I was astounded when pregnant women were told to take this shot. Like you, I hope the children won't be adversely affected. It's unconscionable that they potentially will pay for this short-sighted pharmaceutical money maker for their entire lives.

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I was astounded, and also astounded how many WANTED, and wanted very, very badly, to take the jabs. I personally know 2 women who, when pregnant, couldn't wait to get jabbed. As far as I know, their babies are OK, although one was born with some issues that kept it in the premie ward for a week. Time will tell. There was no talking sense to them. Both were "well-educated." Go figure.

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In our circle the "well-educated" seem to be the most indoctrinated. Our teacher friend couldn't wait to jump the line, which is what they did to/for the "educators". Everything they were told was believed and dogmatically followed/enforced. Why else would so many teachers become brown shirts regarding the government protocols and ignore the suffering of children in their care? I was in a private health care facility quite recently that involves memory care for seniors. At least they weren't masking the elderly, but the staff was all masked up and I wondered to myself if any of these people who seem to genuinely care for their patients realize how cruel it is to these people whose minds are slipping away to remove visual cues from their care givers for no demonstrated benefit?

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I logged in to say that 'humane-ness' seems to have dissappeared from our health and elder care system. However, I think it's more precise to say that the recent troubled years have just exposed what was always the case.

In casual conversations recently, I heard people ask '...has so-and-so had her/his shots?'. Perhaps I wasn't paying as much attention before the last few years but that's how you ask about animals having rabies shots. I found it completely dehumanizing. In one case, mom referred to her 18 year old daughter as getting her 'age16 shot'. It seemed pretty obvious that she had no idea what this vaccination was or why the daughter might need it.

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Totally hear you. It is so dehumanizing.

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Jan 20, 2024
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why obfuscate your text? comments arent censored for these words

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Thanks for your comment, St. Alia the Knife. In answer to your last question, I also wondered that same thing. Ditto for the hard of hearing, some of whom suffered terrible, terrible anxiety over the masks. In the care homes, it seems that obliging staff to wear masks pleased & satisfied many of the relatives of the elderly, however-- at least that was what I saw in my circles. I was recently at a lunch with an elderly relative who lives in an assisted living facility-- all the residents were unmasked and all the staff wore identical black masks. (I'm sure I needn't spell out my opinion of that.)

Of note, however, I transcribed one EMT's testimony in which he said he saw many of the elderly crying, and it really pained him to be obliged to wear a mask.

What was so difficult was that many of the people wearing the masks wanted to wear them, and would leap out and scream at you if you didn't, and then, on the other hand, many mask-wearers boiled with resentment at being obliged to wear the danged thing, and they'd be delighted, and supportive, if you were willing to take the flak and not wear one-- but ex ante, it was just about impossible to tell which was which.

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Them having an exposed nose may be a clue. ; )

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Yes, there was that!

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My daughter who works at Staples was required by "corporate" to work masked during 2020 and 2021. Of course, it was always worn under her nose; how else could she properly breathe? Not a soul complained about how she wore it. I had wished at the time that at least ONE soul who worked for Staples would point "corporate" to the latest studies refuting mask usefulness, but I do not know that any local employees were brave enough to defy the order.

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Several states have instituted masks AGAIN in healthcare facilities. I’m in Illinois. Shocker pritzker couldn’t wait to bully everyone around again. I think these people who just won’t let go of this Covid dictatorship maybe are mentally ill. How is any of this ok?

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Wow. The 1st sentence of that article. Just reminded me. Fauci did the same thing when he was involved with HIV. this monster must be the most prolific serial killer in our country. He pulled the same stunt, he touted AZT as a miracle and poo-pooed all other medicines including antibiotics for pneumonia. Sound familiar? Because it is familiar. He destroyed other physicians’ reputations when they disagreed with his death protocols. He’s responsible for the deaths of over 74,000 men who had AIDS. It’s on the internet. (I don’t mean that in a silly way. It’s on there so one can see the responses of the poor patients going thru this. If the playbook works, why change it?!

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But does anyone find this beyond weird? For example, one can throw oneself out of an airplane and float down to the ground (crazy) but omg there’s a respiratory virus with a .0007-whatever death rate. No, must wear a mask and no one can come to your home. Yes, keep driving your car where you’re much more likely to get into an accident but you must wear this mask. We really care about your “safety”. I’m done. It’s such BS that it makes me angry to think that they think we believe any of this. I feel like I’ve been traumatized. Won’t feel any better until these criminals get prison time.

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I think we've all been effectively traumatized but for some of us that feeling is not suppressed by a submission to a narrative (deadly virus, mistakes were made etc...) I think that makes you feel it so much more. Awareness hurts.

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Always disturbing to see how deep the propaganda goes. The comments are interesting in their full adherence to the proposition in the article. There is another on the low risk of "long-covid" in children that still recommends jabs to prevent this basically non-existent threat. I made a rather innocuous comment on someone else's comment and it was in the moderation queue. It will be interesting to see if it gets posted or not. https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/a-bit-of-good-news-kids-appear-to-have-lower-risk-of-post-covid-conditions-than-previously-thought/

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Right?! It’s stunning , the propaganda and how many Americans gladly went along with it all. So now when people say, how could Germany have done…look around. This is exactly how.

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I also saw on the site that there is an article referencing A Midwest Doctor. I am going to check it out now.

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Re. the elderly and development of Alzheimers, the HighWire just featured a fascinating interview with Dr Michael Nehls, discussing his book "Indoctrinated" and his theory that Alzheimers is linked to a lack of vitamin D.


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I learnt as a child that school was not about learning and knowledge. I often got poor grades for original work, involving some independent thought. I wrongly believed university was where the real info would be shared. Ho ho ho - just more rote learning to the test. Somehow, I managed to get through these systems still able to think for myself but I guarantee noone I was educated with is capable of such a feat. They'll insist on following the narrative right unto their own coffins.

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At least you can be your own best friend! ; )

Growing up a Creationist in a public school was challenging but helped me see through some of the "misinformation." In the late '70's/early '80's we were told (among other things) that we would run out of oil in 15 years. I don't know if I caused anyone to reconsider their positions on the theory of evolution versus creation but I at least gave my Physics teacher reason to as every time he would hit a trip wire my hand would go up and he would rephrase his statement. We even met after school and had some good talks. We got along well and I appreciated his openness. We can disagree without being disagreeable.

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In one recent study https://www.cell.com/heliyon/fulltext/S2405-8440(24)00740-0 both country income and education level correlated positively with jabbing rates. However the study authors evince the erroneous assumptions that

(1) the COVID-19 products are just like previous (actual) vaccines;

(2) that if only the (false) safety and efficacy information being promulgated by public health authorities were communicated better then more people would take up the jab.

Happily they do mention one survey in China showing that a substantial portion of educated parents hesitated to get their kids jabbed because they learned that COVID-19 doesnt affect them much.

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Well educated is now a “negative” in my mind.

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It's starting to incline that way in my mind, too.

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“It’s not a vaccine --- It’s an IQ test” - Paul Vonharnish - (January 18, 2022)

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Absolutely 💯

Same with the EV vehicles

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Damn straight. Perhaps you will enjoy this quote: >

"We’ve arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology. And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces.

Who is running the science and technology in a democracy if the people don’t know anything about it?" - Carl Sagan - Quoted May 27, 1996 (November 9, 1934 - December 20, 1996)

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Here's a nice article with video on EV's in a Chicago cold spell:


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The "eco-mentalists" (props to Jeremy Clarkson) have painted themselves into a corner. How are we to have a "sustainable" energy grid and all be dependent solely on electricity when the Sun doesn't shine all the time, the wind refuses to blow, and the turbines freeze? In the Pacific Northwest they are trying to force everyone to go electric while simultaneously proposing to breach several hydro-electric dams (which have been operating for many, many, fish lifetimes) to "save the salmon"!

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It is not possible to go 100% electric. I strongly suspect that the idea is to ban driving for us plebs. I watched a presentation by a mining expert to a financial hedge fund describing how long it would take to mine the minerals needed to expand electrical capacity: it's not going to happen.

Sorry, I looked but couldn't find the video. I know I have it book marked somewhere! When I come across it, I'll add a comment with the link.

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No worry- real people don't live in flyover country.

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History has a way of repeating itself.

DES pills ( a synthetic female hormone) was given to over 10 million pregnant women between 1930s to 1970s. DES sons and DES daughters not only suffered from physical deformities, but the latest scientific research also suggests the offspring and their offspring also suffers from mental illnesses too.


Regarding the mental illnesses passed on to offspring:


The women were told taking DES pills will reduce their chances of having a miscarriage.

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Which proves that pharma isn't about health or safety. It's all about profit. There have been products that are both safe and effective but far more are both unnecessary and unsafe.

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I knew about DES pills before the COVID shots were mandated in Los Angeles County, and that prior knowledge was one of the biggest reasons why I wanted more information on the long term health effects of the shots.

I dated a DES daughter and she said those pills is why she has a narcissistic and borderline personality disorder (or BPD). Her mom confessed to her that she took those pills when she was pregnant with her. It's also the reason why she didn't want offspring too, she didn't want her offspring to suffer the mental illness like she does, besides according to her, her reproduction organs were backwards in her body too.

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I had a preceptor in San Francisco in 1979, Dr. George F. Lee. He was a great teacher and admired by his patients. One of his academic interests was DES daughters who had a risk for an odd cancer, vaginal clear cell carcinoma.

I was never able to visit after my elective but through my practice was always aware of the hazards of fashions in medicine. The psychiatric sequelae were not even discussed in that era.

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Before COVID, I read that DES Pills is not only the cause of physical deformities and cancer, but also mental illnesses. And those studies showed that those mental illnesses gets passed onto the DES Daughters and DES sons offspring, and possibly the offspring of those offspring too (that's an exponential growth of mental disorders in our society).


That lack of empathy (Cluster B personality disorders) bods well for an empire hell bent on endless wars, in my opinion.

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All the more reason I become thoroughly disgusted at this entire mess. As most of us will prefer, we should not by any means mess with nature’s course by way of force. THEY will know karma and I know that they will not be able to change that. I face each day attempting to enjoy the simple things, like most of us wish to do. Positivity expressed in loving ways isn’t always present in others. But when I find (and seek it) nothing can remove the associated feelings which fill my heart with joy.

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EMF + metals = neuro-immune disorders:


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Were you fired from your position? I do not understand why you still have no access to your lab? Does Guelph University still have mandates for staff to be injected with experimental gene therapy products? I have followed you since you first sounded the alarm that the mRNA does not stay in the deltoid and can travel throughout the body unregulated. I want you to know that I am grateful to you for sacrificing so much to warn people in order to make a more informed decision whether to submit to the coercion or not.

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Dear Sunlover,

I have a statement of claim that is publicly available. It explains my current situation. It is case #31 (top of the list) at this link... https://www.constitutionalrightscentre.ca/crc-cases/

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I hope your case becomes ever stronger as harms are noticed and tallied. It would be an open-and-shut case in an honest judicial system, but sadly, that is not the present state of affairs. All the best!

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I've just read through a good portion of it. I too wondered why you were still banned from U of G. I can't believe what's been done to you!!! This looks open-and-shut in your favour but as Don says, nothing is a guarantee these days.

The defendants in your case should be criminally charged.

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Thanks, great article, and thanks for standing up for the truth all along. It's hard to believe you are still not allowed access to your stuff. I was vax injured in '68, antibiotic injured as an adult with many other medical horror stories. Just released first Substack explaining "coincidist", my new term for folks who blame pharmaceutical harm on coincidence. Coincidism is a filthy thing that goes right along with fascism and communism. We counter coincidism not only with solid science, but also with creativity, humor and love. Keep up the great work!


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Yes, exasperation is the word - I can think of several stronger ones too. My father was a family doctor, and he always warned against doctors being swept up in medical fads - in this case the idea we’d all be “saved” by novel gene therapy jabs and no one should question them. It feels as if most of the medical profession just shrugged and obeyed the pressures from governments and powerful corporations. What will need to happen for doctors and scientists to wake up to their ethical responsibilities? Thank you so much for all you’ve done to stay faithful to the truth and warn us of the dangers.

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"It feels as if most of the medical profession just shrugged and obeyed "....

Not only the "Medical Profession", though they was the most harmful collaborators.

The majority of every group we have given our trust, have betrayed us in interest of their government paychecks and pensions. And even beyond that, Authority figures like Unions and Churches found common purpose with this Totalitarian Agenda???

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PR, all of these groups who joined in from top to bottom were just useful idiot cogs in the global covid lockstep machinery. I believe that the perpetrator depended on these cogs to be in place to carry out the plan.

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At times like this, I feel so exasperated. It seems akin to farting in the wind. Wake up and smell the stink, people. Our medical and scientific enterprises are rotten to the core.🎯

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COVID injections, which clearly don't qualify as vaccines by any stretch of the imagination, were tested on humans before rats. That is the lunacy ridden political environment we are afflicted with now and, surprise surprise, it isn't working out well.

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That’s one great point to keep front of mind. If not the proper way in a civilized society by appropriate legal means, then educating in a continuous manner. “There’s more to life than this,” it’s been said. But life has to be more than what we are fed.

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We the People 50 Recall the Shots - Testimony to Washington County, Idaho Commissioner

May 22, 2023

Team Enigma, posted May 24, 2023



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: We the People 50 Recall the Shots Initiative was launched, with the support of the FormerFedsGroups Freedom Foundation, by toxicologist Janci C. Lindsay, PhD, Attorney Michael Hamilton, and Carolyn Blakeman on April 5, 2023. For more details, see their press release at:

https://wethepeople50.com/announcing-the-we-the-people-50-recall-the-shots-initiative/ . The testimony transcribed here is one of several urging Idaho's Washington County commissioners to ban the covid vaccines. Laura Demaray is at the podium, addressing the commissioners, while Dr. James A. Thorp appears via Internet.


DR. JAMES A. THORP: Thank you very much, Ms. Laura [Demaray], and thank you, colleagues, legislators. It's an honor and privilege. My name is Dr. James A. Thorp and I am a board-certified maternal-fetal medicine physician and a board-certified ObGyn physician in good standing. I've been practicing for about forty—, almost exactly forty-four years now.

What I've seen in pregnancy is extraordinarily disturbing. I've seen a massive increase in miscarriage, in fertility, fetal anomalies, fetal chromosomal abnormalities, fetal death, and every other complication in pregnancy you could imagine.

I'm going to share my screen. Ms. Demaray has been kind enough to provide you with a thumb drive of some relevant articles of which I will leave you with.

I'm going to share my screen. I think you can, ah—

LAURA DEMARAY [to commissioners]: [inaudible] say our children.

DR. JAMES A. THORP: There we go. I think, ah—

LAURA DEMARAY [to commissioners]: The slides are in the back of the Our Children.

[slide appears on screen]

TEXT ON SCREEN: HHS-CDC Completely Captured ACOG and 'Fait Accompli' Rollout of Jab in Pregnancy was Planned Despite Knowledge that is was THE MOST LETHAL Med/Vax/Drug EVER Rolled Out (Pfizer 5.3.6)

James A Thorp, Board Certified

ObGyn & Maternal fetal Medicine

Maggie M Thorp JD

Gulf Breeze, FL April 30, 2023

Twitter @ JathorpMFM at Maggie_Thorp

DR. JAMES A. THORP: So I just— You must be wondering, what is world is going on here? And how, how could this have ever happened in this once great country that we have?

[Screen displays the beginning of a timeline:

Begin Pfizer 5.3.6 Dec 1 2020

End Pfizer 5.3.6 Feb 28 2021 ]

Well, let me give it to you straight forward. The reason why it happened was that the Department of Health and Human services, through the CDC, after knowing that this was the most dangerous drug ever rolled out in the history of medicine, and here it is right in front of you.


Pfizer 5.3.6 Post-Marketing

Dec 1, 2020 to Feb 28, 2021 (Page 7)

The deadliest vaccine— medicine— drug EVER rolled out in the history of medicine

1,223 deaths in the first 90 days

> 100 deaths per week]


This is 10 weeks of data, 1,223 dead!

They knew this February 2021. CDC knew it. The FDA knew it. HHS knew it. And the American College of Ob Gyn and all the medical boards knew it.

Unfortunately they made an evil decision. This was a trillion dollar industry, a cash cow, ad infinitum. They didn't want to give it up. So in their minds they tried to bury it for 75 years.

This is what they tried to bury. The most deadliest, lethal drug, call it whatever you want, drug, injection, vaccine, which it's not, whatever you want to call it, it's the deadliest drug ever rolled out in the history of medicine. Over 122 dead per week.

So in February what they did was, did they come straight with you? Did they come straight with the American people? Really, the global population. No, they didn't come straight. They didn't come straight at all. What they did was, they launched a 13 billion dollar psychological operation to convince the world, convince Americans that this was not only safe to roll out generally, but it's safe in pregnancy.

Now my wife and research assistant ad co-researcher, Maggie Thorp, just obtained a FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] request of over 1,400 pages. Fourteen hundred pages of which 50% were redacted.

They captured the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, along with 298 other sectors of our society. 13 billion dollars, when they knew it was the deadliest drug and they put out the false narrative that this is safe, effective, and necessary in pregnancy.

They've broken the golden rule of pregnancy. We have never before, [shouting] ever! in the history of medicine broken the golden rule of pregnancy. And you don't have to be a doctor to know this. You know it, legislators. Doctors know it. Kindergarten graduates know it. We are given that knowledge from our Creator. You don't use novel substances [shouting] ever! in pregnancy.

And what I've seen is the greatest colossal, catastrophic problems that I've ever seen in my career.

[on screen, the time line expands]

TEXT ON SCREEN: HHS CDC $13 Billion funneled through CDC to ACOG et al March 2021 [FOOTNOTES 2 and 3]

DR. JAMES A. THORP: And they're still pushing it to this day. Because we have proof that if the American College of ObGyn changes their narrative and doesn't push it in pregnancy, they'll have to pay back every penny, and they've received way over 11 million dollars. And we have proof of it.

My time is up. If I can be of any further service to any of you— my name is Dr. James Thorp

it's an honor and a privilege to be here from my home in Florida. Thank you.



#   #   #


[FOOTNOTE 1] The right side of the screen shows Table 1 General Overview: Selected Characteristics of All Cases received During the Reporting Interval" from Pfizer 5.3.6 Post Marketing Report, which shows the 1,223 deaths. This document was part of the so-called Pfizer documents, first made public by court order in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. For more about the lawsuit and to view the Pfizer documents, see: https://phmpt.org/

Of note, the Pfizer 5.3.6 document: Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021


On p. 7, table 1, the report of 1,223 deaths.

On p. 30 Adverse Events of Special Interest.


Chronology is as follows:

December 1, 2020 - Begin Pfizer 5.3.6 (90 day roll out)

February 28, 2021 - End Pfizer 5.3.6

March 2021 - HHS CDC $13 Billion funneled through CDC to ACOG et al

[FOOTNOTE 3] See "COVID-19 Government Relief Funds Turned the Healthcare Industry on Its Head"

by Maggie Thorp JD and Jim Thorp MD

Dec 10, 2023


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This great risk to the vulnerable immature brain, if true for humans, likely extends at least to newborns and toddlers. Further investigations similar to those suggested by the Turkish authors should have been done years ago, given many tragic outcomes suspected by numerous scientists and parents correlated with inflammation affecting the brain. The latter can result from infections, environmental toxins, and yes, vaccines - not just Covid ones, and not just those given pre-birth. I was once an enthusiastic “pro-vaxxer”for myself and my family, until I began reading about the near-complete lack of rigorous research into even the “traditional” vaccines. Given the choice as a parent and consumer again, I would not employ any vaccine until it had undergone a true RCT, using a true inert placebo, with truly adequate long-term follow-up. Astoundingly, apparently hardly even one has ever been subjected to such a trial! (Don’t believe it? Start with “Turtles all the way down” or “Vax-unvax”.) If anything good has come out of Covid, I believe it is the healthy skepticism aroused in previously unquestioning people like me by competent scientists of integrity, like Dr. Bridle. We do not assert, “No vaccines ever!” - only ask, “Why never yet even one satisfactory investigation?”

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My 6-week old and I are happy members of the control group. My doctor tried to push four shots on me during my pregnancy. It is difficult because you’re told that you’re going to harm your baby if you don’t take them. Even when you rationally know this is false, it is heartbreaking to have someone tell you that you are going to hurt your baby. Stay strong pregnant mommas!!!

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If spike protein damages mitochondria

And mitochondria have their own DNA and perform a bunch of complex processes within the cells of the brain and nervous system

Not only producing energy, as conventional wisdom tells us but a lot of other activities

As well as in pretty much every other cell in your body

Perhaps we will see all sorts of consequences from these shots in the future

Potentially spanning generations

Fatigue, brain fog, degenerative conditions, cancers

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The horror Covid injection propaganda on the Health Canada website: ”Getting an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, including a booster dose, during any stage of pregnancy is safe and effective.”

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The disgust is intensified!! As this is on the site, I also have experienced practically everywhere. What don’t they get about advertising this shot of death?!?! Recently, I worked on a gig an entire day in a supermarket. The very (purposefully) loud commercials were about promoting jabs- including the flu shot and the deadly poison ones. The experience was maddening, as you all may know from being in a place where you cannot control what’s heard over radio or other means...Yet another form of “breaking down” society while using extreme advertising tactics and propaganda to fulfill their evil plots. Well don’t worry cowardly monsters! I’m POSITIVE there’s a huge plot for you too.

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I believe there is a famous quote by an obvious dumb ass expert who basically said they didn’t have the studies , we don’t know so we’ll just have to vaxx them and see how it goes.

Can’t remember the name of that Dumb Ass “ Expert” anybody know?

Just indicates how very little the experts know or care.

They will be held accountable. 🙏Big everyone

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I remember that dumb ass expert’s comment and think it was about jabbing children. Can’t recall his name though.

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I’m sure that his name will be written in the history books and it will not be kind!

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He was on FDA or CDC vaccine advisory committee for children.


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I watched the zoom presentation of this particular approval for children discussion hoping they would put a halt to it and was horrified when he said ‘we’ll only know after we start giving it’ !

His name is Dr. Rubin. I forget his first name…I can see his face in my minds eye whenever I think of that awful assessment and outcome.

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Yes!!! It was the fda? The talk they had about giving the jab to children. After that zoom meeting several of those fda drs resigned. The ones who had not a modicum of ethics stayed on. And here we are. What a joke all these alphabet agencies are.

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No, not the FDA. The CDC's ACIP. See my comment above.

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I think this is the guy. Lorry Rubin MD

Text at this link says "Dr. Rubin completed a four year term as a voting member of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)..."


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Don't think so....does not even remotely look like the guy at the meeting I saw.

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Ok, let's start over then. Do you know the date of the meeting you saw? There were several different ACIP meetings, focused on different brand vaccines and different ages of kids. It's not hard to find "summary minutes" for these meetings online, and the summary minutes include a list of participating members along with info on their comments.

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I try but it’s so difficult not to feel the pain and be instantly revolted at the thought of these monstrous criminal acts of inhumane violence. NO ONE who causes harm intentionally to children especially, should be allowed to continue enjoying their cushy disgusting lives as free individuals. This society has to change so completely in the form of basic rules and rights! Just look at how wonderfully the system has proven (repeatedly!!) how pedos are released. That should NEVER happen!! Their way of doing things is the most horrendous, unforgivable act against our most vulnerable, innocent, that I can think of. We’re going to need a whole lot more unity to make a 360 turn against ALL the flaws in law to make things well. Keep praying, hoping and envisioning and educating for a better world for them: the children that are the world’s future.

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They will be held accountable as everything is paid right here in life- karma is the final educator of the malicious lot.

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I think it was Lorry Rubin. See my comment right above.

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I think the expert was Lorry Rubin MD.

"Dr. Rubin completed a four year term as a voting member of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)..."


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I know someone who got the jabs and the boy, almost 3, is in my view going to be moderate to severely autistic. He also received all of the American recommended jabs since infancy.

I spent 8 years working with severe autism as an instructional aide. The boy also has a micro penis which I have seen because I have cared for him on many occassions. He is very speech delayed, aggressive and reportedly self injuring as there are reports of head banging. He is the whole sad package. At Christmas gathering he was acting up and the young parents looked stressed and confused. Righly so because they poisoned their own child.

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Parents are not given good informed consent. These poor people are like most and blindly follow their doctor’s “expert” advice. Do not blame them. Pity them. They face a lifetime of hardship.

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For sure. The brag every time they take the kids in to the well known Pedi in town for the shots,,,like it's an exciting and important childhood milestone. I have a totally unvaccinated 17 year old so I'm from the far other side.

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A tragedy for sure. Just wait til the world realizes what has been done to us!!

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I appreciate your comment . Although, we HAVE realized it and I dare say a great majority of us. It’s what helps me rest in the knowledge that I am open to it daily. We can play even the smallest part that may seem insignificant. Yet, educating as many others possible in this quest is key to real change.

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Please talk to Dr McCullough as he was quoting a white paper that showed most trans surgeries involved an Autistic child.

My understanding is vaccines causing autism ramped strongly in 2009, the socialists trained educators to groom the Autistic(I have proof of this). Lastly, Obamacare required insurances to pay for trans surgery.

The vaccine causes Autism as designed.

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Heads MUST roll...literally ,(

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Not just in children. Sudden onset in adults too.

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Confirming evidence please??

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Anecdotal. Bruce Willis e.g. Only time will tell. But if Autism is a cranial nerve injury combined with encephalopathy....? Look around; lots of incoherent adults lately.

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And if a pregnant woman took this poison, a believer if you like, coerced victim another description imo it's highly likely the baby is then given every possible jab itself including covid, from birth onwards. How on earth and who will be capable of disentangling what jab caused what?

Thank you for all you do and your passionate justified rage so beautifully expressed 🙏

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My observations too are anecdotal although I recall reading that adult onset autism and neurological issues are a known VAERS effect.

I have used the same group of tradesmen for several years, highly skilled at what they do. Incredible work and never a mistake. Known for this and great pride in their work. This last year (all multi jabbed despite my pleas, even on the stabbing day) so many silly mistakes it's very sad to witness and expensive to put right. My heart breaks for such trusting community minded guys to be damaged like this. I fear their loss. 🙏

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Sorry Kat; This is already horrible enough. You probably mean well. But, "Fears" are dangerous and harmful, even if they don't prove out in the end.

We really don't need more evidence of harm. What we need is enough courage to enforce Justice. The Courts and most of the People don't seem up to the challenge?

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PR, look up Dr Stenneff (sp) from MIT. She has a lot of theories on the damage to nerve system that travels up pathways to the brain from the spike proteins.

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yes, could be the spelling.

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Quantitative evaluation of whether the Nobel[1]Prize-winning COVID-19 vaccine actually saved millions of lives >>> Denis G. Rancourt, PhD, and Joseph Hickey, PhD >>> October 8, 2023 >>> https://correlation-canada.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2023-10-08-Correlation-Whether-Nobel-vaccine-saved-millions-of-lives.pdf

COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere >>> Denis G. Rancourt, PhD Marine Baudin, PhD Joseph Hickey, PhD Jérémie Mercier, PhD >>> September 17, 2023 >>> https://correlation-canada.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/2023-09-17-Correlation-Covid-vaccine-mortality-Southern-Hemisphere-cor.pdf

Smoking Gun! >>> July 16, 2023 >>> https://totalityofevidence.com/smoking-gun/

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