The death penalty is stupid, imo. If we can’t see that we are all the same at root and our criminal justice system is consequently based on pride, anger and punishment, as it is, we just pour fuel on the fire so that people who are released from prison are greater enemies of society than when they went in and those who are executed reinc…
The death penalty is stupid, imo. If we can’t see that we are all the same at root and our criminal justice system is consequently based on pride, anger and punishment, as it is, we just pour fuel on the fire so that people who are released from prison are greater enemies of society than when they went in and those who are executed reincarnate, imo, and express their increased anger as well. As I think Ghandi said, “An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.”
Colin Wilson. He was an amazing man! Thanks for that link. I first read his work in the early '70's. I watch very very few movies, but I did see Avatar 1...which he produced & I recognized those characters the second I saw them...he also wrote The Mind Parasites, one of the only fiction books in my library. Thank you,🙏
I stand corrected! Thanks for enlightening me on that...but I am disappointed. I think that the original Colin Wilson would have approved of Avatar, anyway :-)
The death penalty is stupid, imo. If we can’t see that we are all the same at root and our criminal justice system is consequently based on pride, anger and punishment, as it is, we just pour fuel on the fire so that people who are released from prison are greater enemies of society than when they went in and those who are executed reincarnate, imo, and express their increased anger as well. As I think Ghandi said, “An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.”
"we are all the same at root"? 😱💩
Speak for yourself. You ever been the victim of criminal predation Jon? Because I have. Indulge me, read something I wrote about a decade ago:
PS Spend the money, and read this; "A Criminal History of Mankind" by Colin Wilson:
Colin Wilson. He was an amazing man! Thanks for that link. I first read his work in the early '70's. I watch very very few movies, but I did see Avatar 1...which he produced & I recognized those characters the second I saw them...he also wrote The Mind Parasites, one of the only fiction books in my library. Thank you,🙏
Avatar: that’s a different Colin Wilson. The occult writer is much older. And not a Hollywood dude
I'll double check, but I think he's the same dude. He died very shortly after Avatar...yes, he was old. But very very wise.
Sorry: Two different people.
I stand corrected! Thanks for enlightening me on that...but I am disappointed. I think that the original Colin Wilson would have approved of Avatar, anyway :-)
Possibly. He was the quintessential tough-minded optimist.
You're so welcome!