I agree 100 per cent. These are insane people wanting to exterminate us all, either intentionally, or because they are possessed by something that has overwhelmed every iota of intelligence and common sense that exists in them and the miasma of denial and disbelief across the broader public and press is the fuel that emboldens it, whatever it is.
I agree 100 per cent. These are insane people wanting to exterminate us all, either intentionally, or because they are possessed by something that has overwhelmed every iota of intelligence and common sense that exists in them and the miasma of denial and disbelief across the broader public and press is the fuel that emboldens it, whatever it is.
I agree 100 per cent. These are insane people wanting to exterminate us all, either intentionally, or because they are possessed by something that has overwhelmed every iota of intelligence and common sense that exists in them and the miasma of denial and disbelief across the broader public and press is the fuel that emboldens it, whatever it is.