A big "Thank You" coming your way! Love that you are solution oriented despite all that you have been through. From a Huge Fan in Wyoming USA.

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Just enrolled - looking forward to it. I love the fact that it is recorded and can be watched when we have time. Very much like the hospital rounds in the GTA and at UofBC. Wish we could change our universities back to telling the truth instead of propaganda but I think it’s coming soon. Keep up your great work!

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Thank you, Dr Bridle for everything you have done, are doing and will continue to do for us....wondering if you know or have heard of JJ Couey... he has mentioned you in some of his podcasts and speaks highly of you and also Denis Rancourt..... I hope you can connect with him soon.... https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological


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Hi StellaMaris,

I have had the pleasure of chatting with JJ Couey a few times, albeit too briefly since we were in group meetings. I have the utmost of respect for his knowledge and his interesting and insightful theories. He gives me lots to think about and I appreciate the fact that he is so open to respectful, fact-based discussions.

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That makes me soo happy.....I hope you can get together because you both have brilliant minds! Canada is so lucky to have you! 💗🍁

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Hate to bug you, Dr. Bridle, but although you responded to a previous comment I made about the expectations of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - saying you had a lot of respect for him but disagree about how the pandemic is going to go - you still haven't elaborated on the scientific basis of your disagreement, stating exactly where you think he has it wrong. He's scaring the shit out of a lot of people, including myself, saying he is "200% confident" we're going to see a new Covid variant which causes a tsunami of morbidity and mortality in the countries where a large percentage of the population received two or more mRNA shots (I'm not sure what his position is with regard to the other Covid vaccines), which will also lead to extreme economic and social chaos. He's estimating a 50% chance this will begin this month and a 99% chance it will begin by the end of July and is advising the Covid-vaccinated to procure antivirals like ivermectin and to begin taking them, at latest, when news reports of rapidly increasing hospitalizations and deaths in any country or state start emerging, saying he expects some people to die within 24 hours of exhibiting symptoms (like I believe was the case in the 1918 pandemic). With him sounding so credible to so many people, including myself, I am losing trust in anyone who professes to be any kind of an expert on the pandemic who won't respond to his arguments in a detailed, scientific way. His website is at https://VoiceForScienceAndSolidarity.org, his Substack is at https://voiceforscienceandsolidarity.substack.com, and his latest harrowing interview, from Friday, is at

https://kunstler.com/podcast/kunstlercast-398-dr-geert-vanden-bossche-and-the-coming-acute-crisis-of-covid-among-the-vaccinated. Thank you for your kind consideration.

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Hi Jon,

I have reviewed Geert's theory. It could be correct. But, like any theory, we need hard evidence to either prove it correct or incorrect. This is usually done in the context of an experiment; ideally an animal-based experiment. Like Geert, I am concerned about what multiple doses of the COVID-19 shots have done to people's immune systems. There is mounting evidence of things like immunological imprinting and induction of tolerance through mechanisms like the inappropriate switching of antibodies to what is called an "IgG4 isotype". I reviewed a lot of public health data in multiple countries and multiple regions within countries. Combined with a growing number of publications, the sum total of the data suggest that those who received COVID-19 shots tend to be enriched among those getting diagnosed with COVID-19 as time progresses. Here is the main difference between what Geert says and what I lean towards: he has highlighted the nature of variants that could result in SARS-CoV-2 shifting from what is currently a relatively weak virus to one that is substantially dangerous (i.e., it could efficiently infect the lower airways where it would cause severe pneumonia and viremia [spreading through the blood]). I am simply looking at the natural history of the interaction of viruses with people. When following a natural course, most viruses become more contagious but less dangerous over time since this promotes their survival. Ebola virus is a good example of a virus that is so deadly that epidemics remain small and relatively contained because the virus renders itself extinct within the local human population (it survives in reservoir species). With that said, the sum total of the evidence suggests SARS-CoV-2 is NOT a naturally occurring virus, so the general hallmarks of natural interactions between people and viruses might not apply. Ultimately, predictions of how SARS-CoV-2 behaves in the future remain in the realm of theory. My concerns are greater for people who have received many doses because data suggest there may be a dose-response effect when it comes to potential immunological harms. Personally, I can never state anything about biological systems with 100% certainty. Biology is, by its very nature, an imperfect science with exceptions to almost every rule. I do recommend that everyone, whether they've taken the shots or not, work on optimizing their immune systems by ensuring they are in the best health possible, testing their vitamin D concentrations, etc. For example, when it comes to vitamin D, there is plenty of research suggesting that the historical risk of getting severe COVID-19 was extremely low for people with vitamin D3 circulating at concentrations >60 ng/mL. So, to make a long story short, I prefer to focus on the data that are accumulating. So far, the course for SARS-CoV-2 has been to predictably become more contagious but less pathogenic. Theoretical biology is important but, as you point out, it can also instill fear. Geert might be correct and I cannot say that he is or isn't. But one thing that both Geert and I agree on is that we both hope he is not correct in his prediction.

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Fantastic thread Dr B. Been following you now since 2021 and really appreciate how you’ve kept us informed whilst being censored by our own government. Those of us who became aware of individuals like yourself having your life’s work disrupted by our corrupt system will be forever grateful for your bravery. Through yourself, Malone, Kirsch, Weinstein, McCullough we have the “dream team” of truth tellers who have a much larger following than you can imagine. We are filled with gratitude for your work and integrity.

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Thank you, Dr. Bridle. I have reproduced your response in the comments section of Dr. Vanden Bossche's Substack at https://voiceforscienceandsolidarity.substack.com/p/how-often-have-i-said-to-you-that-72d/comments, we'll see if there are any interesting responses. The only thing I'll say is that we may have been unduly influenced by the dubious quote "We have nothing to fear except fear itself" into neglecting the value of fear in situations which are actually dangerous, where fear can motivate us to take action which mitigates the danger. The question is whether Dr. Vanden Bossche is correct in his assessment of the danger. And I think it's important to note that he's not just talking about a more virulent virus but one that will primarily be deadly for many who were vaccinated. There's certainly a lot to be discussed here, I'll leave it to Dr. Vanden Bossche or people who understand the science he's proferring to respond further.

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The fact that nobody in this world is willing to debate Dr. Geert V.B. just gives me more confirmation that there is a very high probability that he will turn out to be right again. I never heard of any doctor that has the same background as him, which allows him to make such a strong forecast. I believe the only way to prove or disprove his forecast is to assemble the best team of doctors that have the same expertise in every area he's trained in: vaccinology, immunology, virology, evolutionary biology, and yes veterinary medicine. If you can bring in the best doctors trained in each of these areas there may be a chance to prove his tsunami forecast wrong. But I have a feeling that he's going to crush every single argument in this regard. It looks to me that nobody really understands this incredible dynamic better than him. With that being said, there are two doctors in this world to whom I owe the deepest gratitude: Dr. Brian Bridle and Dr. Geert V.B. They both played a significant role saving my family. Dr. Geert V.B. was the first who raised my alarm bells. But it was Dr. Bridle who rescued my family: I had a difficult time persuading them that these shots are a bad idea. But once I saw the interview with Dr.Bridle in early March of 2021, all my worries melted away. That interview did the trick: it was so powerful that it persuaded my family to stay away from those toxic shots. I can't thank Dr. Bridle enough for that. My family will remember you for generations to come: as a hero that will always have a special place in our hearts.

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The only thing that will prove Geert VB right or wrong is the passage of time & the events that take place.

Let’s hope his forecast is wrong.

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I was part of the inaugural course offering. Frankly I was blown away - by how intricately our bodies and immune systems have been created and how our instructors (3 of Canada’s leading scientific minds) were able to disseminate that information. My questions were often basic but I never once felt like I could not ask them. It was an outstanding experience and I HIGHLY recommend it.

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Thanks for sharing your experience of the course. It is helpful!

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excellent course plan

I took 4 years of science in nursing school 110 years ago (haha) and

it never fades, and we are always learning and want more to learn!

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This is excellent. Thanks.

Could you create more courses that cover the scientific findings for various immune boosting nutraceuticals - like the medicinal mushrooms and all the Vit D research to date? I’d definitely take that course too.

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Dear Lover Of Truth,

Thank you for these recommendations. I will pass them along to our operations team. The team at ImmunoCeutica will be participating in a big conference about vitamin D on November 1 and 2 of this year. It will bring together top experts in the field of vitamin D research. People can attend in-person (in the vicinity of Toronto/Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) or virtually. If interested in learning more as this event approaches, please sign up for ImmunoCeutica's newsletter: https://forms.zohopublic.com/immunoceuticainc/form/NewsletterSignUp1/formperma/FGGSJfbWf2SGqYpHfYZhPXZJNMoTcdxkG5uwIOh6rNc

...or keep an eye on the website for the Canadian COVID Care Alliance, whose members will also be involved (https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/).

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Thanks very much - I’ll likely attend that event and I will sign up for the newsletter.

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Congratulations! A greatly needed public service.

I am certain that the course will be welcome and a great success.

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Any chance of CME in future?

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That’s a great idea - you could get a company like Healthy Planet to sponsor a road show through the main cities in Ontario.

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Dear Mark and Lover Of Truth,

This is definitely something that we are going to look into.

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For those considering taking the next iteration of Immunoceutica’s course on Immunology I highly recommend it. I took the most recent iteration and learned a great deal. I also got a sense of how vast the subject is. Not only did I get the sense that I know very little in comparison to what the scientific community has learned, but also the sense that the scientific community itself has only begun to plumb its depths.

One of the biggest problems that the average person (like me) has in dealing with all the conflicting claims during this Covid era is knowing who to trust. Having a certain amount of basic knowledge about the immune system is a help in making the assessment of who is a bullshitter, who is an honest reliable expert, and who is an honest but mistaken expert. Everyone is fallible, whether you’re an average person or an expert, and the more you get educated in the subject the more likely it will be that you will be able to make an accurate assessment of who is reliable and who is not. The course helps.

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Thank you so much for offering the course. I learned but also realize how much I don’t know. Dr. Bridle you are an absolute asset to Canada. You should be recognized for such with a sincere apology. Things seem to be moving ahead ever so slowly about this tragedy that was foisted on us starting with lab leak to the propaganda and lies. Dr. Phillip Buckhaults got his IRB approved and asking for tissue samples worldwide. What would we do without the ethical non captured scientists such as yourself. Thank you.

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I definitely want to sign up for this course!

Where do I sign up and what is the fee?


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Hi Kelly,

You can sign up here: https://immunoceutica.ca/products-services/immunology-infectious-diseases/

The fee is $399 CDN

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just signed up to the NL, thanks Doc! Looking forward to learning more :)

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Is the price in CAD or USD? ($399)

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Another scamdemic organized by the scumbag world elites [morons]. PCR FALSE POSITIVE bs garbage test used in this non science oriented elitist scumbag scamers! These same shills were thrown from the temples steps 1990 years ago! These are the degenerate evil doers that have slithered this earth since the beginning of time itself. Good will prevail as usual as it is the natural equilibrium of God given nature itself.

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