What befuddles me the most is the information is there, front and center, yet so many people continue to ignore it ... whether they be parents, doctors, nurses, patients, journalists, politicians, scientists, or other.
Regardless of what becomes law or gets repealed, what is declared or not, what is apologized for or not, or whether anyone is held accountable for anything, common sense remains our first line of defense for protecting ourselves.
Seek out relevant information, follow the money trail, use discernment, and be willing to accept what becomes clear without question.
Hi David, thank you for pointing me to these great Substack articles. I am thrilled to see councils in Australia waking up to reality. I am good friends with Dr. David Speicher. His work, which expands that of Kevin McKernan, and that of all his co-authors (which includes McKernan) is excellent. But the implications are very disturbing. Hopefully Australia can find a way to lead other countries into accepting that there needs to be a moratorium on RNA shots.
Thank you, Dr Bridle. I’m up late here in Sydney continuing with the research. There has been some backlash with the council matter, with the Western Australia Premier perhaps looking to sack some of the councillors. However, politician Malcolm Roberts and company are doing what they can. If anything else comes to light I’ll let you know. This one from the Defender just came through, on carcinogens. Highly disturbing: https://open.substack.com/pub/tdefender/p/undeclared-chemicals-heavy-metals-covid-vaccines?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
🙏Vivian. Port Hedland is a major gateway for shipping in Australia.
The local councillors there reported a 7 fold increase in mortality since the jab rollouts (in a population of around 16,000).
Councillor Adrian McRae, Port Hedland Council Meeting. Great speech:
"But, sometimes you don't need to be a scientist. Because on page 16 of Moderna's patent for this mRNA technology, it tells you exactly how NOT to find excess DNA. It tells you don't use qPCR. Exactly what our TGA is using to gaslight anyone that asks questions about these vaccines. They are using a testing method that deliberately doesn't find the contamination...
Is the government ignorant, being deceptive, lying, is it all 3?
.. Cr Rebello saying that this is for my political aspirations. Well you heard the reaction.
But the fact that she is happy to hand the health of the people of Hedland to Canberra and the TGA.
I am embarassed for her. I can't imagine being in a situation where I wouldn't stick up for my people, my friends, my town, my community."
Thank you for everything you do and continue to do so brilliantly despite the many personal challenges along the way. Know how much you are deeply appreciated, always, no matter the setbacks. Keep standing strong with us.
And blessings for your heartfelt, genuine and generous apology to RFK jnr, and his honourable acceptance of that. What a team you'd make! 🙏
Thank you, Dr. Bridle, for everything you've done to help the general public. May God Protect, Bless and Guide you. May He return in kind, and more, what has been taken from you. In God's Name and All that is Good. Amen🙏🙏🙏
If these patheticbureaucrats were actually paid what they are worth to the general population and not what they are worth to Bihpharma, then they would no longer have a job.
Through this whole covid disaster I’ve come to learn how pharma funds all of our health agencies. Pharma is dangerous. They’re like an invasive species who have invaded our medical systems including universities. I am so angry about this. Our governments turn a blind eye without thinking about the disastrous ramifications not only to our health but to the health of our institutions. The public loses trust and governments are beholden to these psychopaths. I had a doctors appt last Friday, my family physician and asked her if she was aware of the corruption in our health agencies. She said she wishes for ignorant bliss but knows about the corruption. I now see a neuro ophthalmologist because of my vaccine injury and I mentioned how medical journals are funded by pharma. She said if they were they’d have to disclose it. She’s naive. Pharma is getting away with murder. Doctors believe the journals. This is so messed up. The public needs to know what is at stake but with no media or government discussing it they think it’s a conspiracy theory. Pharma has indoctrinated medical as well as the average citizen. I don’t know if you’re aware of Dr. Nancy Oliviera Toronto researcher but she’s been trying to fight this for a very long time. This needs to be a number one election issue!!
Hi Vivien, I had the privilege of meeting and chatting with Nancy over dinner a few years back. Her story is an exceptionally frustrating one. She has remarkable courage and integrity. There is no doubt that the rot is strong and deep in many of our academic institutions.
God bless you Dr. Bridle. You are one of the few who have the integrity and courage to address this tyranny. Looking forward to hearing your testimony in Vancouver.
Just when I thought nothing could shock me, I now learn that Public health officials are not required to prove the veracity of their claims. I'll be so glad then the tyrants are toppled. Thanks to people like Dr. B and so many courageous doctors and scientists in Canada (and globally), this is possible. An uphill battle yes, but inevitable.
Day after day we're lied to and misdirected which is so disheartening for those of us who are just trying to get some truth and understanding about the "vaccine" issue. I'm so tired of the sound of brainwashed media pundits spouting ignorant proclamations, based on approved but not proven narratives. Oh, they get paid for that I guess. I hate to see you struggle Byram, with all the negative and baseless feedback, but I'm so glad you didn't give up and are pushing back in a very meaningful way. You are helping us all by being strong and willing to speak out. The tide seems to be turning though, and it's people like you who are making a difference.
Thank you for your courage and integrity. God’s keeping, God-speed, and let Truth triumph. 🙏🙌🏼
I am looking forward to hearing your testimony and sharing it with every person I know without concern for the validity of your words.
What befuddles me the most is the information is there, front and center, yet so many people continue to ignore it ... whether they be parents, doctors, nurses, patients, journalists, politicians, scientists, or other.
Regardless of what becomes law or gets repealed, what is declared or not, what is apologized for or not, or whether anyone is held accountable for anything, common sense remains our first line of defense for protecting ourselves.
Seek out relevant information, follow the money trail, use discernment, and be willing to accept what becomes clear without question.
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." -- Upton Sinclair
For the children, go get THEM Byram!
Thank you, Dr Bridle. I wish you were down here for the Port Hedland matter: https://open.substack.com/pub/julesonthebeach/p/all-537-australian-councils-to-receive?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
Hi David, thank you for pointing me to these great Substack articles. I am thrilled to see councils in Australia waking up to reality. I am good friends with Dr. David Speicher. His work, which expands that of Kevin McKernan, and that of all his co-authors (which includes McKernan) is excellent. But the implications are very disturbing. Hopefully Australia can find a way to lead other countries into accepting that there needs to be a moratorium on RNA shots.
Thank you, Dr Bridle. I’m up late here in Sydney continuing with the research. There has been some backlash with the council matter, with the Western Australia Premier perhaps looking to sack some of the councillors. However, politician Malcolm Roberts and company are doing what they can. If anything else comes to light I’ll let you know. This one from the Defender just came through, on carcinogens. Highly disturbing: https://open.substack.com/pub/tdefender/p/undeclared-chemicals-heavy-metals-covid-vaccines?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
From Australian scientist, Dr Andrew Madry (12 October 2024): https://open.substack.com/pub/andrewmadry/p/motion-carried?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
🇦🇺💉City of Fremantle: DNA contamination (powerful speeches): https://fb.watch/xCZwA9wdNt/?
🇦🇺💉DNA contamination: a critical analysis from Rebekah Barnett - https://open.substack.com/pub/rebekahbarnett/p/bombshell-australian-drug-regulator?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
🇦🇺💉 Port Adelaide Council: doctor speaks out - https://rumble.com/v5xvpl5-covid-19-vaccine-truth-bomb-presented-to-port-adelaide-council-south-austra.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3utsNGYac8FBSBtSEER9d9ALXJr8zLQuanAEmVNuom_uc8guFlRroBX3M_aem_b-uXmlY2benqAtFhex-F7A
🇦🇺💉Clarence City Council, Tasmania: a doctor and an RN speak out (new) - https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0KUVs8KoR6RCPQhe2k3rtNMJb6GCK3LSPXXB7ZaZz8kAAgo8KVfhNrqsdNSYvpcLpl&id=100001556779003
🇦🇺⚖️ The Great Debate on DNA Contamination - LIVE from Perth, Wester Australia: https://fb.watch/w9kUSpirwv/?
💉Woollahra Council (in Sydney): https://open.substack.com/pub/lettersfromaustralia/p/dna-contamination-woollahra-council?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
💉Just in: A presentation to Wollongong Council. (Wollongong is about an hour and a half drive south of Sydney.) https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0qDuEE3LwJ188kpHPJYaXTvJXgTxtkLfezPPdkvkviBZUUKAeh3QWqQMWhZrG8jXgl&id=1480682081
🇦🇺💉 Port Hedland news: a formal debate to be held at the end of the month: https://open.substack.com/pub/rebekahbarnett/p/australian-councils-join-call-for?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
Dr David Speicher online interview (new - Australia): https://open.substack.com/pub/phillipaltman/p/dna-contamination-in-the-shots-two?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
DNA contamination - a comprehensive update: https://open.substack.com/pub/rebekahbarnett/p/addressing-allegations-that-dna-contamination?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
DNA contamination: the Australian Government responds https://open.substack.com/pub/phillipaltman/p/lie-number-62?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
More on the Australian Government’s denial: https://open.substack.com/pub/pharmafiles/p/therapeutic-goods-administration?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
Australian Government rejects DNA contamination concerns (Maryanne Demasi PhD): https://open.substack.com/pub/maryannedemasi/p/tga-rejects-concerns-over-dna-fragments?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
And here: https://open.substack.com/pub/rebekahbarnett/p/world-first-australian-local-government?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
I read about this last night. Your town is awesome! It will be interesting to see how your government reacts. Stand strong!
🙏Vivian. Port Hedland is a major gateway for shipping in Australia.
The local councillors there reported a 7 fold increase in mortality since the jab rollouts (in a population of around 16,000).
Councillor Adrian McRae, Port Hedland Council Meeting. Great speech:
"But, sometimes you don't need to be a scientist. Because on page 16 of Moderna's patent for this mRNA technology, it tells you exactly how NOT to find excess DNA. It tells you don't use qPCR. Exactly what our TGA is using to gaslight anyone that asks questions about these vaccines. They are using a testing method that deliberately doesn't find the contamination...
Is the government ignorant, being deceptive, lying, is it all 3?
.. Cr Rebello saying that this is for my political aspirations. Well you heard the reaction.
But the fact that she is happy to hand the health of the people of Hedland to Canberra and the TGA.
I am embarassed for her. I can't imagine being in a situation where I wouldn't stick up for my people, my friends, my town, my community."
Amen! God Bless You & Your Efforts! As God is our Witness 🙏
Thank you for everything you do and continue to do so brilliantly despite the many personal challenges along the way. Know how much you are deeply appreciated, always, no matter the setbacks. Keep standing strong with us.
And blessings for your heartfelt, genuine and generous apology to RFK jnr, and his honourable acceptance of that. What a team you'd make! 🙏
Thank you, Dr. Bridle, for everything you've done to help the general public. May God Protect, Bless and Guide you. May He return in kind, and more, what has been taken from you. In God's Name and All that is Good. Amen🙏🙏🙏
If these patheticbureaucrats were actually paid what they are worth to the general population and not what they are worth to Bihpharma, then they would no longer have a job.
Through this whole covid disaster I’ve come to learn how pharma funds all of our health agencies. Pharma is dangerous. They’re like an invasive species who have invaded our medical systems including universities. I am so angry about this. Our governments turn a blind eye without thinking about the disastrous ramifications not only to our health but to the health of our institutions. The public loses trust and governments are beholden to these psychopaths. I had a doctors appt last Friday, my family physician and asked her if she was aware of the corruption in our health agencies. She said she wishes for ignorant bliss but knows about the corruption. I now see a neuro ophthalmologist because of my vaccine injury and I mentioned how medical journals are funded by pharma. She said if they were they’d have to disclose it. She’s naive. Pharma is getting away with murder. Doctors believe the journals. This is so messed up. The public needs to know what is at stake but with no media or government discussing it they think it’s a conspiracy theory. Pharma has indoctrinated medical as well as the average citizen. I don’t know if you’re aware of Dr. Nancy Oliviera Toronto researcher but she’s been trying to fight this for a very long time. This needs to be a number one election issue!!
Hi Vivien, I had the privilege of meeting and chatting with Nancy over dinner a few years back. Her story is an exceptionally frustrating one. She has remarkable courage and integrity. There is no doubt that the rot is strong and deep in many of our academic institutions.
God bless you Dr. Bridle. You are one of the few who have the integrity and courage to address this tyranny. Looking forward to hearing your testimony in Vancouver.
Just when I thought nothing could shock me, I now learn that Public health officials are not required to prove the veracity of their claims. I'll be so glad then the tyrants are toppled. Thanks to people like Dr. B and so many courageous doctors and scientists in Canada (and globally), this is possible. An uphill battle yes, but inevitable.
Fantastic, Doc!
Our NCI is an Angel sent by God!!
Day after day we're lied to and misdirected which is so disheartening for those of us who are just trying to get some truth and understanding about the "vaccine" issue. I'm so tired of the sound of brainwashed media pundits spouting ignorant proclamations, based on approved but not proven narratives. Oh, they get paid for that I guess. I hate to see you struggle Byram, with all the negative and baseless feedback, but I'm so glad you didn't give up and are pushing back in a very meaningful way. You are helping us all by being strong and willing to speak out. The tide seems to be turning though, and it's people like you who are making a difference.
Beautifully said. I really don’t think it’s too much to ask for health officials to do their damn job.
I saw that you will be a speaker and I'm looking forward to your presentation. Thank you for all you do.