Yet another excellent analysis of what's wrong all around us regarding the Covid vaccines. I've been following Dr. Bridle since he first phoned the Toronto radio station to advise them of the Japanese study on the vaccines and Covid. Dr. Bridle is one of the few upstanding, experts now offering his vast knowledge on this topic to authorities who sadly will likely ignore his offer and suggestions of what needs to be done.

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The "Authorities" have done quite enough on this; Which amounts to 'Dereliction of duty' and 'Breach of trust'. Very sadly, it is now up to us!

There are no people worthy of judging themselves Honestly.

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"will likely ignore"? 😳💩

How about "will 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗹𝘆 ignore"?

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Maybe so but I give my MP an earful on a regular basis. I don't plan on ever letting him or others forget.

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Assuming he in fact "hears" you..

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You should identify your MP. Anonymity is a tool used all of the time by government.

I always mention Alistair McGregor in my critical posts. He has recently been elevated to NDP caucus leader or something.

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"Cockus leader or CUCKus leader?

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"Yet another excellent analysis of what's wrong all around us regarding the Covid vaccines"

It's not just COVID vaccines which are 'wrong'. All vaccines, as in 100%, slaughter human beings. Most live; but slaughtered.

Why is Dr Bridle, and all other "Frontline Doctors" except Yeadon & Marik, STILL (strongly) pushing all other dangerous vaccines except The Kooky Covid 19 vaccine? Think about this. Long and hard. There is a reason ....

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I am vaccine injured. All of what I have learned in the last 4 years angers me greatly. The constant stress will do me in I’m sure. I’m sick with worry over my granddaughter whose mother was vaccinated and breast fed. There was no trialling on pregnant women but were pushed regardless. The corruption in peer review, health agencies and governments sickens me. So many very bright and ethical scientists worldwide are alarmed with their findings. Attempts to warn governments is falling on deaf ears. Trust in our institutions is at an all time low for obvious reasons. There’s too much corruption, wealth, influence and power in the institutions meant to protect. I’m scared.

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Same with dialysis patients - their "consent" forms specifically stated the "vaccines" were not tested in people in kidney failure, but were recommended anyway 😠

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Or liver transplant recipients, which my husband is! And his Hematologist Team sent us our "VAT" numbers for our JABS which we declined to receive from day ONE! So glad we did.

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Isn't it strange pregnant women are told they can't eat raw shellfish or a slightly uncooked egg.

But here take this experimental injection, no worries

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That’s one of the moments an alarm went off in my mind! I wouldn’t even take a Tylenol (which I wouldn’t anyhow) when I was pregnant decades ago. To pull a tooth that nearly drove me to madness, I only washed with saltwater. This push to vax everyone, including pregnant women and children, should NEVER have been accepted. I will not judge anyone, especially in this type of coercive manipulation. Yet, in the future- we should always be wary of such “rules and regulations” of every type, when we are in a supposedly free country.

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"Attempts to warn governments is falling on deaf ears."

They're not deaf and this psychological attack was not a mistake. The population damage was intentional, just like a world war but with far greater casualties long term.

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Vivien, if you are a follower of Jesus, I encourage you to pray and rebuke the negative effects of the spike within your body and those of your family and friends. the Lord is stronger than any poison.

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Rest assured that the devil gets his dues. Hell hath enlarged itself continually.

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So, let's see now.. 🤔

2017 I was forced out of my paid-for home which I very foolishly purchased on "First Nations" land, while our politicians Federal and Provincial stood by and did nothing: Customs and usage since 1763, Reservations are conveniently considered to be "independent countries" and what goes on, on the Reservation, stays on the Reservation. It was also 2017 and I first learned of Jordan Peterson with his opposition to Justine Castreau's compelled pronoun legislation... You're looking at serious fines or prison time if you refuse to indulge these profound psychotics laughingly referred to in the Media as "The Transgendered Community." In March of 2020 began the Covid Fraudemic and 4 years of orchestrated, calculated lunacy, the mask-wearing imbecility, then the morally abominable "Vaccine Mandates" – of an untested, unapproved, unlicenced, experimental drug – and I was forced out of my job. November 2020 the Lethal Injections were released under the FDA's "Emergency Use Authorization" and Health Canada appropriated same without so much as a glance let alone a thought. January – February 2022 and The Trucker's Protest caught world-wide attention but that black-face assclown Justine Castreau and Kuntstia Freeloader invoked Martial Law and seized the financial assets of anyone who supported the protest... and not one commercial bank in the country had the balls let alone the decency to say "We will not comply with this naked theft and tyranny!" And let me add, May 2022 and the government seizure of people’s firearms; 300 thoroughly unremarkable bolt-action rifles and pump-action shotguns have been made retroactively illegal, together with the confiscation of heirloom revolvers and pistols. I’m sure the criminal element in Canada is shaking in its boots.

Come 2023, we're hearing garbage about "Disease X" -- what it's going to be we won't know till it happens, but Bill Gates has promised us we'll all "notice it this time" together with the passage in May this year WHO's "Pandemic Response Treaty"... and you know and I know, it's going to happen: The permanent cessation of ALL human rights and liberties...

Thus, it's been 7 years now of Orwellian / Kafkaesque Outrage and Atrocity, the grossest criminal incompetence and deliberate criminal malfeasance on the part of 99.99% of our so-called "elected representatives". The performance of all our so-called leaders has been an inexcusable, absolute bloody disgrace. Here in British Columbia Adrian Dix and "Butcher Bonnie" Henry did everything they could to foment terror, panic and hysteria and everywhere else in the world similar or worse barbarities were and are being perpetrated. And that's not to talk about the the utterly bogus “Climate Change” hoax, the destruction of supply lines, the conflagrations of East Palestine or Maui; never mind the judicial murders of people like Julian Assange or Gonzalo Lira, the deliberate slow bleed in Ukraine or the genocide in Occupied Palestine.

And now this, this stinking turd for our olfactory stimulation. The mRNA Injections in Canada were compromised with foreign bacteria and Health Canada buried the news, you say?😱 Imagine my shock!🙄💩

One more time: "When do the arrests begin? When will the monsters responsible be held to account, and publicly executed for this, the most appalling crime in human history? " Nothing less is adequate. 🤔

Why the entire planet is not in open, violent bloody revolt is incomprehensible to me.

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PS: Just thought of them this morning: John Magufuli of Tanzania, Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi, and Shinzo Abe of Japan: All three outspoken in their contempt of the Covid Fraudemic and The Lethal Injections. All dead under peculiar circumstances. You'd need the brains of a kumquat not to understand those deaths – Like Diana Spencer's – were Intelligence Agency takedowns

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The death penalty is stupid, imo. If we can’t see that we are all the same at root and our criminal justice system is consequently based on pride, anger and punishment, as it is, we just pour fuel on the fire so that people who are released from prison are greater enemies of society than when they went in and those who are executed reincarnate, imo, and express their increased anger as well. As I think Ghandi said, “An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.”

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"we are all the same at root"? 😱💩

Speak for yourself. You ever been the victim of criminal predation Jon? Because I have. Indulge me, read something I wrote about a decade ago: https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/2013/09/22/on-the-mediocrity-of-the-cbc/

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Colin Wilson. He was an amazing man! Thanks for that link. I first read his work in the early '70's. I watch very very few movies, but I did see Avatar 1...which he produced & I recognized those characters the second I saw them...he also wrote The Mind Parasites, one of the only fiction books in my library. Thank you,🙏

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Avatar: that’s a different Colin Wilson. The occult writer is much older. And not a Hollywood dude

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I'll double check, but I think he's the same dude. He died very shortly after Avatar...yes, he was old. But very very wise.

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Sorry: Two different people.

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You're so welcome!

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Excellent suggestion that the regulators ought to be chosen based on three characteristics: expertise, integrity and courage. Let’s shitcan DEI and replace it with EIC.

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In the mean time while they are denying the science, no diagnostic test is being worked on. Phillip Buckhaults IRB application most likely will be denied. There is no acknowledgment or help. If the public only knew you’re on your own if you’re vaccine injured. This is all so evil.

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Sorry to hear about your vax injury. Consider yourself lucky in regards to the fact that you have become aware, and obviously won’t be fooled again by the evil agenda. Prayers for you and your darling granddaughter 🙏

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Terrible you’ve suffered jab injuries, but there are docs out there that have helped the jab injured.

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"docs out there that have helped the jab injured"

Interesting. What do they use to help them? And, do they really help them? Have you followed a bunch of vax (all vaccine) injured folks to see if what they offer actually helps them?

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Prof Steven Pelech in Vancouver has some interesting analytics.

The N protein antigen test used (and withdrawn) by LifeLabs was not too useful, but I understand that Kinexus can test for other Spike and Coronavirus antibodies.

The study is still in progress; we will see how well their tests can discriminate Covid infection sequelae from Vaxx injury.

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Yes, it is evil unto itself but the tentacles of the beast are wrapped around the fools who pushed it and they will receive their recompense.

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In a recent Dr. John Campbell video, he shows a clip from the UK parliament where Rishi Sunak, their PM, stands up, bangs his fist on a table and states that 'the covid shots are safe'. Dr. Campbell pointed out that he didn't add 'and effective'. That's at least a baby step forward. Admitting they're not safe will open the flood gates to lawsuits, justifiably of course, they're playing games to try to avoid this and their own personal responsibility.

Take a look at the exchange at the 5 minute mark of this 7 minute video. The beginning is worth watching but very sad. The MP is a real fighter!


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That's the same video that John Campbell featured, that I linked to. Sunak failed, in more ways than one.

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Did the UK participate in the mRNA experiment, though?

The issues with the AZ vaccines were at least recognized in North America, but I was under the impression they continued to be offered in the UK and elsewhere.

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What I just learned, was that the UK does not allow anyone under 65 years old to get the Covid shot unless a doctor proves their patient is severely immunocompromised (which is another subject), but that was welcome news compared to the US and Canada's stance of continuing to push it on 6 mth infants and up. The reason for the UK decision to stop the shots in under 65 year olds was the risks outweigh benefits. Why didn't Sunak respond with this information instead of gaslighting the public once again? Was it to continue to convince the over 65 year olds to keep getting the boosters?

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Astra Zeneca was quietly dropped in the UK fairly quickly after the fanfares and trumpet blowing.

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That's a good point, certainly in the beginning (late 2020 and early 2021) I think that the UK used Astrazeneca a lot but I think they also changed to Pfizer and Moderna for the most part. All of John Campbell's video's that I've seen focus on Pfizer and Moderna shots and issues with them.

It's an easy search on the internet.

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The AZ was giving too many haematological side effects which couldn't be concealed.

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Add to the list that these agencies & their employees can receive no donations or financial gain from their work & are prohibited from working for a pharma company for 5 years after employment at a government agency.

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Thank you Dr Bridle. I had not read Dr. Jessica Rose's Substack article explaining the mechanics of the clot shot before. Devoted over an hour; well worth my time.

Is this quote still true?


It has been two years, six months, and twenty-six days (938 total days) since the administration of my employer, the University of Guelph, banned me from accessing my office and laboratory. I spoke truths about COVID-19 when much of the world was not ready to hear them. As the University of Guelph still expects me to work, I would like to have access to my work spaces. Segregation makes me feel less than human.

- B. Bridle -

Do you think that you'd want to go back and work at your former Uni if they retracted their expulsion, admitted the gross injustice?

I hope your future includes justice - whatever that is.

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A classic Substack for the record. One day you, your family and children will look back on your words and writing with pride knowing that in the heat of battle you did not hesitate to protect them and your country.

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Back in 2021 Health Canada said they had contracted a third party to test the covid injections and found them "safe and effective." Is that so? Whomever they contracted obviously did a bad job. But more likely, this was a bald faced LIE given what they are saying now about how it's up to the pharmaceutical companies to do the testing.

The fact that three years later they are only now "looking into it" based on an article Dr. Rose has written shows gross negligence on their part. People have DIED because of these shots, LOTS of people. And Health Canada recommended these shots for pregnant mothers. There needs to be jail time for the people responsible for this.

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I didn’t hear or read about the “third party” testing these shots. In my mind, they went back to the manufacturers, pfizer, Moderna to get answers to the safety issues. Which of course is insane. Governments worldwide are aware of what’s going on. The only thing I can imagine is that they see the majority of people seem to be back leading a normal life. I see it too. Out and about people seem to be “normal.” Why was I injured? What’s different about me? Or are some of those people ticking time bombs? So many questions and no answers.

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The Epoch Times linked to this article:

"Insights into new-onset autoimmune diseases after COVID-19 vaccination"


I took a look at it and the word "diabetes" appears 24 times in that article. The reason this interests me is because my daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes within two weeks of getting the covid shot (can't remember if it was the first or second shot), and that was the first thing I thought although we've never really discussed it, and I've never wanted to go there. Still, I've been keeping my eyes and ears open to that.

Now I really want to know more about this possible connection.

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That's a link to the data that Pfizer had to release, obtained under a Freedom of Information request, which shows a list of side effects associated with their shot. Diabetes Mellitus is listed.

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If you look diligently, you may find commentary that Type 1 diabetes is an immunologic attack on the pancreatic islet cells.

Maybe in "Turtles All the Way Down" or elsewhere in my reading I have seen this, with the hypothesis that our vigorous immunisation schedules have induced the rise (before Covid) of T1DM incidence.

There have been trials of immune suppression in new onset T1DM, with brief remission.

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Yes, there are a bunch of studies out there which I've now come across. Many of them involve adult onset, which doesn't necessarily apply in our case, but it definitely looks like there's a connection.

New-onset Type 1 Diabetes after COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination - Masahiro Yano


"Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 also induces type 1 diabetes; however, only a limited number of reports are available on cases of new-onset diabetes after COVID-19 vaccination."

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I should also add that there being "a limited number of reports" makes sense, since we never reported ours. I'm sure there are many more cases that were not reported.

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I just finished a fascinating book called Fisman's Fraud, published by R.N. Wateel on the pseudoscience and fraud regarding the unvaccinated in Canada. I highly recommend it.

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This is a link to an excellent interview with Ms. Wateel. Fraudulent research cannot be tolerated. She is a very competent person and supports her research with conviction. https://thecanadianindependent.substack.com/p/watch-regina-watteel-joined-the-canadian?r=15eyho&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&open=false

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Note that Fisman's article was in CMAJ.

Demands for retraction were repulsed by the CMAJ editors, including Kirsten Patrick, editor-in-chief.

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Another crime committed was the “vaxx” companies being allowed to use a different manufacturing process once they got the approval after the shortened trials.

Mass production was done with poor QC which later showed the contamination we are now discussing. Is this SOP in other pharmaceutical manufacturing? It’s like a huge “bait and switch” - we show you what we will deliver, but then give you sub-standard crap to shoot into your body…

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Always follow the money 💰, sadly.

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PM Blackface knows exactly what he’s doing. Why? Who knows what motivates a psychopath. High time to clear out all the trash from parliament and demand accountability from our elected representatives, reminding them they are there at our service, not as our overlords.

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Well, In that case there is nolonger any question or doubt about "Negligent Homicide".

This charge applies to all the Health Canada staff involved and all of the Provincial "Health Authorities". Though the list of people guilty of these crimes is long, the Prosecutions should begin from the highest levels and work downward. Senior persons are responsible for the actions of subordinates.

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