Excellent substack. I wouldn’t add a word to it except to say that the annual flu vaccine is another abject failure. I was forced into taking it under the guise of protecting my heart transplant patient husband every year. Every year that I took it I got the flu. My husband never caught the flu from me. This went on for 10 years. After he passed away in 2008, I stopped getting the flu shots. I haven’t had the flu or even a cold since. No Vaccine of any kind for me ever again. I’m 78, healthy & never had COVID. No chronic illnesses.
Sorry to hear about your husband. Good advice not to take flu jab my gp always sends me a text to get the flu jab and i duly ignore it like it did for covid. Worse was for my wife, she had a letter sent asking why we were vaccine hesitant, again ignored it.
In late 2021 as Omicron was announced I mentioned on CBC News reader comments that the vaccine wasn't working and pretending it was working would have consequences. I pointed out the censorship of this revelation by CBC was to prevent vaccine hesitancy, and amazingly CBC didn't censor that observation. I was puzzled and then realized CBC had no censor strategy for those who pointed out hesitancy as it was an approved topic to discuss, just don't say the vax didn't work.
Tim Caulfield unintentionally amplified vaccine hesitancy as every sentence he wrote or spoke made it abundantly clear that his statements were government funded propaganda filled with non- scientific contradictions. The more he says, the greater the number of vaccine hesitant people.
Dr Bridle will know better than I do but I believe the science shows that elderly people do not generally respond to vaccines by developing effective immunity, because of immunosenescence.
I can't find any evidence in the literature that serum antibodies elicited by intramuscular vaccination have a chance in hell of crossing the mucosa to stop or minimize a respiratory infection.
I am so angry that there was no informed consent despite the fact there was a growing list of vaccine injuries. I’m angry at the propaganda of safe and effective, follow the science. There was no way in hell they could have proven that statement with evidence. I’m angry that big pharma has their dirty hands in everything to do with health. They’re psychopaths with the only goal of profits regardless of the costs to human life. I’m angry our governments allow this and ask how corrupt are our governments?
I think asking questions about the level 4 bio lab in Winnipeg exposes a lot. And then Trudeau’s alleged interference on the alleged subject exposes a lot. I am not saying Trudeau is a traitor who has allowed certain countries to enter our labs and steal our tech. I am not saying that tech was biological weapons or dangerous diseases that they did gain of function research on. I am not saying people of influence covered things up and interfered with investigations. I am not saying how much Trudeau admires China’s government. I am not saying anything. I know I don’t know and to spread such things is not my style. However I do sometimes miss the good old days of a bit of free speech (without free of jail and fines) and the idea of journalism and policing being able to investigate and expose things.
Don't forget that I am not saying (sic) that Trudeau's foundation didn't profit from selling BioTech , a taxpayer funded research at UBC on the nano-lipid protein used to over the MRNA to allow it to move freely throughout the body.
I concur that freedom of speech and having open debates/ research on topics pertinent to humankind is the only way I can trust anything- ever again. I appreciate your input and wish that more people will push for this lifestyle vs the lying, corrupt policies so underhandedly put in place. Thank you!
I recommend listening to Del Bigtree's testimony - wherein he questioned interpretations of 'rare' - at the Ron Johnson hearing late last month. Titled: “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Also covered by A Midwestern Doctor's post on Feb.29).
Del's talk was only about 10min; the overall hearing with a variety of speakers was 4hrs long yet thanks to Senator Johnson pacing was good. Worth listening to. Riveting at times, as the passion and dedication shone through.
Thanks! I did watch part of that hearing. I know what you're saying about the passion. The closest we have here are people like Byram Bridle and the National Citizen's Inquiry. The "rare" thing has been stuck in my craw for years, having had a few personal experiences with MDs and their ideas about "rare".
Do you REALLY want to know who is behind the culling? Pharma are just one arm of the octopus. Climate "change", economy, war, food supply are some others serious coming just around the corner. Listen to this is you really want the truth The Day Tapes, this has been in the works for Decades!
Dr Bridle, you are an absolute trooper, well done for speaking out I only wish the rest of the medical profession was as honourable as you. Keep up your good work, the world is slowly waking up.
How about that there was a grand total of 12 measles cases in Canada in 2023. Were up to grand total of 9 so far this year. Why is that even news? The measles is highly treatable and used to be considered a right of passage in times past. Also like most other jabs it’s now part of combo shot. MMR. Why is not available on its own? And why does my baby need to have it multiple times in his first few years of life?
Nearly every single person over the age of 55 probably had the measles once or more than once...without dying or being disabled by it. There are a few events where results were poor or deadly, but really, not anywhere near enough to generate the scare tactics generated by big pharma. There's not one vaccine that works! Really, they all are more dangerous than the disease they claim to save you from....and NOT A SINGLE ONE SHOULD BE GIVEN TO ANY CHILRED UNDER 5 YEARS OLD....I'm not a medical "expert" but it any thought is given to it at all, there is no safety to the children in any of these vaccines. The verifiable truth of this is in the AMISH children where there are NO diseases you see in vaccinated children. Don't believe me, verify it yourself!
I got measles and mumps even tho I was vaccinated. Its all a sham and theres no one to look at the safety of them anymore, if there ever truly was. We are told there is, but their word amounts to shit.
exactly-- understand that your health care provider can sign a vax option out form -- for daycare and school Nazi's who tell you , you must vax. Go to the VCC website -- great resources
That’s a great observation and question for the reasons behind it. These are the things we should be looking at- and getting replies to. I want to see ALL the ingredients with a thorough explanation of what each one does. Furthermore, each ingredient should be related to the others in terms of what they do in conjunction…and what it will not do.
It sickens me to think back at the times I was forced to vaccinate my children in order for them to be allowed in school. This in the US. I’m thoroughly disappointed in the transgressions taken and still taking place in the lands we arrived at for “freedom” and a healthier life. I hope and pray that our children will not suffer any further harm from the crap these evildoers want to poison us with. Enough said!
Yeah, the ‘horror’ of measles. Much like CPox, parents used to have sleepover parties to get it over with. At 60, I’m a survivor of those parties, measles, cpox, etc. /sarc.
Sorry ladies , but we live in a completely feminized society, afraid of every little thing, where helicopter parenting has been adopted by governments at all levels, to the detriment of all.
Life is risky. Period. Always has been. Government is trying to eliminate it through Safetyism, at great annoyance to those of us who don’t need the Nagging, Nannying or childish awareness infomercials that chronically infest our airwaves.
How did my generation and those before, ever survive without government Nannystate nagging?
He doesn't. Read Turtles all the way down. You'll get informed about the fraud of the vaccine industry being perpetrated on an innocent, ignorant public.
Bravo!!! Fantastic article. Supremely accurate portrayal of where we are after four years of lies, deceit, and censorship from the real purveyors of misinformation — big pharma, mainstream media, government officials, and “scientists.” You are absolutely correct that for many, faith in “vaccines” may never be restored. The entire medical establishment will suffer from the travesty of the Covid vaccines and the trail of disease and death left in their wake.
...will and has suffered. Good even before the COVID debacle stories abounded about incompetence, bad diagnosis and over medication. COVID just ripped off the mask that the way current allopathic medicine is practice is pure $ driven.
At the National Citizens Inquiry hearings in Ottawa, Caulfiield Complained on X about being defamed.. I offered him an opportunity to testify in reply, but no take up. If you would like to do an interview on how an intelligent patient might approach the variety of vaccines available for them and their children, let me know,. Many followers of the NIC platforms would find this valuable.
« the people that oversaw the COVID-19 debacle need to apologize to us and then resign from their tasks...you should never stand for being coerced into or mandated into taking any vaccine ever again unless you are confident that the information you are receiving is the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth. Otherwise, your right to informed consent is not being met. It should always be your choice, in the complete absence of coercive pressure. »
Absolutely agree on INFORMED CONSENT.
(Thank you for all your work on this issue).
But IMO the covid villains should not resign - they should all be/have been SACKED and put ON TRIAL. They have killed & harmed many people, for cash & power.
More than resigning, more than being outright fired( no time to be politically polite), it's time to arrest, prosecute, imprison or take lives, or subject these criminal actors to the same torture we were subjected to in every aspect. Then, everyone who was forced to be vaccinated, forced to mask, was injured, or has had family who died, should receive compensation FROM THE PROPERTY OF THESE CRIMINAL ENTITIES. NOT FROM TAXPAYERS.
I would first ask why is this vaccine needed? What does it do to one's body? What about natural immunity? What about vaccine resistance? What is the real side effects, especially the one's that are not publicly disclosed.
I want real facts. I want informed choice. I want informed consent. I do not want pharmaceutical companies pushing things on society.
I am What they call vaccine hesitant because the truth is not out there.
Lisa, Since 2019, the information HAS BEEN out there. In fact, there's been so much information on so many levels that often it has overwhelmed me. It's been in the EPOCH TIMES, on Signal, on telegram, and many many other researchers from all around the world. I am not a professional. I am capable of studying because the research IS OUT THERE! There are so many people who are really great researchers and ethical clinicians who have been scouring all of the reports and data from reliable sources and despite all the resistance, the professional attacks, the threats, they rose above, united in this effort and have accomplished the unbelievable.....they've gotten the truth out, acknowledged, and because of all of them alive and not, treatments are available, for many vaccine injuries and even for many other conditions and disease processes that may not have been brought forth without them.
Lisa, the only way to miss all of it, was simply to not look.
Both Caulfield and CBC should be defunded immediately. Arsenault said that one of Caulfield’s specialities was misinformation and disinformation. Yes, he’s a master at disseminating it at CBC’s invitation. And they’re both deluded about vaccine “hesitancy.” It’s downright informed REFUSAL! And no amount of touchy-feely-empathy fakery will change that now. Brilliant article, thank you.
A great report, thank you. I have a very basic question I have asked on other platforms, but with no answer. We are constantly gaslit by politicians and zealots about how many lives were saved by the c19 magic juice, but how can anyone actually PROVE that a jab/shot/experimental medical intervention prevented a death? This then leads on to the assertion of 'is there really such a thing as a virus'? Undoubtedly, we suffer from infections from time to time, but the work of Dr Stefan Lanka suggests that no-one has actually isolated a live virus. What is collected and examined by virologists is the debris that remains after an infection which creates the assumption that the patient must have had a 'virus'. Can anyone expand on this, please?
While I've considered both the "germ theory vs terrain theory" hypotheses. I've looked at Dr Stefan Lanka, New German Biology, Dr Cowan and Dr Kaufmann, the Dr Bailey's and many, many, many others. Then ive looked at the myriad of germ theory proponents.
And as far as I can critically ascertain, they are all wrong. But also all right. The truth lies somewhere in betwixt, because there is a fundamental component that neither theory is allowing for in their equations.
Terrain and germ theory (are just theories on observable phenomena) can both be right and wrong, simultaneously. It's not an "or" statement. It's more a IFTTT theory.🤨
Frankly, the closest I've read to perhaps getting it right, is Dr Lyn Margeulis and her work on symbiotic relationships at a macro/micro level. BTJMO 😉
Just before his death Pasteur admitted that his so-called theory of germs of the air was wrong; not that germs (whether bacteria or "viruses") didn't exist but that they did not directly cause disease; Pasteur actually knew this for a long time but he was a charlatan and plagiarist who faked the results of his own experiments to gain renown he never deserved (to this day!) "Terrain theory"(so-called) was and is a description of the importance of maintaining a healthy immune system, a healthy environment of both body and one's environment; this was actually proven by that 19th century genius, Antoine Bechamp, who showed that germs (and/or "viruses") only became infectious when they had the opportunity to attack weakened immune systems of the body and, under normal conditions, didn't bother us in the least, except in being beneficial (good bacteria); that other genius and revolutionary of nursing care, Florence Nightingale, also knew this and advocated for healthy life styles and clean water and sanitation which prevented more disease outbreaks than any "vaccine" ever did.
Thank you for your response. It seems that if we have so many highly qualified doctors with different ideas/theories, how do we determine which is correct? Does any of them provide an answer to whether it can be shown that injection (of whatever denomination) prevents a death when the human body has an immune system?
Mother nature (or whatever your creation belief system is or isnt), developed the "perfect" symbiotic, evolutionary, "communication and alert system" ever. Then in the last few hundred years, we decided it was rubbish (instead of looking at the literal rubbish and sanitary conditions), invented a new system and claimed humanity's salvation, without even understanding how the original systems worked.😐🤔🤦♀️
Your question isn't answered, because it is an oruboric question. There is no way to "prove" how many deaths were averted, or whatever, without chucking a very unethical "Edward Jenner". B u t even then, what we don't know about the human body, undermines everything we think we do know😉
What you describe is the takeover of medical science by the allopathic model which took a firm hold in the era of Jenner and Pasteur; it was a false and unproven paradigm that came to rule and control all medical research and training to this day; the promotion of health care was totally usurped by those who saw that there was enormous profit to be made by keeping the populace dependent and sick ; the real heroes of medical science and health were those we rarely if ever hear about today: Antoine Bechamp, Florence Nightingale, Royal Rife and others who resisted the allopathic model and followed the real science.
How do these three fit into the equation of John D Rockefeller 'buying' his way into creating medicines from his products, trashing natural healing and conning US Congress that oil was a fossil fuel that would run out one day? Also his buying his way into the education of new doctors, for them to be taught that the only solution to any illness was an oil-based medicine, (which would keep people constantly sick). 'A cured patient is a lost patient'.
Thank you, although I asked the question, I suspected that I knew that would be the answer anyways. I feel more confident that those throwing out the 'saved lives' claims are using the term glibly without any real understanding of what they're saying/writing. In other words, gaslighting extraordinaire.
Problem is the Emperor has no clothes-- they just DONT KNOW how/if vax works (or is it hygiene improvements etc?) and won't admit it. Especially given the vax schedule for kids up to now mid 20s!!!!! is EXTREMELY profitable for Pharma and kick backed to hospitals and doctors. Same goes for pets.
How do I know? First for pets you could get a titer test to see the levels of immunity ofParvo, Rabies etc. It was about 100-150$ good for 3 years and you could get a travel certificate if needed for your pet. NOW, titer is 400$ good for 2 years and the travel certificate is extra. Monetization of health is all we are looking at.
Then for kids -- the # of vax's required (sic) has exponentially ballooned in the last 20 years.-- again monetization and control of your health. This doesnt even touch upon how quickly these vaxs are now coming to market with no rigorous testing, the rules about consent are ignored or removed , etc etc. This is a market in decline, so they are looking for even more and more profit generation. Simple as that.
Thanks for your work. You’ve been doing such a great job to Real Science and Society. We must keep spreading the truth. They’ve destroyed public trust in vaccines. I don’t trust the. Anymore. I hope you’ll get revenge soon. You must be widely recognized for your correctness and courage.
I am surprised at how many have also lined up for the shingles vaccine and HPV. The same people that lined up for Covid, not even questioning anything. My neighbor across the street began having trouble controlling her body, her arms would swing on their own and her speech was slurred after the third shot for Covid. She won't talk to me anymore because I blamed the bio-weapon.
So many stories like this-- people will compartmentalize these bad decisions to their detriment and even to their death. Think of all the virtue signalling fools who posted about their vax (see how compliant I am??) and are now dead. So so sad.
These jabs save lives. Take this on faith. Any doubts constitute misinformation. Yet, we cannot locate any real data to support this presumption. Data is a nuisance. It now appears excess deaths, seen around the world, stem moreso from jabbed people, not unjabbed, an empirical finding gvts remain fearful of dissemination.
Oh you can bet your fanny that vaccines work in the way they were designed to work as a basis for a business model to create cash cows left, right and center from all the fallout after the 'working' is done and or sitll doing, it is the perpetuum mobile, a 'godzilla' is not going to give up the gazillions made from that model any time soon, cheers!
Excellent substack. I wouldn’t add a word to it except to say that the annual flu vaccine is another abject failure. I was forced into taking it under the guise of protecting my heart transplant patient husband every year. Every year that I took it I got the flu. My husband never caught the flu from me. This went on for 10 years. After he passed away in 2008, I stopped getting the flu shots. I haven’t had the flu or even a cold since. No Vaccine of any kind for me ever again. I’m 78, healthy & never had COVID. No chronic illnesses.
^No shots also applies to any pets in my household.
Me too!!
Sorry to hear about your husband. Good advice not to take flu jab my gp always sends me a text to get the flu jab and i duly ignore it like it did for covid. Worse was for my wife, she had a letter sent asking why we were vaccine hesitant, again ignored it.
A letter asking why you were hesitant. . LOL.
In late 2021 as Omicron was announced I mentioned on CBC News reader comments that the vaccine wasn't working and pretending it was working would have consequences. I pointed out the censorship of this revelation by CBC was to prevent vaccine hesitancy, and amazingly CBC didn't censor that observation. I was puzzled and then realized CBC had no censor strategy for those who pointed out hesitancy as it was an approved topic to discuss, just don't say the vax didn't work.
Tim Caulfield unintentionally amplified vaccine hesitancy as every sentence he wrote or spoke made it abundantly clear that his statements were government funded propaganda filled with non- scientific contradictions. The more he says, the greater the number of vaccine hesitant people.
Thank you! Yes,I get called and reminded also. I always say thanks, but no thanks.
Dr Bridle will know better than I do but I believe the science shows that elderly people do not generally respond to vaccines by developing effective immunity, because of immunosenescence.
I wasn’t elderly at the time, I was 52. I was 62 when he passed away. So it was that 10 year period that I took the flu shot.
I can't find any evidence in the literature that serum antibodies elicited by intramuscular vaccination have a chance in hell of crossing the mucosa to stop or minimize a respiratory infection.
What she said - excellent- most excellent post
Thank you!
I am so angry that there was no informed consent despite the fact there was a growing list of vaccine injuries. I’m angry at the propaganda of safe and effective, follow the science. There was no way in hell they could have proven that statement with evidence. I’m angry that big pharma has their dirty hands in everything to do with health. They’re psychopaths with the only goal of profits regardless of the costs to human life. I’m angry our governments allow this and ask how corrupt are our governments?
I think asking questions about the level 4 bio lab in Winnipeg exposes a lot. And then Trudeau’s alleged interference on the alleged subject exposes a lot. I am not saying Trudeau is a traitor who has allowed certain countries to enter our labs and steal our tech. I am not saying that tech was biological weapons or dangerous diseases that they did gain of function research on. I am not saying people of influence covered things up and interfered with investigations. I am not saying how much Trudeau admires China’s government. I am not saying anything. I know I don’t know and to spread such things is not my style. However I do sometimes miss the good old days of a bit of free speech (without free of jail and fines) and the idea of journalism and policing being able to investigate and expose things.
Don't forget that I am not saying (sic) that Trudeau's foundation didn't profit from selling BioTech , a taxpayer funded research at UBC on the nano-lipid protein used to over the MRNA to allow it to move freely throughout the body.
I concur that freedom of speech and having open debates/ research on topics pertinent to humankind is the only way I can trust anything- ever again. I appreciate your input and wish that more people will push for this lifestyle vs the lying, corrupt policies so underhandedly put in place. Thank you!
Well, you should be saying....because we do know!
Thank you for this and also, thank you for speaking out about your injury. (I read your Q & A at realnotrare.com)
In answer to your question, how corrupt are our governments? I am beginning to think ithe corruption is a bottomless pit.
People, including doctors, say things are "rare" as if that means they don't exist. But rare means it happens--not often, but it does happen.
I recommend listening to Del Bigtree's testimony - wherein he questioned interpretations of 'rare' - at the Ron Johnson hearing late last month. Titled: “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Also covered by A Midwestern Doctor's post on Feb.29).
Del's talk was only about 10min; the overall hearing with a variety of speakers was 4hrs long yet thanks to Senator Johnson pacing was good. Worth listening to. Riveting at times, as the passion and dedication shone through.
Thanks! I did watch part of that hearing. I know what you're saying about the passion. The closest we have here are people like Byram Bridle and the National Citizen's Inquiry. The "rare" thing has been stuck in my craw for years, having had a few personal experiences with MDs and their ideas about "rare".
Do you REALLY want to know who is behind the culling? Pharma are just one arm of the octopus. Climate "change", economy, war, food supply are some others serious coming just around the corner. Listen to this is you really want the truth The Day Tapes, this has been in the works for Decades!
Dr Bridle, you are an absolute trooper, well done for speaking out I only wish the rest of the medical profession was as honourable as you. Keep up your good work, the world is slowly waking up.
How about that there was a grand total of 12 measles cases in Canada in 2023. Were up to grand total of 9 so far this year. Why is that even news? The measles is highly treatable and used to be considered a right of passage in times past. Also like most other jabs it’s now part of combo shot. MMR. Why is not available on its own? And why does my baby need to have it multiple times in his first few years of life?
Nearly every single person over the age of 55 probably had the measles once or more than once...without dying or being disabled by it. There are a few events where results were poor or deadly, but really, not anywhere near enough to generate the scare tactics generated by big pharma. There's not one vaccine that works! Really, they all are more dangerous than the disease they claim to save you from....and NOT A SINGLE ONE SHOULD BE GIVEN TO ANY CHILRED UNDER 5 YEARS OLD....I'm not a medical "expert" but it any thought is given to it at all, there is no safety to the children in any of these vaccines. The verifiable truth of this is in the AMISH children where there are NO diseases you see in vaccinated children. Don't believe me, verify it yourself!
The autism epidemic is enough evidence.
I got measles and mumps even tho I was vaccinated. Its all a sham and theres no one to look at the safety of them anymore, if there ever truly was. We are told there is, but their word amounts to shit.
exactly-- understand that your health care provider can sign a vax option out form -- for daycare and school Nazi's who tell you , you must vax. Go to the VCC website -- great resources
That’s a great observation and question for the reasons behind it. These are the things we should be looking at- and getting replies to. I want to see ALL the ingredients with a thorough explanation of what each one does. Furthermore, each ingredient should be related to the others in terms of what they do in conjunction…and what it will not do.
It sickens me to think back at the times I was forced to vaccinate my children in order for them to be allowed in school. This in the US. I’m thoroughly disappointed in the transgressions taken and still taking place in the lands we arrived at for “freedom” and a healthier life. I hope and pray that our children will not suffer any further harm from the crap these evildoers want to poison us with. Enough said!
Yeah, the ‘horror’ of measles. Much like CPox, parents used to have sleepover parties to get it over with. At 60, I’m a survivor of those parties, measles, cpox, etc. /sarc.
Sorry ladies , but we live in a completely feminized society, afraid of every little thing, where helicopter parenting has been adopted by governments at all levels, to the detriment of all.
Life is risky. Period. Always has been. Government is trying to eliminate it through Safetyism, at great annoyance to those of us who don’t need the Nagging, Nannying or childish awareness infomercials that chronically infest our airwaves.
How did my generation and those before, ever survive without government Nannystate nagging?
He doesn't. Read Turtles all the way down. You'll get informed about the fraud of the vaccine industry being perpetrated on an innocent, ignorant public.
Canadians need to get Dr Bridle & Dr Makis in charge of public health.
Trozzi, Phillips, Christian and Hoffe!!
Yep! All the good doctors & scientists need to be put in charge.
Bravo!!! Fantastic article. Supremely accurate portrayal of where we are after four years of lies, deceit, and censorship from the real purveyors of misinformation — big pharma, mainstream media, government officials, and “scientists.” You are absolutely correct that for many, faith in “vaccines” may never be restored. The entire medical establishment will suffer from the travesty of the Covid vaccines and the trail of disease and death left in their wake.
...will and has suffered. Good even before the COVID debacle stories abounded about incompetence, bad diagnosis and over medication. COVID just ripped off the mask that the way current allopathic medicine is practice is pure $ driven.
At the National Citizens Inquiry hearings in Ottawa, Caulfiield Complained on X about being defamed.. I offered him an opportunity to testify in reply, but no take up. If you would like to do an interview on how an intelligent patient might approach the variety of vaccines available for them and their children, let me know,. Many followers of the NIC platforms would find this valuable.
Dr Bridle:
« the people that oversaw the COVID-19 debacle need to apologize to us and then resign from their tasks...you should never stand for being coerced into or mandated into taking any vaccine ever again unless you are confident that the information you are receiving is the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth. Otherwise, your right to informed consent is not being met. It should always be your choice, in the complete absence of coercive pressure. »
Absolutely agree on INFORMED CONSENT.
(Thank you for all your work on this issue).
But IMO the covid villains should not resign - they should all be/have been SACKED and put ON TRIAL. They have killed & harmed many people, for cash & power.
More than resigning, more than being outright fired( no time to be politically polite), it's time to arrest, prosecute, imprison or take lives, or subject these criminal actors to the same torture we were subjected to in every aspect. Then, everyone who was forced to be vaccinated, forced to mask, was injured, or has had family who died, should receive compensation FROM THE PROPERTY OF THESE CRIMINAL ENTITIES. NOT FROM TAXPAYERS.
I would first ask why is this vaccine needed? What does it do to one's body? What about natural immunity? What about vaccine resistance? What is the real side effects, especially the one's that are not publicly disclosed.
I want real facts. I want informed choice. I want informed consent. I do not want pharmaceutical companies pushing things on society.
I am What they call vaccine hesitant because the truth is not out there.
At this point in time I am ferociously anti vax of any kind. My trust of ‘the science’ is completely gone.
I am at that point too.
Lisa, Since 2019, the information HAS BEEN out there. In fact, there's been so much information on so many levels that often it has overwhelmed me. It's been in the EPOCH TIMES, on Signal, on telegram, and many many other researchers from all around the world. I am not a professional. I am capable of studying because the research IS OUT THERE! There are so many people who are really great researchers and ethical clinicians who have been scouring all of the reports and data from reliable sources and despite all the resistance, the professional attacks, the threats, they rose above, united in this effort and have accomplished the unbelievable.....they've gotten the truth out, acknowledged, and because of all of them alive and not, treatments are available, for many vaccine injuries and even for many other conditions and disease processes that may not have been brought forth without them.
Lisa, the only way to miss all of it, was simply to not look.
Both Caulfield and CBC should be defunded immediately. Arsenault said that one of Caulfield’s specialities was misinformation and disinformation. Yes, he’s a master at disseminating it at CBC’s invitation. And they’re both deluded about vaccine “hesitancy.” It’s downright informed REFUSAL! And no amount of touchy-feely-empathy fakery will change that now. Brilliant article, thank you.
A great report, thank you. I have a very basic question I have asked on other platforms, but with no answer. We are constantly gaslit by politicians and zealots about how many lives were saved by the c19 magic juice, but how can anyone actually PROVE that a jab/shot/experimental medical intervention prevented a death? This then leads on to the assertion of 'is there really such a thing as a virus'? Undoubtedly, we suffer from infections from time to time, but the work of Dr Stefan Lanka suggests that no-one has actually isolated a live virus. What is collected and examined by virologists is the debris that remains after an infection which creates the assumption that the patient must have had a 'virus'. Can anyone expand on this, please?
While I've considered both the "germ theory vs terrain theory" hypotheses. I've looked at Dr Stefan Lanka, New German Biology, Dr Cowan and Dr Kaufmann, the Dr Bailey's and many, many, many others. Then ive looked at the myriad of germ theory proponents.
And as far as I can critically ascertain, they are all wrong. But also all right. The truth lies somewhere in betwixt, because there is a fundamental component that neither theory is allowing for in their equations.
Terrain and germ theory (are just theories on observable phenomena) can both be right and wrong, simultaneously. It's not an "or" statement. It's more a IFTTT theory.🤨
Frankly, the closest I've read to perhaps getting it right, is Dr Lyn Margeulis and her work on symbiotic relationships at a macro/micro level. BTJMO 😉
Just before his death Pasteur admitted that his so-called theory of germs of the air was wrong; not that germs (whether bacteria or "viruses") didn't exist but that they did not directly cause disease; Pasteur actually knew this for a long time but he was a charlatan and plagiarist who faked the results of his own experiments to gain renown he never deserved (to this day!) "Terrain theory"(so-called) was and is a description of the importance of maintaining a healthy immune system, a healthy environment of both body and one's environment; this was actually proven by that 19th century genius, Antoine Bechamp, who showed that germs (and/or "viruses") only became infectious when they had the opportunity to attack weakened immune systems of the body and, under normal conditions, didn't bother us in the least, except in being beneficial (good bacteria); that other genius and revolutionary of nursing care, Florence Nightingale, also knew this and advocated for healthy life styles and clean water and sanitation which prevented more disease outbreaks than any "vaccine" ever did.
Thank you for your response. It seems that if we have so many highly qualified doctors with different ideas/theories, how do we determine which is correct? Does any of them provide an answer to whether it can be shown that injection (of whatever denomination) prevents a death when the human body has an immune system?
That's the point. None/all are "correct" .😉
Mother nature (or whatever your creation belief system is or isnt), developed the "perfect" symbiotic, evolutionary, "communication and alert system" ever. Then in the last few hundred years, we decided it was rubbish (instead of looking at the literal rubbish and sanitary conditions), invented a new system and claimed humanity's salvation, without even understanding how the original systems worked.😐🤔🤦♀️
Your question isn't answered, because it is an oruboric question. There is no way to "prove" how many deaths were averted, or whatever, without chucking a very unethical "Edward Jenner". B u t even then, what we don't know about the human body, undermines everything we think we do know😉
What you describe is the takeover of medical science by the allopathic model which took a firm hold in the era of Jenner and Pasteur; it was a false and unproven paradigm that came to rule and control all medical research and training to this day; the promotion of health care was totally usurped by those who saw that there was enormous profit to be made by keeping the populace dependent and sick ; the real heroes of medical science and health were those we rarely if ever hear about today: Antoine Bechamp, Florence Nightingale, Royal Rife and others who resisted the allopathic model and followed the real science.
How do these three fit into the equation of John D Rockefeller 'buying' his way into creating medicines from his products, trashing natural healing and conning US Congress that oil was a fossil fuel that would run out one day? Also his buying his way into the education of new doctors, for them to be taught that the only solution to any illness was an oil-based medicine, (which would keep people constantly sick). 'A cured patient is a lost patient'.
Hear hear
Thank you, although I asked the question, I suspected that I knew that would be the answer anyways. I feel more confident that those throwing out the 'saved lives' claims are using the term glibly without any real understanding of what they're saying/writing. In other words, gaslighting extraordinaire.
Problem is the Emperor has no clothes-- they just DONT KNOW how/if vax works (or is it hygiene improvements etc?) and won't admit it. Especially given the vax schedule for kids up to now mid 20s!!!!! is EXTREMELY profitable for Pharma and kick backed to hospitals and doctors. Same goes for pets.
How do I know? First for pets you could get a titer test to see the levels of immunity ofParvo, Rabies etc. It was about 100-150$ good for 3 years and you could get a travel certificate if needed for your pet. NOW, titer is 400$ good for 2 years and the travel certificate is extra. Monetization of health is all we are looking at.
Then for kids -- the # of vax's required (sic) has exponentially ballooned in the last 20 years.-- again monetization and control of your health. This doesnt even touch upon how quickly these vaxs are now coming to market with no rigorous testing, the rules about consent are ignored or removed , etc etc. This is a market in decline, so they are looking for even more and more profit generation. Simple as that.
Dr. Mike Yeadon who was a VP at Pfizer is now of the opinion that viruses do not exist.
Thanks for your work. You’ve been doing such a great job to Real Science and Society. We must keep spreading the truth. They’ve destroyed public trust in vaccines. I don’t trust the. Anymore. I hope you’ll get revenge soon. You must be widely recognized for your correctness and courage.
I am surprised at how many have also lined up for the shingles vaccine and HPV. The same people that lined up for Covid, not even questioning anything. My neighbor across the street began having trouble controlling her body, her arms would swing on their own and her speech was slurred after the third shot for Covid. She won't talk to me anymore because I blamed the bio-weapon.
So many stories like this-- people will compartmentalize these bad decisions to their detriment and even to their death. Think of all the virtue signalling fools who posted about their vax (see how compliant I am??) and are now dead. So so sad.
These jabs save lives. Take this on faith. Any doubts constitute misinformation. Yet, we cannot locate any real data to support this presumption. Data is a nuisance. It now appears excess deaths, seen around the world, stem moreso from jabbed people, not unjabbed, an empirical finding gvts remain fearful of dissemination.
Well said! The emerging information regarding the devastating role childhood vaccines play in SIDS is a death knell for “routine” vaccination.
Oh you can bet your fanny that vaccines work in the way they were designed to work as a basis for a business model to create cash cows left, right and center from all the fallout after the 'working' is done and or sitll doing, it is the perpetuum mobile, a 'godzilla' is not going to give up the gazillions made from that model any time soon, cheers!