Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Discontinuing the murdering and injuring of doctors with the COVID shot mandates would probably help the doctor shortage also.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle


This is a true travesty.

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For sure. Just learned today if another former physician colleague- dead of turbo cancer age 51. We also need to hire back our healthcare workers who lost their jobs due to mandates (in BC these still stand).

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Most of us have switched professions sadly bc no one will hire us and we are broke. Working on becoming a Clinical Herbalist now. Still helping ease suffering of others...but in another way that supports nature's principles:)

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ivermectin is effective treatment so I suggest taking. ivermectin from www.buy-ivermectin-suppliers.com

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Great, now not only do I have to worry about a healthcare professional who got the job for having met the diversity, equity and inclusion nonsense, but now, that person will be even more poorly trained as well.

Dr. Bridle, you're really dropping the bombshells today. Thank you.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Canadian public health seems to be in good hands with people like Moore offering such innovative ideas. Every time I hear their solutions I can't but help but think of Newman when he ruled the bike would have to be cut in half. Canada is one big Seinfeld episode.

I reckon vaccine mandates can't be helping. If I'm a student trying to figure out what career path to choose, I ain't going into health care or the bureaucracy. You're not allowed to critically think and protect your own health in those environments.

My daughter is 17 and for now, she's not exploring such jobs but if she did, I'd step in and steer her in another direction.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

The biggest thing I learned from the pandemic is that doctors working for the health authority are collectively, not worth listening to, ever. They all seem...well...stupid.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I am surprised doctors haven't been speaking out about the new diagnosis / treatment systems being put in place.

It appears the new future, system will be. a diagnostician not a doctor will diagnose the problem, probably by filling in forms supplied by the drug manufacturers, the drugs will be prescribed and supplied to be administered as per the pharma technical directives.

Proof of principle: Covid: Doctors weren't allowed to vary from pharma script, IT IS COVID, ADMINISTER THE FOLLOWING.

I was very surprised that during the pandemic doctors allowed pharma to replace them as primary client management professionals. I guess they thought it would stop at covid.

We can have shorter training times now for doctors not sure about nurses, the medical diagnosis are preset at a distance and delivered locally. I would expect the profession will degrade from doctor to technician.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

It already has degraded from doctor to technician with the advent of Evidenced Based Medicine with its reliance on The Guidelines twenty five years ago.

Wise doctors at the time warned what was coming with this so-called Evidence Based Medicine: doctors would become trained monkeys. Monkeys can be taught to follow protocols; doctors are supposed to be trained to first listen carefully and well to the patient and then to think carefully about the best way to care for the patient.

You are 100% right that protocols and checklists from the drug companies will be the way of the future. In fact, in many cases they are already here.

As for the docs not pushing back against the C0\/ld protocols, well, they were already well trained to follow The Guidelines issued from their professional organizations. They follow guidelines for everything from high blood pressure to heart attacks to obesity to menopause to ear infections to preterm labor to, well, you get the idea. There are Guidelines for almost everything under the sun. So this was no different to them.

Also, they have been trained to follow The Science, that being whatever is issued from the Experts, those Experts to be found in their professional organizations.

Doctors who are in practice today have largely not been taught how to actually think.

Just one example that’s been around for decades: all doctors learn in first year medical school about the importance of cholesterol in cell membranes and in the production of many important hormones in the human body. Yet somehow they are made to forget these facts when they reach pharmacology and clinicals, where they are told that the best way to prevent heart disease is to pharmacologically prevent the body’s production of this vital lipid. Seriously. And generally, no one questions the contradiction.

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And people are put on statins, none the wiser.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

"It appears the new future, system will be. a diagnostician not a doctor will diagnose the problem, probably by filling in forms supplied by the drug manufacturers, the drugs will be prescribed and supplied to be administered as per the pharma technical directives."

Yes and now it is being merged with Artificial Intelligence systems such as EPIC. These systems will be generating protocols for doctors to follow. If they don't follow the AI protocol they get fired.

"Artificial Intelligence from Epic Triggers Fast, Lifesaving Care for COVID-19 Patients

Epic's machine learning model scans health records and alerts doctors automatically before patients need an ICU admission or other care intervention"


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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Current recent crop of doctors are allopathic slaves most of whom have no critical thinking skills. Make things worse? You bet.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

In this crazy upside down world we are forced to live in now, I I turn to your substack writing knowing I will read only logic and common sense.

Thank you for continuing to be a beacon of light in the dark madness.

I often send your writings out to the comment section in other newsletters I subscribe to, always prefacing with, “Canadian Dr Bridle reports this…”

So proud of your brave stance through this awful last two years.

I hope you are keeping well and realize how much you are appreciated.

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Well said. I second that.👍🙏

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I wonder as a nurse myself.... maybe don’t treat “heroes “ like crap? We had shortages before Covid... can’t imagine how bad it is now.

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Hi Nicole, I will second that.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Hear Hear !

Thank you for your service under duress.

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lucky for the public

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

This seems like an un-prepared, thoughtless response from dr.Moore, something we are quite used to. MY question is WHY are they doing this. Have so many in the medical profession LEFT due to the “mandates” which weren’t really mandates now! (That REALLY makes me furious). Shortening medical school and all the avenues associated sounds like a recipe for a lot of malpractice suits in the NEAR future! But really, do we need doctors anyway? They’re just going to give you an mRNA shot to cure all your ills.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Idiocracy wasn't supposed to be a documentary.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

It's a reality show, as it turns out.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I don’t know how it’s been in Canada, but about twenty years ago, residency work hour restrictions were enacted here in the US. As I understand it, residents can work no more than 80 hrs/week and have limits on how many hours in a row they can work.

Now, the intention seems noble. I really don’t want to be operated on by someone who has been awake for the last 24 hrs.

However, the unfortunate consequence is that this began a definite decline in the doctor-patient relationship. No longer do doctors remain in the hospital with patients awaiting their improvement; instead, they “turn over” the patient to the next shift worker. No longer do docs in training have the opportunity to observe the progression of recovery (or not) for acutely ill patients over their first 24-36 hrs of admission. Because at the end of the drs’ 12 or 16 hr shift, he goes home.

There were ways to develop overlap of care so that one tired doc was not solely responsible (always) for a critically sick patient.

Doctors graduating now seem to generally have very little commitment to the individual patient and are much more interested in shift work. Even in private practices, the dr-patient relationship has generally gone by the wayside. I mean, the patient story doesn’t matter anymore when it’s all about ticking the appropriate boxes in the EMR.

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This happened when nurses went to 12 hour shifts and often rotated every day. The quality of care plummets and is task oriented. Your quality care increases when you know your patients.

How can you report on patients when you don’t know them.

The other major problem with doctors is lack of clinical skills.

Tests, imaging and blood work are tools to aid diagnosis.

Now they are used exclusively to diagnose which means patients get late stage diagnosis.

In certain cancers the reverse is true. But in Canada you wait 6-12 months for a CT scan and up to 18 for an MRI. Hence turbo cancer with a compromised immune system from certain vaccines. In fairness it may be temporary but temporary creates opportunism for cancers in remission.

Yet they are aggressively promoted.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

I am a now retired RN - retired in 2021 (6 -8 months ahead of schedule d/t vax mandate). I started nursing in university in 1983 - never set foot in hospital in first year! (It's much worse now 😶) Quit, worked a year, went to college program & we were in clinical, on hospital floors by late October. IMO, non degree nurses were better prepared to start work in hospital. BSN as entry to practice in early 2000's was a big mistake, I think. Much of nursing *is* basic labour (bathing, walking pts, etc - during which times one is assessing pts) - degreed nurses often don't want to do that stuff & struggle with shift work. Many give up & go back to school and become instructors. It's possible that the RN job is going to die out for the most part & be replaced by RPNs.

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I’m a nurse that retired in 2020 due to health changes but hoped to return part time or casual. During my medical leave in 2020 like most health professionals I had time to Google, watch podcasts and pay attention to what was happening.

I came across much PhD educated scientists that were asking very pointed questions that needed answers and lots of MDs that were saying wait a minute who objected to government Covid19 mandated policies which were clear departures from historic practices.

This was government wanting to practice medicine and control narratives.

I had 20 years in a nursing home at that point and my very large bed nursing home did not have Covid patients until they started testing and most were asymptomatic.

We had asymptomatic diabetics, asymptomatic COPD patients, asymptomatic obesity patients and an asymptomatic 100year old who all tested positive.

We had symptomatic people testing negative.

Then PCR tests ratchet up the numbers.

All our pneumonias were treated with LevaQUIN which is in the quinolone category along with other common drugs used in nursing homes that can prolong a Cardiac Q-T interval which could in certain circumstances cause arrhythmias.

The pharmacists were always sending notices to doctors about this if patients were on certain medications.

All usually ignored. Maybe rarely a citalopram was put on hold but the antibiotic was the prior.

Enter Covid19. LevaQUIN remained the drug of choice. But the Media slapped hydroxychloroQUIN as a very dangerous drug for the same reason.

I am going to have to give the doctors and pharmacists the academic credit for knowing that but they played the game.

I didn’t know the safety profile of HCQ or Ivermectin before Covid19 but I found out it’s safety and it’s been known to have some antiviral properties.

The experts hid behind their policies because they didn’t know the dangers of Covid19 but denied the dangers of the vaccines. Also they denied knowing much about Covid19. BUT simultaneously knew that the only solution was going to be a new untested mRNA technology with pseudo uridine. So prior to the vaccine rollouts the risk issue didn’t exist.

Now that so much information has come out there is not a single debunked scientist or harassed and threatened MD who was wrong. It was astounding what they knew.

Michael Yaeden knew the vaccines were not safe. Sucharit Bhakdi knew in April 2020 that these vaccines were capable of damaging endothelial tissue and was practically weeping and begging people to not take the vaccines because serious clotting, myocarditis, strokes and very serious neurological problems could happen, some of it deadly, most of it life changing.

Other changes like not aspirating IM injections the standard of care. And having blunt comments made from practioners when requested. Also training non medical staff giving them.

Mandating experimental vaccines for medical staff to promote government and media messaging.

It was fortunate that I had this information. I could not have risked it

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

The last thing that we need in the future is computers and bots which mimic the expertise of health professionals that will most definitely and blindly lead us down the wrong path again upon the declaration of the next pandemic.

That's the ultimate game plan. Not just in medicine: the courts, education, law enforcement, everything else.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

The people responsible for damaging healthcare systems operate on the Phoenix Rises From The Ashes principle.

When they want to take over a system they destroy/damage it and then rebuild it in their desired image. This time around termed as Build Back Better.

The phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. In other words they did it on purpose.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Thank you for saying this!!!! One thing to consider is physician's, in particular, are being phased out with artificial intelligence. They are using electronic medical records (EPIC) to train computers and determine pathways. Doctor's will be replaced by mid level providers, protocols, and computer generated recommendations. See Mike H previous comment. Seems like this is intentional destruction of the human medical health care system.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023Liked by Dr. Byram W. Bridle

And also how do you teach them to have a spine and a conscience, not just a stomach and an appetite?

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