For what it is worth ,Dr.Byram W. Bridle , you will always be one of my heroes .You stood up against what you knew was wrong among the so very few that supported you ,especially in the professional sector of medical care. Thank you from the bottom of my heart from a Canadian that never lost faith

in real science and in humanity.

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Just added him to the Hall of Fame (will soon update it):

The Hall of Fame of our unsung heroes: who’s who in the global #FreedomMovement


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BTW - 3 years in ... and I still do not know anyone who has died from Covid .. I don't even know anyone who has ended up in the hospital.

I do know at least a dozen people with serious vaccine injuries.

Funny that.

When I mention that to a Vaxxer I get the Zombie Thousand Year Stare

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I fired my primary care provider in order to avoid the health risks from the official narrative.

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Same with me but I know of 3 men now dead after 'life saving' jabs and many injured - eye problems, rashes, joint pain, memory problems, menstrual problems . . . I think people are blaming themselves for getting jabbed which is why they are not absolutely raging.

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B England my mum is suffering side effects, she was perfectly fine until she took them.

The third shot has done her health in and she realised and told them they were not jabbing her with anything else.

Too late now though I’m afraid but she wouldn’t listen to me and not get it.

Now she’s looking around at all the people dying or getting cancer out of nowhere and is asking me why I think all these people are dropping like flies.

We know three people who died in five weeks of one another, I’ve been to another funeral since them and someone else I know has turbo cancer out of the blue as well.

Our governments are evil, every politician should be held down and jabbed daily with this junk, they might then listen to the two original politicians who were speaking up at the start and asking for damage payments to be processed quickly and increased. This was well before Bridgen jumped onboard and made out he was against mandates, he voted for lockdowns and still believes they were the right thing to do.

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Sorry to hear about your mum, what a worry.

Ed Dowd calls this 'democide' = death by your government. What I don't understand is people's lack of common sense: 1. why be afraid of Covid which is a genetic name covering colds and flu 2. Who on earth would believe a 'vaccine' developed within 12 months would be safe?

It felt as though people lost their minds and no longer thought for themselves.

The reason behind all of this? MONEY. The plandemic was implemented to bring in 'vaccine passports' which would have been flipped to digital ID's. You need a digital ID in order to access your CBDC which govts worldwide intend to bring in to cover up the crimes of pensions spent and the fiat currencies imploding . . . Economies are purposely being driven off the cliff in order to bring in CBDC and if people accept this programmable money token which is also time limited, then we are no longer free people, we are slaves, finished. People need to wake up - do the OPPOSITE of what govts tell them to do. I spend every day in a fury at people's complete lack of common sense . . .

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I do wonder why every country on the planet has turned 'evil'....

Perhaps they know something that they are not telling us?

Something to massive and so horrifying ... that they are being forced to make a very unpalatable choice?


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I think the evil has been present for a very long time. It became turbo-charged with the introduction of neoliberalism and has been steadily increasing since. Of course, the 'evil' is the psychopathic lust for money and power. And the only solution I can see, is citizen solidarity, that demands Constitutional change to completely eliminate the role money plays in electoral systems and government departments; primarily health and defense. The fed must 100% fund them all. With effective leadership, this can be achieved.

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Whatever it is - and I still believe it's all about psychopathic lust for wealth and power over others; the only way to address it, is to unite globally and change the way governments are installed and made accountable. But that will only happen if the global movement is driven by quality leadership. It's a mammoth task, but Iceland came to within a hair's breadth of achieving a Constitutional rewrite following their near collapse due to the 2008 GFC. The event was named the 'pots and pans revolution'.

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This is even more depressing than the last 3 years. Since I'm unjabbed, I guess I will be dead in 10 days once the super covid comes?

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The Vaxxed will die quickly ... or at least be incapacitated with severe illness and that ensures minimal violence.

The Unvaxxed will be living in terror as we see billions sickened and dying .. and civilization falling apart. We will lock ourselves down to stay away from this carnage of disease and death... and starve.

This all sounds terrible but keep in mind the alterative - 8 billion hungry angry predators ... on the streets ... should this plan fail... that would be a far far far worse nightmare.

Murder and ‘corpse-eating’

Starving peasants were observed digging up recently buried corpses for their flesh. Accounts of murder or euthanasia, followed by butchery and feasting, were also reported. One woman refused to give over the body of her dead husband because she was using it for meat. Parents and siblings ate the bodies of dead children.

As the death toll increased, illegal trade in human flesh also emerged. Quantities of nondescript meat appeared in markets in Russian towns and cities, some of it undoubtedly human. An aid worker wrote of the situation in late 1921:

“Families were killing and devouring fathers, grandfathers and children. Ghastly rumours about sausages prepared with human corpses (the technical expression was ‘ground to sausages’) though officially contradicted, were common. In the market, among rough huckstresses swearing at each other, one heard threats to make sausages of a person.”


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I'm not denying the evil of most governments today, but there are other sources that say we have enough oil underground in the U.S. alone to live at the current consumption level for at least 200 more years.

Who to believe? (And I mean that as a serious question; there are many who claim to be experts in so many areas.)

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cnnbbc and the minions of the men who run the world tell you that...

Just as they tell you the Rat Juice is safe and effective.

We are steaming oil out of sand. Think about that

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They tried to scare in January this year with a kracken variant and get vaccine uptake but no one listened. Vaccine uptake was low. The new variant ERIS is the same. New booster to be authorized shortly in time for US elections. Let your loved ones know of the scam of kracken scary variant that magically disappeared. That tells the tale of covid.

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oh yes I definitely know that stare and silent treatment!

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I do not know anyone who knows anyone who died "of COVID", or if they do they are not talking. I recall seeing a company presentation online back in late 2020 or early 2021 and they solemnly announced that one person had died of COVID in the company. The company in question had over 70,000 employees. I suppose that it is possible that there were no other deaths in the company for that year: no suicides, no accidents, no cancers, no heart-related deaths. But for that one apparent COVID death, sing a requiem and ring all church bells in the town for a week.

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I lied. I do know of one person who's father apparently passed away from COVID in southern Europe. And also an elderly married couple in southern India--parents of a local person (I heard this second hand). Anecdotally I heard of a 90-something year old woman dying in Vancouver from COVID as well via my wife who heard this news from her mother.

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My dentist died of a massive coronary 50 something, fit and seemingly healthy...

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I know that look. You describe it well.

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I do know of 2-3 people who died of Covid directly in the hospital in late 2020, early 2021. It was terrible, and I grieve that treatments that might have helped were forbidden.

But I also know 3 younger/healthier people who died in their sleep soon after the vax, and many more with varying degrees of issues. And it seems ALL vaxxed got Covid anyway, and were pretty darn sick.

I am grateful for smart data driven people who are willing to examine the wreckage and ask tough questions. We all have to fight for truth and better.

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Bonita yes but it would have been worse without their 3 dart finish, could have died sooner!

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My friend lost both parents within 24 hours of each other, after they were hospitalized for respiratory infections. They were of different ages and had different medical histories, so I assume it was the same medical protocol that killed them.

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Protocol Remdesivir.

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Fast Eddy the only person I know who died from CovId was held hostage on one of the cruise ships. Confined to their cabins, he contracted it and never received a drop of treatment, he died of renal failure due to complications from the original infection.

Had he been treated he would still be here now, his wife never caught it off him even sharing the same cabin.

He did have Parkinson’s but was still fit enough to play golf three times a week. Like every other single person who they claim died of it, they wouldn’t have had they not been medically neglected.

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Fast Eddy - Ditto, Safe & Effective Mandated CURE 8 permanent severe damage + 7 pushing up daisies = 15 vs C19 ZERO hospitalized or dead. If it were T-ball, game over on the MERCY RULE.

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The only person I knew who "died" of covid was actually killed by the hospital's draconian treatment policies. Like you, I know several with serious vaccine injuries, as well some who died of issues related to the vaccine....

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Ditto. It's heartbreaking to know the truth and be ignored.

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You said it. And after nearly four years running! It's been four years and the Emperor is still walking naked in the street.

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My aunt had a massive stroke after getting that shot. She lost the ability to speak, lingered on for a few months, then finally passed.

Some relatives & friends who have gotten all the shots seem to have "COVID" (or some random cold) on a fairly regular basis. My son's friend had horrible chest pains whenever he exercised for quite awhile after getting his one & only shot. He learned from his mistake.

This is all a scam between govt/big pharma.

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True for many of us.

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I'm so glad we all took the shots

Preventing severe disease

And no-one who ever took them ever died from Covid

Or ended up in the hospitals

With fever, or a wheeze

I'm so glad it kept the community safe

And the clinics from being overrun.

Now the hospitals are almost silent, doctors sit around with nothing to do all day just twiddling their thumbs

I'm so glad because it reduced community transmission.

And I've only ever caught it twice.

Imagine never taking it, you sure would be rolling the dice.

And I'm glad it has no side effects, not short term at least so far.

That nobody had a bad reaction to it

Or developed disability, or a scar.

Pregnant people can pass it on to their unborn babies too

I hear the rates of miscarriage has flushed right down the loo

And that on the whole we are living longer lives, free of cancers, dementia and pain

Excess mortality statistics are clearly unrelated, unless you are insane!

I'm so glad we took the shots

Because the benefits outweigh the risks

And misinformation is super dangerous

Tearing society to bits

And all those athletes dropping dead

Are dope fiends, that's for sure

It's clearly climate change that's the real culprit

Knocking at our door

So follow the official instructions

And go wherever they tell you to go.

Because never in our collective history

Has the ruling class treated citizens like the foe.

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I don't think it will make flying any safer with the shot mandates for pilots. Glad most airlines have a copilot.

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well written!!!

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Thank you.

Truthfully I wasn't as impressed with this one as some of my others but never the less it communicates some important insights to consider and contemplate

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I live next to a fire station and a hospital. The sirens/truck/ambulances are zipping by every day like I have never experienced. The most concerning to me is that when I go to work at 4am I see at LEAST once a week an ambulance on their way to the hospital with no sirens. We all know what that means. My layers assistant , whom I met with last week, is so depressed by all the deceased cases she is working on, in particular the age of the victims. Another friend works in a hotel and has requested to be removed from funeral parties as there are so many it’s getting her down as well. We are a tourist town. This is not normal.

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Governments may be able to hide the data and cook the books in their own departments, but it will be all these industry knock-on effects that reveal the truth. From the firefighters and first responders to the paramedics, the nurses and doctors in emergency departments, the funeral homes and morticians/embalmers, the cemeteries and crematoriums, the casket makers, the life insurance companies, the lawyers (as you mention) handling deceased estates, and the Courts getting bogged down with estate and probate cases in people who were too young to have thought about making a will.

These industries will show us what the Government refuse to.

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The public does have a right to know but the public does not appear to want to know. Recall the statement made by a board member regarding your offer to provide more information regarding the risks of SAR-CoV-2. The board member is a good example of the public in general, no interest, can't be bothered, I know it all already becuase I watched a report on the CBC news, and Dr. Tam told me all I need to know. I am baffled by the level of ignorance displayed by the board member and the public and I am pretty sure you are too.

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The reason the public doesn't want to know it's because is too painful to accept what happened to them. And as long as they didn't have any side effects (yet) it's easy to rationalize that everything is just fine. I have read Dr. Geert V. B. book "The inescapable immune escape pandemic". I understood only half of it. But the other half that I was able to understand gave me shivers on my back. I have little doubts that the " tsunami of severe ilnesses and deaths" that he's predicting will happen sooner or later. Those are going to be very difficult moments for all of us.

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But if they'd speak out it would stop. If enough of them spoke out about their own vax injury or the death of a loved one or friend from the vax, the covid shots would be pulled. Maybe then something could be done to help the vax injured. The truth would set us all free. Instead, they are working on a new covid shot.

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Every day I break my " code of conduct" by speaking out. I expect to be fired and possibly fined someday.

But yes its essential to speak out.

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Agreed, fear of harming yourself and loved ones may very well be part of the phenomenon of dismissing the substantial evidence of risks associated with mRNA platform. Also, people want to be part of the larger group, they do not want to cast out of the group. Humans have this innate need to belong, they will sacrifice all to be a part of the cliche. This example may seem simple and silly but I don't think so. Consider the high school experience where belonging was as important as life and death, not a rationale thought or behavior but I think we have all felt this a some time in our lives. This is a weakness that is exploited.

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The more traditional vaccines: the viral vector vaccines like ASTRA Zeneca and Johnson and Johnson, caused more serious problems than the mRNA shots did. They caused severe blood clotting disorders that led to increased strokes, and Guilliane Barret Syndrome( ascending paralysis).

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I'm no expert but I did spend a considerable amount of time looking into the various stabs, as they were being developed. Back then drug companies were quite helpful if you seemed interested in their product. Even looked into Sputnik, which is also a viral vector, by the way. It is my understanding, which is hugely simplified of course and also could be wrong. I don't think that viral vector are traditional vaccines as an ordinary person would understand it. They are both methods to get your cells to produce spike proteins, just different delivery systems. If my simplified understanding then that would explain why both types exhibit similar problems. I would really appreciate it if someone with more knowledge would clarify this.

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I’m seeing a lot of health issues with my mom’s neighbors in her retirement community. Quick dementia, turbo cancer recurrence, heart issues. Sadly they chalk it up to old age. I’m here a lot helping her companion who has wild blood pressure swings and keeps falling. She has a droopy eye and neuropathy, right after the second shot. She’s in deep denial. He started seeing through it after he was admitted to the hospital and they isolated & restrained him (87 years old) for a positive Covid test and he had no symptoms, none of us did & we had been in the car together the day before, taking my mom to the airport.

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Dr. Bridle,

This is absolutely true where we live in the Fraser Valley, BC.. My husband is a Captain in the city fire service and saw very low emergency calls during the first stages of the pandemic. However, calls since the roll-out have been up significantly. Before the pandemic, he hardly recalls attending a stroke call... now he is attending nearly one stroke call a shift and most noticeably in younger populations not usually susceptible to stroke.

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My little town has a volunteer fire department. I’ve stayed in contact with the fire chief since covid began. The number of calls in 2020 were within the range of normal. But 2021 and 2022 were significantly higher. This year, calls are running higher for mid-August than was the case for 2020. It’s not because of fires or car accidents or even covid. It’s more heart attacks and strokes and some SADS.

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Lie after lie after lie. From falsely inflated hospitalization and death counts to suppression of true data to censorship and attacks on doctors to massive corruption to pushing deadly mRNA products, the covid operation is the biggest fraud in history - so far. (The climate "crisis" fraud is a close second, and might surpass covid down the road.)

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Thanks again Dr. Bridle, for showing us the true statistics. It is professionals like you that give me hope. We must stand resolved and question the mainstream narratives.

Karen Weber

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Spot on. Critical thinking is now illegal.

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A Pandemic of Deceit

Where Is The Pandemic? According To The BC Government Records Hospitalizations and ICU admissions in BC During the Covid-19 Pandemic Did Not Increase Compared to the Previous Years


Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE

'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'


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Nice work - and it must be frustrating to deal with such idiots:

“Myself, my family and very close friends have been working on the front lines though this pandemic and I have very little time or patience for this. You should do a ride full tour along with an EMS/Fire service in your area or perhaps do a full rotation shift shadow with a ICU nurse. This would give you a good perspective“.

Even if you were to show them this article they would continue to spew their rubbish.

Last year I approached St Johns ambulance service in NZ in the capacity of an investor seeking information on call outs... for the purpose of determining of putting together info on whether or not to short insurers.

They refused to provide the data.

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Is there any wonder?! Of course not! Every criminal will do anything to hide their crimes till the very end. May I suggest you look at the charts of each insurance company? They will provide valuable information for those who understand technical analysis. But the data you were trying to get would have been without doubt useful. I wonder to how many vaccines recipients did they pay life insurance to because of deaths or severe ilnesses? If the insurance companies are not in trouble it could be for two reasons: either the death and ilness rate is not big enough to destroy their balance sheet or simply they refuse to pay the insurance to those who died because of the shots. There was a story on this topic in the French media. It would be interesting to find out why if the latest is the case. And since they refuse to release their data your best bet is to study their charts. I hope this helps.

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I would not rule out that the governments in each country are supporting the insurance companies by paying out on their behalf -- and that the books are being cooked.

Recall how they suspended (permanently) mark to market accounting when the GFC hit.

They will do whatever it takes to ensure their plan does not fail - and that all 8 billion are exterminated.

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I actually wonder if you would qualify for a payout when technically you consented to being injected with an experimental substance? Wouldn’t most insurers have something in the fine print about participating in a medical trial negating your insurance and that would be a reason to claim on a govt program for medical injury (good luck getting any compensation). This really wasn’t discussed when they rolled out the shots because 1) they called them “vaccines “ when they really were genetic injections and 2)they gaslit everyone into believing they were not experimental. Any insurance folks care to comment?

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Ed Dowd has been covering the insurance industry numbers.

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I was living and working from home in small town rural NZ 2019-2023. Until the jab roll-out I'd hear an average of 1 ambulance siren per week as it headed out to an emergency call. We were only 150m away so heard most of them - may have missed some during the night but I'm a very light sleeper and they were pretty loud.

Always took mental note of them as they weren't frequent and I'd stop to pray for the crew and their patient. A bad week was 2 sirens heading out. Seriously crazy was 3 but there would have been only maybe a half dozen of those at the very most over the WHOLE of 2019-2020. A whole week with no sirens wasn't anything unusual.

By the time the V's rolled out we had moved to a home at least 1km away, so I would assume I missed hearing quite a few sirens esp if the ambulance was heading in the other direction. Despite that I heard, on average, at least one siren per day. At least 1-2 days/week with 2 or more call-outs. Occasionally a day without - maybe once a week averaged out.

It was such a huge change I just noticed it of my own accord. The sheeple didn't seem to, or pretended not to. Thankfully I was in contact with a good number of fellow refuseniks who confirmed my ears weren't imagining things.

So call-outs doubled at the very least, perhaps 5-7x'd at worst. They did drop off slowly after only the refuseniks were left to persuade but then picked up noticeably within days of the boosters being released.

Shocking (although sadly I wasn't at all shocked by then) that no officials, police, or emergency responders made any noise over it. Of course they'd made sure to mandate those roles all be jabbed first so they were already fully invested in 'safe and effective'.

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Emergency rooms are overwhelmed... that seems to be a common story in all the high vax countries

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You dont need access to the call out data logs from them- download the app if your in that particular country. In Australia the emergency services apps list the call out data.😉

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Dr. Bridle-You’re a trustworthy man…you hold integrity and grit in one hand…truth and justice in the other. StandFirm! We support you. God is with you!

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Keep the names and positions and duties of each person responsible for their actions in this horrific evil genocide against humanity.

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I’ve noticed an uptick in fire/ambulance calls in my area ( coastal Virginia) over the past few months. And they’re starting earlier in the day. I know what’s going on. Wonder if any other locals know...

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I live close to an ambulance route and their off call lair, for years typically I would hear 4 ambulances a week. Now, always more than that with the peak volume going up to 4+ a day as in now - seems to be a few weeks with it back to the old 4 a week but now 4 a day is an average day. The change in the local population numbers does not account for even a fraction of the increase in calls.

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Joining the party--as a teenager, almost 60 years ago, I began the practice of uttering a prayer for those involved, each time I heard a siren. Ergo, I have been reacting to that noise for a long time. I recently remarked to husband that I have been needing to make those prayers far more often lately--several times a week. I confess that I have not kept records of frequency, and I don't know the distinction between fire and ambulance horns. I live close enough to main roads, and to the turnpike, to be able to hear what's going on. Philadelphia suburbs.

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Definite increase in calls over the past few months where I live ( coastal Virginia). It’s terribly obvious.

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Other coast and another country but the same ambulance calls are increasing, must be because of the new variant that has several names including Eris the Greek Goddess of Strife and discord - think they got the name right this time:)

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