only way it makes sense, to give a Peace award to someone who is bombing the crap out of everything in sight. Was he supposed to get the feeling he should stop, just because of their prize?

Would have been a better idea to just STOP handing out the prizes if there was a drastic shortage of decent human inventory to choose from. But then how many years would pass, without any awards, before people totally forgot about Nobel ?? Gotta keep the money flowing, ya know ?? That's way more important than integrity !!

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"Was he supposed to get the feeling he should stop, just because of their prize?" Apparently that was their thinking. You are right though; it would probably have had more impact if they did not hand one out and said why.

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

This guy has been an outspoken critic of my profession, Chiropractic, for a long time. In the sphere of the Covid story, JUST BEFORE the pandemic, some coincidences occurred: The Apotex manufacturers of cheap Hydroxychloroquine were murdered. At the same time, many leaders of the chiropractic profession were publicly condemned as being "Anti-Vax" and Caulfield was part of that program who was quoted in Toronto papers criticizing the profession in unfair terms. This implicates him in the machine of Covid in my opinion as chiropractors were censored from having ANY discussion on vaccines as a result from our regulator($25K fine and jail time). Someone wanted to ensure there were no voices from my profession against the narrative and it was effective. I tried to get his email to send him the challenge you wrote but I couldn't find it.

I would LOVE to see Dr. Bridle mop the floor with this distasteful self-proclaimed "vessel of truth" paid hitman. As a victim of this public bully, it was a joy to read this article. Thanks again, Byram. You are a hero. When this whole thing comes down, I hope the satisfaction you feel as being one who pulled away a lot of the bottom cards in this 'house of cards gong-show' is justifiably profound.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

My Dr. doesn't like Chiropractors either. When I told her about my dislocated jaw (yawning) and that my Chiropractor of 24 years had straightened me out with one adjustment, she quite literally shrieked. Too funny. I appreciate your Profession even if this tantrum Timmy does not!

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Why thanks! I don't want the thread to be about chiro, more-so that T.C. is a shill, but I appreciate your confidence in my profession and sharing your anecdotal success!

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

it’s operation mockingbird.

this health crisis was planned and a vast network of propagandists were deployed to sell it and censor any/all questioning dissent.

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Wow! That is appalling.

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My family has always gone to osteopaths and chiropractors (I believe my grandfather called them “bone crackers” -- 😀) and have had success. Can you answer this for me? Why is it that chiropractors seem to be out-of-the-box thinkers? Is it a characteristic that they possess begore their training or does the training create this attitude.

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Of course. I hope that this is not hijacking the main point of this thread: TC is a shill, but I'm happy to opine on this if it's not a distraction, and if it is, Byram, I sincerely apologize. The best answer is: I don't know. It could be the philosophy: Chiropractors start with the major principle that the body heals itself. The science of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology inform us that the nerve system is paramount in healing, function, and control of all body systems. The intimate relationship between the spine and the nerve system imply that joint motion or alignment problems may interfere with nerve system control and function. Ergo, we seek to reduce that mechanical interference so that the body heals from INSIDE->out by optimizing spinal alignment and vertebral function. Medicine has a history of OUTSIDE->in philosophy. So there's a big difference. Secondly, it might be the history of medical persecution. There are books on this, but the victorious anti-trust suit from Chester Wilk et. al. vs. the AMA, in 1987, proved official medical collusion to destroy the chiropractic profession. So they've had it out for us, and that creates some sandpaper. Thirdly, chiros are drugless. We have a bias that drugs should be used when necessary, but not first. That is juxtapositionally problematic for chiros to be mainstream. We are looking for causes and, in general, have a dim view of medicating for symptoms without addressing cause(lifestyle, toxicity, nerve system interference, sedentarism, nutritional insufficiency.). So there's that philosophical paradigm that's different. The "box" tends to be a pharma controlled medical education, and a pharma-controlled medical practice, and we don't fit in that box, I suppose. We're not an alternative. We're separate and distinct. Different box. Both boxes are necessary and should be used appropriately.

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Thank you for this comprehensive response.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Dr Bridle you are far to kind to this jack@$$. People like Timothy turn my stomach. I am a woodworker who only has highschool level biology (none in my degree) but I know how to research. In Aug ‘21 I heard a public health ‘talking head’ on TV state that the vaccine would provide stronger and longer lasting immunity to C19 than having contracted covid and recovering (ie. natural immunity). I knew immediately that this statement was a lie. It took me about a week of back and forth emails with the TV station to obtain a name and once I tracked his email down I wrote him (3 times in a month) to challenge him. He never answered……..just as Timothy will never answer you.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Steve Kirsch puts up 1 million when he challenges people to debate...he's yet to write a cheque.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Caulfield is funded directly by big pharma. 'Stem Cell Network' and also the 'Science Up First' foundations. He gets paid to talk non-science. How many people has he given myocarditis for a few (million) shekels?





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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Inugo Montoya

Thank you for proving that Caulfield is a paid advocate for these “vaccines”. It’s interesting that he was actively spreading Big Pharma defensive propaganda concerning these “vaccines” a mere 4 months after they were introduced.

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Always follow the money. Always.

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I see that Astra Zeneca and Wellcome Trust both help to fund SCN; where is the tie-in that shows SCN and Scieence Up First fund Caulfield?

The first link only seems to mention a federal grant (wasted $$, but legitimate).

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

My sincere gratitude, Dr. Bridle, for this excellent post. I have been following your work since the beginning of the pandemic. I am a former public health nurse, and left that role because I could no longer handle the moral/ethical distress of giving vaccines in the absence of true informed consent. Alberta Health Services has Timothy Caulfield as their “expert”. I appreciate your thorough and solid analysis, I would love to watch him debate you, but know that he lacks both courage and intelligence to do so. Keep up your excellent work! Much respect to you, Dr. Bridle.

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Those of us who have been fighting for vaccine choice for decades know Caulfield well. He's been a paid shill for a long long time, and regularly coordinates with his american counterparts.

He will not engage you nor will he drill into real data against a real expert. He has spend decades establishing himself in the rolodex of every health media (I can't even call them journalists anymore) person. He is their dial-an expert, and he won't care what you say.

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I think they gave the OoC to the wrong guy...

It doesn't take much courage to know where one's bread is buttered, and go along with the prevailing narrative. Courage is standing up for the truth even when it puts one into uncomfortable places, or jeopardises one's career. That kind of courage is in short supply generally, but you appear to have your fair share, Dr Bridle; kudos.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Me thinks “Mx Caulfield ” is having a bad reaction to the puberty blockers he’s obviously addicted to!

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

BAM !!

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Dr Bridle is a true canary in a Covid world. His access to information request to the Japanese authorities was likely the most important early shred of evidence regarding the mRNA vaccines and the spread of the spike protein throughout the body that set off alarm bells around the world. Delighted to see Byram go on the attack now! Stay strong. 💪🏻

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Dr. Bridle~ I have kept up with you from the start, heard you speak in Ottawa, continue reading your posts, and very very much appreciate all that you do. Please surround yourself with those that sustain you, keep up the good work, and know that you are helping many of us continue doing the same, by your good example. Thank you.

Dawn Assaly


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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Timothy Caulfield is a Trudeau Fellow. That is at least $225,000 reasons he is a propagandist. He is also on the Board of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I too would award Mr. Caulfield with the Odour of Canada for his talent at providing us with first-rate

misinformation. It is remarkably similar to the Odour of Canada emanating from an animal pen.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Animal pen's don't have such a foul smell.

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That's an insult to animals.

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