Great article. Caulfield has long been an annoying and manipulative detractor of many health professionals and therapies. Most importantly, he is not a scientist. He is not a doctor. He is a propagandist and self-promoter. You,Dr. Bridle (to remind your readers) are an actual viral immunology expert, teacher and researcher. And a brave and selfless advocate for the truth. Thank you.

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Couldn't have said it better myself!!!

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Apr 19, 2023
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Bien dit!! You sure brought it down concisely what I think of the guy.

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That would be great on a billboard. Prof Caulfield can’t handle the truth. He’s a liar and coward.

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I'd rather see: "show me the proof of the existence of ANY pathogenic virus"

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Thank you for this, Dr. Bridle.

PS I've been calling people such as yourself (and myself, on the journalistic front) "missed" information spreaders.

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"Missed Information Spreaders" - BRILLIANT. LOL. I'm using it.

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He seems a bullying coward, who uses ad hominem attacks. There unfortunately are 13 to a dozen of his type, whereas you dr. Bridle are rather unique and scrupulously fair, and smart. Bullies hate people like that. Because they cannot flatten them. I am afraid he will never debate you. What a miserable specimen that man is, whereas you are an inspiration to me and many others!

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Well said Antonetta. I’ve seen Dr Bridle speak publicly on several occasions and followed his writings since mid 2021, at the height of the vaccine mania. I consider myself a good judge of character and this is a man of high integrity, who is prepared to back up all of his statements with data and verifiable facts. No wonder the real peddlers of misinformation are afraid to debate him in public.

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Timothy Caulfield’s name appears on the most recently published list of Trudeau Foundation Donors…..a red flag ( pun intended) if I ever saw one.

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always follow the money!

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That is quite a business that our "beloved" dear leader has got going.

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Mr. Byram Bridle. What was probably your first ever video on the c0v1d 'treatment' was one of the first videos I saw when 'doing my own research'. You were suggesting a pause on the roll-out because you had identified, as a scientist, some possible problems. You may have been talking about the NOW fairly widely discussed heart issues, I can't honestly remember it well. But I looked you up on the net as one does, and you seemed more than adequately qualified to have an opinion. Next time I saw you was some sort of press hearing where you spoke of what had happened to you as a result. You were so upset about it. When someone like yourself has had their good name trashed for questioning the 'science' we should all be very worried. That you are still there, speaking out, after all you have been through is a testament to your character and I hope so much that you and the many others will go down in history for what you have stood up for! Thank you so much! 💓

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I respect you Dr.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I feel so sad to see friends, loved ones, strangers with vaccine injuries or who have died . Also people who continue to deny the truth.

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It is very simple. One side wants to exchange and debate ideas. The other side only wants to silence those willing to debate. Mr Cauldield can couch it in pseudo- scientific babble and take snark shots at U.S. Conservatives, but behind it all he is a tyrannical coward with a megaphone.

Speaking of actual science, I listened to Canadian scientist Jessica Rose testifying recently on VAERS, fibrins, peptides, and the injuries wrought by the injections. She, like Dr Bridle, is brilliant and unflinchingly courageous. Smart and well informed readers and listeners can readily discern science from propaganda. They are as easy to distinguish one from the other as it is to tell apart a true scientist of integrity from a bullying moron.

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Misinformation spreader, racist, transphobe, science-denier -- they’re all simply primitive tribal signaling devices pretty much lacking any meaning other than to summon the mob of twitter/media flyweights used by morally and intellectually bankrupt ends-justify-the-means thugs to intimidate into silence whom they perceive as political foes.

They haven’t even the slightest interest in truth and science -- that’s all just a front. And it’s why they won’t engage in any form of discussion -- they are ignorant and utterly ill-equipped to advance any reasonable defense of their position.

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There's a new church in town. Watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

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Sounds like ole Caulfield is fixin' to learn first-hand what it feels like to be publicly 'hoist by his own petard' :)

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We no longer can have scientific discourse on issues on medical research. It is consensus science, and not scientific research and that is further compounded by the fact that the research data is not released for public medical discussion and it’s classified as proprietary information!

The release of the Pfizer, MRNA research results, which were corrupted from day.

One says volumes about why injections should be stopped immediately.

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There are so many of “the science is settled” disciples today, that you can definitely say it is a cult. Whether it’s all things Covid, climate change or transgenderism, truth is the casualty.

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You may be interested in this recent article from Tablet Magazine. The author, a former military intelligence officer, describes how the DOD (Dept of Defense) and security agencies have colluded with tech companies to keep entrenched hierarchy's in power. The article takes a deep dive into what the author describes as the first phase of the information war & censorship apparatus. He describes how vast counterinsurgency and counterterrorism infrastructure programs have been turned against the American people (and other Five Eye nations).

This has created a new field - the pseudoscience of misinformation. "....In effect, a concept taken from the worlds of espionage and warfare—disinformation—was seeded into academic and nonprofit spaces, where it ballooned into a pseudoscience that was used as an instrument of partisan warfare."

"Everywhere one looks now, there is a disinformation expert. They are found at every major media publication, in every branch of government, and in academic departments, crowding each other out on cable news programs, and of course staffing the NGOs."

This article is long but worth the read IMO. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/guide-understanding-hoax-century-thirteen-ways-looking-disinformation

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It just confirms that the Covid con. Was a Biowarfare exercise at the expense of humanity!

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Former pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova also writes a Substack column. She has revealed evidence showing that the "vaccines" are part of a DOD operation and should be considered bioweapons.

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"misinformation" according to the Experts™ = anything they can't counter and/or don't want you to know

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How has no one sued Caulfield for defamation yet? Would love to see him in discovery.

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Caulfield took large amounts of money from the government to lie to Canadians. What is worse is he knew the data and he continued to say the jab was safe he is pure evil

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Science means arguing the case on its merits, and arguing on the merits is exactly what they are trying to avoid by calling anyone who disagrees with them, “anti-science”.

A real scientist said, “Science is not a set of beliefs. Scientists don’t believe anything… You always have to be ready to have your favorite theory proven wrong, and if you’re not, you shouldn’t be doing science”.

The unstated implication is that vaccines are so obviously and universally safe that the only reason even to study their safety would be an anti-science bias which, incidentally, is common among fanatics of the Far Right.

With history literally at our fingertips in the information age, how does anyone still believe in “settled science”? 

Science can’t BE settled. That’s what makes it SCIENCE. It’s an investigative tool. Any scientists who claims their answer is the correct answer is a shit scientist. At best, they have evidence to support a theory, but it’s STILL a theory. Consume scientific conclusions at your own risk.

“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance - you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest."

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Excellent comment!

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