The default position regardless of scientific or political claims should always be CHOICE. When the option to “justify” is ever in play then FORCE will eventually rule the day. #ChoiceMask vs. #ForceMask? or #ChoiceVax vs. #ForceVax? Choice is freedom, Force is tyranny; it really is that simple.
The default position regardless of scientific or political claims should always be CHOICE. When the option to “justify” is ever in play then FORCE will eventually rule the day. #ChoiceMask vs. #ForceMask? or #ChoiceVax vs. #ForceVax? Choice is freedom, Force is tyranny; it really is that simple.
The default position regardless of scientific or political claims should always be CHOICE. When the option to “justify” is ever in play then FORCE will eventually rule the day. #ChoiceMask vs. #ForceMask? or #ChoiceVax vs. #ForceVax? Choice is freedom, Force is tyranny; it really is that simple.