Could this possibly be why vaccines "messiah", Bill Gates, is buying up agricultural land like there's no tomorrow? Makes one wonder, also, about what might end up being added to that phony lab-grown meat he is also heavily invested in.

Yeah, I know - I'm just another crazy conspiracy theorist.

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Could be, more likely just to monopolise production of raw materials for making factory meat replacements that have poor health profile.

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Sometimes looks like we are on the not so slow crawl to the world of soylent green.

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Like gold and silver, farmland holds its value through good times and bad; Gates just wants "First tier" assets instead of soon-to-be-worthless cash and paper third-tier derivative garbage.

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Better watch his nitrogen emissions.

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Considering the reality of The slammer method it’s clear these supposed smart scientists are actually completely incompetent and ignorant. They look like preschool kids trying to make a house with mud.


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it was so short-lived relief to watch Reese report on the vaccine lettuce to feel confident. OK we finally got into a place where this is literally absurd so happy to finally be able to go check something and find out that it was completely fictitious. only to be totally put down when it checked out completely hahaha

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"Scientists need to stop doing things just because they can."

That's an understatement and for me there is no potential downside - it's all downside and we should assume the absolute worst intentions behind these experiments even if many of the scientists involved are clueless and taking the $.

FFS, after the last 3 years if anyone has a doubt that there is a group TRYING to HARM and KILL us, they might be beyond help.

Thank you.

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I agree 100 per cent. These are insane people wanting to exterminate us all, either intentionally, or because they are possessed by something that has overwhelmed every iota of intelligence and common sense that exists in them and the miasma of denial and disbelief across the broader public and press is the fuel that emboldens it, whatever it is.

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I really liked things the way they were before we decided to put synthetic chemicals or biotechnology in everything.

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Good for you! . I’ve have similar results with good animal based foods and veg, no seed oils, without grains. (I can’t tolerate them). No cold since 2017. 74. No flu shots--had the flu last in 1998. I’m in a rural area--lots of meat producers, egg and CSA providers. Looking for raw milk but in my state it’s hard. We will win this, Conway!!

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The deranged hubris is infuriating.

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Brilliant article Dr Byram. I am very sad today. Here in Italy we have had a rather upsetting step backwards yesterday. The Corte Costituzionale (I think this is their version of the Supreme Court), has ruled that mandates were okay and also that from now on all medical staff must be jabbed. Also the fines, for the over 50's unjabbed, (like myself), will start being sent out without delay. The new government (Meloni), HAD promised so much and now they are backtracking big time. I just want to weep. Is this ever going to end. ☹☹

On the other hand I read that top doctors in Norway are advising anyone under 64 to NOT get the jabs. How can countries be so very different in their approach ? It's just crazy.

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This is such horrible news! I remember when she was elected, I thought, "Thank God! Good is finally starting to win out!" I nonetheless was suspicious, because I'm suspicious of everyone these days; so much controlled opposition and underhandedness. I did not realize Meloni had backtracked on her promises already. What a traitorous person she is. Stay strong, my friend!

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I'm so sorry Puffin. People will need to make some very difficult decisions. Praying for everyone to wake up somehow.

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From the very beginning, even I knew that the elderly especially, should avoid these mRNA quaxxines the most. They already have somewhat compromised immune systems, .... so just look at what it has done to younger, healthy people !! Makes zero common sense whatsoever to give this sludge to ANYONE regardless of age !!

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Hate the blue background.

The lettuce mRNA story has now been around for months.

What concerns me is this.

Usually when they release data about experiments...the news has a lag time of possibly years.

It is possible this is already in the stores. Maybe someone with access to needed gear should be testing these food items right now.

Lettuce is insanely expensive...and head lettuce is at least 30% smaller that it was a couple years back.

Time to get legacy seed and only eat what you grow.

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Lettuce been a strange crop strange for a while-I doubt this is a recent initiative and has probably already been applied for years.

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Lettuce be clear, there is nothing new under the sun, so yeah, if they are finally talking about it now, it's likely because it is far too late to do anything to stop it, because it has already been done a decade ago

Also makes me a little less tense, knowing I am not a big salad eater. lol

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Dec 3, 2022·edited Dec 3, 2022

Especially light blue, with slightly darker blue text. It makes it harder for me to read it.

I always preferred the color Cornsilk for my few web pages. I can't remember the hexidecimal color code though, as it was over 20 years ago. lol

Okay, so I logged into the web shell for the first time in a decade, because it was bugging me. the code for Cornsilk is fff7d7 with text color 000000. lol

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not in my garden.🤡.

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They're going to ban that too. For climate change.

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yes, heard about their plan to require you to 🤡register🤡 home vegetable gardens… will just have to disguise edibles by mixing with ornamentals.

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I heard. Is this in the U.S.? I'm sure Canada's in on it. Canada is all in on any racket. The whore of all whores this country.

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They've gone stark raving mad.

And they must be stopped.

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It's long past time for the gallows to be dusted off, oiled and made ready for use.

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The problem is that the scientists DO know, and are doing these things anyway.

No, they may not know the details of oral tolerance, etc. But anyone who wants to know or who is curious cannot help knowing that the genetic products have been a disaster.

Our family has reversed several chronic conditions based solely on diet. We feel much better when we stick with real, whole foods. And now TPTB wanna screw that up.

Just leave us alone. Leave the plants alone. Leave the animals alone.


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Wow, things may get much worse before we learn from our mistakes.

My plan was much less ambitious. Add the genes to produce Ivermectin to Ginseng root and call it "Tree of life root" (Protector, 1973 novel by Larry Niven). Mostly my plan was to provoke discussion about Ivermectin.

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Brilliant idea.

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Bug chitin causes lung and airway inflammation, hence the evil ones pushing it in our diet.

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I heard whispers of this idea back in 2021 from a person whose videos I watch regularly. She had a guest on (I so wish I could remember his name) who said a friend of his approached him about getting involved in a scheme quite like this (maybe even the same?). Anyway, he declined because the entire premise is so dangerous and ethically flawed.

Will these people EVER stop? Wait..don’t answer that. We all know they won’t.

This -> “Some people don’t understand that ‘more’ does not equal ‘better protection’ when it comes to vaccines; and could be counter-productive in some cases.” <- I know MANY people who believe that more is (almost) ALWAYS better. Insane.

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They’re checking to make sure we’re dead while we watch them watching us. Good idea to learn how to grow silverbeet and lettuce in pots if access to light/sun. These are good, nutritious plants because you pick the outer leaves and it keeps growing back. Leafy greens are essential. It’s all in the soil.

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Thank you for that.

I am not naturally green fingered, so plants sometimes survive my attempts to grow them.

Discovering plants that can be used for food, while still growing is very helpful.

Nettles, Hogweed shoots, Gotu Kola and rocket do the same, but the more varieties I can learn about, before the WEF/UN/WHO SHTF, the better.

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Thanks. Don’t forget to fertilise, compost then mulch.

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Seems like the WEF has called Olli Olli Innisfree on every pathological mass murderer, and they are all in comptetion to see how many ways they can kill us off now.

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weird. My biggest mantra is "Food is medicine." I healed my body from toxic chemicals with organic food. I already grow 50% of our food. Looks like I am gonna have to step up my game. What I cant grow I outsource to local farmers and rarely go to the grocery store anymore but occasionally I go for a head of lettuce or milk or something like that. Our Government wants to kill us. This is clear now more than ever.

You should talk about chemtrails and how they put poison in our air and water.

Also, I have read that mRNA can not live in the human or animal gut. Remember when all those cows died suddenly last summer? I bet they injected them with some sort of mRNA vaccine to see if they would work. The answer is no. That's why people, cows & chicken die suddenly.

Who knew our government were so murderous and contemptuous against the vary people who pay their salaries....

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