I seem to remember that SV40 was also in some polio vaccines that were in use from 1955 to 1963. I can't believe that this too, may be in the shots.

The recent discoveries of DNA contaminates in some of these shots, is mind-boggling and one can only image the immediate and long reaching consequences of this, should it be true.

Thankyou for posting this.

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Not may, it is. Not the entire SV virus but some SV40 proteins, is my understanding.

Jessica, please elaborate.

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By memory, it was SV40 was first found by Lee Harvey Oswalds wife. True story, whe was 19 years old and had an IQ of 160.

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Bull dog, that’s interesting. Do you know of the independent journalist Shannon Joy out of New York? I believe she has recently made a documentary on this very point you make (& she ties in some other things too). I think the documentary is out today, 10/4/23. I believe she is on Rumble. I have not watched it, but I’ll see if I can find the link:


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Thank you for the link Monica!

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I’m watching the documentary now. The woman was Oswald’s lover, Judy Vary (not his wife). Many years ago I read about the crazy lab stuff at that New Orleans apartment but didn’t know what to make of it. Fascinating to see it all tied together.

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Seems to me SV40 is a contaminate in ALL vaccines. Watch Del Bigtree's "Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe" on all video platforms but YouTube. 🙄💩

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This is what Judy Miscovits was slated for wasn't it? Unfairly it would seem.

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She's lucky she's alive. Consider Kary Mullis amongst numerous others.

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The polio vax during the time you mentioned was also contaminated with asbestos. My mum and grandfather were both diagnosed with Asbestosis and could never work out why. In 2020 in my research I found a tiny article tucked away on govts website confirming it.

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That's really interesting. I wonder if it was the same in Canada.

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This is in Australia. The govt website

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Hmm, wasn't it obvious from the very beginning, even before the shots were available, that this very thing (or something similar) was going to happen?

This was why I stood my ground when they banned me from turning up to work; knowing that this would happen made it easy to stand my ground, and having it confirmed over and over again will make it easy to stand my ground next time, too (this does not mean that defying the Govt is ever easy, just that the *decision* to defy the Govt is easy).

I hope that those, like me, who stood up to the bullies will do so again, and that others who have since found out the horrors of these shots will stand with us when that time comes again.

God bless you all, and remember: Jesus is there to help, just ask him.

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Yes! We have more and more data showing we did the best thing not to vaxx. We had to know stuff or go by intuition to fight the propaganda and rights being stripped out from under our feet . I found info back then from French scientists, and in the US. But today courageous people have risen to speak out of the horror going on. And we don't know how (to what extent rather) our children will be affected either still...

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For our children, I fear the worst, but Hope for the best.

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I'm with you. I found Jesus during this time. I lost my job friends and family. Now I walk with God and have new friends and family. I am stronger than I ever was.

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For those who: (1) truly believe in the power and life force of our God Creator; and (2) what Jesus Christ accomplished on the 'cursed tree,' *you* can do what He (ie Jesus Christ) did by following Him! (John 14:12).

For those who truly believe in the power and life force of our God Creator and what Jesus Christ accomplished on the 'cursed tree' can do what He (ie Jesus Christ) did by following Him.

You, believer, can pray effectively for your lost family and friends to come into believing the truth, the way, and receive the gift of eternal life, and His protection and healing even after vaccinations because *nothing* is impossible for Him!

Save your lost family and friends via your prayers in the mighty name of Yeshua Messiah/Jesus Christ. The is a duty and not to be neglected!

Glory of God come!

This is the Hope believers long for, to assist in bringing salvation for our yet-to-be-saved community and life eternal (Ephesians 1:19 (1:16-20)).

Do not fear, be fertilizers of faith, hope, and God's love!

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Watch how fast they shut this down, for hard evidence to evaporate, witnesses to be suddenly found dead or just... disappear... 🤔💩🕳️

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It is against community online guidelines and many countries are sanctioning speech.

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like a tv thriller, eh? wow, cool, definitely gonna happen

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Sorta like how fast "Pizzagate" was shut down.

https://www.unz.com/article/pizzagate/ - wait till you reach the picture of the little boy taped to the table.. 😳

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Not THESE experts!

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A court in Michigan recently ruled that a lawsuit against a hospital over the Moderna vaccine could proceed, because the immunity from lawsuit applied to the Moderna vaccine itself, and not to contaminants that entered the vaccine during manufacture. The plaintiff alleges ground glass got into the lot of vaccine with which he was injected, and a month prior had been discovered and a recall issued on the lot. The hospital due to greed or negligence did not return the defective vaccine, and injected him with it, causing severe vascular damage, alleges the plaintiff.

It seems reasonable that any contaminant not declared as part of the formula of the vaccine, would be unprotected by the immunity provisions of the EUA, by the reasoning used in the Michigan court.

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Interesting story and comment! This could be THE loophole and avenue every victim could file a complaint/court case for. And win. (what's a winner when your health has been scrapped from the injections anyway...).

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Hotez, Faucho, NPR, and the media will keep gaslighting us.

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No wonder they don't want us to have the gas anymore

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So what? And we now know better than to take them seriously. What's the best way to deal with a toddler having a tantrum? IGNORE him/her!

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TurboCancer is what resulted in our learning about fenbendazole. Close relative, with no breast tissue from 2009 masectomy, developed metastatic BC “everywhere” in late 2021 after two moderna covid shots. Lung, bone, kidney, pancreas. At 83, she refused all treatment and went home to hospice care. Nothing to lose so she took fenbendazole (222 mg per day)...available from pet store or amazon. Cancer gone in 4 months, she felt and looked better in 1 month! Read her Case Report at https://fenbendazole.substack.com

No side effects! We don’t have to die from most solid tumor cancers any more! Fenben is a cheap, OTC, side effect free antiparasitic medicine that eradicates most cancers. It will change your life to know that you can not worry about cancer. Read the Substack, all the science and supporting findings are there. Not selling a thing, not even subscriptions. This is a pay-it-forward effort to help others eradicate their cancers.

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Hard to get one's mind around the scale of this potential disaster; a vast array of untested genetically active contaminants, at least that is my basic "understanding", injected into billions of people around the world. As horrific as the short term COVID injection harms have been future consequences could be orders of magnitude worse.

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Brilliant plan for those on the depopulation agenda. They're still pushing the vax on babies and pregnant women full speed ahead and giving Nobel price to the instigators of this agenda... I'm beyond frustration...

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Agreed, this may very well be the most important information you will ever hear. I will let you all decide what is the potential outcome of the plasmid contamination. Based on my limited knowledge, this may be the greatest human disaster in history. I can tell you not much scares me, but this got my attention.

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Canadian National Citizens Enquiry/Rumble

Please Share.

So glad another esteemed panel is speaking out! Can hardly wait to hear more truth.

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Sadly, the average citizen is to know little about the enquiry.

This information needs to be shouted from the rooftops.

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Exactly. A friend in another Canadian province sent me a link to one NCI testimony. When I explained that I volunteered in my city and cried as I listened to some speakers, he was aghast. He had only today heard if NCI. Not surprising.

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Thank you for sharing!

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Will watch and share.

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Thank you, Dr. Bridle, for your courage to stand up for the truth!

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Just lost another great friend on Saturday from this!😔

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The shots need to be pulled. They have caused too much damage. I am appalled by the intentional hiding of safety and adverse effect information, yet not surprised.

I hope people become more aware to the long running games being played.

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Like said French scientist and author (Les apprentis sorciers) Alexandra Henrion Caude, if a batch of peanut butter would have caused 3 deaths, they would have pulled the stuff off the shelf, ask for recalls and started an investigation... where are we on the 1 - 5 % reported deaths on VAERS? I believe around 45,000 + numerous debilitating side effects? Frankly I lost count...

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Jessica...take a break and learn something new that will give you a clearer perspective on all of this.

Just my true recommend, okay? Unless this is your schtick and you're schitcking to it.

Read "For Her Own Good: Two Centuries of Experts' Advice to Women."

If you think women are too insignificant for your attention, or that anything concerning women can't possibly give any relevant perspective or knowledge to you regarding this entire show-time that got you and most of us up here....silence from this end.

IT's all about scientists and doctors and those who make the pronouncements from nowhere and everywhere at once....all those disembodied voices from the "news" and "officialdom"...a sort of kingdom that...And all the lovely complex and incomprehensible yada yada blah blah bullshit which is the particular specialty of ....................wait for it................................experts.

I wonder about the "ex" part of that....

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Being as RNA goes into the construction of DNA...we could just accept that the DNA IS the "modified RNA"

You get lost in the gobbledegook complexity of the fabricated words and language here. I know it makes you feel real "smart", but frankly, if you can't explain it to a five year old, you ain't got it yet.

Take my word for that.

RNA, DNA, yada yada blah blah.....Same same but different, see? As northiern Thailand to southern.

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